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Mint Petal

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Everything posted by Mint Petal

  1. Truly, you're forgetting who will really be in charge soon, according to the prophecy.
  2. Yes! I am gaining followers! The almighty MINT PETAL shall overthrow our chaotic dictator, as the prophecy dictates! Prepare yourself, Chaotic Discord, for I shall be the the storm to knock down your tree!
  3. I'm excited for the rumors involving Twilight achieving literal godhood. If not, there's always my headcanon.
  4. This shift in leadership seems to have coincided with my return. That means that, judging by the trajectory of the sun and the moon, the night ending with the Blood Moon along with the awakening of the Eye of Cthulhu, assuming that there wasn't a total solar eclipse in the last month, that I am the harbinger of such an event! Who knows what else I could bestow? I am the bringer, the herald, and the chosen one! Bow to me!
  5. ^ This. I also don't like Final Fantasy (or JRPGs in general), anime, Pokemon, or many other Japanese things. I just don't see the hype. EDIT: Or Doctor Who. Guh. Dislike, dislike, dislike!
  6. Disintegrated BANNED because I'm back, baby!
  7. Nostalgic cry? Nostalgic cry.
  8. Wow, been gone a long time, and then BAM! Tons of people I don't know!

  9. Got me Animal Crossing: New Leaf! I shall not sleep tonight!

  10. I suddenly remember why Elizabeth is so central when it comes to Columbia! ...Why is my nose bleeding?

  11. Bring us the girl, and wipe away the debt!

    1. Champion RD92

      Champion RD92

      That was a great game.

    2. Anonymous~


      I liked him and his self-sister or w/e they were.

  12. Wow, haven't been here in forever. Seeing as how a detailed reading of the rules didn't say anything about posting in old topics, I decided to ask anyone's opinions on the newest things in the Touhou-verse. Now that Hopeless Masquerade has recently been released, along with the demo for Double Dealing Character (Squee!), what are your thoughts on ZUN's newest installations so far? Personally, I'm finding Hopeless Masquerade interesting, but to controls could take some getting used to on my end. I like the idea of an all aerial combat system and spellcard declaration, instead of just a sudden surprise spellcard. Moving onto what little was shown for Double Dealing Character, I do enjoy a new Touhou game to spice up bullet patterns and techniques. It's evident that ZUN's trying out some new music styles with the 14th installation, but I'm not complaining; the songs are already starting to grow on me. It's also nice to see Sakuya as a playable character again.
  13. Today, I learned about the interesting similarities between humans and pigs. Should I now consider being called a pig a compliment?

    1. skullgal56


      same lol and yes

  14. Vibrating Mint, away!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Zoop




      Always enjoy your avatars. x)

    3. Flicker Sweet

      Flicker Sweet

      I wanna vibrate!!!! D:

    4. Flicker Sweet
  15. Akham Horror anyone? I'm not much of a board game person, but I have to say that Arkham Horror is the best board game I've played in YEARS.
  16. Oh dear Celestia, every time I think of either of these (both from the same game), I shed a tear of nostalgia. I used to play this game for hours upon hours on end. Dreamcast Opening Gamecube Opening
  17. I'm not much of an anime person. I've only seen 2, but approached them with an open mind and ended up liking them. Those two being: Azumanga Daioh Hellsing Ultimate
  18. May try to become active once again. Don't be all too surprised if I become inactive again

    1. Twiliscael


      Hello Mint! I wasn't here from the beginning when you were active, but I've seen some of your posts. Seem like a cool guy. I hope that you do stay and have a good time, but hey, do what you wanna do.

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