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About Twiggy

  • Birthday 1991-06-21

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  • Location
    California (pls help)
  • Personal Motto
    If I die, I die.
  • Interests
    Hi, I'm Twiggy. I identify as a CIS male, human-kin, omnivore, and my sexual orientation is heterosexual. My pronouns are he, him, and sometimes they (for example if you're referring to my buddies and I). My triggers are: being punched in the face, being shot, or any other sort of physical harm done to me for no reason. On my blog, I WILL tolerate all forms of free speech, and if you try to offend or poke fun at me, I won't hesitate to just laugh it off.

    Avid vidya enthusiast of the PC master race.

    I enjoy Anime from all genres, as well as western animation. Except for MLP:FiM. That show sucks.

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  1. And nothing of value was lost.


    1. Miss


      hard to lower the bar after that incompetent primate was elected. 

      I mean, unless after this term Kanye or some other dumbass is elected. Clearly, almost half of Americans don't care about who is elected.

      Well, actually more than half now that I think about it.

    2. JonasDarkmane


      By that logic, no one in the US cares about who they elect. But the fact they are able to possibly choose betwee two bad options  (one I view more as a gamble rather than a confirmed bad choice) tells me that they do indeed care who they elect. They have the wits to decide which they find to be better. 


      And to the tweet, for all of the property damage and physical assault, I say justice is served. Too bad there were not more, would have been nice to see law enforcement treat this as a Rico Case. 

      Now if only Germany could learn a thing or two here

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