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Everything posted by RDDash


    So if its going to be 4 times the size of Fallout 4.... Oh no, its 120GB. RIP Xbox

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. RDDash



      I am not really sure about their plans for Elder Scrolls 6, I just heard about the mobile game version.Speaking of PS4 I 've heard about Cyberpunk 2077 which is being developed by a different company and the title might not have been just a coincidence.

    3. Im_not_crazy_im_just


      I assume it’s going to be in eslwyr. The place full of khajiit.

    4. The_Gobo


      Someone else posted a thing about ES: Blades... why did they make ES a mobile game? O_o


  2. thats not a jet fuel, thats just nuclear turbofans
  3. Scootaloo: Mom! Rainbow Dash: Yeah. I mean what do want Scoots? I mean... You know what just forget it Scootaloo: What the hay?
  4. I should just borrow a hat from Applejack, abd then give it back
  5. Not sure if it's a pun or not
  6. Only on your local soap opera channel
  7. If you are not going to use it, this thing is going to just take up space
  8. Hey everyone It turns out Australia does not exist, also what is this continent/island right next to Antarctica


  9. Tree of Harmony just literally saved Chrysalis from a very embarrassing moment
  10. RDDash

    mega thread Last Poster Wins

    I guess they just standing there Hey Twilight, does my butt looks fat?
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