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Mango Trip

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Everything posted by Mango Trip

  1. Eh I suppose nothing says that she HAS to be a lesbian, and like I said in my first post, I do actually ship her with Soarin lol It's silly to be honest, I just figure that because she fits a stereotype and it is a "childrens show" that if they did give her a romance thing, (and they decided to include homosexuality) they'd make her lesbian, But either way I don't mind. I agree with some others, that her just having any romantic thing could be cute. I've always liked Soarin with her though because of the episodes the two of them have interacted it's been super cute and I love how Soarin almost "fangirls" over Rainbow and it spurs the imagination for me lol
  2. OMG OMG OMG OMG!! FOXES ARE THE BEST THING EVARRRRR!! <3 I absolutely ADORE foxes. They're my favorite animal and there is this place in Japan full of them and it is officially a life long dream to go to that place one day and just bask in the glory of the foxes.
  3. Well I don't mean that her being a "tomboy" makes her that way. The thing is that they don't just make Rainbow a tomboy, they honestly make her full on "butch" at times....though it also doesn't help that she's surrounded by rainbows lol To be honest, it's just how her character is to me (that goes deeper than being a tomboy), that she would possibly be lesbian if they decided to even venture down that path. (I know I don't explain myself well here)
  4. So Twilight gets a castle at the end of season 4 right? Yeah, but there is a "throne room" with SIX seats in it! Plus the castle is huge!! I love that Spike FINALLY gets his own room and doesn't just need to sleep in a basket anymore, but the other members of the group could obviously live in that castle. My issue isn't necessarily that they choose NOT to live in the castle, but that they refer to it as Twilight's castle. I know she lives there because the library is destroyed and she needs a home, but seriously, it's all of their castle and I believe they all have the right to live there if they wanted to. For instance, I could see Pinky moving in so that she didn't have to continue living with the Cakes. Which I understand she loves doing so, but they have the babies now and it could just be easier for her to live in the castle. (Also her secret party planning room that she has could probably have better space in the castle. I mean, this is just my opinion, but I just disagree with calling that castle "Twilight's". It should just be considered to be "their" castle of friendship.
  5. I understand what you're saying here....that people do push the lesbian thing a tad strongly, and being a Rainbow Dash / Soarin shipper, I would also like to see her have a crush on him. However, I will say this, if any of the mane six WERE to be gay, it would most likely be RD. Her entire character somewhat embodies that notion, and regardless, I doubt the makers of the show would even bother putting that into the show because it isn't really an impotant (or even noted) aspect to RD's character, and they don't like to deviate too often, They just aren't going to give her a romantic interest...female or otherwise.
  6. I love me some cheese, BUT I am a tad picky when it comes to what types. I don't like super sharp cheeses, so when I make my mac n cheese at home I use mild cheddar. But my other preferred cheeses are colby jack and mozzarella.
  7. Pizza for me, I like chocolate somewhat....but not that much. I prefer chocolate flavored stuff, like milk or icecream, instead of actual chocolate. Most girls think I'm weird for that. xD I prefer fruity candy over chocolate. So in this discussion, Pizza for the win!
  8. Well I know that, but the big things we've been discussing in here have been recent news over the last few days is all I'm saying... It just seems all coincidental maybe? I don't know lol
  9. Why is it that we've gotten nothing but continuous suspicious news for these past few consecutive days?? Does it seem weird to anyone else? Like, I'm somewhat concerned that just very SUDDENLY for these past few days all we have gotten is suspicious or negative or strange convoluted news concerning Nintendo.... Like it seems odd to me...
  10. Hmmm....I'd have to say I agree with Ocarina of Time, but I think many people feel that way to be honest lol, but I would also have to include Majora's Mask in there as well, for I almost find myself loving that game more than Ocarina sometimes. I also can always go back to playing Wind Waker as well. Aside from those Zelda titles though, I'd have to say that I my go to games that I love from the past would have to be: .Hack (the original four games) Okami (PS2) Psychonauts (PS2) and also the Resident Evil games.
  11. Yeah I agree with the others, I don't think its true even in the slightest honestly. I get what you're saying about having it on the backburner as a maybe, but I doubt this is really true.... Unless.... Nintendo is TRYING to commit company suicide...which also wouldn't make much sense. Their company is over 100 years old, I don't see why they would just give up now, and because of how old their company is, does it really seem logical to make such a dense, and dumb decision? I don't think so anyways.
  12. Hmm.....it would have to either be a fox, cat, or maybe even a koala lol
  13. Does anyone think that MAYBE Nintendo intends to have the two systems coexist?? I mean, even I can agree that it is completely unlikely, but it is a slim possibility. We know that the NX is supposed to be a more "hardcore" system that appeals to more core gamers and to gain 3rd party support, but couldn't it be that that is all its supposed to do? That they may leave the Wii U alive for some of their more family oriented games? For example, I believe the next FULL Animal Crossing game would do well on the Wii U (especially if it was a combination of New Leaf with Happy Home Designer elements) because the game pad would do well for inventory management and floor layouts. Considering that it may be that the handheld market (the 3DS) is starting to fade out, I feel like the Wii U would make a good platform for those style games. Thus, why I believe, if done correctly, Nintendo COULD theoretically have them coexist. Zelda is a great launch title for their new system no doubt, but I feel that, if what I said WAS the direction they were going to go, then releasing it on both platforms would make sense. First: Great launch title for a new system 2nd: Will give the game to those who bought the Wii U for the game 3rd: Gives them a chance to see what they can fully do with the game with both systems, theres a chance that no party will lose out in regards to the gameplay or graphics....just saying...
  14. I like art, and I used to draw all the time on paper. But when I got to a certain point I stopped. I'm not really clear as to why anymore but I do know that I was disheartened at some point. I wanted and still want to transition to digital art and I have a tablet and everything but to this day I can't muster up the motivation to sit down and practice and draw much. And when I do I easily get down on myself because it seems like it takes too long or its too complicated to work on the computer and I don't want to stick to pencil drawing. And then the comparison from my pencil work to my computer work is also depressing. So I wonder, how do you guys stay motivated or get motivated when you're down about your art? I'd really like some help.
  15. I agree with most of the points made through this thread, though I thought of another possible (maybe even a stretch of a thought here but meh) reason as to why RD hates being alone and why that was a major thing for her in MMDW. We have yet (if my memory serves well) to hear of anything about RD's family. Does she have parents or siblings? We don't know. This makes me wonder whether Rainbow is maybe an orphan or something and there was a point where she was alone and no one noticed her? That would explain why at a young age she made an effort to show off. To get noticed. They show that in flashback episodes with flight school in Cloudsdale a few times and I feel like that would make a lot of sense. We also haven't heard much about Fluttershy's family either but she was always shy, yet nurturing so to me it isn't really a factor in this situation. Based on all of these things it would make sense as well as to why RD is is so afraid of being alone. She remembers what loneliness feels like and is now a state she never wants to go back to. This would also explain her loyalty trait. Because if you think about it, once she got friends and her life got so much better and she became happy, why would she ever betray them and lose them? To me it just makes a whole lot of sense and also explains why Tanks for the Memories was so hard for her as well. Tank may be the first living creature (that is like family) to live with her and always be there, even when she was home and away from her closest friends. Just a thought. There's no other facts to back up this theory, but I guess until it's proven wrong I guess it shall be a head cannon of mine hehe xD
  16. He is such a cutie! I wish I could draw digitally like you can, I'm still working on getting used to it and learning my program xD
  17. I'd love it if you did my OC! And I'll be surprised I'm sure, since I couldn't find the links to your work on your prof. xD hehe lol Though I like dark art so I'm down.
  18. OMG yay! Thank you, and yes, best fruit ever. :3 I love mangoes obv,
  19. Hey everypony! I'm looking to see if any of you extremely talented artists would be willing to draw my OC for me! Mango is in need of some lovely arts. :3 She's cute and wonderful and clumsy as hell, so I hope some of you would be interested in drawing her. Reference: (Her cutie mark is a mango cut into a flower)
  20. These are all so wonderfully beautiful and cute!! Oh what I wouldn't giiiive to have my OC look this cute!
  21. I see where you're coming from....when you look at shows for 2 year olds (which both sides have nothing in them because toddlers dont care). There are TONS of shows that are pandered towards girls that have pleeeeeenty of development and conflict, almost every show that comes out these days have those aspects. Viewing shows in that way: that girls shows are cute, carefree and conflict free and that boy shows are just toilet humor or violence for no reason, is very dated and narrow-minded. Plenty of shows aren't like that. Especially shows catered toward younger audiences such as MLP. If you're comparing MLP to things like Robot Chicken on ADULT SWIM, then naturally there is a huge! difference. But you can't do that. You have to take into consideration other shows on the market. Shows such as Adventure Time caters to both audiences perfectly, when, in theory, it was supposed to pander more towards boys. Same with a show such as Powerpuff Girls, it was supposed to be pandered towards girls, but SO MANY boys love that show. Because it's a good show. Not because it's cute and girly. It has so many things in it. You can also look at Littlest Pet Shop. It's clearly aimed at younger girly audiences but has the same developmental structure of MLP. Shows no longer fit into either stereotypical girly vs. boyish views anymore. All current shows are open to both and enjoyed by both. Shows that have strong fanbases have both genders in them because it no longer matters whether a show is girly or not, so long as it has those aspects its good. Another great example is DBZ. A clearly 'boyish' show that has plenty of female audiences, because it has all of those good elements in them. Shows no longer are divided by gender. I understand that people seem to still think this way, but it's really not so cut and dry anymore.
  22. Putting aside what is considered girly altogether, I do have to state that there is a problem with what was stated (that I bolded). I understand that you were asking to see how "girly" MLP is in it's current gen and that you created a numbered rating system for it, and that you find those specific aspects that you mentioned to be girly, that's fine. Those are just random characteristics of the show that could, by central stereotypical definitions, be considered girly. No problem there. Where I have a problem is that when you explained that there are other aspects to the show that cater to more audiences other than girls, you pointed out the specifics of EVERY good show out there. Those aspects are essentially what are known to make good shows. So by what you said, you, by default, stated that any show that has character development, balanced values, comedy, or conflict driven stories is NOT girly. So simply you believe that a girly show can't have those things? I find that to be rather offensive honestly. Think about it. There are those typical things that can make a show girly or boyish (if you so choose to label them as such), but story development and character development ARE NOT exclusive to one side or the other. If you're going to make a post about something like this how about balance the idea that pink and love are girly, with the counter that high intensity combat and the color BLUE are boyiish (or more gender neutral).
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