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Status Updates posted by gamecubeguy214

  1. I love eating grapes. They are so good. But when there are seven billion people in the world, there's bound to be at least one person who wants to kill every person who enjoys eating grapes. I better watch out.

    1. Babyyoshi309


      Too close to home... 

  2. PAC-MAN is so thrilling once you get to the first apple and beyond. Everything goes so fast, and the ghosts don't stay vulnerable for a very long time which makes you feel in more danger. Gotta love PAC-MAN for such intense gameplay.

  3. Please remember not to always take everything so seriously. I say this as a person who takes everything I enjoy and tries so hard to become impressive at it. It can be rewarding for sure, but sometimes you're gonna have to let yourself relax or else it will get too frustrating and discouraging.

    1. ThunderCrush


      Very true, that's me with everything. Mostly why I started drawing.

  4. Lower back pain is a monster.

  5. Coffee with milk instead of creamer is extremely unpleasant

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. gamecubeguy214


      I cannot stand to drink this god damn

    3. Will Guide

      Will Guide

      Well, NOW I have a reason to use the Teacup Reaction!


    4. gamecubeguy214


      Yea the teacup seems pretty useless.

      I'm now drinking straight milk without that disgusting coffee and the first swig made me feel much better.

  6. 2017 may have been my least favorite year I've lived so far because it was sort of the year of self torture for me. Still an OK year though

  7. Gotta love playing PAC-MAN every now and then. It may not be the "Gamecubeguy Icon" or whatever, but still holds a great place.

  8. Sex and intense violence in movies piss me the fuck off and literally everyone in my family watches it constantly

    1. Babyyoshi309


      People have different tastes. Some people like that, some don't. As long as your opinion is yours it is fine.

    2. gamecubeguy214


      I know that that is the truth. But sex and violence make me very angry and I wish that I didn't have to overhear them watching. I don't have anything against people who watch that, even though it may seem like I hate them when I'm venting about how pissed off I am.

  9. I hate dark MLP fanart and it constantly bothers me that it exists

    1. Fluttershy Friend

      Fluttershy Friend

      I completely uderstand you friend!

  10. Important information: Mr. Grinch is a diss track

  11. Wow. An hour and 16.5 minutes spent on an algebra 1 assignment. And my math teacher will probably still refuse to say I suck at math, which isn't being realistic if you ask me

  12. Oh my god Dashie is so cute in the banner I love it

  13. The end of America happens tomorrow. The aftermath will be cataclysmic. Ajit Pai will be responsible for a number of destructive things. It will certainly be a doomsday event.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. gamecubeguy214


      I'm not only worried about losing it because it's fun. I'm worried because it's important.

    3. Johnny1226


      Same thing 

    4. FlitterFlutter


      The evidence, it is needed... otherwise, it is just speculation. Right now everyone is speaking with coulds and maybes. Everyone needs to pump the breaks and wait and see.

  14. Who's excited for 2013

    1. Babyyoshi309


      I am really excited for 2012. But they say the world might end... :(

    2. gamecubeguy214


      Yea that's too bad

  15. I like how they basically put Cupcakes in Daring Don't. Seriously Hasbro, you went way too far with that one.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Miss


      They definitely are especially the 2nd one.

      Also you never said where the reference to cupcakes is. 

    3. Will Guide

      Will Guide

      Still does NOT sound intentional. Just because the parents said "Little Dashie", it doesn't mean they were trying to reference the fan fiction itself. Dashie is such an obvious nickname for her anyway.

    4. gamecubeguy214


      I think I said it most likely wasn't a Cupcakes reference. This may or may not be my bias towards Dashie, but regardless, god damn that part.

      Nevermind all this. I wouldn't have felt this way if I didn't have the bias. This is clearly not a Cupcakes reference, it just feels like it to me as the sensitive bitch that I am

  16. 2016 was so much of a better year for me than 2017. 2017 is good and all, but 2016 didn't have the constant stress that Geometry Dash cursed me with. I wish I could finally rest again.

  17. I had to wait 30 minutes for someone to figure out how smash.gg works just to go 0-2 twice in a row. I love Smash, but how badly I do really proves that I shouldn't be playing it. I'm much better at Geometry Dash, a game that I hate half the time. I just wish the thing I was best at was something I always had a passionate drive to do. Guess it's time to go play Geometry Dash now, cause I'm good at it

  18. (Christmas movie where the main character believes in Santa but then some dick tells them otherwise and the main character is converted into that belief and it makes them sad but then they accidentally end up on a trip to the North Pole and meet Santa and believe again and then some magic shit happens)

    1. CypherHoof


      isn't that pretty much the plot of every xmas santa movie, ever? :)

    2. Babyyoshi309


      IKR!!! XD

      Don't forget the parent who don't believe in Santa, yet never questioning where the presents come from. That is always a cliche in Santa movies, that I have never really understood...

  19. I finally found a bag of Lays that wasn't overloaded with air. That's because there was a hole in it.

    1. Will Guide

      Will Guide

      Funny because I have a bag of Lay's right now! :P

  20. It is now November

    1. Babyyoshi309


      Not yet it isn't! :P

      I am still playing Amnesia, which means it is still Halloween.

    2. Fluttershy Friend

      Fluttershy Friend

      I noticed. Have nice November!

  21. I like how I'm going to be listening to Christmas music in three days lol

    1. Babyyoshi309
    2. gamecubeguy214


      Cmon I have the right lol

  22. If you have read anything I posted years ago that are extra cringe worthy or embarrassing, please forgive me for I have changed into someone more tolerable

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Babyyoshi309


      @WiiGuy2014 Yes, I agree. But you cannot deny that being obsessed with vore is extremely cringy. When people think of cringe, usually the first thing they think of is fetish art. So while I agree the people who like weird fetish art should not be treated "like they're the Devil", that does not mean that that is not cringy.

      We are talking about being cringy, not bad or evil. Well unless you are 8chan level of cringe, in which case you probably are evil. :derp:

    3. Will Guide
    4. Fluttershy Friend

      Fluttershy Friend

      Friendship is tolerance too.

  23. Why do I keep watching videos of birds

    1. Scrubbed user

      Scrubbed user

      Because they're birbs.

    2. Fluttershy Friend

      Fluttershy Friend

      Because you like birds and these modern dinosaurs are so interesting?:pout:

    3. Babyyoshi309


      Jokes on you stupid bird, eggnog is poisonous to birds for various reasons.


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