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Posts posted by Leavemealone

  1. 12 minutes ago, Sparklefan1234 said:

    When people here tell me I've made their day. 


    That always makes me feel *really* happy. :squee:

    I don’t know, you seem to make lots of people’s days around here. . .

    My parents, when I was little, every night, used to say that I was the light of their lives. :pinkie:

    • Brohoof 1
  2. @GoldieS

    The small, shriveled dragon scoffed and huffed in indignation. 

    “What were you doing, griffon!? Pony custom pishpash as usual!”

    Luminio turned and winked at Mort before consoling the dragon. 

    “I’m afraid that was entirely alright for him to do that. Disregarding, would you like to have dinner?”

    The dragon huffed again before nodding. Luminio led them into large and grand dining hall, with chalices, silverware, and plates of solid gold, inlaid with gemstones. These plates were very, very, heavy, so the servants carried the plates in separately, one at a time. Then the servants came with large covered platters. They set these down at each table setting before lifting the lids spectacularly to reveal:

    (You’re gonna love this)

    Perfectly golden brown Saddle Arabian miniature hens flowing with the perfect amount of dressing and adorned with sprigs of rosemary.

    This was accompanied by small painted ceramic dishes of a cream-potato dish cooked to perfection, with just a sprig of thyme on the top.

    After was a small plate of tiny Luna Bay mussels covered in sauce and plated artistically. 

    At the end, the centerpiece of the whole meal?

    Two long, slender bottles of 20th century champagne, pear and apple. 

    Even the shriveled dragon gave a bit of a smile. 

    • Brohoof 1
  3. My spirit animal has always been a raccoon. They’re smarter than wolves, bears, or other common wild animals, and can even be smarter than dogs. They’re very clever and inventive, and have been known to use tools to solve problems. 

    • Brohoof 2
  4. 4 minutes ago, BlueBook said:

    I can try. wait. does he not have eyes? thats kinda cool

    He has no eyes and is blind, but he can see the future. That’s why there’s the magic glowy stuff where his eyes should be. 

  5. Hey! If you could draw this OC, I would love that!

    He is a Unicorn with grey fur and black mane and tail, and completely silver-white orbs for eyes. Draw him wearing a dark grey cloak with a hood, and make it so that his eyes are kind of glowing. His magic aura is silver.

    If you can, but you need more details, just ask!


  6. @GoldieS 

    Luminio finished dressing and raced out of his bedroom and dressing room, charging down to hallway to find the door still closed. He opened it to see a very old, shriveled little dragon who was using a cane and throwing some serious shade. The dragon furrowed his brow. 

    “You’re late to the door, griffon. Bad marks.”

    Luminio bowed low, smiling broadly. “Welcome to Shardstone Manor! You will be well accommodated here by our servants. My housemate should be here any second.”

    • Brohoof 1
  7. 47 minutes ago, GoldieS said:

    "Ugh, what!? So we're giving him all the good food..." Mort brooded. "Fine, long as he stays away from my lobster..." 

    "Wait, who what now? What did you say his title was? So like, does that include uhm, tentacles and stuff?" He huffed in annoyance. "I don't even know... I hate politics. You know you're doing all the talking, right?"

    Like it was any different than usual. With a final huff, Mort went off to change out of his thief's getup. He didn't like wearing fancy suits, just didn't feel comfortable. How anyone could wear them all day and not have to itch themselves constantly, or adjust in front of everyone for comfort sake, was beyond him. Even when he told the tailor specifically to make it feel 'nice', the most they could do is make it with a velvet interior. 

    He walked down the endless opulent corridors of the manor to his room, walking at a brisk pace to not leave Luminio alone with the dragon for more than a few minutes should the other bird change out before him. 


    Luminio gave Mort a hug, then left for his room. He hated these meetings with the Dragonlands Defense Council almost as much as Mort did, but he had no choice. If he wanted to learn ‘bout his next target, he had to meet and greet with the owners. 

    Quickly he started to change into his tux, tucking his magical handkerchief in his coat pocket and his dagger into a secret pocket in his tux jacket-just in case that the Vice Director and his cohorts started to suspect something. Just then, a loud knocking sounded throughout the manor. 

    • Brohoof 1
  8. Luminio smiled, glad that he still had this friendship. 

    “Who’s coming? Why, the Vice Director of the Dragonlands Department of Equestrian Threatening Magical Extremities. He’s paid quite a bit, as you could imagine. He is a dragon, and as we eat meat like him, we will be serving thrice-roasted Saddle Arabian hens sautéed in fresh herbs, lemon, and butter, with a duo of two 20th century vintage champagnes, one pear, and the other apple. The dinner is going to be costly. The cooks are already working, and he will be here within the hour.”

    • Brohoof 1
  9. 2 hours ago, GoldieS said:

    Mort rolled his eyes. "Chill out." He replied defensively. 

    "I didn't say anything bad or anything..." Mort added, following the other griffon out after placing the gem down. "Don't need more coin either... my budget's fine." 

    Once they were both out, Mort did the honors of closing the place back up. For whatever reason, he got a kick out of the secret bookshelf entrance. It was just one of those cool neat little things, stuff like that was just downright fun. 

    "I'm just saying like, don't you want someone to know it was you that stole all this?" He asked, a little hesitantly. "I don't mean literally you, like... okay, this might sound... stupid or lame, but like, a super villain!?" 

    Mort smiled a little at the thought. By no means was he usually a nerd or anything like that but... the idea sounded fun to him. Sneaking in somewhere and stealing something had lost its excitement a long time ago, it was more routine now. 

    Luminio turned around. “I’m sorry if I was gruff. I just don’t know what I’d do without thievery. My life is just that now. Nothing else. I’ve nowhere to go but here now and I’m scared to stop. I’ve developed habits that aren’t the best and I can’t stop them. And maybe a supervillain would be kinda cool. Look into that, will ya?”

    • Brohoof 1
  10. 1 hour ago, GoldieS said:

    Mort walked in, frowning, and not exactly impressed. He knew what to expect, after all, he had helped obtain it all. He followed closely behind Luminio, still examining the diamond as he did. He almost tripped over an arrant pile of coin in the process...

    "Let me ask you a stupid question." He stated suddenly. "What's the point of all this? You remember when we were little and we decided to do this?"

    Mort stopped where some of the other gems were. He wasn't usually the one to organize the vault, so it had been some time since he wondered around it personally. While things may have been haphazardly secured within from appearance, Mort couldn't help but notice the natural timeline that it displayed. It might have been subtle to some, but he could see the level of their success growing as time went on, simply by glancing around the vault. 

    "Where do you want this one?" He asked. 



    Luminio looked at Mort. Then he sighed.

    “Look, I’ve always been a thief. I grew up in a gang in Griffonstone. I was their leader. I’m sorry if this isn’t what you’ve wanted all along, but you were my friend and you went along with it. And honestly, we live better than Celestia. That wine and whiskey upstairs on the general racks? Cost me 400,000 gold coins just for that 10,000 bottle collection. Aged within a range of 12-24 years. And my personal rack? I’ve spent more than 2 million gold on it. 19th and 20th century vintage wines and champagnes. We’ve spent more than the royal budget for a year just last week. I know you don’t follow the house budget, and maybe I should include you more.”

    He looked down and toyed with his dagger. 

    “Put the diamond on the far right stand. It’s organized. You don’t come down here much.”

    Luminio started to walk out. 

    “Also, we’re hosting some billionaires from Manehattan tonight for dinner. I’m going to have the cooks start now.”

    • Brohoof 1
  11. 5 minutes ago, iceestarz said:

    Thank you! Haven’t drawn ponies a lot recently so I’m hoping to tweak my style a bit. Just started drawing humans. Always had trouble with anatomy but taking inspiration from ok ko’s Art style has helped a ton! :P

    I could see the resemblance of Ok Ko. And to me I see some Steven Universe. 

  12. 10 minutes ago, GoldieS said:

    "He he he... good luck!" Mort replied with a sly and determined grin. 

    Mort was easily an endurance flyer. Not exactly the most stealthy creature, but black blended into the nighttime sky well enough. Especially when there was a decent amount of cloud cover. 

    He took off, flapping his giant griffon wings to shadow Luminio from from high above, darting from cloud to cloud. It was a strategic move, and only workable if there were clouds at all, but flying low only guaranteed he'd be spotted by some random pony, and that could easily lead to trouble. Weather or not they knew what he had done. Anyone could put two and two together after a news report and give an anonymous tip about a suspicious flyer. 

    Mort aimed directly for the manner, looking to spot it from high above before diving towards it. 


    The both of them landed on the roof of the manor, Luminio laughing hard. “You are quite fast! That was fun!” He quickly snapped into business mode. “Mort, let’s go down and secure the cargo so that we can sell it later.”

    Luminio loped down the grand staircase of the manor and through dozens of hallways, then walked down another four staircases and through at least another score of hallways before arriving in the wine cellar. Walking over to a wall of the finest Appaloosan whiskeys, he pulled down a twelve-year aged bottle and a secret door opened in the wall to his left. Leaving the lever hanging out as to keep it open, he motioned to Mort, and walked through the door, down yet another staircase, and into a massive stone room. Inside, it was piled high inside with mountains of all manner of treasure. Gold coins, cups, vases, bowls, cutlery, daggers, and swords were mixed together in a large and beautiful pile. Gem-adorned weapons hung at the walls, and gem-and-gold woven tapestries hung everywhere else. Luminio waved Mort forward to place the diamond on a stand along with scores of other large gemstones.

    • Brohoof 1
  13. 43 minutes ago, GoldieS said:

    Mort stood atop the roof, a good distance away from the museum. It wasn't exactly a good idea to stop right on the same block... there was always the threat of some hidden alarm or random pony spotting them. They did look... fairly suspicious after all. 

    He waited for his partner to arrive, ogling the diamond for a moment with wide sparkling eyes of his own. 

    "Alright... tell me again how much so I stop drooling..." Mort stated, shifting to meat his partner and stare at the haul. "You know, it's kinda funny right? Diamonds are totally worthless, but everyone's willing to pay out the whole bank for them!" 


    Luminio smiled, looking at Mort with a laugh. “Yes, something’s only worth anything if everypony agrees on its value. And every buyer on the black market seems to agree on that diamonds are worth it.” He stopped, listening, before saying, “I just heard the alarm from the museum being sounded. We should leave.” He hauled the massive diamond into a black bag and gave it to Mort before adjusting his handkerchief and slightly fading from sight ((his handkerchief has some magical properties, in my signature you can find his character link and look in the “other” section to see the kerchief’s abilities)). He dove off the edge of the roof before turning back and yelling back to Mort, “We’re going to the manor! Race ya there!” With that he put on an extra burst of speed. 

    • Brohoof 1
  14. At midnight, the museum was silent, no sound or movement anywhere. Then, out of the blackness dropped two figures. Griffons. Silently they flew over the trip wires defending the less important exhibits before landing in front of the centerpiece: a large diamond. The one on the left, who was wearing a handkerchief around his neck and holding a dagger, slipped under the first of many wires attached bells strung around the display. He deftly leapt and flapped over and under each wire until he reached the center, when he signaled to his partner. The second griffon did the same as the first, with equal grace, and joined his partner inside the display. The first griffon cut open the display with his dagger and the second reached inside and pulled out a massive, fat, diamond. Then, copying what they had done earlier, they flew out of the museum holding the diamond. 

    We are gonna start the RPing here. 

    • Brohoof 1
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