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Starlight Serenade

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Everything posted by Starlight Serenade

  1. I just watched the first episode of this new show as I saw it mentioned before elsewhere and now here. It's okay(a bit overhyped by a vocal minority), it just feels like it came out of nowhere. It definitely feels similar to MLP, I guess? After doing some searching online, I was surprised to find out that it is a joint venture by JAKKS PACIFIC and Epic(Epic Story Media). Jakks Pacific is a really well known and huge toy company here in the US. It's based here in California. For those that are not aware, Jakks Pacific has worked with WWE, UFC, Nintendo, Sega, and many more huge companies. Epic Story Media is based in Toronto and they have created/worked on a lot of other children's franchises in Canada. I'm curious to understand why they have just decided to enter this kind of format similar to MLP. Based on what I am aware publicly for both franchises(including financials for Hasbro), G5 is doing way better than we think if now we have other companies entering the fray and copying ideas. At the bottom is the link and quote regarding an article from April 2024 discussing this new show. It says that there will be FORTY, five-minute episodes, set to launch on Youtube(and other platforms)! 40 episodes? That's quite a big number. Granted they are five minutes each, but still that shows some confidence in their new product. From what I saw in the initial episode, it looks like they copied several ideas from MLP and the newer Strawberry Shortcake series. I do not recall them using magic or having multiple races which is somewhat interesting as it feels more slice of life to me. A joint venture between several companies would not risk putting something like this on the market with that many episodes and advertise an official Roblox server game thing(Idk how else to describe it) if they did not have a plan. Additionally, they are launching a sizeable toy line that will be available soon on Walmart, Target, and Amazon's platforms! That's a pretty large market! https://www.jakks.com/brands/wild-manes/ Not saying this will happen or even if it's their mission, but any competition is good as it could force Hasbro's hand to try new things with MLP/G5, depending if Wild Manes really hits off. Their official channel has almost 100K views for their first month in, so this is an interesting development. https://www.anbmedia.com/news/2024/04/jakks-pacific-announces-partnership-epic-story-media-launch-wild-manes/
  2. Back earlier than expected after my schedule changed around, things are all over the place
  3. I got several things done today, however, some family issues came up last second and now the next three days are going to be packed. In case I don't reply to messages until next week- I hope everyone else has a great weekend!
  4. I have a background in business management and I am sorry, but I do not think you personally ever looked at any of their financial reports. Please review the publicly available information of the 2021-2022 report from Hasbro and Businesswire: https://investor.hasbro.com/static-files/78098a21-d496-4e87-892f-152b82ee1fe7 Hasbro Reports Strong Revenue, Operating Profit and Earnings Growth for the Full-Year 2021 | Business Wire Note: Objectively speaking, just with the first movie- G5 appears to be successful based on this report. The film was #1 in the Netflix Kids Top 10 in more than 80 countries on its opening weekend, driving high viewership and audience engagement. It also led to greater than 100% growth in toy and game point of sale in the fourth quarter versus the previous year, and double-digit growth in licensed merchandise revenues for the year. However, it’s important to note that the success of a single product doesn’t necessarily reflect the overall financial health of the company. For example, it appears that Hasbro’s overall revenue declined in 2023 and 2024, but this was due to a variety of factors, not just the performance of G5. MLP is just one part of Hasbro’s diverse portfolio of products. The company’s overall financial performance is influenced by many factors, including the performance of other products, operational costs, and market conditions. If you would like to learn more, here is the Hasbro website where you can examine the publicly available annual reports in great detail: https://investor.hasbro.com/financial-information/annual-reports Well reality shows that it was concluded from their Global Brand Manager on LinkedIn who stated it was the final chapter beforehand: https://www.linkedin.com/in/parishipabari/recent-activity/all/ Oh I do not believe anything is predetermined in this world either, but the circumstances behind G4 were unique and I do not think they can be replicated. That does not mean that I do not think that a future series cannot reach mainstream popularity or even surpass the previous gens, but it won't be under the same unique circumstances G4 had is what I am trying to say. Sure fan projects exist, but that's something completely different from the main franchise. I do agree that with hiring the right people that something amazing can be accomplished, but the way Hasbro has been implementing their business strategy in general lately, has led me to believe otherwise. Of course I would happy to see a reemergence for MLP and the fandom down the line.
  5. In my honest opinion, I don't think G5 was a failure, but a certain minority will be quick to say anything that isn't G4 is. G4 was not as perfect as some think it is, the later seasons were not as popular in terms of views. I thought they were fine and had some great moments here and there, though some episodes were recycled from earlier seasons with a slight twist. I recall seeing a rumor that there was a small increase in terms of viewership leading to the end of the series by season 9, but that was when they announced that the series was ending! Most likely due to fallen popularity...which is something certain people try to say about G5 with baseless speculation and rumors. For example, I do not know where people got that MYM was "cancelled" when I can't seem to find an official source online stating that. Not even Wikipedia has an source claims for those rumors!!! These series are planned long in advance. Doing a quick google search showed me discussion boards where certain groups of people perpetuated that narrative repeatedly, yet there was only one LinkedIn post from an official post that stated they were concluding MYM ahead of time. Funny how that works. Looking at Hasbro's public financial statements from the past few years, many of their IP's and MLP/G5 were not a huge success either. G5 had over a billion social media interactions and certainly has made considerable money when you look at the various media it has produced- even in the face of a failing toy market and new move to release content on different platforms(in this case, Netflix Paywall). G5 had a movie, several shows, shorts, specials, and more! Some series don't even receive a second season or second series. G5 is not perfect, but you have to give credit where credit is due even if you don't personally like something. Though it definitely did not revive the Brony fandom, I do not think anything will ever revive the fandom's popularity to where it was a decade ago. The nostalgia is intense whenever I talk to Bronies who watched MLP a decade ago. G5 certainly did bring a lot more eyes again with social media analytics, but I think regardless- the circumstances will never be the same. This might be brutal for some to hear, but I think the early seasons popularity that G4 experienced were simply lightning in a bottle. The quality in the early three seasons was much better and the advent of social media were major factors that helped boost its popularity when you compare G4 to the previous gens (those are still great series, definitely recommend to check them out). Bronies were never popular for good reasons in mainstream media, heck they are still seen negatively in some circles that I have seen online. I will say something that I noticed as I joined the fandom after G4 aired. There are so many wonderful fan projects catered to adults of the MLP franchise online that deviated a lot from the original source material. Now there's nothing wrong with that and anyone from all ages can certainly enjoy this show (or cartoons in general), but I think it aided in misleading and conflated certain people's expectations from this franchise. I do not doubt for a moment that those people will continue to criticize anything new until they eventually realize that they were never the intended audience and that things will never be the same. To be honest, I do not have faith that G6 or any future adaptions will ever replicate the extenuating circumstances that surrounded the early seasons of G4 and that's okay. We can still enjoy the new series here with like minded people online. I am not a ardent supporter of any specific generation and am perfectly fine with criticism for any of the generations. I simply just want to watch ponies.
  6. It's quoted themself/themselves, but yes I wanted to make that update as that interview has motivated and made me look forward to next week! That and I'm watching Deadpool Friday morning! It's the first screening!
  7. Excited as I just got called up for a follow up interview next Monday! I have a good feeling about this.
  8. Good. Finished my interview for the Ops Manager role and it seemed good. That and I got my ticket to go see Deadpool on Friday.
  9. Idk if I said it before or if it's new, but I like your pfp! Where is it from?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Starlight Serenade

      Starlight Serenade

      @Megas Oooh very cool! She is pretty cute lol I will check it all out!

      @Kyoshi Frost Wolf I searched her up and I am amazed on how many pages have shown up :double-shock:

    3. Megas


      Yeah, she tends to have, erm, obsessive fans to say the least lol

    4. Starlight Serenade

      Starlight Serenade

      Yes, I have noticed XD They are REALLY passionate, but I think that's a good thing :ButtercupLaugh:

  10. Yes, I know that. I tried to look up some posts including the Crystal Empire in name to no avail unless I am missing something else.
  11. AH if it's that one, then it's at the Crystal Empire, I think. Thank you for clarifying it, I was checking all kinds of other stuff.
  12. Thanks for helping me feel better earlier today :D


    1. Sparklefan1234


      You're Welcome! :D image.gif.9c1d9e898c21f87d135a335b4ed562db.gif

    2. Starlight Serenade

      Starlight Serenade

      @Sparklefan1234 You're simply the best and the sunshine in my day today :winking-izzy:

    3. Sparklefan1234
  13. Alright, I'm going to try this one. Maretime Bay? Hmmmm I got to look around.
  14. Saw this random thread again - you know what? I would try this with other people that I'm comfortable with as a new experience.
  15. I mentioned it was late when I last replied last night, but I responded to your other message just now buddy!
  16. A bit excited as I received callbacks for some management interviews this weekend. I will be busy preparing myself until then, but I hope everyone else has a good weekend.
  17. Hey! Someone sent me this Akira Toriyama tribute video earlier and I wanted to share it with you too:


    1. Rafa Stary

      Rafa Stary

      Beautiful animation, art and speech ❤️ it's really awesome to see how even after 4 months people still are making tributes, thank you for sharing it in Stary, serenade :coco:

    2. ZiggWheelsManning


      Speaking of which, what Velvet Revolver song would go good with a Dragon Ball action video?  

    3. Starlight Serenade

      Starlight Serenade

      @ZiggWheelsManning Mmm idk, maybe “Set me free”? Not too sure atm as it’s late here for me. 

  18. I watched Inside Out 2 yesterday. A bit overrated as people hyped it way too much, but still a nice watch. If you enjoyed the first film, you should enjoy this one too.
  19. I do not really think anyone should focus too much on this as it's subjective. Some of the things we post may be considered meaningful and great to people, while other posts could be considered pointless and random to others. I don't think any one post is useless as if you cared enough to write it down, you wanted someone to see it and that moment counts as something.
  20. I like it! The vivid greens and yellows create a warm and inviting atmosphere in a way. The dark silhouette of the pony contrasts with the bright background and the celestial touches, it all gives a really nice magical feeling. I think it's lovely.
  21. 🎉🎂 Happy Birthday Day Sir Hugsalot! 🎂🎉

    Today on your extra-special, super-duper, confetti-filled day, may you party harder than Pinkie Pie in a cupcake factory, chill more than Fluttershy at a bunny picnic, and have more cake than Spike on a treasure hunt!

    Remember, in Equestria, age is just a number. So, let's party like it's Nightmare Night! 🦄🎉

    1. Sir Hugsalot

      Sir Hugsalot

      Age is truly just a number, birthday is long past, but I don't feel older at all. If anything fun people like you make me feel younger, just as this platform does <3 

      Thank you so much for those lovely wishes :hug_day:

  22. I think the worst movie that I have ever seen in theaters was "Fifty Shades of Black", which was a parody of the original movie franchise it was based on. It was horrendous and embarrassing to watch and I even tried to walk out, but my friends forced me to watch it. My friends and I have never felt so uncomfortable by a movie like that before. It was so vexatiously bad that I completely stopped talking to the person who took us to go see it as a random surprise. (please note that this wasn't the only reason, there were other good reasons on top of this, but this singular movie was so bad that it pushed things over the edge). Another recent movie that came out called "Monkey Man" was similarly bad. The movie shared similarities to John Wick and started off good, but then it became a train wreck after the first 30 minutes. If I were to describe it- it's like if you ordered your favorite food at a restaurant, painstakingly waited an hour for them to prepare it, suddenly you get excited as you finally see the waiter coming with the hot plate of food towards you, but then they tripped and dropped the food on the floor.
  23. Wow, I enjoyed reading your take on the episodes and comparisons to similar issues I have encountered several times from the fandom since G5's airing. FYI- I'm going to go a bit off tangent at times as I have so many thoughts. I'm sorry to hear that you have been insulted by others who claim to be a part of this fandom. I have been told to "go kys" and other horrible things before by "G4 purists" who cannot accept anything that isn't G4 or any valid criticism, however they feel like they can nitpick the tiniest things from G5 and basically make it their premise of hate. I don't mind if someone has a different opinion and has valid criticism, but if they start insulting me from the start and aren't willing to hear a different opinion, I realized that I cannot have a healthy discussion with those people. I felt MYM had a great batch of episodes where the writers explored several ideas introduced back in FiM and tried to improve upon them. It was refreshing to watch. I thought they did a great job with Misty's arc. You mentioned redemption arcs and I understand that some people do not like the redemption of a villain trope, but I liked the notion that they tried to attempt it for Starlight. Some people don't believe in second chances or that by forgiving these characters somehow means that we're okay with all their previous heinous actions, but that is not the case or the idea at all. For all these redemption stories, the idea is to look further beyond that as person. It sounds crazy to some, but people can change and everyone changes in different ways as we all grow in different ways. Some can argue that things could have been executed better and more, but these situations are never perfect. The examples you provided regarding Nebula, Tempest Shadow, Princess Luna, and Lilith sound like nice exceptions at first, however when examined further- they have all done some terrible things that people would never forgive, but they were forgiven just like Starlight. It's purely subjective and there will always be some form of scrutiny from fans. Hell, I remember seeing arguments from people who thought Luz should have tried to redeem Belos! I give Dana Terrance props for doing something different for an animated kids show. I do agree to an extent that some people are projecting their own personal issues and want to impose all these negative and toxic behaviors from these adult shows to kids shows as well. I have seen IRL and in shows where friends and couples have trashed each other as well. They would seemingly classify it as "normal behavior", which is sad to see. I'm glad G5 is doing something different and portraying healthier relationships between characters. As much as I loved G4, I think that those later 4-5 seasons felt like a chore to watch at times. G5 generally doesn't feel that way for me. Sure, FiM had some fun little moments sprinkled here and there, but it wasn't the same show I came to love in the first few seasons. It doesn't mean I hated them, it's just that I found that the consistency of quality fell through after season 3. I was surprised to see that the G4 purists overlook all that stuff due to nostalgia, but nitpick the smallest thing they don't like about G5. I recall seeing a while back that some people were trying to compare the best episodes of the entire G4 franchise to only the best episodes of Tell Your Tale. I have met people who act like MYM does not exist because, and I quote, "it is 3D/CGI and therefore does not count as a series". In my opinion, the reality is that G5 has "caught" up to G4 in terms of general quality when you examine the entire plethora of series so far. It's just that a certain group of think that anything that is a sequel must be 100% better in every way or it's considered a complete flop and in this case, it's not. Every series has its ups and downs. Some people may not agree with that and other opinions I expressed here- and I'm okay with it. There are plenty of valid criticisms where G4 and G5 have plenty of issues, but they are still wonderful in their own ways. There are some passionate fans here who see that and I'm thankful for them. Unfortunately, there are other people who do not want to give any credit where credit is due.
  24. Wow! I haven't heard this in years! I can't believe that this came out 10 years ago.
  25. My rating is 7.8/10, "too many ponies" Jokes aside - 4/5 or 8/10. There are a lot of great things that this forums does and many awesome new friends that I have had the chance to meet! I am thankful for that, however there are some questionable decisions here and there that I have seen. Nonetheless, I am glad and proud to be a part of this wonderful community.
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