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Dynamo Pad

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Everything posted by Dynamo Pad

  1. An iconic duo, huh? I would have to go and say Tom and Jerry.
  2. @Catpone Cerberus Dynamo smiled as he saw Sunlight was still eating her cake. He turned back to Jade as he explained about the location of where they were meant to go. "Oh, wow. So, what we are looking for is something from back in the days of when Equestria was founded? I remember hearing about the wendigo's in the Hearths' Warming play that others put on. I didn't think that we'd be looking for writing and/or documents that date back to that time." He says as he gave Jade a curious look. "Are you going to stay with us after the info is gathered, or are you going right to Ponyville to Princess Twilight?" He knew that he and Sunlight would be spending a few extra weeks in Manehatten, but he knew that Jade deserved a vacation, as well. "By the way, did you want me to open the gift? I know Sunny is enjoying her cake, at the moment. I just wasn't sure if the gift was for her, or for the both of us. I guess I was just a little curious on what was in the box." He chuckled sheepishly, while rubbing the back of his neck with his hoof.
  3. @VinylWubs As Luna explained the meaning of Coconut's mysterious eye, Dynamo eyes widened in surprise at what he was told, but he didn't run away. He knew that Coconut was his friend and she was important to him. "Thank you for letting me know, Master Luna. If there's anything that we can do to fix her eye, then I'll do my best. She's my friend and I won't abandon her, no matter what." He says, sighing as he shook his head. "I just didn't know her eye was more powerful than what we thought we knew. Given by what you've said, I'm guessing it dates back to old ancient magic of sorts." He shrugged his shoulders as he truly didn't know the answer. Naruto chuckled as Hinata winked at him. "I still think Sasuke can be a jerk at times." He grumbled as he rubbed the back of his neck with his hand. "However, he's my friend. He's helped me out on a number of occasion when the world was in jeopardy. We may argue, but he and I make a great team. I know the two of you will make an even better team than Sasuke or myself. I know Dynamo and his sister make an interesting team. Their bond as siblings is truly strong from what I've seen the other day." Dynamo's blush intensified as he heard Coconut's remark. He glanced off to the side, but his gaze traveled back to her eye. He felt like everything had faded away except for Coco. It was as if he had gotten lost in her eyes. Just looking into her eyes had made him feel calm, special and at ease. "I-I guess I'm just looking forward to know more about you. You're a really nice mare and it was nice to spend time with you yesterday. Although, we did run into a few problems." he chuckled slightly and shook his head at Cosmic's antics. He frowned slightly as Coco mentioned the word friend. He wanted to tell her that he might like her more than a friend, but he didn't want to rush anything. He knew he would try and ask her about everything later, but he shook his head to regain his composure. "U-Uh...yeah. I'm looking forward to see how our 'friendship' turns out, as well." "Hold on a minute." Naruto spoke up as he took a few steps to the young couple. "I still want to see what Dynamo is capable of. I'm honestly not convinced that he's worthy to be Luna's successor." He flared his chakra to strike fear into his opponent. Dynamo's eyes widened in surprise as he took a few tentative steps back. 'What's going on? Why is he doing this?' He wondered as he saw the serious look in Naruto's eyes. "Wait a minute. Why are we fighting? I have no reason to fight you." Naruto slowly dropped into a stance and grit his teeth. "Well, then let me give you a reason. Defend yourself!" He shouted as he rushed forward to swing a punch at the blue unicorn. As the battle began, Dynamo threw an arm up to intercept Naruto's strike. The two flew back and began to fight with all they had. Dynamo narrowed his eyes as Naruto changed forms from his time in Shippuden to the start of the series, before turning back into his Hokage form. As the fight drew to a close, Dynamo panted for breath as he was starting to get low on magic. He soon realized that he could use the same power as Naruto and began to form a Rasengan. As the two clashed their jutsu's, Dynamo began to understand what Naruto was trying to show him. As they stood in front of the other, Dynamo smiled, before promptly falling forward and passed out. Naruto caught him, before the blue unicorn hit the ground and chuckled. "Not bad, buddy. You did a great job. You passed my test." He says as he gently placed Dynamo back onto the grass. Dynamo smiled softly as he laid down on the grass in a curled up position.
  4. I'm going to adopt @VinylWubs! She is my bestie and this adoption will forever cement that we are besties for life!
  5. Awesome and thanks for letting me know. I'm a little confused on question 4. Are they asking the episode title, or a certain point that the moment occurred?
  6. I was just wondering. How many days do we have to answer the questions? Is it the same 4 days time frame?
  7. @Catpone Cerberus Dynamo smiled as he was grateful from Jade's reassurance. "Oh, okay and that's a relief. What you said makes sense when you put it that way. Maybe for places that I can't go with you guys, then I can explore the area. It would be convenient when it comes to Sunlight and I going on other dates." He smiles, before chuckling. "Besides, if I was to stay in Ponyville on certain trips, then I know Sunny would miss me really badly. Just the same way as I would really miss her." He says, finishing the slice of cake he had. He placed his plate and utensils back on the coffee table. He wanted to have another slice of cake, but he chose to save the dessert for later, or the next day. "I guess I'll understand more as the journey goes along. I'd hate to step on something that's considered writing and ruin the information." He knew something like that might not happen, but he didn't want to take any chances. "Thanks again for the cake, Jade. That was really delicious."
  8. The last movie I watched was The Land Before Time.
  9. @Catpone Cerberus Dynamo tilted his head to the side as Jade explained how the trip would work. He sighed in relief as he was told that he was allowed to go with them. "That's good to hear. I know I'm just an extra for the trip, but I think it would be good for me to help. Three heads are better than one, or is that two...?" He pondered on what he had said and chuckled slightly with a shrug. "Although, I get what you mean. I'm guess there may be times that I might need to stay in Ponyville. That, or I can go, but I'll have to stay out of certain places." He knew he wasn't being left out, but he wondered why he wouldn't be allowed to go where the siblings were meant to go. He knew he'd understand in due time. "I remember Sunny telling me that there are old books and other types of documents. Very old information that is to be recorded and brought back to Princess Twilight. Something like that, right?" He asks the green Pegasus, before taking another bite of the cake.
  10. The last video I watched was, "Laggy Drawings! - Skribbl.io (Funny Moments)." The video was from the YouTube channel, SMii7Y.
  11. @Catpone Cerberus Dynamo nodded as he knew Sunlight would want to eat her cake first. "That's a good idea." He chuckled as he noticed the curious smile that his girlfriend had on her face. As the siblings took seat, he saw Sunlight open the cake and took a big piece. Dynamo held back a chuckle as he didn't blame her. The Sunshine cake was her favorite, after all. The blue unicorn took a slice of cake and levitated the plate over to him. He took a bite of the cake and sighed happily. "This cake is delicious. I think this is the first time that I've tried it. Regardless, this cake is amazing. Now I see why you love this cake so much, Sunny." He thought for a moment, before continuing. "I guess that makes sense how the Sunshine cake sounds close to you. You two are both really sweet." He chuckled, before taking another bite of the cake. After chewing his bite, he turned to Jade with a thoughtful look upon his face. "By the way, Jade. I know this might not be a good time to ask, but I was wondering. What kind of info do we need to look for Princess Twilight? I remember Sunlight told me that you were both to gather information and bring it back to her, but was it anything specific?"
  12. @Catpone Cerberus Dynamo nods at Jade's comment about certain benefits. "I see now. I guess that's how you were able to let Sunlight and I stay in Manehatten for a bit longer." He nods as it all made sense. "Thanks again and I guess I should thank Twilight when we get back from our trip." He nods at the plan and heads to the kitchen to grab forks, a knife to cut the cake and plates. "That sounds good to me. We wouldn't want the cake to go to waste. Sunlight and I have a few things planned in town, so it's no worries." He returned to the living room and winked as he would explain everything to Sunlight later. He placed the utensils on the coffee table and waited patiently for the siblings to join them. "I also think that Sunlight should open the gift. It's more from Jade getting something for you, so you should do the honors, sweetheart."
  13. @Scarlet Rose "Okay. We'll stop at the doughnut shop first and then head back to the hotel. We can eat some doughnuts on the way back, so we won't be hungry during the tour." He says and chuckles in agreement to her statement. "Oh, trust me. I know exactly what you mean. The arcade I work at in Ponyville is always busy. Sometimes I have to fix some broken machines, or I'm helping other gamer's out. It's a crazy job at times, but I love playing video games and arcades. It always feels nice being able to give back to the community in one way or another." He says as he noticed her placing the glass down as she finished her drink. "That sounds perfect to me. We have plenty of time and I'd like to see photos of your family." He says, smiling at the idea. As the two finished their food and drinks, Dynamo went and paid for everything, while leaving a small tip for the delicious food. After getting out of his chair, he walked over to Scarlet and offered her his hand a smile. "Ready to head back and then explore the town?"
  14. @Scarlet Rose Dynamo chuckles at Broken's description of him and smiles. "That pretty much sums me up. A good combination from both my mom and dad. I can see how you take after Night. Very kind, sweet, caring, serious when you need to be. You're also very passionate and dedication to what you love." He took a sip of his drink, before placing his glass back on the table to continue eating. He nods at her agreement to his special place to visit in Ponyville. "Okay. Once we finish eating, we'll head out over to my favorite place in town." He says, while returning the nuzzle. --Time Skip-- After they finished their dinner and drinks, Dynamo looked to Broken, who had paid for everything. He got up and linked his arms with Broken as they left the restaurant. "You didn't have to pay for everything, sweetheart. I would have gone half with you. I hope I can pay you back for all of that." His ears drooped as he felt bad that Broken paid for everything. He didn't want her to feel like he was taking advantage of her, or anything along those lines. "By the way, would you like to take the care, or walk? The place we're heading to isn't that far from here."
  15. @Catpone Cerberus Dynamo simply smiled and nodded. "Once again, you're welcome." He stayed quiet as he listened to Jade, while he explained the plan for the trip. "Tomorrow morning at 10 am. That sounds good to me. It gives us enough time, so we'll be prepared to leave for the trip. The distance from Ponyville to Manehatten takes about two to three hours. So, that would give us enough time to check into our hotel and focus on the task at hoof." He nods as he got the gist of everything. At Jade's plan of the rooms and grin, Dynamo blushes and rolled his eyes. "It sounds like you thought of everything and thought ahead." He chuckled and shook his head. "That's really nice of you and I can imagine the room would look nice. I actually would have imagined Princess Twilight booking the hotels, or something along those lines." He shrugged as he didn't really know the answer to that thought. He smiled and looked to Sunlight as he explained of how long they would be out of town. "I guess we'll be able to go on a few dates and explore the town." He grinned as he pulled Sunlight into a hug. He was truly looking forward to the trip that was ahead of them. "So, what did you two want to do? It's still early in the day and we have time before the trip. Is there any plans you both have? I know we can have the cake to celebrate and see what Jade got us." He says as he looked between the two siblings.
  16. @Catpone Cerberus Dynamo could hear the chuckle from Sunlight as he knew she was joking. He smiles and could only shake his head at his girlfriend. "Nah. Why need other mares when I only need the best one. The best and only girlfriend I could ever ask for." He says with a soft smile and warmth in his eyes. As Jade waited on the other side of the door, he saw two envelopes, a wrapped up box and a cake. He used his levitation magic and placed the box and cake on the coffee table. There was plenty of room, so nothing would spill or be damaged. He saw the offered hug and returned the embrace. He pulled back from the hug and smiled. "Thank you for all of the help and allowing me to go with you both to Manehatten. Also, thank you for letting Sunlight move and live together with me. I know she's independent and can do whatever she wants. However, I know you truly care about your sister and I'm glad you accept me. You're a great friend, Jade." He says, before looking over at the tickets that Sunlight had taken. "So, when are we supposed to leave for Manehatten? I know we have time, but I didn't want to hold anyone up. Plus, it's around noon, so we still have time to make the trip." He says, looking over to the clock on the wall to see it was just few minutes past noon.
  17. My favorite accessory is a Starlight Glimmer dog tag/necklace. I got the necklace back in Bronycon of 2017. A week before that, my father had passed away, due to lung cancer. I didn't want to go to the convention as it didn't feel right to go. In his last request to me, he wanted me to go to the convention and have the most fun I could have. Even in his last moments, he put the happiness of others over his own. I promised him that I would win a tournament in his honor. I saw the necklace and it felt like it was calling out to me for some reason. I wore the necklace before the tournament started. As I sat down to play, I held the necklace close to my heart and said, "Please guide me and please show me the way." Throughout that whole tournament, it felt like my dad was watching over me. It also felt like Starlight was sitting right next to me and guiding me through my battles. I was able to win the tournament and got a pass for the 2018 convention, but the prize and glory didn't matter to me. I was just happy that I was able to do something in my father's honor and memory. I always wear the necklace as it feels like Starlight and my father are always with me.
  18. @Catpone Cerberus Dynamo snickered at Sunlight's joke, but it soon turned into a fit of laughter. "Well, then I guess I should trip and fall more often." He joked back, but he knew falling over was how they met. So much had happened and he was glad with how it all turned out. As she sat next to him, he had a playful smirk upon his face. He picked her up and placed her in his lap like they sat the previous day. He smiled and kissed her cheek. "There we go. Now everything is perfect." He chuckled as the show began to play. As the episodes had played, Dynamo hadn't been paying much attention. Only to explain something if she had a question. He wrapped his arms around Sunlight to hold her close. He nuzzled her from time to time and smiled softly as he felt truly at peace. A little over an hour later, Dynamo's ears perked as there was a knock at the door. He looked to Sunlight, who had confirmed that it was Jade. "Aw. I didn't want to get up from my seat. Oh, well." He sighed in mock disappointment, but he soon smiled and chuckled. He placed Sunlight next to him as he got up from his seat and paused the anime. He went over to the door and opened said door for Jade to enter.
  19. The trailer/commercial for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. I'm really psyched to picking up the game later today.
  20. @Catpone Cerberus Dynamo smiled softly as a blush appeared on his muzzle. He could feel his heart beating a mile a minute in his chest. "I know I keep asking this, but I can't help in asking. What did I ever do to deserve someone as special as you?" He closed his eyes and nodded at the suggestion. "I guess we can watch some of the anime for a little while. That way, Jade can be right there when it's time for us to leave on the trip." He opens his eyes and grabs the suitcases with his levitation spell. After leaving the room, he heads down the steps and places the suitcases near the chair. He noticed that the DVD was still on the coffee table, as well as the DVD still in the player. He set the show up and sat down comfortably on the couch. The blue unicorn chuckled and shook his head. "I guess there's no stopping him. Sounds like when he has something planned, he won't stop until everything is finished. It's really thoughtful of him. It's kind of like a house warming gift, or something along those lines." He says as he awaited for Sunlight to sit next to him on the couch.
  21. @Catpone Cerberus Dynamo wrinkled his nose as he felt Sunlight kiss his snout. He smiled as he felt that Sunlight's smile was the most precious thing in the entire land of Equestria. "I don't blame you as I'm feeling the same way. Usually I would be excited for a new video game or going to a tournament. However, I'm really looking forward to going on this trip and exploring. Especially, since I'll be spending it with someone, who is truly special to me." He smiles softly with a blush as he kissed her forehead. He raised an eyebrow in curiosity as Sunlight explained that she had something to tell him. He listened intently as she spoke and he soon smiles and nods. "Thanks for letting me know, Sunny. So, we're all set for the trip and we have plenty of time to wait. Since it seems Jade will be busy getting the rest of the trip prepared. Is there anything you want to do, or anywhere you want to go to, while we wait for Jade? We could always watch the next season of that anime." He suggested as he figured that they would be waiting for a little while. "Also, that's really nice of Jade, but he doesn't have to get us anything." He smiles softly at the kind gesture.
  22. @Scarlet Rose Dynamo couldn't help in chuckling as Scarlet drooled at the mention of doughnuts. "I don't blame you as I would have drooled at the sight of the delicious treats. They do also have other kinds, so there's a good variety in dessert and/or treats." He smiles, before continuing. "That definitely sounds like a plan. Maybe we can make a quick stop at the hotel, before going on the tour. We'll take a few doughnuts with us for the road." He says, while nodding at her remark. "While I was waiting for you interview to conclude, I saw so many ponies entering the store. As soon as a pony entered or exited, another pony took their place. It really goes to show how one store or place can be so popular." He says as he waited patiently for her. He was in no rush and he was happy to spend time with his new friend.
  23. @Scarlet Rose Dynamo chuckled at Broken's remark, before continuing to eat his dinner. "You're not wrong there, sweetheart. My mother might be surprised at first. Given that she doesn't know I have a girlfriend or a son, but I know she'll adore Dusk right away." He smiles softly with a blush and nods. "I've always been told I take after my mom. She can be kind and caring, but serious when she needs to be. That, and I feel like I have my dad's silly personality, or sense of humor." He smiles as he felt Broken take his hand into her own. "I like that, but I have a good idea. After we eat, I'll take you to the special place that i mentioned about before. When we went to that field of flowers. What do you think, my love?" He took a sip of his drink, before placing the glass back on the table and smiled at his beloved.
  24. @Scarlet Rose Dynamo chuckled as he nodded in agreement to Scarlet's doughnut comment. "Oh, trust me. I know exactly how you feel. It's been ages since I had a doughnut. True, Sugarcube Corner makes some best treats. However, nothing beats a doughnut that's made by Donut Joe himself." He says, taking a sip of his cola, before continuing. "I love the Boston Cream Doughnuts. It's a doughnut that has chocolate frosting on top, but Boston Cream on the inside of said doughnut." He sighed with a chuckle and shook his head. "I'm sorry about that. I remember trying that treat for the first time and I knew that I had to visit whenever I could. I know there's a chance to meet the Princesses during the tour. However, it's a rare opportunity, so you never know." He says as he looked out the window. "I remember that I went with my dad to Canterlot once, when I was little. He wanted to go racing on the track and he met up with some of the Wonderbolts. It was mostly an exhibition and he wanted to race with some of his friends that he brought from Fillydelphia. I didn't understand much about car racing, but it was pretty fun." He turned back to face her and nods at her train of thought. "That's exactly right. With how busy Canterlot can be. One could imagine how much of a crowd the boutique can get. I've never seen the boutique being opened without any customers in the shop. It just shows how much success Rarity has made with the shop." He smiles softly as he listened to her last remark. "I can say the very same thing. It's fun to go on the tour, but it's better to go with a friend. I couldn't ask for anyone better to go with on the tour." He says as he gets his wallet out to pay for their meals.
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