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Motion Spark

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Everything posted by Motion Spark

  1. I believe in 'I'm an open book' but I don't mean it literally XD good for him, and you if he does returns the favor lol XD
  2. nothing more <_< leave the rest to me....
  3. so you were nude in front of him before you took the pic?
  4. what messy room? do you change clothes or dress up in front of him?
  5. or perhaps we don't know that white glue is actually more effective than industrial glue, or even sewing! mostly none of the Rarity haters made sense even before season 3
  6. I can't believe there are people still bitching about Rarity in this episode, she was like, as nice as Fluttershy! what else do they want. Seriously I haven't seen Rarity this nice and adorable since like, ever. Why don't they lash at Sweetie's for trying to betray her sister in the lowest way possible? :okiedokielokie:
  7. look at this sexy seal RAWR~
  8. who would thought that Rarity would use white glue to hold pieces of fabric together? HAHAHA!!!
  9. JanAnimations is like, the best, by far, pony animator in the entire fandom. I hope something like this don't let him down and stop making videos. He should make a series with OC's, that way he wouldn't be tracked down by Hasbro. Now, I don't know, but I dare to say that C&D letter by Hasbro isn't as ...how to say it? believable perhaps? as a company, using youtube messaging system isn't as professional as I think, they should have handled this via emails.
  10. I disagree, I don't know what's the general perception of Rainbow Falls but I thoroughly enjoyed that episodes while I understand it wasn't perfect. I wouldn't say everypony was OOC, the only off moment for Rarity were the costumes, other than that, she was pretty her, even tho she barelly had lines in that episodes. However, it was very contradicting how in the train she was very confident that her designs would be visibly better than other teams, when it was visible that those costumes were SUPER HORRIBLE, I call it she drank 5 appletinis before the competition. The other ponies were IN character, I don't understand about what do you refer as OOC. My only serious complain with the episode was Spitfire but that's another thing. It's funny how you feel this episode as not canon, because that's the same way I feel about simple ways. oh and in Maud Pie, the diamond hat, was too much, but I did find it cute and funny and it was cute how the stones were falling apart haha
  11. actually her worst design was Ponyville's costume for the Equestria Games competition in 'Rainbow Falls'
  12. that you want to gain weight if you want to look douchey enough, even though, there's nothing too serious within this connotation.
  14. this sole picture tells me more than a 5000 characters clopfic, so hot
  15. if I threw my morals and values out of the window I'd sleep with half hollywood.
  16. I agree with you 2 mah boys. so more Pinkie 'I see you/annoyed' face to the cause :okiedokielokie: :okiedokielokie: :okiedokielokie: MAYBE 2 MORE... :okiedokielokie: :okiedokielokie: ... okay okay 1 more :okiedokielokie: yeah it's annoying :okiedokielokie:
  17. i laughed more at this than I should have!!! thank you so much XDDDDD aren't you the host guy from the 'most handsome brony' contest, that never ended lol, damn you gained few pounds during this time. The evidence is right on your hand (no it's not the cellphone)
  18. good concept and all but could have more polishment I really do love that line, it pains me how abscent Rarity was in this episode
  19. i fail to see what's so ugly about you
  20. Hello to everybody on the forums, it's been a loooooooooong while since I made a blog entry on here and it's kinda off putting to start over again with a blog of food, but I felt like I had to share this! I just had to! because, who doesn't love food XD okay, today is sunday and we always cook once because we make big meals for sundays, anyway, I was in charge of the rice, so I cooked seafood and coconut rice, and let me tell you, it is to die for (I'm doing this blog as I eat hohoho!) Here's a picture when it was almost over. I can't describe how good this rice smells when it's hot. It's a sweet smell of coconut, but when you taste it, it leaves a very warm buttery feeling in your mouth, you can feel the sweetness of the coconut but the saltiness of the seafood, they blend very well surprisingly! And this is my lunch, my dad fried some fish and prepared a quick tartar sauce, we also BBQ'ed today (just took 3 small pieces of sausage, don't know the type but it was good, and a small cut of rib), however I didn't take much of that on my plate because this amazing rice blends very well with the fish (or any seafood). Yeah and I'm drinking peach wine, very good. oh that's my laptop photoboming the picture, say hi laptop (wow the wine alcohol % is acting up XD)
  21. These people at McDonald's they are so silly! they are so outdated and stuck in season 2 that they still think that Applejack is background pony look Vinyl replaced her, there are all the other 5 mane characters but where's Applejack? AJ is not happy with this...
  22. crystal Rarity hands down, I feel bad for Twilight Sparkle and the others in the Crystal Empire, because this was supposed to be her 2 highlight episodes, but in Crystal form, Rarity overshadowed all of them by far! heck she even looked better than Princess Cadence. Anyway, that look is far too fabulous and elegant to let it pass, and she's naked! who does that?
  23. come again? I don't remember that (why Rarity wanted to get revenge from Rainbow, I thought it was from Pinkie! ) anyone else obsessed about the way Rarity yells 'Pinkie' and 'ropes'? gosh I love the way she talks <3
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