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Prince Midnight

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Everything posted by Prince Midnight

  1. have been sneezing like nuts and now my chest hurts....

  2. i dunno, id like to see my sona drawn for the first time XD
  3. IM FROM THE UKRAINE WHAT DID YOU EXPECT >.> banned beacuse i agree im a little insane
  4. well jade, prove to me theres purple and ill believe you banned beacuse pheonixis are supirior to squirrels
  5. i see no purple, your color blind, banned for squirrely
  6. .....im black cracka banned for not being able to tell the diffrence between black and purple
  7. well....i need a moon shaped bow >.> harder to find then you think banned for calling me a blank flank *sniff*
  8. i has a cutie mark, i just dont know how to put it on XD banned beacuse of...of....red eyes X3
  9. umm, dunno, first thing that somes to my mind, luna with a hula hoop X3 or mabey my OC with a hula hoop X3. never had him drawn before XD
  10. (ninja'd again) banned beacuse of daring doo
  11. i hate lightning >.> um you have more survivability with lightning....i think, so lightning it is WYR get a hug from celestia or a hug from big macintosh
  12. listining to some music that gives me goosebumps http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KRGLSitWsas&list=HL1334175554&feature=mh_lolz and playing around on this website XD
  13. i love the show beacuse im a child at heart, what more can i say XD
  14. beef, beacuse beef makes everything better WYR sit thought a heavy thunderstorm with lots of ground striking lightning, or a hurricane
  15. im not the one that mad bro anyway chapter two
  16. alot more athiests and agnostics here, personaly im an agnostic, "im open to the concept of religion, just not entirely conviced by it" as nicholas angel once said :3
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