Reminds me when i told my brother to sleep on his hand. (By doing that he slows down the blood flow making the hand go to sleep) I told him if he did that the hand would taste like chocolate next morning. Of course, he believed in me.
@@Wonderbolt_Spitfire, No problem x3
Though, its not fair to call them haters even if they haven't seen the show. There are so many things that can cause them not to want to see it.
I see what you did there xD
That does not make me a hater?
A haters is someone who bashes something without reason. I haven't done that. All i said that the bid was shocking and ridiculous.
While it might not be godlike-kind its not a hate post. Its my thoughts on it.
You don't call someone who dislike the show a hater, do you?
How far in are you with the paintings? Whats to be added ?
You should be. The painting looks great.
Lol, are you saying that i am hating?
If you do, then i don't know what to say that you are just another brony.
Its not like i understand why this auction is talking place.
I'm more shocked when people are willing to bid such an amount. Its ridiculous no matter how good the cause is.