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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Undyne

  1. Quite fine, it's actually more than what I made for Flashdance... Accepted! We'll see you at the Bash!
  2. Hey! Need to be in need of being in a RP? We have one open right now! Come join! http://mlpforums.com/topic/83609-big-band-beach-bash/

  3. Both are approved! We'll see you at the Bash! Now, for my characters! Name: Accent Tap Band Name: Pontera Stage Name: Dark Taps RP Page Link: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/percussive-force-r1940 Species: Earth Pony Position in Band: Leader, drummer Other Band Members?: Jer'rahd Kaisur, AKA Bloodmoon and Nicko Kaisur, AKA BlackHoleSun. Description of other band members: Laid back, sarcastic, but fall in line to Accent. Both are brothers, much taller than Accent. Musical Style: Rock. Anything else we should know about: Alicorn costumes in the form of black bracelets, a emerald gem used to shift into the costumes magically. Name: Flashdance Band Name: Uh... Yo, I was just hired to help... Stage Name: Manager RP Page Link: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/flashdance-r5464 Species: Pegasus Position in Band: Dude, I'm the stage manager! You got cloud in your ears or something? Anything we should know: You touch my headphones, you'll be more than cut from the show....
  4. Yo! So, this RP will be DM'ed by Dez and myself! As this shall be a joint effort by both of us, I'll be taking care of details within the bands, proper order, etc, etc. So, rules time! 1. Romance is allowed in this! If you feel like getting your character in passion with another, go for it! But keep it PG-13! We'll be sure to check in on that! 2. We understand that there'll be conflicts within different bands. But please, don't resort to massive amounts of violence. We want the stage to be clean, not stained with blood. 3. Grammar, grammar, grammar! We know people are not perfect, but please have a good sense of it. Too many mistakes within your posts, and we'll be kicking you from the RP! No exceptions to anyone! 4. ABSOLUTELY NO GOD-MODDING!!! That's a big no-no! 4 1/2. That being said, I personally will review EVERY SINGLE BAND to keep in check with everyone! If I feel that your band is really putting it over the top, I'll ask to change it. Really, if your band members drive cars in this, change it. We want to keep this as much to canon as possible. DJing is allowed in this, so electronics will be allowed! 5. If you have a problem with anything, PLEASE PM me or Dez about it... We don't need to end a fight on the OOC thread... 6. Have fun of course! And may the best band win!
  5. Never liked bat ponies to this day. Although the previous episode was good, it made my hate go up.

    1. Chigens and Kay

      Chigens and Kay

      I hate bat ponies as well :o

  6. Hmmm... Maybe I should actually be more active here. Or just change my name back to Rockshire and get active again.

  7. Undyne

    request A Request for my New OC?

    OK, so, I never do this a bunch, but... I've recently created a new OC, and I was wondering if anyone could try to make a new vector out of her. Sadly, I only have the Pony Creator picture here. Her name is Flashdance, one of the new club ponies about. Her cutie mark, I would ask, is two different colored glowsticks. If anyone could, I would greatly appreciate it!
  8. As the title implies, the member that posted before you must describe you in the form of a food. Let's begin!
  9. Now, let's get the whole thing settled right here. I like furries. I honestly do. Furries these days are actually some of the best people I have ever gotten to meet. Not to mention that they have some wicked art. Giving the case of some bronies giving off the hate against furries, it makes me want to slap them. Guess what? You have an OC of something that you have modeled from a certain show or popular trend. The furry fandom do the exact same thing. Whoever said that OCs are a little anthrofied because they act human, compare Rarity, who makes a living as a tailor and raising a smaller sibling at the same time to your OC. Tell me how is not human enough. It just pisses me off that people would go to different lengths to bash on similar people.
  10. Wait a second... This looks pretty close to my main OC, Rockshire...
  11. Not a fan of Doctor Who, but the banner is pretty cool. Thank god someone had changed it...

  12. Really, I don't mean to sound rash or anything, but... I think Nightmare Night has been over for a while now?

  13. Hmm? How so? What parts does it make me familiar by?
  14. Enjoy a picture of me eating soup with a big spoon.
  15. Submitted first college application. Now for the wait...

  16. ....Really, can we chamge the banner now?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Kyoshi Frost Wolf
    3. MelancholicMemory


      I wish we had a Turkey Day one :I

    4. Undyne


      I could try to make one if I weren't so un-electronically artistic.

  17. ((Whoa, wait. Did we just jump to daytime already? Jeez, I kind of wished I could have gotten a chance to get somewhere else...)) Stellar woke up the next morning in her bed, a book over her face, and a mattered mane. She had been up all night, ignoring any sort of pony that night to focus more on the constellations that avoided her, diligently working more and more on her work. She really didn't want to go outside at all, she just wanted more sleep... But her stomach was rumbling, and she barely had any food left in her pantry. Ugh... I'm going to have to get up anyways... I don't need to deprive myself of any more starvation... 20 minutes later, she went out of her home, a book in hoof, and started to head to a nearby cafe.
  18. Unpopular opinion: I don't like gay Braeburn.

    1. MelancholicMemory


      Gay Braeburn loves you though ;)

    2. Thrashy


      I share that opinion. I also hold the equally unpopular opinion that Les-bow Dash = </3

  19. Can tonight be even more worse than it should be? First, some pony almost ran me down, then talked my ear off, and now, the stupid constellations are gone! Really! This is why I should just stay inside most of the time... Stellar didn't seem to like having bad luck with her at all. She remained on the ground, fuming while she scribbled something furiously within her books, even trying to jot down most of the memories of those constellations from earlier.
  20. What a dumb arse! First, he manages to get in my way, then strikes up a conversation with me, and he even said that he doesn't seem what the big deal about constellations are! WHAT. THE. BUCK. I swear, ponies these days are horribly rude! Those were the only thoughts that had rang throughout Stellar's head, before she had reached the hill site, placing out the blanket quickly, and setting up her telescope, pen ready to go as she peeked out at the stars through the small looking glass. But how odd... The constellations seemed to be missing... Were they gone? "HORSEFEATHERS!!!" Stellar shrieked out, kicking her telescope to the ground.
  21. Hi there! I heard that you needed some OCs for your project? Well, I'll just offer one, but I can't wait to see what will happen with Rockshire. http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/rockshire-r1432 Just PM me if you need a better idea of her!
  22. ((On my phone, so I can't put color. Also, can we agree that two people should stop posting consecutively after three replies so that way, they're not dominating the RP?)) "Look, I don't have time to take you on a little field trip or anything! Just shut up, and let me go catch the constellations before I blow a gasket!" Stellar yelled yet again, before galloping off in the same direction that she was heading to. "Dumb ponies, not accepting the love of stars..." She muttered to herself.
  23. "Don't see the big deal? Don't see the BIG DEAL?!" Stellar cried out, getting closer to the stallion with a nasty glare shot at him, and a scornful tone escaping her throat. "This is the first time in 724 years that Hydra and Taurus have been shown right next to each other. And this, of course, is RARE. I need to study it more to observe and YOU are distracting me from FULFILLING THAT! Now tell me where you can't see the big deal..."
  24. Stellar nearly tackled down somepony as she galloped through the streets, turning back to him while skidding to a stop. "Whaaaaaaaaaaaaat?! You're gonna make me miss this new discovery!" She complained about, having a rude and inconsiderate expression on her face.
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