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Blog Comments posted by EpicEnergy

  1. 12 hours ago, Sparklefan1234 said:

     Intelligence quotient 🤔

    I’m sorry I’m just trying to help. 🙁

    Your help is appreciated! But I prefer silliness, why use the true definition when you can make your own definitions up! :kirin:

    11 hours ago, North Star said:

    Irascible Quail


    Ah you have outsmarted me! I didn't foresee this answer, you have unlocked the game's alternate ending!

    10 hours ago, Samurai Equine said:

    I voted for I Quit. Because none of the options were the correct one, and it made me quit. :ButtercupLaugh:

    A wise choice, you have kept your sanity!

    6 hours ago, Snow said:

    I (am become) Quesadillas

    I eat quesadillas, so I eat you!

    • Brohoof 4
    • Shocked 1
  2. 17 hours ago, Flying Pencil said:

    @EpicEnergy, I'm sorry you feel that way about life. If you want to talk to me, you can. I suggest a coping mechanism to calm yourself down when your stressed out or anxious. Even though I'm only in high school and I don't have job yet, I feel you. I just want to let you know that I'm here and everyone else is here for you. Life might slam you into the ground, but you have to get up. As Maya Angelou would say "You will face many defeats in life, but never let yourself be defeated". 

    Thank you for the advice, and I'll try to find a coping mechanism to calm myself down when I'm stressed or anxious.

    16 hours ago, Tacodidra said:

    *hugs* I hope things improve for you soon, my friend! :kindness: I hope you find a job you like better soon.

    Thank you. *hugs back*

    11 hours ago, Califorum said:

    I've never worked a day in my life yet. I am graduating in 2021. I am dreading it, if anyone can do it, so can you, and so can me. Its...not great but its stuff we just have to do.

    Yes, work is unfortunately something we all have to do. And good luck with school and a job.

    7 hours ago, Kujamih said:

    Please, when choosing a job... Try enjoying it.

    What job do you think you'll enjoy? Dont think of the pay... Pay is not worth the stress ever.

    Have you tried a job that requires manual labor? Maybe pumping your muscles and heart might kickstart something? Or find something relaxing?

    I might enjoy a job that involves working on computers, but those jobs require a college education and I'm just not able to complete college at this moment because of depression and lack of motivation.

    • Brohoof 2
  3. On 5/27/2020 at 6:22 PM, Splashee said:

    I also understand you situation @ElectricEnergy, as I read your topic in Life Advice, but I couldn't respond. The religious part of your life is very strong, and nothing I will say can change that. I can only say that you are with us for a reason. You are here with me, and the rest of the people at the forum, and we all enjoy your company! We want to keep seeing you here!

    Thank you. :D I enjoy being here on the forums, it's a very nice place! :grin:

    • Brohoof 2
  4. 19 hours ago, ExplosionMare said:

    In a small way I understand how taking a break feels unproductive and useless. The problem with this is that you eventually feel you have to work more and more and more and you start to burn out. Once you start to burn out you start to feel bad because you really want a break but you feel like it’s a waste of time.

    I really believe taking breaks now and then would really ease your mind if you let them. Allow yourself to have a bit of peace and quiet every now and then. It gives your mind a chance to think more rationally if it doesn’t have a million other thoughts swirling around.

    Thanks for the advice, I'll try to apply it to my life.

    2 hours ago, Princess of Luck 🍀🔥 said:

    I really want to give advice, but I'm honestly going through similar problems right now. Sure I might seem all cheery on forums, but it's kinda of a front I put on to hide how depressed I really feel.

    I probably feel 80% of what you said in the blog too. Talentless, feeling like a waste-of-time, loneliness, demotivated. Maybe I might not feel them as deeply as you do, but I am in a similar boat to you.

    I know that this probably doesn;t make you feel better, but I'm just saying, you are not alone. There's many people out there.

    Most of all, don;t take your life or hurt yourself over this please. :( Like I feel terrible but I have never considered doing those things, since I'm more scared of being hurt than anything else.

    It makes me feel a little better knowing that I'm not alone in this. And I hope you feel better, because feeling this way is terrible.

    • Brohoof 4
  5. 2 hours ago, CloudMistDragon said:

    You're just in a rut, don't worry, I've been through plenty of them. This has been a hard year for everyone, but we're all here for you! :kindness:

    Thanks, and it seems like I've been in a rut for a few years now. I just want to get out of it.

    42 minutes ago, Emerald Heart said:

    How long have you been this way?

    Because my Mom once told me that if you're alone with yourself too long, it's easy to get depressed. Like, literal depression like the one you're talking about.

    I've been this way for about two and a half years now.

    • Brohoof 3
  6. 12 minutes ago, Fluttershyfan94 said:

    Yo bro like you know dude when you in a pickle jar like you are man. There only one way out bro, you thinking your job is why or your education dude. Nah man it simple man you already know bro. Like bro when depressed you like don't feel interested or passionate dude. That's you know how it is bro. Pickle jar only one way out dude, got to open that path bro you see it you know it what you doing dude.

    What I recommend dude is you get yourself on the computer and do a little programming my dude. Yo like do that and get into it you know. 

    Then like follow your heart bro I know you know dude. You already said it dude school for you man don't be like doing something you not passionate dude. Bro I feel you dude like bro that's how I felt too yo. Yet you have to do this dude don't let your depression take your dreams dude. 

    If I give you one advide my advice be yo do what you want dude. Like this your life bro, you go on your computer dude and program I am sure doing so you'll love it my dude.

    That's a lot of 'bro' and 'dude' you just said! ^_^

    Anyways, thanks for the advice, I'll try to follow my heart.

    • Brohoof 3
  7. Ah, the inability to compromise because of stubbornness, what a shame. You see, many people are confident their side is right and the other is wrong, and they are too stupid, stubborn, and/or distracted by fighting the other side to even look for a third side that involves both parties to compromise for the greater good. If someone decided to present this third solution, he would be shunned and avoided by both sides. What a pity. Everyone feels like they must take a side, and that there are only two sides and no other.


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