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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Everything posted by Otter

  1. As long as you use the meat from the animal when you take it to a taxidermist (most of 'em will give you the meat), I see absolutely no problem with hunting for sport. I think it's perfectly acceptable to want to hang a trophy on the wall. As long as you don't just take the stuffed head and chuck everything else in the bin, there's absolutely zero problem with it.
  2. Time to start packing for the move. Oh, joy.

  3. Haven't done much of anything on the forums of late.

    1. Malinter


      where in a Haitius, nothing unusual about that :)

  4. I am an otter. cuz dat maekz total sense roflroflroflroflrofl

  5. Otter

    I hate mondays

  6. Not really anything else I can think of...
  7. Not much. ...I can sing screamo... so that's something, I guess...

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Otter
    3. yeet
    4. yeet


      No. There's a monthly fee. I think I'd prefer viscera.

  9. The argument that the Bible is true because God said so because God never lies because God said so because God never lies because God said so...
  10. So that's what passes for a car on Bizarro World... Draw me Super Mario.
  11. Well, I mean it sort of looks like a tree... Draw the Sistine Chapel.
  12. In 100 years, or maybe just one, the world will burn in a thousand suns, the hubris of man, the downfall of all, pray to the lord, god save our souls...

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Otter


      Thought it would. ;3

    3. Khaoios


      Well......good luck on it, :D

    4. Trevor Bright

      Trevor Bright

      Fallout Poetry maybe? War never changes and all that?

  13. And now he won't even talk to me. Good job, Erika. You fucking moron...

  14. My weekends are much better when not spent alone.

  15. Thank you. That really helps my self esteem. Asshole.
  16. As a general rule, if there's two versions of a TV show, being a UK and US version, watch the UK version. It'll most likely be markedly better.

  17. *blushes* That's really sweet... In more ways than one... :3
  18. I think vegans are stupid, self-righteous morons. (This is coming from a self-professed carnivore, so my reason for disliking vegans may be that I just see them as food. :3)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Rascal~


      Couldn't find the gif but here is picture:

    3. Shanks


      I respect people who abide by their principles including vegans so long as they are not self righteous about it. I myself could probably never become one though as I like meat way too much and it is a lot harder to get the necessary protein on that kind of diet which is why most of them look like they are starving to death.

    4. Ratchet Copperwire
  19. One thing about me that I find rather frightening is that I genuinely believe I'd have no qualms about killing someone.

  20. I know this is old news, but... The Red Wedding... Jesus...

    1. Passion


      I send my regards.

    2. Feather Gem

      Feather Gem

      Do I want to know?


    3. thattom


      i am your father........ im bored

  21. I use a 7 day organizer for my pills, not because I forget to take them, but because my parents don't trust me with the entire pill bottle. Which is probably for the best, since I've already tried to kill myself with them once...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Otter


      Because I don't like being alive. It's just that simple.

    3. Malinter


      i'm not good with medicines at all, just having to take one daily would suck, let alone a whole list.

    4. Swordfishtrombone


      I know that feeling too well. I hope you'll be able to one day stop thinking like that and I send my most sincere thoughts for y'all.

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