Screw it lets post mine! I have this one OC named Eugene Haymillton who was born in Canterlot to two of the smartest ponies in all of Equestria! While his parents were brilliant ponies who were also well known philantrophists, their son was a complete idiot who wants to rule the world. Unlike his parents who are insanely intelligent and are well known for their accomplishments, Eugene is known for his catastrophic failures. For every concoction or machine he makes as an attempt to control others, it always backfires on him in particular. His parents eventually threw him out of the house and he now resides in a shed somewhere in Ponyville, scheming daily on how to take over Equestria. In the end, despite his evil morals and hatred for every living thing, he is well loved and is known as one of the funniest people around as everything he does fails on his end and entertains everyone else. Fillies in particular love him, which infruiates Eugene to no end as he wants nothing more than to see them all burn. I also have my Ponysona variation of myself named Lord Bababa. I just got drunk and woke up in ponyville one day. End of story.