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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by LyraHeartstrings

  1. If you could do a picture of Kirby and one of the mane 6, that'd be awesome!
  2. What if we lived in a world without any hypothetical situations?
  3. lol, that looks great! It'd be sweet to have lying versions of all the side-characters!
  4. I've never bothered... I think it'd be pretty sweet, but im not sure any of my friends would ever play it. I'd love to try it though!!!
  5. I would eat all of the Applosan's pies!! I you were the manticore...
  6. This is really hard for me... I'm exactly like Rarity when it comes to generosity, so that kind of works... I'm also kind of like pinkie pie when it comes to laughter... I'm not entirely sure what magic would be like, so I'll just say generosity for now just from what ive seen in th show...
  7. Um, okay, this is weird. Does anypony know what's going on here?
  8. Yeah, they just make the show so much more epic! Most childrens shows would just only have songs like cupcakes and hop,skip and a jump, but MLP goes all out and preforms full, orchastrated songs with beautiful singers and lyrics!
  9. granted.you didn't reply to a reply of yours, but to a reply of mine. I am now very cross with you. I wish the pony whom replies to this post changes their avatar to Twilight Flopple
  10. They murdered me... with jigglypuff? How much wood could a wookchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
  11. Whoa! That's awesome! A little touch of Discord will make the site even more 'chaos-ie'!
  12. I will just be lyra, but with my personallity... (just making it easier for me ;D) Lyra wakes up, dizzy and confused. Her head is spinning and she can't see strait. Once she regains her vision, she takes a look around. She sees large walls, she can't tell what they're made of, they have a weird grey-ish shade to them. She manages to stand up and look around. She sees multiple trails leading from the circle she's standing in. She wonders what to do, and if she is dreaming or not...
  13. This is going to be soooo sick when it's done! It looks great so far!!! Keep up the AMAZING work!
  14. Banned because you could just get an avatar that's better then all of ours.
  15. A pony of few words huh? Sweet. Welcome to the forums!!!
  16. Banned because I love your sig and because Fluttershy is cutest pony
  17. Where is everypony?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. LyraHeartstrings


      Well hi then! Theres something wrong with your computer? That sucks...


      My computer is very old, so I know that feel...

    3. Tyroq


      Hey everypony! Party in Lyra's status!

    4. LyraHeartstrings



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