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Status Updates posted by FirePuppy

  1. Please disable my account permanently from this forum. I am no longer interested in any further My Little Pony content, and I also want to move on with my personal life.

    Thank you for all the good times I had on the MLP forum. I enjoyed being here, and I will miss you all.

  2. Well, this is it. Today's my last day of staying on these forums. By the end of today, I am officially leaving them permanently. If you want, today's your last chance of saying goodbye. Yet once again, thank you for all the fun and good times I had here. I will miss you all.


    1. dead account

      dead account

      (We don't know each other, but...) May your passionately burning fire always enlighten the path before you.

      I wish you all the best and a joyful future. :)

  3. Just to remind you, I am permanently leaving the forums in 2 days. You may want to write a farewell comment to my last status update before I go.


  4. Just to remind you, I am permanently leaving the forums in 2 days. You may want to write a farewell comment to my last status update before I go.


  5. Just to remind you, I am permanently leaving the forums in 2 days. You may want to write a farewell comment to my last status update before I go.


  6. Just to remind you, I am permanently leaving the forums in 2 days. You may want to write a farewell comment to my last status update before I go.


    1. FlareGun45


      That's too bad, FirePup. I hope we can keep in touch outside the forums. 

    2. FirePuppy


      Well, at least there's still the MLP Wiki.

  7. Just to remind you, I am permanently leaving the forums in 2 days. You may want to write a farewell comment to my last status update before I go.


  8. Just to remind you, I am permanently leaving the forums in 2 days. You may want to write a farewell comment to my last status update before I go.


  9. Just to remind you, I am permanently leaving the forums in 2 days. You may want to write a farewell comment to my last status update before I go.


  10. Just to remind you, I am permanently leaving the forums in 2 days. You may want to write a farewell comment to my last status update before I go.


  11. Just to remind you, I am permanently leaving the forums in 2 days. You may want to write a farewell comment to my last status update before I go.


  12. Just to remind you, I am permanently leaving the forums in 2 days. You may want to write a farewell comment to my last status update before I go.


    1. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      I see no reason for you to leave but of course you should do what is best for yourself . Hope all works out for you.

    2. CheeryFox


      @Kyoshi Right, my Pony. :BrightMacContent:

  13. Just to remind you, I am permanently leaving the forums in 2 days. You may want to write a farewell comment to my last status update before I go.


  14. Just to remind you, I am permanently leaving the forums in 2 days. You may want to write a farewell comment to my last status update before I go.


  15. Just to remind you, I am permanently leaving the forums in 2 days. You may want to write a farewell comment to my last status update before I go.


  16. Just to remind you, I am permanently leaving the forums in 2 days. You may want to write a farewell comment to my last status update before I go.


    1. Pandora


      I don’t think we’ve ever talked before :sealed:

    2. FirePuppy


      Me neither, but still, I'll miss everyone on the forum.

    3. Pandora


      I hope you’ll have a fun time wherever you go and you stay healthy! :kindness:

  17. Everybrony, this is a major announcement and a status update.

    In just three days from now, I have decided I am officially retiring from the MLP Forums. I am doing this for the following reasons:

    • Ever since both Friendship is Magic and Equestria Girls ended in late 2019, the forums has gradually gotten more and more boring to be in.
    • I am not really interested in Pony Life, and it's also unlikely I'll be attracted to the G5 film as well.
    • I have run out of topics to post that will attract other fans.
    • I must move on with my personal life, seeing as though I'm turning 30 this November.

    I know you're all gonna miss me by then, so I'll give you three days to post your farewell messages to me before I go. By the end of the third day, I will reply back with my final message on this forum.

    Best wishes,


    1. EpicEnergy


      Farewell, good luck in life.

  18. No way am I changing my appearance suggestions on the MLP Wikia. I think it's fine the way it stands now.

    1. FlareGun45


      Hey your choice! It's your post! ;)

  19. New Avatar! Doesn't it match my username?

  20. New Avatar! Doesn't it match my username?

  21. I'm back from my 2-month vacation. It's been a long time, and it's great to be back again! Anything new?

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