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Mint Petal

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Everything posted by Mint Petal

  1. So, with Mass Effect 3 releasing the the United States on March 6th, I've decided to replay both Mass Effect games to prepare. This seems to have rekindled my love for (in my opinion) the best sci-fi game. Its plot, its characters, its races, all attribute to its success. Feel free to discuss anything Mass Effect related here, be it strategies, relationships, or even how awesome your own Commander Shepard is! --- On the note of relationships, I always seem to go for Tali. I don't know why, but to me, all the other girls in the game are just plain flat. I've yet to finish the game with a female Shepard though. Maybe I'll romance Garrus, maybe Thane? I dunno. Then again, Thane is dying, so I'm not sure how he'll hold up in Mass Effect 3. Oh well, only one way to find out! Keelah Se'lai!
  2. I really need to start posting more, but I have nothing to say...

    1. Zero000


      Forums are all about discussion. I might recommend "Everyfree Forest" for some topics that interests you. :)

  3. Now I'm just getting an error and am being redirected to my hotmail inbox.
  4. The link seems to be broken. All I'm seeing is "Bad Request"
  5. Alrighty, I'll get started! EDIT: Wow, finished already. I guess I do make simple avatars. As always, if there's anything you want changed, don't hesitate to ask.
  6. Alright Scrib, here's your avatar! I hope it's to your liking, I spent about 3 hours on it, mainly trying to figure out colors. If you need anything changed, just let me know.
  7. I'll take the case! This is my first non-holiday avatar creation, so please bear with me. I'll have it done ASAP.
  8. Usually I hate it when I'm being watched while working on pony things. I stop working, minimize it, and wait for the person to leave. Sometimes it takes a while, which doesn't help.
  9. I'd say about a 7.5/10. I've seen you post a lot in Octavia's Hall.
  10. Made my first practice signature. Tell me what you think. http://mlpforums.com/gallery/image/819-signature-test/

  11. Don't leave...my friends and I won't like it...

  12. Sky Charmer...wait, why am I doing this now? XD

  13. Holiday story finished! Time to wait for more trades! XD

    1. Braeburn


      You post the story at all?

    2. Mint Petal

      Mint Petal

      I did, it just got buried.

    3. Braeburn


      I never even saw it O.o


  14. Alrighty, I managed to finish a little story about Sky Charmer's Hearth's Warming experience. I know it's a bit early, but I couldn't wait to post it in about a week or so. Enjoy! --- “Hey, Sky Charmer, wake up! We’re going to be late for the Hearth’s Warming party!” an emerald green unicorn shouted to a nearby cloud. The cool winter breeze blew through her pale blue mane and tail, making them flow along with it. On the cloud that the unicorn was calling at, there rested a royal blue pegasus with a mane and tail of teal, sleeping during the winter day. Hearing the shout, she opened one of her green eyes, stretched a little, and then gazed downward toward the source of the voice. “Oh, hey there Emerald” the pegasus yawned, “Late for what now?” “The Hearth’s Warming party at Sugarcube Corner, of course!” the unicorn replied, “I heard that there’s going to be a surprise for one special pony! I sure hope it’s me.” Sky Charmer’s ears shot upward. “Surprise? What kind of surprise?” “Well now, it won’t be a surprise if we know what it is! Besides, we all know that if it’s a Sugarcube Corner, then Pinkie Pie’s hosting it, and if Pinkie Pie’s hosting it, then that means that the surprise must be special!” Sky Charmer stretched her back legs. “Well, no harm in figuring out that mystery.” She glided earthbound, toward her unicorn friend on the snow covered ground. “Let’s get going then shall we?” “Of course, Sky, that’s what I’ve been trying to say the whole time!” Emerald chuckled and started to head on her way. Sky Charmer trailed behind. “Besides, I have a little surprise of my own for you” she winked and nudged the pegasus. “But Emerald, you coming all the way to Ponyville was enough, you didn’t need to get me a surprise.” Sky Charmer responded humbly. “Oh, but I insist, Sky! I may have taken some time off from my jewelry shop in Canterlot for you, but that doesn’t mean a friend doesn’t get something nice for this season. By the way, I do appreciate those molds for me. Thank you very much!” Emerald beamed. “You’re welcome Emerald. I just remember reading about how much you needed them in that last letter you sent.” Emerald blushed. “Oh um, yes, I forgot about that.” “It’s alright, we all forge-“ “Hi! Are you girls coming to my party? Huh? Huh?!” a fast talking earth pony, as pink as cotton candy, bursts in between the two ponies. “I promise it’ll be way fun! You girls should totally come! Are you coming? Are you? Are you?!” The pink pony’s ear to ear smile was unwavering. “Of course Pinkie! We were just on our way there.” Sky Charmer replied, smiling as well. “Okie dokie lokie! I’ll see you girls there!” Pinkie Pie hopped to Sugarcube Corner, saying “Hop!” with each bounce. “My, that Pinkie sure is an eccentric one!” Emerald giggled. “What do you expect from the best partygoer in Ponyville? She has to be happy in order to throw such great parties!” Sky Charmer replied. “Whee!!” The two ponies heard an echo, noticing that it came from Pinkie Pie, sliding on some nearby ice along her way. They both giggled and kept true toward the party. “Well, here we are, Sugarcube Corner!” Sky Charmer declared after passing the ice sheet that Pinkie was sliding on. “I can’t wait to see what Pinkie has in store this time” Emerald said happily. Sky Charmer and Emerald entered the large house that looked like a heavily modified gingerbread house, with the large party inside. Music, decorations, treats, everything needed for a great party. The party was a fine mix of socialization, fun, and atmosphere; it was definitely a Pinkie Pie party. “Hey, I’m going to help myself to some of Pinkie’s Hearth’s Warming punch, you want some?” Emerald asked Sky Charmer. “Not yet, maybe in a bit.” Sky Charmer answered. “Alright, well I’ll just get myself a glass. I’ll be right back!” The unicorn trotted toward a decorative table where the punch and goodies were. Sky Charmer looked around the large party room, through the mass of ponies in the room, admiring the decorations. Something caught her eye though, something in the crowd, no, somepony in the throng. He was a light gray pegasus, with a blue spiked mane with a tail of matching color, with the Greek letter sigma as a cutie mark. His brown eyes were focused on his friends nearby, but were prominent enough to attract Sky Charmer’s attention. “Oh no…I didn’t think that he’d be here!” Sky Charmer said to herself as she backed away a foot or two. “I hope he doesn’t see me.” She backed away a bit more, but ran into another pony. Sky Charmer felt something wet on her flank, making her jump a little. She started to turn around to apologize, but noticed that the pony she ran into was Emerald. “My punch!” Emerald exclaimed. “Oh my, Emerald! I’m so sorry; I didn’t mean to do that!” Sky Charmer apologized. “It’s quite alright, Sky. I have to ask though, what’s got you so nervous all of a sudden?” “Oh um, it’s nothing really.” Sky Charmer averted her eyes. Emerald smirked. “I highly doubt that, Sky. No one gets that nervous in the blink of an eye. Please, tell me what’s on your mind.” “Okay then. If you really must know, there’s this pegasus that’s over there, Stratus Sigma.” Sky Charmer tilted her head toward the gray pony. “Ooh, I think I see where this is going!” Emerald hopped up and down a few times. “B-but you didn’t let me finish!” “Sky my dear, I can read you like a book right now!” Emerald patted Sky Charmer’s head with her hoof. “Then what do you think is going on?” “You like him, don’t you?” Sky Charmer was unable to speak. Her eyes widened at her friend’s conclusion. “No need to try and cover it up, Sky, I run a jewelry shop! I know those emotions when I see them! Go on then, talk to him!” Emerald started to push Sky Charmer into the crowd, toward the pegasus before she could protest. The pegasus looked toward the girls and smiled. “Why hello there. Are you two having a good time at the party?” he asked, his voice calm and mellow. Sky Charmer was stuck dumb. She just stood there staring at him, her mouth slightly agape. “You okay?” He asked. The blue pegasus kept her blank stare, averting her eyes after a few seconds of silence. The gray pegasus tiled his head, wondering what was going on. He looked at his friends for help, but to no avail. Turning his head back, something was amiss; Sky Charmer was gone. He looked around the area, searching for her, but after a few minutes he decided that she wasn’t at the party anymore. ~~~ Outside of Sugarcube Corner, Sky Charmer flew up to a nearby cloud to hide. After landing on the cloud of her choice, she curled up, still shaking from the nervousness that occurred during the party. “That was too close” Sky Charmer said to herself. “Emerald was right, but I can’t talk to colts, I don’t know why.” She closed her eyes tightly, trying not to cry. She knew she liked him, but she can’t talk to him. “It’s just not fair!” “Sky? Sky, where are you?” Emerald called from the ground. Sky Charmer didn’t answer, still trying the resist the urge to cry. “Please Sky, come back here, I’m sorry!” The blue pegasus peeked downward from her cloud to see Emerald walking around Sugarcube Corner looking for her. Sky Charmer sighed, clearing her mind and flew down once again. “Sky! There you are! I’m so sorry for what I did. I just got caught in the moment is all.” “I don’t blame you Emerald, really. It’s just that I can’t talk to colts, I don’t know why. Every time I try, I can’t say a thing.” “Oh my, that’s awful!” “Tell me about it. I can’t even talk to the colt I like; how do I even have a chance with him?” “Don’t worry dear, the time will come eventually.” “How long will eventually be?” “I can’t say for sure, but I know it will happen.” Emerald smiled, trying to reassure Sky Charmer. “What makes you say that?” Sky Charmer was startled by a familiar voice behind her, saying “Because I have a crush on you too.” She turned around to see Stratus Sigma smiling at her. “I was too nervous to tell you.” Sky Charmer’s face returned to her dumbstruck expression, her eyes scanning him as she tries to say something. “Your friend Emerald told me everything, and I’m very sorry that you can’t say anything to me, but I just want you to know that this time I the season is when we spend time with friends, family and loved ones. I was hoping that you would accompany me tonight.” Stratus Sigma had a soft smile on his face, while Sky Charmer still had her mouth agape. “Oh Sky!” Emerald called out to her. Sky Charmer looked at Emerald, who had some mistletoe held above them using her magic. "I told you that I had a surprise for you!" Emerald smiled and tilted her head toward Stratus Sigma. Sky Charmer blushes intensely and smiled weakly, lowering her head and looking up toward Stratus Sigma. ‘Dreams really do come true’ Sky Charmer said to herself.
  15. Doing the math, I've apparently wasted about 33.7 days on my steam games alone. I can't imagine how many for the xbox...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ProjectRKA


      What games do you play on steam/xbox ? :P

    3. FLARE


      You used an incorrect term, wasted isn't the correct term. I could say I wasted 3 days of my life watching a TV show for girls.. but instead I say I have watched 3 days of MLP and counting >:)

    4. FLARE


      also you need to speant the next 100 days in game so you have spent 133.7 days ingames

  16. Mint Petal

    fan fiction Trades, Anypony?

    Finished the story! This one's about twice as long as my first one, so I really hope you like this one too! After the Rain Goes.doc
  17. Finished another trade! Whew, now I can work on my Christmas story!

  18. A few things: One, gonna be working on a christmas fic with Sky Charmer. Gonna have to balance it with my trades. Two...I need people to talk to, I'm lonely :(

    1. FLARE


      You can talk to me, but I won't guarantee it would be worth talking to me

    2. ProjectRKA


      I'm here if you want to talk. Add me on skype :D

  19. This has to be my favorite episoed in Season 2 so far. Mainly because I'm a sucker for adorable and cute things, like when Spike and Rarity were falling after Spike returned to normal, I had to stp and make audible sounds of cuteness and d'aww before I can continue.
  20. Canterlot in Terreria progress: About 50-60%

  21. Mint Petal

    fan fiction Trades, Anypony?

    Well, here it is! I tired to aim for about 500 words, but I got close without making a short story too long. I hope you like it! AJ Cutie Mark.doc
  22. Finished my short story! Gonna wait a bit before I post it though; I'm hungry XD

  23. Alright, time to work on that story trade!

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