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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Status Updates posted by Buzz

  1. Everyone in the world protesting, isolating or being a bunch of dicks, and here i am with an alarm on my phone for when McDonald's re-opens tomorrow...

    1. Kamii


      Gotta get them chicken nugs~

    2. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Hey, that's what I would be doing too. :PI have been craving McDoogles so much lately. *-*

    3. JonasDarkmane


      If only Iceland had McDonalds...

  2. Most people: "Ugh, quarantine is so boring i wish i could go out more!" 

    Me, working 6 day weeks for all of May:

    1. Pucksterv


      oh dear o.o good luck with that

  3. When the highlights of your week is selling turnips on animal crossing and going back to work, you start to realise why people think you're 70 years old.....

    1. CypherHoof


      Worse, I can't be bothered with the turnips...

  4. Isolation is getting so boring that I'm considering cleaning my brothers car...

    1. Pucksterv


      Isolation is so boring that my lazy ass decide to start working out o.o

    2. Buzz


      Dear god what have we become!

    3. EpicEnergy


      I just play video games and browse the internet during this time. :P

  5. With the nation under lock down, take away's closing and not being able to work for at least 2-3 weeks, animal crossing is about to become the only reason i keep my sanity!

  6. Today i saw two people fist fighting over toilet roll
    I believe i can no longer be surprised anymore

    1. Pandora


      People really are bonkers

    2. Oblivion


      I'm losing faith in humanity 

  7. Genuinely debating if i should do the nearly hour long journey just for some donuts...

    1. Odyssey


      Get the donuts. Do anything for donuts.

  8. TWF you have a great weekend planned, but then it rains...........and you're van fails its MOT.................and your car insurance is due...............and you're broke as hell.........

    1. PiratePony


      Are you writing country songs again?

    2. Buzz


      My life is a show
      I just wish it would stop being a tragedy
      (help me please)

  9. A storm happened

    sporadic power cuts followed

    my hard drive got fried

    and now i cri~

    1. JonasDarkmane
    2. EpicEnergy


      Sounds frustrating, I hope things get better for you soon! :kindness:

  10. God it would be nice for once to find out about a piece of airsofting equipment before it stops being produced...

  11. Guess who's back?!

    1. Kamii


      With a brand new track?

  12. baka

    1. JonasDarkmane


      To infinity and beyond! 


  13. I believe I'm developing an unhealthy obsession to the greatest showman movie! 

    1. PiratePony


      Did you sing that status update?

  14. Starlight is now best pone. Deal with it :orly:

    1. JonasDarkmane
    2. Buzz


      New episode did it for me. Sorry lyra :P 

  15. Merry Christmas to all! :oneheckofahat:

  16. Well, that sure changed quickly :orly:


    1. Lightwing


      *You are an idiot*

    2. Buzz



      You know you love me ;)

    3. Lightwing


      Because. It is not your task to be a silly pone :> shhhhh, its fine

  17. *Flashbacks to obsessively playing Destiny 3 years ago*
    *Compares to now obsessively playing Destiny 2*

    Someone please send Help!

  18. December is here at last. Note: Any humbugs that approach me will be met with Christmas songs and cake!

    1. Snow


      "the war will be over by Christmas"  MLPForums Spambot war of 2017

    2. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Cake?! How could you???


      Uh, I believe I uh, have been, a uh, uh, a humbug. Oh yes. Uh. Cake punishment is what I deserve. Uh. Yeah. Chocolate cake specifically. Yes.

    3. Randimaxis



      What if the bugs are humming carols?

  19. 1 month, and 230 notifications later, and i return to the internet! *begins dusting off cobwebs*

    1. Snow


      Welcome back yo!

    2. JonasDarkmane
  20. When your brother, friends and the rest of the world are enjoying Destiny 2, and you're sat there waiting for the delayed PC release...

    Related image

  21. Hello all, i have returned!

    1. UltimateGhost3
    2. Johnny1226


      Welcome back 

    3. Rikifive


      Oh yeah, now that you mention it- I didn't see you for some time. :derp: 

      Welcome back! :) 

  22. 3 days without internet, followed by 3 days with it, then a month without. S.O.S please send help :(

    1. Lightwing


      Holy butts, hope you are doing well :<

    2. Buzz


      maybe. IDK how i'll survive though :( 1 like = 1 pray

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