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Everything posted by Ninjaneer

  1. On an unrelated note... C-C-C-COMBO BREAKER!
  2. while TheTEChguy27.isBrony == false do for i, v in pairs(Internet:GetChildren(Images)) do if v.ponyRelated == true then v:Clone() v.Parent = TheTEChguy27.Inbox else v.Remove() end Print("Hey Tim, check this out!") Wait(1) end Print("WELCOME TO THE HERD.") Lua is best scripting language!
  3. i don't really like it all that much... 4/10
  4. Wow. What's What's the name of said disorder? I'm curious. Also, I'm back from the binaural beats attempt. I barely got any sleep, but I'm not sure if it was because of the binaural beats, or if it was just one of those nights where yourr brain just won't shut up...
  5. Wow. What's What's the name of said disorder? I'm curious. Also, I'm back from the binaural beats attempt. I barely got any sleep, but I'm not sure if it was because of the binaural beats, or if it was just one of those nights where yourr brain just won't shut up...
  6. I just downloaded a binaural beat app on my phone and set it to "lucid dream". I wonder if it'll work. Because that would be beyond awesome.
  7. did you.... did you just rate Justin Bie... ... Just kidding. I'd actually do an 8/10 for that. I don't play, but it's pretty funny. Also, another video from the same guy-
  8. Actually sounds pretty awesome. I'm into progressive house. 9/10 EDIT: OH GEEZ BASS DROP 4/10 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0zyXBYHqw2E Trololol
  9. That's exactly what i've been doing. D: Back on topic- 3/10. :T ALSO, here's some music from a really vague yet awesome game from my childhood. http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=sJ-hOKwPVFI Edit: And suddenly it decides to work? O_o
  10. Personally, i was never really a fan of this genre. I'm more into video game music. Like this. (Also, iNinjaU, how are you embedding the video?)
  11. 10/10. Because Guile's theme goes with Bejeweled 3. The forums don't like me embedding youtube videos...
  12. Wait... what the heck? I don't see a "Hey, it's hay" in the original post... How did it get into the quote?
  13. You know what i think of when i see the words "pony" and "death" used in the same sentence? Cupcakes. Two of my friends watched/read it. Both ended up wanting to throw up afterwards. ANYWAYS I wouldn't go with a death in canon, unless it was done RIGHT. For example, Celestia needing to sacrifice herself in order to fire a superweapon to kill / permentantly banish the big bad, but was consequently revived, having the big bad's magical influence lifted. Basically, only if it's really dramatic and necessary for the plot. And no rmajor characters unless they're revived later on / are villans.
  14. Wow, I haven't posted here in two months. I was kinda scared- some communities have an unspoken rule- threads like five months old shouldn't get bumped. Making a new thread would make zero sense though, and it'd probably get merged anyways. I recently had another partially lucid dream though. You know what's funny though? The dream was about the movie INCEPTION. I was lucid lonf. enough to wake up from one dream, to wake up in the next one. Then I lost it. I'm thinking each time I become lucid, I'm staying lucid for a bit longer. Anyone else notice anything like this?
  15. I seriously hope i'm not the only Bejeweled 3 fan on the forums. Because that would suck. Anyways, here's my Lightning mode high scores- I usually get a 5x or 6x multiplier. if i'm really lucky i'll get a 7x or 8x. If you play Bejeweled 3, I'd like to see some scores to compare with, and see if i can beat them.
  16. Torrent.Just kidding. that's illegal. ANYWAYS Reinstalling windows will basically do the same thing as cleaning up your hard drive. If you have games, files or anything else useful on it, then reinstalling would undo all your work, (not assuming you don't have common sense). I'd recommend defragging your hard drive (and set it to routinely defrag), clean up regristry errors (I highly reccomend This), do disk cleanups and remove any programs you don't use anymore. And as stated before, hardware is HUGE. if you do most of this and it doesn't help, i'd just get a whole new computer.
  17. http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=POCdbcPxNfc Reaction videos aside, i noticed this was happening a lot in the "We can only talk with pictures" thread, At first i thought it was just my computer, but after staring at the same thread for two straight minutes, i realized, I WAS WRONG!
  18. Yay, my post got deleted because of a character limit warning. Somepony remind me to re-read the rules sometime. ANYWAYS I've never heard of fruity loops studio, but i haven't really experimented with a lot of music editors either, so i can't really say much about that. i HAVE, however, used ORGmaker, which makes 8-bit sounding music in the same format Cave Story uses. I also used to screw around a bit with Mario Paint Composer. And i only seem to be good at remaking songs, not actually making my own. It helps that i'm not very artistic, unlike my sister who's an awesome artist. So yeah. so jelly.... Edit: I've heard about FL studio, but not 'Fruity Loops' studio. Derp.
  19. I hate you for hating.
  20. i hate you because you have a dysfunctional bladder.
  21. I hate you for being a high-quality, well animated equestrian pony.
  22. I'm not sure how hard he was when i first played through, but the Emperor Ing from Metroid Prime 2: Echoes was IMPOSSIBLE last time i tried fighting him. I could never get past his FIRST phase without dying. He has three phases. All i can think is "How the flying feather did i beat this guy when i was younger." First he has a crapload of tentacles which repeatedly try to whack you, fire lazers at you, etc. After shooting each tentacle until it dies, he reveals his core, which has a rotating shield, with a thin opening, and it shoots lazers at you.
  23. I hate you because for bashing roblox. i like roblox- For the engine anyways, i use it for programming experience. The community kinda REALLY sucks though.
  24. I hate you for trying to eat me. :c
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