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Everything posted by Otter

  1. It's not a good Zelda game if it doesn't have at least one "Fuck this game" moment.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Shanks


      Yes, it does not nearly as many as the original Zelda, Skyward Sword or Majoras Mask but it does have a couple of them.

    3. Champion RD92

      Champion RD92

      You haven't...played...Wind Waker?...........wtf

    4. Shanks


      Now is a good time to start, they just an HD remake on the Wii U. I just picked it up at Gamestop yesterday.

  2. I actually think the new Wii U update is really cool.

  3. I'm probably going to get called a racist here, but whatever. I enjoy anime far more than almost any American television show or movie (with the exception of Malcolm in the Middle). There's a few reasons that I feel this way. 1. Anime is made for a more intelligent audience: I'm not hating on America, but it's a fact that the United States has a lower average IQ than Japan. It's not that much of a difference, with America clocking in at around 98 on average and Japan's average around 106, but there is still a difference. (From what I've observed, I would say the average IQ in America is closer to -80,000,000, but whatever.) This means that the general public in Japan is more intelligent, and as such, anime doesn't have to appeal to the lowest common denominator to be profitable, unlike American media (see Duck Dynasty, Dads, 16 and Pregnant, Honey Boo Boo's Retarded Romp of Repulsiveness or whatever that show is called, etc.) 2. The writers of anime seem to put actual thought into it: A prime example of American media not doing this is NCIS. Don't get me wrong, NCIS is alright, but EVERY EPISODE FOLLOWS THE SAME PLOT! "They find a body, find a suspect, suspect turns out to be dead, they find a new suspect, he's the killer, Gibbs slaps DiNozzo for being a mong, the end happens." That's pretty much every episode in a nutshell. I've never seen an anime that had this sort of lazy writing. Every episode brings something new to the table, and keeps the plot engaging, whether it be an anime with a continuing story, or an anime with one-off episodes. 3. Anime does comedy right: Poop jokes are not funny. They're just not. They're annoying and immature. And since the general population of America is all of the above (annoying and immature), this kind of "humor" appeals to them. Most anime I've seen takes a different approach to comedy. Take Spice and Wolf, for example. The jokes in that show hinge off of inflection and what the characters are saying, which is far more interesting and enjoyable, not to mention far more intelligent. 4. Interesting and memorable characters: The writers of anime are experts at making identifiable characters that you love and care about. Which is not to say American writers don't. They just seem to do it less often, forgoing memorable characters for cookie-cutter personas. Take Eren from Attack on Titan. (Spoilers ahead, be warned.) When he "dies" in episode 5, it's devastating. You get a genuine sense of loss from it. I've never experienced anything comparable in any American show. So... uh... datz y i liek teh animoo (I don't know how to end blogs, so have a picture of a cuttlefish)
  4. Me x Mr. Snuffles OTP I think something may be blossoming between me and BronyHeart. butt dun tel anybudy tho bcuz itz sooper seecrit n stuf ^~^
  5. The clouds abound, and the rain is pouring softly. Not a bad way to start off a Friday.

  6. I hope you all realize I was joking.
  7. I'm honestly not even sure if Feld0's aware I'm part of staff.
  8. im immune 2 banz huehuehuehuehuehuehue
  9. *grabs popcorn* fite fite fite fite fite fite
  10. たまご

    1. Shiki
    2. Otter




      (It means "egg".) I was just wondering, why does Tsukihi have an egg in her hair?

    3. Shiki


      It's just a hairpin.


      She probably wears it because her character is related to/symbolic with a Phoenix, ans they lay eggs? (x


      Either that or it's just completely random, because Bakemonogatari is weird af.

  11. hao bout u stahp mr keebler elf
  12. >called me bro >I'm a girl >I hate being called bro >you're a stinky poopy head
  13. I am the queen of being an asshole Grammar Nazi.

    1. Azaxx


      Just tried to see if there were any flaws whatsoever in your status, so I can pick up on it.

      Failed. :(

  14. My previous opinion of Gary Oak still stands.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Shiki
    3. Smarts


      Never heard of him. Is he someone I should know about?

    4. Rockymoo


      Wait, Gary Oak? Not ringing any bells. Must be a new guy.

  15. I have a feeling that when I get a job, I'm going to end up like a certain Kirino Kousaka...

    1. Azaxx
    2. Otter


      Heh, no. I have a feeling that I'll be spending all my money on various anime-related paraphernalia.

  16. Oh, okay. :3 But, as for the poem itself, it's beautifully written, as always. I love your poetry. It never fails to amaze. Keep up the good work. ;3
  17. Oh my... I really hope this poem isn't about who I think it's about... but my heart tells me it is... um... I don't know what to say... uh... thank you...
  18. Shrek is love, Shrek is life.

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