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Totally Nyx

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Everything posted by Totally Nyx

  1. I'm feeling wonderful! I've got some amazing music playing and I'm feeling silly again (as usual).
  2. Oh, if you're signing people up to be alpha/beta testers. *raises hoof and flails it around excitedly*
  3. 11 Yay! Thanks! So since 42's last post I've posted 6 times and my last post is 11, Zachary has posted 5 times and his last post is 10. 6 x 11 from me is 66 5 x 10 from him is 50 66 + 50 = 116 The digits of 116 add to what the digits of 42 multiply to and vice versa. 1 + 1 + 6 = 8 4 x 2 = 8 1 x 1 x 6 = 6 4 + 2 = 6 And now a question for 42: there are only 2 combinations of numbers that work that way with the number 42, what is the other one? (I'm talking combinations not permutations, so 161 and 611 don't count)
  4. 9 Yay! My secret's safe. And glad to hear it. , if you post the next number (yes it has to be you) then I've got a great math thing for 42. :3
  5. My day's pretty good, nothing particularly interesting really, just overall good. It's my second last day of freedom before I become a productive member of society. If you were in a story, would you be the hero or the villain and why?
  6. Good morning everypony! Happy Sunday! I hope you're all having a wonderful weekend! *boop* :)

  7. Well that's what I get for making assumptions. xD Having both magic and energy points on every character could make for quite a unique battle system. I know some games might have one character using MP and another using energy, but having every character have both could be interesting. I'm looking forward to seeing how it turns out. Keep up the good work!
  8. Goodnight everypony! I hope you all have amazing dreams or, based on timezones, amazing days! :)

  9. Redish orange and a certain shade of purple, like in a brilliant sunset. If you could have one wish and the only restriction is no wishing for more wishes or trying to find any loophole there, what would you wish for?
  10. I'm feeling great. I had an awesome day today, even went to a party with the extended family, well part of it anyway. Now I'm also kinda tired.
  11. Mello Yello! It's actually my favorite drink for all situations. What's your favorite color?
  12. This looks quite amazing, I look forward to possibly giving it a try when it gets to that stage. By the way, I notice all the ponies have HP, MP, and EP meters. Correct me if I'm wrong but is the EP Experience Points, and if so it might be a bit more intuitive to have it labeled XP or EXP. But that's just me and this is your game of course, just a suggestion.
  13. This is awesome Moony! And that grin is absolutely priceless! Awesome job on this one!
  14. If these are just random weapons then I'd choose sword. If you're using them to reflect what classes would wield them, then I choose stave, because mage. So a similar yet different question: Bows, knives, traps, or duct tape?
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