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Everything posted by Musix

  1. Forward unto dawn IS AMAZING <3 (Halo Films)

  2. I have finished each Halo on legendary, I'm a little obsessed ;D I've been watching all of the episodes but i was a bit late for episode Four. I just watched it. I BLOODY LOVE THIS LIFE. If you haven't already seen it, it's the best one so far I think. I'm not going to give anything away, but any Halo fan will adore the middle part. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FZ_xn889cSk
  3. Halloween account dress up! I'm keeping my signature and background so people still know who i am ^.^ http://mlpforums.com/topic/37354-account-dress-up-for-halloweennightmare-night/

  4. I say that all the time. I feel... Out quoted. Howdareyou. @Above 10/10 I see you bloody everywhere And i see you're a Doctor That's Legit Trust me, I'm British (AND I CAN SAY THAT BECAUSE I SAID IT FIRST) and that is how English people start rows. A row is a verbal fight. Get with it. I changed my account for halloween. i am musix!!
  5. YOU ARE SO FUNNY I'm only jealous because i didn't get that number AREN'T I ORIGIAL
  6. I have to change this now, 'Cause my last one got answered D=

    1. NavelColt


      Teh horrors D:

    2. Musix


      Isn't it terrible?

  7. Were'd the thread 'Count to 100 before someone with under 20 post's' go?

  8. One does not simply compliment sugarplum/10 Am i the only one still playing? D=
  9. 10/10 I changed you're name And it's still changed YAY
  10. Hope you're not talking about me, right? ;D I'm only joking. I don't know enough about this guy, If you really feel that strongly about it. Let me have a look and i'll talk to him a bit, okay? Just hold your horses. Maybe he's worth having?
  11. Well, The Ipad Mini? Never heard of it up until now. *Searches* Okay guys, I'm back and have news. Its looks like the normal ipad. Just smaller. Not quite an Iphone, But pointlessly smaller.
  12. Hell yes, My friend. It looks awesome! I love it. Do you think you could copy the format for others, But finding out which cannon pony's the members are?
  13. Dude, That is probably the most thought out reply to this thread that i have read out yet. You've just proved to me that you don't need essays of writing to make a good point, Just enough ^^ Well done. You win Musix points, A new currency i made in some Xbox LIVE party a month ago.
  14. 9/10 Changed your avatar, Didn't recognise you at first XD
  15. I'm in the 14 - 17 age group and I kind of feel that instead of crashing down peoples door steps and asking for free sweets, I seem to think that it would be a whole lot more productive of my spare time to try my best to tap coloured buttons on my Xbox controller while shouting at people in America over Headsets. But anyway. Out of interest, How old is too old for Halloween for you guys? AND IF YOU SAY YOU ARE OVER 30 AND YOU STILL STEAL FREE SWEETS FROM MOTHERS BECAUSE THEY ARE HOT...
  16. Have a strong limp due to paint balling. YAY

  17. I've numbered these girls quite a lot. Apple Jack, Twilight and Rarity keep moving around, too! 1. Rainbow Dash 2. Apple Jack 3. Twilight Sparkle 4. Rarity 5. Flutter Shy 6. Pinkie Pie
  18. It'd have to be Vinyl. Or Lyra. Or Rainbow Dash. Or my OC? Or Glaze Yes Well Glaze is a girl But so is Vinyl, Lyra and Dashie Oh dear. Why do i keep pressing the enter key? ...... BYE
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