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butter scotch

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Everything posted by butter scotch

  1. 2 things, 1 I can teach you basic flash for free. 2 I have flash for free! My trial version can't run out for some reason... I would be happy to help in terms of animation (I haven't even watched soul eater but I still have use!)
  2. 276, hopefully it'll stay like that *slowly backs away*
  3. The mentally unstable, crazy, scientist, who blows up stuff and builds half arsed stuff that has a tendency to catch on fire unless I bother. I feel very alone in my section...
  4. I got my bow out and shot a flaming arrow into my pumpkin. It was epic till the flames made the shaft drop off and start a small plant fire...
  5. Guess how old I am? You'll be suprised about my knowlage for my young age.I tought mysekf prettymuch everything.., I don't sleep so I read!
  6. I think I could do it myself. One of my large batteries exploded last night so I could just use the lead acid. I'll probably use all the acid to make Activated Carbon for future spillages of chemicals...
  7. I can do script writing! I have very good spelling and grammmar (although a crappy keyboard that when I type things quite quickly it goes spazzy!) As long as I get a basic idea of something I can write a large amount.
  8. If you gave blood then drank alcohol then it'll probably mean that your liver has to cope with more at once but for less time.
  9. 2 things, 1, when I checked again I sterilised literally everything. 2, I doubt bacteria since my bedroom/lab is radioactive and has all sorts of chemicals on it (I'll keep it as this, I refined granite for uranium. Don't ask why it's loooooong process...)
  10. Ok so I got bored and decieded to look at some stuff under my microscope. The first thing I did was take a sample of my cheek wall and look at it. What I saw apart from the regular cells was insects... I did a double take and still they were there, I checked even after cleaning everything (with chemicals that kills bacteria etc!!) then took another sample and got the same results.
  11. Music softwares, depends on what you want to use but in general ones like FL studio are great, free and arn't too hard to learn how to use. If you say what type of software you want(editors, audio generators EG: FL studio that electronically generate sounds etc)...
  12. I agree, get somebody to teach you. If you can't do that then try buying a book or looking on the internet. It's up to tou and your budget...
  13. I sort of agree, schools are terrible at teaching science (Schools won't show you how to make a nuclear reactor, I will though ) Health and safety get in the way although it is best to do hands on learning... Maybe you could do a sort of 'try this at home' thing?
  14. Despite the fact that it's now a minor swear and that I have no authority on this forum.I would still say that it's a bit in your face? Maybe not repeating wiht the "what the hell" every time...
  15. Wow that's really good! The hind legs look a little 'off', the knees on them make it look like the pony has broken their knees... Move them back? Apart from that it's great...
  16. Luna... I could get a real pony then gut them and then get the paint etc out? Or build a robot suit? Or just not dress up YES I SHALL NOT DRESS UP!
  17. Honestly this is a troll, I agree that you were either banned before or a troll... Maybe even a misguided person. I don't care, but waht I have to say is this: You don't have to beg for forgiveness because your "brony group" says so!
  18. I want in on this "leage of shadows"! How dare you leave me out? YOU are a spy!
  19. If you're a mass of immortal creepey children? Are you related to Slender then...
  20. It's not a bad fan-fic but I have only had a quick-read. You could ask an admin or somepony to get it into the featured box? 100 pies
  21. I can't see a gun? All I see is him in the stance but no gun, WHY GOD WHY....It may be my zoom but it's zoomed out all the way? Meh oh well who cares
  22. Good for you, nice vectors! Love to see what else you can make Ever tried doing low-level comissions so you can make some extra cash and enjoy your hobby at the same time?
  23. Yeah I can't agree more, it's our modern age society that's in reality the problem. If this fandom was cut from now to about 20 years ago it would be better since there would be reduced trolling since there was a word called "respect" which most people today don't even know the meaning of...
  24. I know you're a Blank Flank but this isn't the place for this stuff, if you post a fair bit (DON'T SPAM PLEASE!!!) you can get a high enough rank to post there! Regards to the topic itself, it's probably a phase, if it goes on try finding some new friends since true friends don't leave you unless they have a good true reason. For example if you were being a jerk to a friend for a considerable amount of time they have every right to not like you...
  25. It's pretty good, also shouldn't it be "steel be with you" not "steel keep you". It sounds more suiting to what a paladin would say, where's his gun?
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