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Everything posted by Rapira85

  1. The Sonic fandom still exists for example. Ponies will take a long time to "die". Also it's a Hasbro show. There will be a next generation eventually. Just ask Transformers fans how many iterations of the same thing can exist. As for the brony fandom. Who knows, fans of the fandom will have less content in general. The crazy died down but it really won't go away for a long long time. (internet time)
  2. I think it can be really cute. I saw some people who really had a deep investment in certain ponies and it helped them out in life. Ponies are really nice, especially the headcanon ones. So it's no miracle that people want to... befriend them. Just don't show much power level irl and have a sense of reality and it can be a fun quirk or self help thing.
  3. I only have the pony fandom. I like them little horses. Other stuff, I am not so passionate about even if I enjoy them a lot.
  4. hi! what's up?

    1. Show previous comments  19 more
    2. Rapira85


      Thank you. Sleep well too!


    3. Fluttershy Friend

      Fluttershy Friend

      I get up some hours ago. But I'll try ^_^;) Thank you of course:) Have a nice sunny day!

    4. Rapira85


      Good morning and thank you! You too.

  5. Discord. I just don't like that character. Like must we have him have his episodes all the time?
  6. Thank you! Yes, those were crazy times! It was when everything had a pony mashup that came up sooner on a YouTube search compared to the original material.
  7. In all honesty I ignore that part of the fandom. There is one thing of taking something dear I can respect. If the characters mean much to you and don't want to see them hurt and stuff like that. Sure. I can roll with that. But the constant drama making and rivalries are pretty much dumb. A fandom is just you like something, not something to get angry over all the time.
  8. That is true. It would be good to see her making peace with Celestia after all these years.
  9. That would be interesting. Maybe they could make some shorts like that.
  10. Actually I still want to see the two Twilights to meet properly. It would be interesting. Thank you!
  11. I am doing really good. Sure I am tired because I lacked sleep in the last week. I usually just had around 4-6 hours for a long time in a row. But I got pony and many fun things to look at online so I am chill.
  12. On the bright side Twilight was really cute.
  13. Thank you. That's good to hear! I think they are nice movies. The second and the fourth are my favorites but the first one was nice too. I think the third one was a bit rushed. That's the plan! Good manga/anime. I must say. Also thank you! I am sure everything will be nice. Thank you!
  14. If you feel you want to, sure why not! Good luck to you.
  15. Had any reason for the break? How you got back to it? I think everything will be just fine! Thank you! That's the plan. It sure is!
  16. Hello there! I am Rapira, I recently decided to be a bit more active with the MLP community. I am following the show since 2011. I had some breaks here and there, but Equestria Girls helped me getting back to action. I am mostly a reader when it comes to online communities. I think I can use some places to hang out online. I will need some time to adjust using an internet forum. I haven't been on one in ages! I have many interests, I just need to get more organized to be productive in my pursuits. Nice to meet you! have a nice day
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