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If offered a drink, would you take it?


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No. Not only am I an extreme lightweight when it comes to alcohol, but I've seen enough crime dramas to know that I'd very much prefer not to wake up in a tub of ice missing a kidney.

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Depends. If I know the person, perhaps, but only if it is cider.


As for me offering, unlikely. I'm not nice like that.


On 4/22/2016 at 6:16 PM, The Nightly Spectre said:

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I only social drink with my husband present. I have never been to a party, so I have never really thought about strangers offering me a drink. When we drink, we are often with a couple friends, sitting around a campfire or woodstove, shooting the bull. If they offered me a drink, I'd take it. We all drink in moderation, and moderation is key.

If I ever was at a place where I was offered a drink, I would turn it down outright if my husband wasn't there. But if he's there, I'd ask for a look of permission as to whether or not I'd accept. This isn't because I have to obey him or anything. I look up to him, and being my friend and companion, we look out for each other naturally, so asking permission is just a part of it.

Edited by Treble Bolt
  • Brohoof 2

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First (for me) who is offering me this drink and is this person reliable? What is it they're offering me? If I can't trust the person, if I don't know what is in the drink, then nope. I don't like the strong taste of alcohol and I don't want to be drugged or whatsoever. 

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Assume the situation is one you would be comfortable drinking in regardless of your answer.

Almost everyone in this topic seems to have missed this part. Everyone's saying "if it's someone I know" or "with people I trust" and whatnot.

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I've only got half a year before I'm of legal drinking age, so let's assume i'm already legal.

Random stranger offering me a drink? Decline! Someone I know offering me a drink? Depends on who they are. If they're not someone I know well, its still probably no!

Also, I plan to only drink things if I enjoy drinking them. If they offer me alchohol that makes me wanna chop off my own tongue, hell no! I only want that yummy fruity stuff that they serve in the cute glasses with pieces of fruit in them and with a the little umbrella. So cute!

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Personally no, I've had many a person/acquaintance try to pressurise me into drinking against my will. I've always politely declined, even when they have (on occasion) started to get somewhat aggressive about it. 

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I've only got half a year before I'm of legal drinking age, so let's assume i'm already legal.

Random stranger offering me a drink? Decline! Someone I know offering me a drink? Depends on who they are. If they're not someone I know well, its still probably no!

Also, I plan to only drink things if I enjoy drinking them. If they offer me alchohol that makes me wanna chop off my own tongue, hell no! I only want that yummy fruity stuff that they serve in the cute glasses with pieces of fruit in them and with a the little umbrella. So cute!

Just so you don't get your hopes up too much, the cute doesn't always equal tasty.  lol, I've learned that the hard way XD

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Just so you don't get your hopes up too much, the cute doesn't always equal tasty.  lol, I've learned that the hard way XD

My mom gets them all the time. And she almost always offers me a taste when no one's looking :wacko:

(because my mom is awesome like that) They're usually delicious, pretty sure they will end up being my favorite alchoholic drinks.

Edited by crazitaco


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"Every cloud has a silver lining" *except for the mushroom-shaped ones which have a lining of Caesium-127, Strontium-90 and other radioactive isotopes.

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/krazie-taco-r3366


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My response would be a firm, "No, thank you; I don't drink."


Aside from one accidental sip when I was too young to even remember the experience (because SOMEONE left a styrofoam cup in the fridge with liquor in it), I've never imbibed so much as a single alcoholic drink.  Nor will I ever.  Not hating on people who choose to do otherwise, but it's a personal choice for me.  I've no desire whatsoever to drink (socially or otherwise), and I've no interest in being inebriated or potentially developing a dependency.  Nothing about the practice holds any appeal; I'd rather - as much as I am able - have my wits about me.  I want my experiences, good or bad, to be as genuine as possible; rather than the result of something I drank (this also applies to any manner of drugs).  That's just how I feel about it.  Not seeking to vilify drinkers or any such thing.  I know that being a drinker doesn't necessarily make you a bad person, and I know that some people actually can drink in moderation.  However, my aunt was / is an alcoholic.  She...  Hasn't made a lot of good, solid life choices.

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My mom gets them all the time. And she almost always offers me a taste when no one's looking :wacko: (because my mom is awesome like that)

Pretty sure they will end up being my favorite alchoholic drinks. I want me some alchoholic slushies.

i got the strawberitas cuz they looked little and pretty and strawberry-y.  and they was gross.  >_> had a whole box of them too.


they sell some good packs of slushies that you just freeze then use when you want it that taste great.  they're not the strawberitas.  lol

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First off, if it was a random person in a bar, I'd politely turn down the offer and back away slowly... I'm more than a little overcautious! xD


Though even under normal circumstances , I probably wouldn't take an alcoholic drink at all. I've nothing wrong with drinking alcohol (in moderation of course) but I have been gifted with a naturally weak liver, so even trace amounts of alcohol sends my digestive system into torment for days! If I didn't have this problem, I would probably drink something to drink.

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It depends on the situation. Normally I prefer to drink alone, but I've drank with my family and both of my friends, and sometimes I get the alcohol and other times accept offered alcohol. To me treating friends to drinks and that action be reciprocated is one of many possible acts of friendship (though it is by no means necessary), so there is the social aspect, but if I plan on actually getting intoxicated, I do that alone. That being said, I wouldn't accept a drink from a stranger (or offer) unless it was a "greeting"/means of introduction, in which case it's the act, not the alcohol. 


Then again, I have yet to consume enough alcohol to overcome social anxiety, so the social aspect is pretty useless  :lol:

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Hehe sorry but I would have to say no, but thank you and here's why:


Well I never had a taste for drinking, I have a huge sweet tooth but very picky about my sweets. That said I used to have a daquri now and then or a very sweet strawberry margaritta. Thing is though I've not touched any alchohalic beverage in over 4yrs since my father passed and my mother is a recoved alchohalic. I support her by not drinking anymore.


Sure others of my family still drink around her and she's a strong women, so if I wanted to I could. But again I'm picky about my sweet tooth and i'll only drink sweet drinks.


To which I would ask you, how about we go for a milkshake instead? :D

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Under the conditions specified in the OP (which most don't seem to have read thoroughly), yes. Several times I have. @nlaq bought me several last year at BronyCon and I intend to return the favor this year. It's just a sign of courtesy and friendship, like paying for someone's meal. Don't see any reason to turn it down unless I'm not in the mood for anything. Seldom do I drink with other people, so it's a gesture I appreciate.


Sometimes I'll make the offer instead. Typically it just depends on who speaks first.

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NOPE NOPE NOPE the only kind I would accept is a brief sip of wine because in fact wine is proven to help the Cardio system otherwise NOPE... alcohol is a dangerous weapon to humanity and we have more than enough of it already (that's just me though)


Actually, my geography teacher once told my class that, back in the B.C age and recently after, when you weren't sure about whenever the water you where drinking was safe or not, it was good to put some alcohol in it because it killed a lot of the germs that was inside it. Beer has existed for a very long time, there's even regulations regarding it in the Code of Hammurabi, the oldest known written set of laws humans have written. Everybody drank alcohol back then, even children. Granted, the beverages the children drank likely had a much lower alcohol content.


Do I drink? No.

Do I plan on drinking when I turn twenty-one? No.

Am I against drinking? No.


I remain a supporter in the debate about whether or not we should be allowed to drink. However, I do not consider myself an enthusiast or even an advocate of drinking. My point being, is that alcohol hasn't been nothing but bad for humanity. It was a useful thing to consume back in the day. However, now that water goes through fifty-different filters in a processing plant before coming out of our ready-use taps, we no longer have the need to play safety-first with our water by adding alcohol to it.

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Yup. Ireland is a country in which ALL social interaction revolves around alcohol. Because it's the norm here, I always assumed we just drank a LITTLE but more than other countries, and that the stereotype was blow out of proportion.


Then I realised that we consume HUGE amounts of alcohol...at ANY celebration, every weekend, and sometimes during the weekdays. And it's never 1 or 2 bottles...it's ALWAYS a fuckton of alcohol.


Anyway, I love drinking at weekends.

  • Brohoof 1



I hope some people get the joke ^^

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I would say no because I don't drink. I've tasted, not more than a sip, alcohol maybe 4 times. It was gross. Plus I don't find life so boring that I have to kill brain cells in order to enjoy myself.

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Free beer??? ...yes please...

On a different note though I have noticed a lot of people saying that they would be worried about someone slipping something into a drink before it being offered to them, I had once been out with a bunch of friends and one of the women we were with was slipped something, didn't hit her till the car ride home though... we thought she was just asleep in the back of the car until she had a small seizure and then vomited in the back of the car (thank GOD it wasn't my car)... so my night ended up with me holding an open airway for about 8 minutes while HFD responded with a BLS ambulance, two ALS squads and a pumper... very quick way to sober up...

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Yup. Ireland is a country in which ALL social interaction revolves around alcohol. Because it's the norm here, I always assumed we just drank a LITTLE but more than other countries, and that the stereotype was blow out of proportion.


Then I realised that we consume HUGE amounts of alcohol...at ANY celebration, every weekend, and sometimes during the weekdays. And it's never 1 or 2 bottles...it's ALWAYS a fuckton of alcohol.


Anyway, I love drinking at weekends.

I need to move to Ireland.

  • Brohoof 1
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Simple answer: Heck no, not worth the trouble. I would firmly, but politely refuse.


Long answer: we should all know how alcoholic drinks can completely screw up a person's life. Wbether it be by degrading health, damaged social life, or even death... either yours you someone elses.


Sure some or even many can safel drink, going anout their lives without alcohol screwing it up. But do I really want to take the risk? No, no I don't.


Also, I am LDS and I am thaught to avoid alcoholic drinks completely as part of the Word of Wisdom.

Edited by EquestrianScholar
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Even though I've been legal to drink alcohol for the past 3 years now, I still haven't, and probably never will because of personal reasons. Because of that, I'd respectfully decline, but be appreciative of the offer.


I've got absolutely no problem if others want to drink as long as they're smart about it, but it's just something that isn't for me.


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