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Everything posted by cybershocker455

  1. I assume you're referring to the Twilight we normally see in the show?
  2. I just watched the first 2 episodes of Star Vs and let me just say this is why you don't mix sugar with drugs, ponies!

  3. Loved the short, it had some rather nice slapstick. Also here's a picture presented without context: https://derpibooru.org/948506?scope=scpe692c3fed54db9e8b773a8f65956d7f3669ee53ea
  4. You know, I imagine G5 being similar to the plot of Xenoblade Chronicles, where the ponies face up against giant pony eating robots, I have no idea if I'd want to watch that or not
  5. While do think there are a few more lessons that the Mane 6 (and Spike) could still learn, I think the later seasons should focus more on the side characters since that's what some of the Season 5 episodes have been focusing on. I think it would be a really good idea for the show to focus on how the Mane 6 interacts with the rest of the characters in the show (and based on the leaked episode list, this is a very likely possibility). Overall, I think the show should focus on developing on the side characters of the show while still giving interesting situations the Mane 6 can do.
  6. Welcome to the forums! Oh and if you think season 1 is good, just wait until you watch the rest of the seasons, it only gets better
  7. Greetings citizens of Ponyville, have a great morning to you all!

    1. That One Techpriest You Used To Know

      That One Techpriest You Used To Know

      There is a delusional pony on Shakuras, it seems. ;)


      Good morning to thee!

    2. 碇 シンジン
  8. Going to sleep in a few minutes. G'night!

  9. I just learned that some of the Ninjago voices actually do the voices for some of the ponies as well. Learn something new everyday.

    1. Nuke87654


      Interesting tidbit to hear.

  10. I rewatched a few episodes of Ninjago and notice some of the plots would actually make for a great MLP episode.

    1. mars


      That show is actually pretty good.

  11. Great job on the artwork, I really like it.
  12. I can definitely call myself an introverted guy.
  13. So I watched both GI Joe Retaliation and Equestria Girls on the same day and honestly I don't know which one is better or worse.

  14. Hey I had the exact same opening lines as you Anyway, welcome to the herd, I hope you enjoy it here!
  15. Great job, the art is so incredibly well made.
  16. Out of all the characters I would like to give a hug to, I would say Fluttershy and Scootaloo, especially after Flight to the Finish.
  17. I'm probably around 8. I really love the show and I do look around brony related websites and fanart but I have none of the merch and have never attended a single convention before in my life.
  18. Just asking if anyone here knows or watches Lego Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitsu? I finished watching Season 5 and it's easily the best season: great action, great humor, great new characters and just an enjoyable ride from beginning to end. Brohoof this if you watch and like Ninjago.
  19. I bet you that it's the episode Hearthbreakers. I think the educated guesses we make, the more likely the future episode list and their sypnopses will actually happen. Also, I think the season finale will feature the backstory behind Starlight Glimmer and will most likely be reformed.
  20. I made a thread not too long ago expressing my gratitude towards MLP and how much I loved the show. Now I want to make a thread expressing how YOU like the show. How much do you like the show and how much of an impact did it make in your life?
  21. I feel like writing this because honestly I just want to express my love for the show. The reason why MLP matters to me (and a lot of people) is because the show shows us how you don't need to be grim, or dark, or cynical to tell really good stories. Most modern stories just try too hard at being "artistic" or "edgy" or "pessimistic" to me. That kind of mentality doesn't appeal to me anymore and nowadays I'm a lot more sensitive when it comes to it. Not a lot of modern works fit my INFP personality. I think MLP fits my personality perfectly. It's a show that manages to be fantastical yet relatable, funny yet heartfelt, deep without being pretentious and just overall the kind of show I watch when I feel like watching when I'm in a sour mood. I'm incredibly glad many inspiring writers, artists and musicians are willing to dedicate their time on a show initially made for a young female audience. I hope more works take inspiration from this show. While it may not be everyone's favorite show, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic will always be a show that will be near and dear to my heart. I'm really enjoying season 5 and the stories that they're telling right now and I can't wait to see more in the future. Friendship is Magic will always be the three magic words that will inspire a lot of hope to me and possibly a lot of people in the brony community. I'm proud to be a brony.
  22. I'll take this with a grain of salt but personally I think it's ridiculous how we have 3 Rarity episodes airing in such a short amount of time. While I personally think her episodes are the strongest out of the Mane 6, I think we're giving a bit too much focus on her. Still I think the idea of repairing the broken relationship between Coco Pommel and Suri Polomare is an interesting since we get to learn more about the two (though it can potentially contradict the trading card info, which has been legit so far: http://www.equestriadaily.com/2015/04/tons-of-season-5-information-hidden-in.html, http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-o3ccD0ADalM/VTFUTDAjg6I/AAAAAAACNXA/1vVcvOxD_UM/s1600/GLORIOUS%2BPOMMEL.png) Also, no episodes focusing on Scootaloo, Rainbow Dash, or the Wonderbolts, really? I seriously hope season 6 more than makes up for this. Despite my ranting, I'm still excited for the second half of this season, weird how they're focusing on Twist of all ponies in an episode though. I really love how we're another focus episode on Luna and Discord, I'm pretty sure they'll have an episode where they share spotlight, that's one of my hopes for season 6.
  23. So many things in this episode, so many things! And Luna forgiving herself in the end, man this episode was great. This season is so far my favorite season so far. Great way to end the first half of this season. Man, do I love this show!
  24. I've been rewatching the very first episode and I realize that Twilight abandons MoonDancer only a few seconds after the opening theme song. I don't know who to blame: Twilight Sparkle or Lauren Faust (lol jk, you're still Lauren Faust . Another thing I notice, Minuette, Twinkleshine, Lemon Hearts and Lyra are all at Pinkie's welcoming party to Twilight (this is also where Lyra presumably first met Bon Bon), After Amending Fences, I think them being there, without MoonDancer, shows off something much more sad now that I think about it...
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