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Everything posted by Literatel

  1. Honestly, I have no idea what IMDB is, but if it is one of those movie rating sites that does not accept negative opinions, then I don't care. If not, then I agree with them; I give the movie a 6.2 out of 10. And is it just me, but were the pirates in the movie completely meaningless? Like, if they had never been introduced, I'm pretty sure the Mane 6 would have done just fine.
  2. What about ambiverts? *Looks at title* As for me, I'm an ambivert, but I'm more so an introvert. Like, people often describe me as a super friendly hermit. I usually act quite extroverted in public, but my batteries drain very fast. People often mistake me for an extrovert, until I tell them that after a group hang-out, for example, I have to spend months alone to rejuvenate. If I was locked away in solitary confinement, I'd be fine. In short, friendships/social interaction is nice every once in a while (and during such times, I am happiest), but they are not needed; plus, I need super extended periods to recharge my batteries.
  3. I'm thinking of what to think of next. Does this count? And does this count as thinking? I have some thinking to do...
  4. A totally awesome character that deserves more episodes. ^^ If I could, I would 100% be friends with her. :3 The horror genre (not including action horror or dark fantasy)
  5. The Battle Royale game mode isn't what bothers most people. In many shooter games, it is just like any other gamemode. However, some games like Player Unknown's Battlegrounds and Fortnite have built their entire game around this game mode. Most "haters", myself included, don't hate the game because it is popular (especially among younger audiences, since it is readily accessible for them); rather, a lot of people, such as myself, dislike it because it is being shoved down our throats. If you can avoid Fortnite on the Internet, then you are a unicorn. I like Fortnite. I have never played it, I never will play it, and I never have and never will watch anyone else play it, because I am not interested in shooter games. I don't jump on the hate Fortnite bandwagon however, since I prefer doing things that actually affect me, and that actually bring me joy, such as playing another game. Will Fortnite die soon? Most likely. The player base won't shoot down dramatically, but its popularity sure might. Look at Minecraft. It is one of the most popular games in the history of gaming, but it steadily grew and post-2012, has suffered an as steady of a decline. Fortnite is much more like GTA 5. GTA 5 quickly rose in popularity, and its popularity died just as fast. People still play both games - I play Minecraft, for example - but they are no longer the biggest trends. Now, Fortnite has not yet reached its peak. But how much further can it go? Tons of people play it, and almost everyone knows about it. YouTube is flooded with people playing Fortnite, or reacting to people playing the game, or doing reviews on the game. When will this flash in the pan disappear? Possibly next year sometime, but I don't have a crystal ball.
  6. I never wake up in the morning; I'm nocturnal. So to answer this question, I go to bed in the late morning, and I get up in the evening.
  7. I would say so. Personally, I have the combined personality traits of Sunset Shimmer (post-redemption!), Twilight Sparkle (to a degree), Pinkie Pie (almost), with a small hint of Applejack and Rarity in there. People are complicated, I guess?
  8. Your reply is completely valid, potentially helpful, and quite fascinating.
  9. Yeah... Yeah... I just imagined the Mane 6 as trains, like in Thomas the Tank Engine... I'm alright...
  10. I would have posted a picture showing you what the average American looks like (aka an average person), but due to my fear of being called a racist (when I am not), I shall not do so. I have British heritage as well, but ever since I was an infant, I've lived in Canada. You know, the place where snow covers the ground year-round, where we live in igloos, ride caribou, drink maple syrup, and say, "eh" at the end of every sentence... eh. The point of this post is to simply and politely ask people what they think of British culture. Sure, you (and everyone else) are "normal" people (what is normal?), but not every culture is the exact same. Feel free to make a thread about Americans. But don't expect me to go about spamming the forums, asking people what they think of each and every culture individually via hundreds of threads. I just find British culture to be one of the most interesting.
  11. I'm "half similar" to you. I'm blind in one eye (although it is replaced with a glass eye, so no one notices), so I cannot play VR. Just a fun fact. There was a medieval game back in 2013 that was almost released. If you bought it, you would have gotten nothing. No characters, no maps, no cosmetics, nothing. You would have had to literally purchase EVERYTHING online. The scary thing is is that rumors have it that the CEO of Valve looked back at this unreleased game and raised an eyebrow in interest.
  12. It isn't illegal... because it isn't. Plain and simple. And even if new laws were made, the gaming companies have their ways. The bigger something gets, the more carefree and corrupt it gets. And do you know the fourth worst thing in gaming right now: Battle Royale Mode! The next COD will have it, the next Battlefield will have it, the next Star Wars will have it, the next Diablo will have it... OMG!!!
  13. I once asked one of my friends why his jeans had holes in them, alright? He said he bought them like it because it is a massive trend. I asked him where he got them and how much they were. He said he ordered them on-line (somewhere), and they cost over half a grand. O-O And why the hell is it worth having pockets in some jeans when the pockets are only an inch deep? Honestly, can someone explain that to me? O.o
  14. Aaaaand the gaming companies found a loop hole. Again. For many games that have loot boxes, they changed the mechanics ever so slightly. Now, when you spend money to pull open a loot box, you know the three things you are going to get. However, you have to pay for that loot in order to open another loot box. Not only is this asking you for double the money, but the gambling addiction is still there. But these game mechanics are legal somehow.
  15. I've never personally played the Sims myself, but I have heard similar complaints. And there are two reasons why another Sims and Spore 2 would never happen (thankfully): 1) Maxis was given the axe. 2) The number of MTX they would put it them would be ridiculous. Think about it. Another Sims or Spore 2 would be MTX HEAVEN!!! -_- But I agree with you. I prefer paying the full price for the game, expecting the entire game to come with my initial purchase, and only having to pay for DLC (for a reasonable price) months or a year+ after the game is initially launched. If a game is launched on, say, July 17th, and I purchase it the next day, I absolutely do not want to here a month later that a DLC was released for said game. DLC's take time to make, just like games take time to make. If a DLC is announced shortly after the game was released, you can bet your pretty little a** that the DLC is not a DLC by tradition, but a scam. Here is another example. For Honor had a huge amount of hype around it, and at a Con, someone asked if For Honor would have microtransactions or loot boxes. The CEO said, "Absolutely not! :)" Two hours before the game is available for public use, they quickly introduce loot boxes. It completely broke the game. And to make matters worse, people still bought the game. They knew, they had a couple hours in advance, but the game still sold millions of copies, from what I heard. It doesn't matter if people think gambling in games - even those geared towards children - is completely unethical and appalling, the gaming companies will continue to make money. And that is all they care about: MONEY. I'm glad I am only interested in a few specific games, for I will never support these corporate jackasses. They have turned a free exhibit and put a major price tag per minute of you looking at it.
  16. Think of something where its name does not mean what it actually represents. For example, look up the species called "mountain chicken". Come on then. Why are you standing around here for?
  17. *Pulls out pistol* Fluttershy is already taken, punk. XD Just kidding. Maybe.
  18. That is because, for the most part, companies would rather sell a product that is popular, rather than by selling something new. For example, what would most people buy? The next Star Wars game, or a new game entirely? Answer: Always Star Wars. Every single time. It is a big risk to release a movie or a game that does not have a bit of nostalgia behind it, thus they very rarely do so. Activision was surprised, not because the chance of releasing a remastered version of a game, or an entirely new game, has a small chance of success (most of the time), but because it is much safer to release a game, in which the franchise is already known and is kicking.
  19. Not to mention that they would have celebrity names, for diversity's sake. Ex. Elevator Vin Swa Kafrafringis. Would you like to hear an example? This one is absolute gold. And then you would be charged with assault... Good luck with that.
  20. Fifa. Oh my f*cking god. Oh my god... Don't get me started on the microtransactions for those line of games... Random question: Are you one of those people who likes to go into a game blind? If not, I could send you one picture of the game, so you can judge its style. :3 (Also, if we are to continue this topic, we should do it on PM.)
  21. And that is not including the fact that every single WWE game looks like a clone of the previous one, and their mechanics and graphics are so horrible, that only Vince McMahon could love them. XD I recommend to you: Dust: An Elysian Tale. And no, I am not advertising. It is just simply an adorable game. :3
  22. Try purchasing WWE 2K17 (or don't). You will be TICKED OFF. I didn't buy it (I'm not into those games anyway), but supposedly, over 70% of the in-game content was locked.
  23. Or when certain content is locked unless you purchase it/them, or if you need to gamble in order to progress further in a game. You are at level 80. You need a level 100 weapon (since you are now level 100) in order to fairly play. "What's that? There are no in-game weapons above level 100? Well, visit our store and purchase this level 100 weapon for 10 dollars!" Or, "What's that? You are now level 100 and you need higher level weapons in order to progress further into the game? Well, purchase some loot boxes, silly!" $400.00 later... That stuff sickens me. ._.
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