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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf

Gone for good

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Everything posted by Gone for good

  1. Damn it flipturn I was gonna go into that thread you just locked and be all like "lol I agree with you Rarity sucks RARITY SUCKS RARITY SUUUUCKS"

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sunny Fox

      Sunny Fox

      Too late! Grab the torches and pitchforks! >:3

    3. Gone for good

      Gone for good


    4. Sunny Fox

      Sunny Fox

      But Applejack's my second best pony! Are you trying to get my goat-tiger-snake-thingie or what? ;)

  2. Things pony related I did while in high school: had a weird art show that had tons of psychodelic ponies in it did a really short thing where I analyzed some ponies for a psychology project Now then, things I did pony related while in college Talked about Hasbro and mentioned ponies as an example of toys in an English paper would get out pony coloring books and stuff as I was part of a weird thing where I'd help teach some kids even though I had no qualifications to do so Wrote a giant god damned Pinkie Pie analysis to prove someone wrong on the forums in which I actually asked several gazillion professors and people in the psychological field to see if my research and stuff was right and made sense and truth be told it actually did. Now if only the forums didn't glitch out so I still had a copy of that analysis...
  3. Yeah I don't draw horses as much as I should so like, I need to get back in the habit of doing that so yeah request me draw things! Here's a drawing a did a week or two ago of Rarity, Here's a drawing I did the beginning of the year of Twilight playing with some yarn and here's the last actual pony drawing I did which was sometime last year when I was volunteering at the Red Cross I know I have an animation request thread but this is different from animation (and that thread is dead as I forgot how time consuming animation truly is) so hey!
  4. @, Welp, upon googling the issue and trying to find out what she thinks of it and not the multitudes of porn drawn of her I found a response to this... sort of I am laughing pretty hard.
  5. Truthfully I probably would. I'd tell the team in Last Stand of Harmony that I'm going to die and that sorry you're gonna have to find a new Twilight animator because whoa I'm going to die. Nah I'm just kidding I'd totally run to the store naked and buy all of the pony toys with my bare bunghole visible to the world.
  6. So uh, what would happen if someone actually showed Lauren this?
  7. Hooray a friend on here!

    1. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Inddedlimocus. Trying to be a bit more social than usual. Which is none really so I am doing a good job i think. :P

  8. @@child of the night, as rude as this will sound, the fact that it did just that I think is somewhat interesting and is a fascinating response. Thank you for your voice. ...not sure whether or not I should feel proud that I just physically hurt someone but uh, hey I guess.
  9. Yeah. I decided to do weird abstract art again just because hey why not. Meant to be viewed on an HD tv screen btw but I doubt you're gonna do that. Anyway, inspired by "the conquest of attempting to find peace in one's self" because yeah.
  10. Nah what makes me cringe is when people go as far as to genuinely believe that these background characters are real and begin to attempt to have weird pseudo-psycho relationships with them.
  11. @, uuuuhhh..... chocolate... pudding? That or hardcore drugs that I bought off the counter from Walgreens with my lunch money.
  12. @, I'm sad now. Can you ban this member for me, then?
  13. There's this one guy who I want to ban really badly because his taste in chocolate pudding is atrocious but it says I have to be an admin to do it soooo can I be one? I've always been there for you guys... I think.... so yeah! Pleeeeaaaaaaaasseeeeee??????
  14. Hooray for dumb crap that my friends did with an old photo of me

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Zoop


      Well, it was messy work.


      But it had to be done.

    3. Gone for good
    4. Zoop







  16. @, lol that's because they got lazy. You can animate realistic looking things in flash, you just gotta put the effort into it.
  17. @, now personall I agree with you on Hand Drawn being better than Flash, but that's more so of an opinion. What the pony team does with Flash is actually really damned nice compared to most shows that are done with flash. Now in all brutal honesty I've never seen an episode of Arthur once in my life (yeah I know I had a poor childhood huurrghhh) but the thing with flash is that if they still put the same amount of effort they do in traditional animation it will look just as good if not better as things are just easier to do digitally. And before someone says that "OMG DIGITAL WILL NEVER LOOK AS GOOD AS TRADITIONAL YOU CAN'T EVER MAKE IT LOOK AS GOOD" this was all done digitally with flash and photoshop and everyone I've shown this to thought it was traditionally done.
  18. Nothin' too terribly special or unique with this. It isn't even a unique pose by any means but hey I drew it today when I was truth be told about to kill myself for being a "worthless piece of crap" and while it isn't anything great it has some worth to it I guess. I dunno from my own point of view it looks... alright but it lacks the special flavor that I think a great piece of art should have. It's just too terribly bland and ugh. Oh yeah, and there are some issues with the hair and I think the shading is meh and there are some line issues. I think it only took me about... thirty minutes to do? I can't remember.
  20. I like the hair, but lol her face seems a bit strange. I'm not going to whine too much on "SHOW ACCURACY" as peronally I think everyone's own style should exist, but those ears are kind of small, eh? Also I'd do some shading and stuff with her iris and all that. I don't wanna sound too harsh with this either because all in all they aren't too bad, but hey those are just my thoughts.
  21. Yeaaah no the wiimini is baaaaad. What really ticks me off is that if you are playing Skyward Sword and happen to have that one save glitch you're screwed as you can't patch it up with this thing. I actually just spent 100 dollars on an Ouya and while unlike the Wii it doesn't really have any good games period, you can do a lot more with it.
  22. Screw it lets post mine! I have this one OC named Eugene Haymillton who was born in Canterlot to two of the smartest ponies in all of Equestria! While his parents were brilliant ponies who were also well known philantrophists, their son was a complete idiot who wants to rule the world. Unlike his parents who are insanely intelligent and are well known for their accomplishments, Eugene is known for his catastrophic failures. For every concoction or machine he makes as an attempt to control others, it always backfires on him in particular. His parents eventually threw him out of the house and he now resides in a shed somewhere in Ponyville, scheming daily on how to take over Equestria. In the end, despite his evil morals and hatred for every living thing, he is well loved and is known as one of the funniest people around as everything he does fails on his end and entertains everyone else. Fillies in particular love him, which infruiates Eugene to no end as he wants nothing more than to see them all burn. I also have my Ponysona variation of myself named Lord Bababa. I just got drunk and woke up in ponyville one day. End of story.
  23. Man god it's like they knew I was going to eventually put some dumb noises in some random friggin' thread to annoy the living hell out of everyone. It used to be that I could link something up like this and it would automatically play against anyone's will but they have seem to catch on to my antics that I only did once and or realized that in the future it would have been hilarious for me in particular to abuse this and have everyone listen to fart noises or something. Well played, administrators. Well played indeed.
  24. If his avatar is anything to go by, he has good tastes in anime so I'm fine with him potentially sexing my asshole last night. wait god damn it I misread it. If I woke up next to THAT hell yeah mothafucka
  25. cool idea, but good luck getting people to switch over. everyone and their mothers use youtube, only a select group of bronies even know of ponytube meaning that getting views on there will be kind of tricky. Of course hey I'm sure youtube was the same way when it first started so go figure.
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