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Kapitan zur See Hans (Daz)

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Everything posted by Kapitan zur See Hans (Daz)

  1. I remembered another trend just from a wallpaper I saw on my desktop this morning(Downloaded random packs so IDK what it all contains). The who idea that Luna is a gamer, a video gamer to be specific. I am a gamer myself and that is one of my primary pastimes, but this whole idea is just weird and makes very little sense imo.
  2. Such intensity, Celestia and Twilight are sooo close(Was a hard decision between Twilight and Lyra). Luna is just blazing RD, I would like it to stay that way though hehe.
  3. PC and PC. Surface for mobile and tower for when I am in my dorm. Satisfies all my gaming needs.
  4. Steve Blum, this man does it all. Though I would also go with Tara Strong as she also does a lot of roles I like. http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0089710/?ref_=tt_cl_t3 Does a hell of a lot more games as well as shows/movies, but this is the only compilation I found of him:
  5. Too many games, but for the short list Police 1013 Warhammer 40k: Eternal Crusade(EA atm, but full release is later) Battlefleet Gothic: Armada Hearts of Iron IV Ghost Recon: Wildlands(I hope 2016) Halo Wars 2 DCS World 2(Full release) Star Citizen(Doubt we'd get the full thing, but most probably PU Beta and SQ42)
  6. I love how people think Algebra is high level stuff. Algebra is like addition compared to anything college level. Like others have said a lot of algebra is almost unconscious, you perform activities and your mind reacts just like you would with a the basic mathematics. Unless you are using online web solvers or are having other people do many activities such as taxes, tips, groceries, etc then I do believe some of you are either too young or just not realizing what you are doing.
  7. Hellbilly Deluxe by Rob Zombie How would you rate it from 1 to 10? 10. What did you think of it? Loved it, has a unique feel to it. Your favorite song from it? Superbeast. Which track you liked the least/hated the most? Call of the Zombie(Essentially is an intro and only 30 seconds long). Was it from an artist which you were familiar with? Yes, I am very familiar with Rob Zombie. Are you looking forward into listening more music from that particular artist? Yes, a new album is being produced in just a few months and I am very excited for it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wSGO8zF-XPs
  8. Indeed, what this fandom has done years ago will stick with people who make videos like that anyway. No matter if we did change and stopped all that is considered "negative" there wouldn't be a single bit of difference to those who showcase what the fandom contains. Plus nobody should care that much anyway, you walk out into real life outside of high school and quite honestly the only thing you may be judged for by being a brony is liking the show. Anything else usually stays on the internet, especially when you start getting on to college campuses nobody cares in the slightest as a great deal are just as weird.
  9. Used to use a mixture of the two a long time back, but it was kind of annoying referring to people as "everypony". Now I just say everyone which is much simpler and apart of my everyday vocabulary.
  10. This has been around for years so it would already be by now. Also why would you care if it is on the cringe channel, some anonymous person might make a statement about bronies that offends you for some reason? This is nothing new for cringe videos.
  11. Sounds like you are talking more about the ethics of the copyright system. There is an end all be all to that, ethics and business steer clear away from each other.
  12. Didn't say that Sega didn't have a problem. Read my previous comments as I said it was not good for business with Nintendo. Hasbro is an entirely different beast, like I said they make their money with merch. Bronies may buy merch too and will largely not stop buying merch due to fan content being removed, especially considering we are the minority when it comes to their profits.
  13. Indeed, as others have said before, we have no claim to the franchise or any of the assets present or related to MLP. As teachers tell you in class "this isn't a democracy, I am the law" we are just having access to what they own. Unless you get the ok from Hasbro before hand you run the risk of C&D. Simple as that, don't try it unless you know you can do it first. If you are doing something that is sketchy better complete it before you release anything then archive it.
  14. What Nintendo is doing is definitely not good for business, but their fanbase is composed of a lot older and younger people. What Hasbro is doing has little impact on their business, like I said bronies are the minority. Their profits are from merch, not the show(The show is just an ad). Bronies will buy merch no matter what Hasbro may do to fan content too. Damn edits, I keep misspelling stuff.
  15. What are you on about? Hasbro is a company whose sole focus is profit. Minority fanbases create material which they may not want associated with the franchise and proceed to shut it down. As for Fighting is Magic, everybody should have know that would get a C&D. Fighting is Magic is not conducive to the image of MLP(Contrary in fact) and could be mistaken as official leading potential backlash from parents or others who seek for any opportunity. Did the fans like it? Hell no, but we aren't going to go cry about something which was obviously not going to last. There are many things we love that are taken down, one of my personal favorites which annoys me to no end was "Button's Adventures". I will voice my complaints, but you have to realize this is a company. Anything that could be harmful or is using official characters for something that might not be in the interest of Hasbro being taken down is a given(R34 aside, literally impossible to stop R34). Another thing to consider, bronies are the minority fanbase of mlp. We may buy merch, but in the end we are not that important to be listened to when it comes to matters like this. Addition due to previous comment: Monetization is not the only concern of Hasbro's.
  16. Damn, Celestia is going to totally be out then. But pairing Lyra and Twilight together, you sir are causing issues with me. :okiedokielokie:
  17. Can't, well I guess I can. Though I don't think it would be a good idea with a roommate. If I could I would definitely by a Luna plush.
  18. I don't really make too many "weird sandwiches", but the weirdest I have made is probably white bread with marshmallow creme, peanut butter, and bananas. That was the most delicious thing, I ate it coupled with beer cheese as well so I guess that is pretty weird then. Haven't made it in like 12 years, especially considering how unhealthy it is. Pretty damn delicious despite it sounding weird.
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