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Status Updates posted by Crecious

  1. I wish I had a special somepony.

    1. Show previous comments  21 more
    2. Crecious


      Hah. I'm probably cuter than my cat.

    3. Clockwork Chaos

      Clockwork Chaos

      Or go to a bar? Im not sure on the animal agnle...

    4. Crecious


      I don't actually drink, and I'm not fond of being around people who drink more than like a beer or two, or a glass or two of wine. Family was alcoholic. So bad association.


  2. Setting up shop... Gotta draw will go insane if I can't today... Gotta draw!

    1. Dark Horse

      Dark Horse

      xD Don't overwork yourself.

    2. Crecious


      *froths at the mouth.*

      Must drawwwwwww

  3. David Bowie. You were a legend, an artist and an amazing man. Thank you for bringing your talent to the world.

  4. Great, I have two cavities I have to have fixed Fantastic.

    1. Lunar Echo
    2. Crecious


      Thanks! I actually just had three wisdom teeth pulled in September. So I'm kinda done with dentists for a while.


    3. Lunar Echo

      Lunar Echo

      I see, well that's good.

  5. Sorry guys, it looks like it might be another day before I get drawing again. This house is too small, and has way too little surfaces. Including very few plugs. So I can't keep my computer plugged in, since it needs three pronged outlet, not two, which this house has. It's a real bummer, and I am very unhappy, but I'll figure something out. I've not forgotten about you guys though!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dark Horse

      Dark Horse

      Moving is never so simple. No worries friend! :)

    3. Scrubbed user

      Scrubbed user

      How can there not be any ground plugs?

    4. Crecious


      It's a little cabin in the middle of no where. On the plus side, at least I have internet. I thank Pan for that.

  6. Unfortunately my homestead for the next two weeks is horrible. Tiny home and there is only one bathroom, and I'm in the attic outside. Rickety stairs are the only way out. There are two giant metal, padlocked doors keeping me from my parents, the outside and a bathroom. It's also very loud for me to go down to use the bathroom at night.... Fml

    1. Seamore Sandwich

      Seamore Sandwich

      We've got loud stairs at my house, but it is possible to go up and down the stairs without making much noise. All you need to do is find the quiet spots to step. Usually it's at the far sides of the steps (the far left and far right) or right in the middle. Basically, just step where it has the most support.

    2. FancyHorse


      Schizer, I'm terribly sorry dude. :(

  7. Parents returned safe and sound.

    1. Dark Horse

      Dark Horse

      Glad to hear it. :)

    2. Midnight_OC


      Nice to hear :3

  8. Parents are back today, and that means tomorrow I can set up shop again, and start with more art! Is everyone excited? :D

    1. Trottermare Galamane
    2. Dark Horse
    3. Crecious


      :D Parents are due any minute now!


  9. Tonight I feel very lonely, upset and distressed. I'm in my own house, surrounded by strangers. All of whom are friends. I feel like a stranger in my own home.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lunar Echo

      Lunar Echo

      You'll be alright crecious, now give me a hug.

    3. Crecious


      Hugs everyone.


      Yeah: we're looking to relocate, so we're renting out our home. To be honest I don't know how I feel about it. The money is good, but i don't have my room or my stuff anymore. It's in the attic and in the safe. It feels weird I won't see it for months.


      Besides my cat is screaming in my ear right now.

    4. Rayne Mercury

      Rayne Mercury

      Ah, that is a predicament. I hope you find a new place soon!

  10. The renters arrived.

  11. Alright, I'm packed up and ready to go. No art for a day or two. Sorry guys. On the 7th I will be free to start again!

    1. Dark Horse

      Dark Horse

      Have a good time, see you on your return. :)

    2. Crecious


      I'm still around, I've just packed up my tablet, and most of my laptop stuff. I have to be up and a bout working most days. I can honestly say I can't wait for my parents return.


  12. I wonder what my purpose is. I could always just have a porpose I guess. Better that then to porpiose at all.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Rayne Mercury

      Rayne Mercury

      Much like platypus. And tortoise, except Tank. Tank is best tortoise.

    3. Shadow Beam

      Shadow Beam

      Luckily, we are able to choose our own purpose in life.

    4. Crecious
  13. Spring Cleaning commences now.

    1. Show previous comments  27 more
    2. Lunar Echo

      Lunar Echo

      you forget that pretty much everyone did that crecious

      dont hate america, it managed to break out of the british control

      it help balance the world more from the evil empire

    3. Lunar Echo

      Lunar Echo

      just like how everyone is trying to make america weak today

      people did the britian in the past

      now britain is a dried up risen of its former self

    4. Crecious


      All governments are evil. All have corruption, all are in it for their own gain.

      Politics is horrid because back when I was a kid. I don't know how old you are Lunar, but I'm almost 26. I remember seeing Clinton on TV back when he was president. The economy was a time of flourishing and growth. Progression. And as soon as Bush Jr. went into office, the USA spiraled down into a dark abyss of debt and the world hates the USA. Because we're a 'super' power, and people a...

  14. My cat decided while I'm on the toilet to be affectionate and sit on my lap.

  15. Done with everyone's bullshit

    1. Seamore Sandwich
    2. Crecious


      Everyone in my life is a f'''king asshole right now. And I'm done bending over backwards to make people happy, who'd never do the same for me.

    3. Seamore Sandwich

      Seamore Sandwich

      Good, you need to stand up for yourself. You can't let everything be one sided, it's not fair to you.

  16. Why do people say if you need any help, they'd be happy to, and when you do ask for help they bitch because you asked for help? Logic anyone?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Malinter
    3. Rayne Mercury

      Rayne Mercury

      I don't claim to know anything about your situation, but I think with some people it might be a courtesy thing. They say it just because that's what everyone says, or they're expected to, but they don't actually expect to have the offer taken up. It's kind of like how we say "How are you?" to everyone and don't pay much mind to the reply because it's just a formality. It's not ideal, but... It's the world we live in.

    4. Crecious


      I asked for help getting into the attic to look for a bag. And he replied with.

      "I can't do it long, and this is a mess up here. And I need to pack myself."


      He has a huge ass mess on my dining room table. He didn't pack at all. It's already past nine am. And he's making no move to leave.

      I'm getting irritated.

  17. I want to curl into the fetal position and cry

    1. Seamore Sandwich

      Seamore Sandwich

      What's wrong? Are you okay?

    2. Crecious


      No one listens to me.

      The people in my home right now. Don't listen to a word I say. I ask them to help move something, per request of my mother.

      They ignore me and stay on their phones. These are 35 year old men!


    3. Seamore Sandwich

      Seamore Sandwich

      Repeat yourself louder, and a bit less politely until they do something. Maybe they'll help before you get to the point where you have to swear at them.

  18. I have a Kik if anyone wants to chat.


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Crecious


      Holy fuck.


    3. Midnight_OC


      Think that's bad GTA V is 63.8GB

    4. Crecious



      I was thinking of getting it. Nope, just nope.


  20. Sheldon. My spider, has made a full recovery! He was just dehydrated!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Nuke87654


      I would and I'm happy to see your friend is in good spirits, Crecious

    3. Monsoon


      Sheldon is a very cool name

    4. Crecious


      Thank you!

      He's named after a thing my mom would do with her hands I had two imaginary spider friends. Sheldon and Stewart! :)


  21. yay new friends!

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. JonasDarkmane
    3. Shadow Beam

      Shadow Beam

      I had a similar situation with an old friend of mine. It's a horrid experience indeed, I'm sorry you have to go through such a thing.

    4. Crecious


      I'm sorry for anyone who has. Its not a unique case. It happens sometimes, and it sucks every time.

      But thank you.

  22. I made my first turkey ever! It came out so tender and juicy!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Dark Qiviut

      Dark Qiviut

      MMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!! I love pho! :D

    3. Crecious


      I had this awesome woman stay with me for a couple nights, couch surfing. Her grandmother made authentic Pho. And I watched her make it once, And I can now make it, and it's better. That's really sad, an american has mastered Pho.

      So sad.

    4. Lunar Echo
  23. FML

    1. Show previous comments  21 more
    2. Seamore Sandwich

      Seamore Sandwich

      Anyway, I must be off to bed now, I'm barely staying awake right now. Good night.

    3. Crecious


      Good night. Hope your christmas didn't suck too much


    4. Seamore Sandwich

      Seamore Sandwich

      It wasn't bad. Good night.

  24. I have obtained a new pet!

    1. Show previous comments  24 more
    2. Untitled Goose Q

      Untitled Goose Q

      Yes, the spider ladies of Utrex III. Lovely girls, those.

    3. Crecious
    4. Untitled Goose Q

      Untitled Goose Q

      In so many ways...

  25. So apparently, I am psycho... Isn't that charming?

    1. undiscorded


      It all depends on the way you define the word psycho

    2. Trottermare Galamane

      Trottermare Galamane

      Well iv'e been called a Psycho before and i'm pretty sure i'm very level headed so don't take it seriously haha

      also what for?

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