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Everything posted by Cagey

  1. I almost forgot, with everything that’s been going on this past week. Happy start of Hanukkah! 

  2. Spike is first and foremost very loyal to Twilight and company, so Mean Spike would be disloyal enough to rival Mean Dash. Where Spike is insecure, Mean Spike could be confident. Where Spike is shortsighted, Mean Spike could have a greater evil plan. And maybe he has an excellent mustache.
  3. It’s snowing. :D

    1. Tom Gallagher

      Tom Gallagher

      I wish we got snow. :(

    2. AppleButt


      We don't get much snow here.  

  4. I worry too much. I find it hard to strike a balance between being too sympathetic and not sympathetic enough. I get stressed over ordinary things, and then I feel bad because there’s no good reason for it, and if I were around myself, I’d be annoyed with me. I have trouble explaining myself, both aloud and in writing. I don’t handle anger well, especially when I bottle it up. I have trouble letting go of things. I don’t keep up with current events as much as I should. I’m bad at making decisions. I like cake more than ice cream. (I’m told that’s a flaw.)
  5. I was painting; for some reason I brought the brush with me when I went to wash paint off my hands. And being the genius that I am, I didn’t notice it had fallen until I went back to my project and realized, whoops, no paintbrush.
  6. A few minutes ago, I accidentally dropped a paintbrush in the toilet. (And no, I wasn’t using the toilet. ) I always hear about people dropping their phones in toilets; have you ever accidentally dropped something in one?
  7. I want to see Australia, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Canada again, and other parts of the US.
  8. I can think of three or four kids (well, teens now) in my life whom I’d take under my wing as younger siblings if I could. I don’t know if I’d want to be under the wings of anypony in the show, though. Maybe Luna or Celestia. Or Granny Smith.
  9. (I don't have a favorite animal or color, so I just chose what came to mind.) I don't know if these are particularly griffon-like, or even hippogriff-like, but my animal hybrid is an orange cat thoroughbred.
  10. Probably sometime last year. I should do a series rewatch soon. Last time you went for a walk?
  11. Someday I’m going to RP. Put it on my fandom bucket list. 

    For now, I think I’m too busy to learn how to, but maybe in the new year. 

    1. Rainy Daze

      Rainy Daze

      I'm sort of in the same boat, it looks like fun but it seems like something you should have experience with before trying with other, more veteraned roleplayers.

  12. I think I went to one a month or two ago. Actually, maybe it was an estate sale. I didn’t find anything interesting, though. Things like garage sales are cool. Last time you went to a funeral?
  13. [Insert interesting remark about sad stuff here.] 

    What’s your favorite card/board/party game?

    1. O-78


      Clue is always a fun one! :secret:

    2. AppleButt




    3. Tom Gallagher
  14. My great grandmother was expelled in grade school because a boy flirted with her. That’s the most specific thing I know.
  15. I don’t usually have it with milk, mostly because I don’t like soggy cereal, but I’m good with it if I can eat it fast enough.
  16. Yeah… Everyone else in my family seems sadder than me about this death. Maybe it just hasn’t sunk in yet for me. Good luck with your school day!
  17. If I don’t like a YouTuber, I don’t watch their content, and if I don’t know their content, I don’t have enough information to call one overrated. Although I guess some of the famous ones are more popular than they seem like they should be.
  18. I smother a poor, unsuspecting slice of bread in ham, then add a few cheese slices, then a little more ham for good measure, then top it off with the final bread.
  19. Oh boy. The poor unwitting person behind that decision is in for a surprise.
  20. Okay.


    Life sure is crazy, huh.


    Some random horse headshots:




    1. AppleButt


      Lovely. :kindness:

    2. Tacodidra


      I like them, especially the first one! :squee:

    3. Tom Gallagher

      Tom Gallagher

      They're great! :eager:

  21. I’ve had books and TV shows spoiled, but very rarely movies unless I’m directly looking for spoilers. I let myself read Detective Pikachu spoilers, for instance.
  22. I feel like I’m bad at grieving. Which is weird, because I know people grieve in different ways, but still.
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