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Aurora Wolf

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Everything posted by Aurora Wolf

  1. .....I never really thought of that. I'll do everything I can. I indeed brought you into the world of My Little Pony, so I suppose I owe your friends here that much.
  2. You're that surprised? I can smell the love of my life from miles away. Seriously though, I check the tabs that say Posts and Brohoofs every now and then, so if I catch you talking about me, I'm coming for you.
  3. I think it looks awesome. It's definitely something that me and my fiancee can enjoy during the honeymoon.
  4. I saw an episode of South Park before. I wasn't really proud of that.
  5. Hey everypony. I'm still not fully recovered from the Dodgers NLCS loss, but I still thought I'd ask, who is everypony rooting for in the World Series. This year its the Chicago Cubs VS the Cleveland Indians. The series starts at 7 PM Central time on Tuesday October 25th on FOX.
  6. Considering how the Dodgers-Cubs NLCS just ended, I'm in tears right now. It's awkward because Applejack only cries on the inside, which means I must not be as strong as she is. If only Flyer were here to comfort me right now.

    1. Luigi


      Oh boy. Do I even have to ask?

    2. Aurora Wolf

      Aurora Wolf

      Nope. (Sniff) I thought we had it covered with Kershaw on the mound.


      (Locks myself up in my room crying)

  8. Come on, Dodgers! We can't let the game go on like this!!!!!

  9. I've never been afraid of clowns. If I see one headed my way, I'll just kick him in the (CENSORED).
  10. I don't have a scale, but I do know that I'm 6 feet and 5 inches tall. That's three inches taller than my fiancee.
  11. I really don't want to be so inactive here, I'll be more active when I get off for a long break, I promise!

  12. So Flyer sent me a link to this trick shot channel that once did a video with the LA Rams back when they were still in St Louis.
  13. Great win last night, Dodgers! Lets keep it up!

  14. Considering this whole Clown situation, I might just do nothing for Halloween just to be safe.
  15. Well, the Dodgers had a nice win against the Cubs last night, and against Jake Arrieta out of all people, so I'm pretty excited.
  16. I hate to admit it, but I think the fun in teasing them is fading fast.
  17. Nope. The Packers took a pretty big beating. They only managed one touchdown in the entire game, while the Cowboys managed three.
  18. Well the Rams aren't looking good these last two games. Considering what OBJ did against the Ravens tonight, I'm pretty terrified of the Rams next game. You would not believe how that game turned out this afternoon.
  19. Well, I'm a girl, but my fiancee has always been shorter than me, so the jokes on him! I'm pretty confident he'll always be smaller than me anyway.
  20. I'm pretty tired. All those midterms wore me out this week. At least I can come here more often now. I'm also excited for the Dodgers making it into the NLCS against the Cubs. I REALLY hope this is the year.
  21. The Rams had a hard beating against the Bills, but we better beat the Lions so we can take first place back from the Seahawks. Speaking of the Raiders, I heard they're close to relocating to Las Vegas.
  22. Good news: Dodgers are in the NLCS against the Cubs, LETS GO DODGERS! Bad news: I still haven't had time to watch the episode from Saturday.

    1. Luigi


      I just watched Saturday's episode a few hours ago. I think you'd like it.

    2. Ethan Tran

      Ethan Tran

      HURRAY!!! DODGERS! CHARGE! (episodes don't go anywhere, you'll have a plenty of time to watch them, after end of the season).

  23. Great game tonight, Dodgers! Now get out there on Thursday and FINISH THIS!!!!!

  24. Well, the Dodgers tied their NLDS bracket against the Nationals, so I feel good about that. They just need to press on and win the game on Thursday, and they've got it! But I'm also getting pretty exhausted preparing for all these exams. Where's my little Flyer when I need him to comfort me?
  25. I have a lot of midterms to be preparing for in the next few weeks, so I dont think I can be paying much attention to MLP until thanksgiving break.

    1. Luigi


      Same here, Aurora. I just wish you could've seen my football team play last night.

    2. Aurora Wolf

      Aurora Wolf

      Don't worry, Flyer! I always check the scores every Saturday night.


      (Picks you up and cuddles you) Hopefully we can both catch up with all the episodes sometime.

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