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Starlight Serenade

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Everything posted by Starlight Serenade

  1. Last movie I watched in theaters recently was "A Quiet Place: Day One". It was a fun little watch!
  2. This definitely is a Sunday This gave me a great laugh XD
  3. I did not expect to find a thread like this either
  4. Of course, they look really great! I hope you enjoy them and post them here!
  5. Woah! These look awesome! For a second, I thought this was like another trading card game that they started and got excited XD You still find cheap cards from the MLP CCG on amazon and a few sites, however trying to find someone to play with you is hard.
  6. Wanted to share this surprising Youtube recommendation! It’s Cody Rhodes showing up with the WWE title for an interview on Pro Wrestling Noah to discuss Marufuji vs AJ Styles! I have never expected to see something like this! Yes, it was joke, bro! Didja get it bro I think there will be some changes to the production, but probably not a complete overhaul.
  7. Yes it’s generally more entertaining than before. Trish Stratus was your only reason to watch back then? Honestly that is a solid reason Totally, it’s not crash tv bro!
  8. Ooooh, can’t wait to check this one out. I heard that WWE has been releasing a lot of interesting behind the scenes and more unseen new content now. This. I am enjoying this era of WWE a lot. I I feel like it’s generally refreshing and fun to watch! I really can’t wait to see what happens when they go onto Netflix and how they take it to the next level.
  9. Just wanted to let you know that you are awesome :D


  10. Shocked, but it's expected with the recent news earlier today in the US. My gut feeling is that the next few months are going be pivotal in history.
  11. En passant. 


    1. Luna the Great of all the Russias
    2. Starlight Serenade

      Starlight Serenade

      @Luna the Great of all the Russias Just saw that I sent this to the wrong Luna, my apologies! The right Luna saw this and just let me know, thanks!

    3. Luna the Great of all the Russias
  12. Surprised and relieved! I received back my final exam score and I got an A- on it! I calculated up all the points for the class and it looks like I have recieved an A in Operations and Supply Chain Management! Now I'm waiting to hear back from my Global Marketing course. I'm glad to hear that things are going well for both you and Silky! You guys deserve it after everything you've been through! I wish you two continued happiness!
  13. Good luck, you got this! I’m in the same boat as I started to being more aggressive with the job search and started to look further within my network for new admin jobs. That and a few other things planned.
  14. 7/9/2024 Update: Quick reviews on what I have read so far: "Color outside the Lines" and "All Out" had fascinating fictional LGBT+ short stories that were unique. They remind me of why representation in literature is important. Some stories gave me more understanding on the plights of other sexualities. Great perspectives and varieties in different cultures and scenarios for stories. Both collections introduced me to more LGBT+ authors which makes me more excited to read down the line. There was also the first version of the previous book I mentioned here "Last Night at the Telegraph Club" as a short story in the collections, which was pretty cool as it was different than the final version. I recommend checking these out. ***The next several books below gave me a lot of perspective on other real world countries. "Red Carpet" was pretty interesting. It gave lots of great perspective and examples on the influence China has on Hollywood and how it came to be. I enjoyed hearing the personal accounts of Chinese people trying to live in a place where their own government constantly censors what they consider is "safe" for the public viewing. Hearing some of these mandates and selective choices made by their country in regards to cenorship was disappointing at times to read. I had no idea that "Kung Fu Panda" really threw Chinese officials for a loop as they thought they were outsmarted by how ingenious it presented their national animal, the Panda and Chinese values. They thought the Americans were up to something and were questioning the producer if there were any ulterior motives. I thought it was crazy how that specific movie was a motivating factor in why they passed huge legislation for the increased production of Chinese animated films to compete with other countries. That and the introduction of Disneyland, big blockbuster hits/franchises, and much more. The story of the monk at the monastery in the middle of nowhere that told them that he's watched Kung Fu Panda and loved it was funny. There was another quote that really hit me as well, but that's a bit more political at this time. Definitely recommend checking it out. "A History of Russia" - great overview and in depth look at Russian history. There was much more to review, but way too much to write at the moment. I still recommend checking it out if you would like to learn more about Russia's history and some perspective on where they come from and their rationality on certain things. "The Impossible State" - comprehensive examination of North Korea’s history, culture, and politics, particularly under the rule of the Kim dynasty. The author, Victor Cha, was the former Director for Asian Affairs at the NSC and worked as an advisor to the president from 2004 to 2007. What really stood out to me were the personal accounts of human rights violations and much more behind the scenes that is not reported in the news. It was heart breaking and devastating to read. I cannot emphasis how bad it was nor could I ever write some of that stuff here. Victor Cha provides an excellent background and behind the scenes look at American foreign policy towards NK as well. Cha provides a comprehensive list of sources/references, which allows for more thorough analysis and discussion. Highly recommend checking this out if you want to learn more about North Korea. *Currently in the middle of reading "The beautiful country and the middle kingdom" (America and china, 1776 to the present) by John Pomfret* - Though I can give a short review. Pomfret provides an extensive history of the intricate and influential relationship between the United States and China, from 1776 to the present day(hence the title). The book explores the cultural exchange, trade, and periods of conflict between the two nations, highlighting the deep historical ties and the cycles of mutual fascination and antagonism. So far it has provided a interesting comparison between Americans and Chinese experiences in both countries and how they influenced each other's growth. I am reminded of the rich and complex relationship between both countries and how it shares that overlap in topic with "Red Carpet" which I read earlier. I keep getting reminded that whenever I get into reading, I really get into binging books XD
  15. Honestly, I had the same thought the other day. Conversations on both are generally similar.
  16. Thank you for sharing your feelings and experiences with such openness. It’s a brave step to acknowledge and embrace your identity, especially in a space where you’re still gauging how others might perceive you. Your journey of self-discovery is unique and deeply personal, and it’s okay to take your time to understand and express who you are. I'm glad that you’ve found and share the same similarities in your journey of being bi and non-binary in my blog. I know it wasn't easy as part of myself denied certain feelings too. I didn't feel like I fit into society's perceptions of what males and females "should" be. I was nervous about stating my gender anywhere online as well. I've told several people IRL that I was bi before and they were pretty accepting about it, but I am still in self-discovery when it comes to non-binary as I just recently realize and accepted it. I wondered about what others would think of me here as well. Almost everyone here was very accepting of it and I had only two people that were ignorant about it. Remember, everyone's individual path to self-acceptance is different, and it’s perfectly fine to explore your identity at your own pace. As you continue to navigate your feelings and how you choose to present yourself, both online and offline, know that it’s your comfort and well-being that matter most. It’s important to surround yourself with supportive people who respect your identity and personal journey. Hopefully, the forums can be a place where you feel safe and encouraged to express yourself and learn more about who you are, alongside others who are on similar paths. You’re not alone, and it’s through sharing and connecting that we can all grow together. If you ever want to talk about anything, my door is always open
  17. Oh awesome! Thanks, I did not know that. It would be great to let more people know for more submissions. I hope some people consider doing G5 ones.
  18. Ah, I thought it looked familiar and wasn't sure.
  19. It is. I hope you stay safe and do your best to be careful as it enters your area. Friendship can overcome any obstacles that come its way. It's that incredible!
  20. I believe I have heard it before, why?
  21. I thought this banner was a previously used one? I like it, but I kind of wish we got some more G5 themed ones.
  22. Just saw this right now. This sounds interesting, I really have to start catching up to the comics.
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