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Luna's Admirer

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Status Updates posted by Luna's Admirer

  1. I kinda remembered something funny. 

    I asked my friend (who was also alone at Valentine's Day) that we should spend the day together as we don't have anything else to do, maybe we can hangout or something of the sort. I mean what if we don't have a girlfriend to celebrate this day, we can just spend the day with each other hanging out or going to different places. 

    He told me that people would think that we're gay. Isn't that kinda funny? I mean, we hangout like whenever we get the chance and at this certain day he just say he can't cause he fears to be called gay.


    Won't you agree?

  2. Wow! 900 brohooves! Awesome! Thank you so much guys!

    1. Twilight Luna

      Twilight Luna

      You worked hard for each one, my friend. Have another! :)

    2. RaraLover


      Congrats! Here have another! :mlp_yeehaa:

  3. Hi guys, hope everyone is having a wonderful time! Anyone up for some chat.

    Feeling kinda bored and can really use some company. 

    And even if no one available at the time, you guys are still awesome! Hope you always stays that way. 

    Good day/morning/evening/night to everyone. 

    Here's a Rainbow 



    1. Twilight Luna

      Twilight Luna

      Sure. What do you want to chat about?

  4. Hi guys. How are you? It's been really long since I made an update so here it is. How are you feeling today/tonight? I've been feeling good, actually much better than the previous days. It feels like I've been born again as I never felt so weightless and healthy. I'm feeling awesome and really happy just like my beloved RD. 

    My Little Pony

    An image of her always makes my day. Love you Rainbow. 

    1. Luna's Admirer

      Luna's Admirer

      Thanks. I feel good to be back as well. :ph3ar:

  5. Does anyone else like Equestria Girls just for the songs?


  6. Robotics have always fascinated me both in fiction and reality in many ways. Recently I stumbled upon this amazing article. 

    Mind blowing, isn't it?

  7. Anyone would like to chat. I am feeling terribly lonely right now. :(

    1. SolarFlare13


      Yeah, sure :) just leave me a message and I'll reply to it :3

  8. I like your new Avatar. Celestia looks so good with a red nose and antelope horns. 

    And Luna just looks ultra cute and beautiful as she is.

    1. DivineMist1000


      Santa and her reindeer! 

    2. Luna's Admirer

      Luna's Admirer

      So, Celestia is the reindeer? I see that now. This image tells more than it seems.

  9. Greetings! How arts thou?

    1. Dawn Darkness

      Dawn Darkness

      Feeling good. Just listening to music right now.

    2. Luna's Admirer

      Luna's Admirer

      I see you found me on forums.

  10. Thanks for the follow. :ticking:

  11. Hi. Thanks for the awards. These gems are beautiful.

  12. Hi, I'm also a great Pinkie Pie fan.

  13. I was so upset and rather bored today and then I saw a picture of my dear Rainbow Dash, and then I remembered how much I love her even if she's a fantasy, and my day was made. :mlp_yeehaa:


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Sparklefan1234


      @Totally An Admirer I saw you needed cheering up.



    3. Luna's Admirer

      Luna's Admirer

      @Twilight Luna, @Sparklefan1234 you both are amazing. Thank you so much.

    4. Sparklefan1234


      @Totally An Admirer You're Welcome, My Friend! :-D



  14. Feeling lonely. Is somepony available to chat?

    1. Lord Valtasar

      Lord Valtasar

      you can msg me if you want

    2. Twilight Luna

      Twilight Luna

      If you’re feeling lonely, you can message me. :mlp_grin:

  15. I just love this song. Now I truly wish I'd have somepony special in my life as well.


  16. Hi guys. How you all have been? 

    1. Twilight Luna

      Twilight Luna

      Pretty good. How are you?

  17. You became a sectional staff. I was really gone for that long time? :)

    Anyways, how are you?

    1. Luna's Admirer

      Luna's Admirer

      I am fine too. A little wind up but fine.

  18. A slight proof that human might be existing in Pony world. 

    Almost @ 2:47 in the video Pinkie clearly mention that there lives a meat eating yeti in Yakyakistan. 

    I think that might be a clue that a human is hiding in Yakyakistan and known as yeti between ponies who likes to believe romours and such as Pinkie Pie.

    It's my opinion only but I wonder why no one ever thought of that possibility.


    1. Brony Number 42

      Brony Number 42

      There are sentient creatures that have tried to eat ponies: hydra, chimera.

    2. Luna's Admirer

      Luna's Admirer

      Well, hydra doesn't seem like sentient to me. There was a sentient sea serpant who was friend of Cranky but no sentient hydra.

  19. I love this song. That was one of my favorite episodes of all the seasons.



    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. CypherHoof


      Yup. Real tear jerker though - Shakespeare would have given his right arm to be able to write a love story like that :)

    3. Soren Peregrine

      Soren Peregrine

      Oneof my favorite songs of the whole show!

    4. CypherHoof


      Reminded me to go re-read batbrony's review...

  20. Limestone Pie is best Pie. Wouldn't you say so?


    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Soren Peregrine

      Soren Peregrine

      @Totally Nature Tune I just love how cute she is with being so shy. She's able to express a lot of emotion without talking.

    3. Nature Tune

      Nature Tune

      Agreed, I also thinks he would’ve been a match with Big Mac, but he’s taken 0-0

    4. Luna's Admirer

      Luna's Admirer

      The thing I like about Limestone is her harsh yet honest attitude. She's the eldest sisters of the Pies and plus the way she made Pinkie understand that how Maud see her coltfriend, proves that she's also very wise and caring of her other sisters.


  21. Thanks for the follow.

  22. Feeling so depressed. Is anypony free to talk? Can really use a friendly chat right now!

    1. Pr0m4NV14
    2. Rikifive


      I tend to be busy once in a while, so not always I'll be able to reply quick, but I'm always open for some chatting, so please go ahead if you'll feel that need. :)

    3. Twilight Luna

      Twilight Luna

      What’s wrong? We’re all here to help. :mlp_icwudt:

  23. You added totally to your user name? I don't know what's so special about adding totally and why this is spreading so fast, but anyways looks like I'm the next...

    1. Nature Tune

      Nature Tune


      Sometimes there are trends here. You should have seen how many people put @SparklingSwirls' profile picture last year, with different colors and filters, lol. And don't forget the licious legion and pronoun squad!

    2. SparklingSwirls


      I'm totally joining! :P

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