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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Status Updates posted by Zero000

  1. The status above me is useless.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Zero000


      I know, that is you to thank for!

    3. letterone


      Thanks, dude. Thanks.


      ...if you couldn't tell, I was the one who status'd after you.

    4. Whiteshade
  2. What a great f*cking way to end a SEASON -

  3. DON'T DRINK AND DRIVE, because if you hit a bump, you might spill your drink.

  4. DISCORD HAS RETURNED! D: http://i43.tinypic.com/21oxycn.jpg

    1. Electrobolt


      Nnnope, Buck Testa :P

    2. Jokuc


      oh noes! Haha

      Tinypic in a nutshell: "This image has been deleted" lmao

  5. Chat being gone, means 40 less retarded posts to remove per member.

    1. Doctor XFizzle

      Doctor XFizzle

      oh, I didn't even realize you needed a certain # of posts to enter the chat

  6. So much stuff on the internet.. so much I wanna see.. so much I wanna unsee..

  7. EVERYPONY, stay off of MW3 if you have it for Xbox. I heard that crap is getting hacked like CRAZY the past few days. A few friends of mine got ALL their stats RESET!

    1. Chigens and Kay

      Chigens and Kay

      No surprise there.

    2. Daedric Pony

      Daedric Pony

      What the hay is a MW3... is there ponies? Oo

  8. Today, I found a new friend. Aviators is an actual band that has LEGIT pony music.

    1. Ninja Derpy

      Ninja Derpy

      You just found Aviators?

    2. Ninja Derpy

      Ninja Derpy

      I have been listening since they came out!!

  9. Is it me.. or have most of the recent episodes included one of the mane 6 crying adorably??

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Flow


      Oh yeah, your right


    3. Zero000


      Rarity hit me the hardest. So did Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy.

    4. Flow


      Oh yeah, Fluttershy is the most recent one to cry

  10. QUICK! Let's speak non-brony language!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Jadefire


      G3, G2, football.


      Translation: I don't know about you guys, but this non brony language leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

    3. Marcato


      I...im sorry i know no speaking engrish can i.

    4. Fizz.


      hate hate hate snarky hate hate hate

  11. That moment you realize you're smiling like an idiot when you watch Pinkie Pie sing "Smile Smile Smile".

    1. FLARE


      The moment you realize you're smiling like an idiot, because hurr durr you are one (this is not directed at anyone other than my self)

    2. Tyger


      Such an idiot.

    3. Cynic


      I always smile like an idiot when watching MLP.

  12. Anypony play WoW?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. NewCalamity


      Last time I played was...October?

    3. Chigens and Kay

      Chigens and Kay

      Level 60 twink hunter here.

    4. Zero000


      Lv 61 Death Knight right now. It's a pretty addicting game.

  13. Thanks for that sad Pinkie Pie face, I like it when my heart explodes.

  14. I used to have friends, and then I killed them.

    1. Toothless the Night Fury

      Toothless the Night Fury

      I used to have an arrow, until it took a knee to the face.

    2. Aureity


      Friends are like bananas-if you peel them and eat them, they die.

  15. I think Rarity might be my new best pony... D=

    1. WildCard


      She's indeed becoming more popular with every episode :)

    2. Zero000


      ♫♪♫ Becoming as popular..as popular..as popular.. ♪♫♪

  16. Thinking about playing WoW again to visit the old days. It's been like 5 years..

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. NewCalamity


      It won't feel right when you go back. Don't bother trust me x(

    3. Zero000


      Listen to the freakin' new soundtrack!

    4. NewCalamity


      Yeah the new OST is really nice, it's just...MoP is really embarrassing to look at so I quit while I was ahead xD

  17. I betcha Rose is flipping out right now.

    1. Electrobolt


      Hah, I bet he is :P After this episode xD

    2. ProjectRKA
  18. FPS Russia.. why you not brony yet..

    1. Ninja Derpy
    2. Princess Ariona
    3. Lady Rarity Pony

      Lady Rarity Pony

      Good lord, he's one of the last people I would want to see in the fandom.

  19. Happy Birthday Blue! 21, I'll be seeing you enjoying that cider?

    1. I used to be a stranger

      I used to be a stranger


  20. The COOLEST THINGS can be found in your recycle bin!!

    1. Fghik


      I know! I already have build of a collection of freeze-guns and plasma-cannons! And it's not every day you get to say "Ah man, not another weapon of mass destruction..."

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