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Things you want everyone to know about your job.


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Better looking than me? :wacko:



I don't know what you look like  :o




I don't know when we'll get restocked!  Even if we were in contact with truck drivers, they can't make any promises one when they'll be there, because of traffic and stuff.

I always ask the employees when they will restock  :blush: i gotta know!



Between not cuddling the animals (nice, feral or otherwise) and not stomping jerky people who insult them (and the [edited for kindness] who abuse animals), I'd probably not do well at an animal shelter. Cutey kitties and puppies :wub:

It was a pretty awful job.  i pet all the kitties anyways.  the babies always wanted some pettins  :catface:

And then the older cats who's owners gave them up or died or whatever always meowed for pets, so they got my pets too.  I wish i could take them all  :(  I didn't work there very long

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- There is no such thing as "letting the computer do it for you" and getting anything that looks good out of it.


- Sooner or later, you're going to make a mistake that's going to piss somebody off.  It happens, it's a hectic industry, and you just have to crack on.  Hopefully the person affected by your mistake (likely your supervisor) is understanding.



Oh, and this is the perfect opportunity for me to vent about something about a job I had last year:

Shift Co-Ordinator at Mark's Work Wearhouse


- When a customer asks for something, and is then informed that the store doesn't have the item in question, and then responds, "You used to." followed by a blank look at the sales rep, that customer is just wasting everyone's time.  Seriously, what are you expecting to happen?  Why are you looking at us like we should have something to say about that?  "Oh, we used to!  Of course!  Well, that changes everything.  Let me just get out my time machine."

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Amen.  That's why I'm hoping to go to the fire academy here soon and then on to paramedic school.  Are you an Army medic or a paramedic out on the mean streets?


Army medic.  I'm actually thinking about going paramedic and putting in for flight certs if my attempts to get into a different career field don't work out.

Edited by Teabee


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Boring office job/clerk.


It is boring, pointless and the people both coworkers and customers are toxic.


The people are broken. They always whine about their stuff or other people.

No dreams, they are so broken and burnt out. I feel like an alien.


Or maybe they are body snatchers, I'm a changeling so we're even I guess.


The worst part may be the fact you don't do anything worthwhile.

It looks like an endless, constant grind towards nothing.



Study hard! So you won't end up in a dead trap like me.

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Sure, this looks fun.


Barista: yes someone else did this one but I'm a Starbucks barista so it's different

  • Our coffee is fresh as frick. I know it is because when I'm on store support I have to brew a new batch every eight minutes on a rotation so that (in theory) no type of coffee that we serve gets to be more than half an hour old. This sucks, so be thankful for your fresh coffee.
  • We do not have a secret menu. Do not try to order off the secret menu. It does not exist.
  • That said, if you saw something off of a "secret menu" that you would like, you can politely ask about it and we can recommend something for you. For example, one woman came in and asked for something with a "mint chocolate chip" flavor, so I helped her decide of a peppermint mocha iced coffee. It's kinda fun to get a little creative :3
  • There is very little space behind the counter, so we bump into each other a lot. After a few months you lose much of your concept of "personal space"
  • No amount of caffeine makes getting up at 4:00am ok
  • Brohoof 1

Fluttershy - Eloquence - Chamomile - Ginseng - Lovestruck

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From my old pizza delivery job:



*If your town has a "Whatever Highway" on the outskirts and an "Old Whatever Highway" in the middle of town, MAKE SURE YOU KNOW WHICH ONE YOU LIVE ON.  BECAUSE THEY ARE DIFFERENT.


*Kids should never order pizza.  Especially not from school.  Yes, we had kids order pizza from school on holidays or special events sometimes, and the store allowed it for some reason.  They always left the front office or a random teacher's number for the callback (never their own cell phone or anything), and never mentioned WHERE at the school to find them.  Also, kids never tip.


*Yes, your order WILL get backed up on particularly busy days or nights, because we only have so many drivers and cooks.  If there's some big event like school graduation or some sporting-related thing going on, and you want pizza, it's best to order a couple hours ahead of time.


*No, I can't break a $100 bill, but you can give me an $80 tip if you like.


*If you pay with your credit card, the only thing stopping me from stealing your info is that I don't feel like it.  Seriously, I've got your name, address, phone number, and a carbon-paper copy of your credit card, all I would need to do is briefly glance at the back of your credit card (to see the security code) while checking it over, and how many people are even going to notice me doing that?  It's kinda scary.


*It's really, really obvious that you're high.


  • Brohoof 1


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Doggie daycare handler and dog trainer in training


- Don't wait to tell us if your dog has aggression issues with dogs, people, food, and/or toys. We'd rather know BEFORE so we don't have your dog try to eat our hands or another dog's face.

- I don't get to snuggle and play with dogs all day. A lot of my day is scooping, mopping, and cleaning the dogs themselves. My own pup I bring to work with me gets covered in spit daily.

- You would never let your dog lick you if you've seen where its mouth has been.

- Daycare =/= training. It's not our job to fix your dog's behavioral issues. We only watch your dog, we don't train them. (We will practice tricks you have been working on if you just ask!)

- Training is a process. Your dog will not magically be perfectly trained after half an hour of learning "sit." Dog training is constant reinforcement, practice, and upkeep.

- 90% of problems people attribute to "dominance" or "separation anxiety" is really just your dog being a brat. If it's either of those things, you will know.

- See a dog wearing a working dog vest? Don't touch it! You shouldn't be petting or shoving your hands in front of dogs you don't know anyway!





- There is no such thing as "letting the computer do it for you" and getting anything that looks good out of it.

Aaaauuuuggghhhh I used to do graphic design and I hated this. Photoshop does not have a "make art" button!


Adding onto that, wanna know how to be a good commissioner? Watch Suited for Success and don't do anything the mane six does.

Edited by Duster Dawnhorse
  • Brohoof 2


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I guess I can add in some about my old job, since I seem to be the only security worker around :(


Infantry (US Army)


Garrison. Holy god did we spend so much time in garrison. Like ungodly amounts of time. Cleaning everything, reorganizing everything, and then doing it again because there is nothing else to do.

-We do not get to kick down doors that often, a lot of the time on deployments all we would do is convoy into a village out in bum fuck nowhere Afghanistan, have the CO or 1st sgt. meet with some local elder, and generally just sit around and sweat.

-The FOB gets mortared all the damned time, they'd freeze the shells in the tube, so when the sun came up they'd melt and fire off. Inaccurate as hell, but it got really annoying to be getting ghost mortared every fucking day.

-You spend more time cleaning gear than you do training for combat. On the average day in garrison, we'd PT, go clean shit, and generally just stand around and try to look busy.

-Getting "hey you"'d is the worst thing ever. Because it means more cleaning. Or unloading more MRE's. Or more heavy engineer crap that you cannot figure out why we are storing.

-Every other NATO military has cooler looking guns. And no, you cannot trade your m4a1 for a l85a2, I know. I tried.

-You will spend more time on making sure your ACU's look right, then you will anything else. (other than loading the armory full of gear for an engineer unit, that you still have no idea why you have it)

-PT everyday. normally at 0500.

-barracks blow, get on base housing or off base housing ASAP.


I hope someone reads mine now...

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I guess I can add in some about my old job, since I seem to be the only security worker around :(


I hope someone reads mine now...

I'm reading all of these in the thread.   :squee:  I'm trying to find an easier job that what I'm training for.  lol

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It happened!!


I'm still looking for Pinkie (soon, I can feel it)...

Pinkie Pie Beanie Babies!!! I love my job ... sometimes. Edited by SeraphStar

♪If I could find you now, things would get better, We could leave this town and run forever, I know somewhere, somehow we'll be together, Let your waves crash down on me and take me away♪ ~Yellowcard

Bangarang, Peter Pan. May you find Neverland. Thank you for teaching me how to fly. ~???

(RIP Robin Williams)
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another job!


nursing assistant


-you have to wear a thing around your torso to try to prevent back damage.  it is a very physical job with lots of risk for on the job injury.

-a lot of your patients are old, cranky, mean, or just not in their right minds, and they will take it out on you.  you will be hit, bit, yelled at, things thrown at you, etc.

-you will clean up a lot of poop, and wipe a lot of butts.  you pretty much do what a parent has to do for a baby, but to a bunch of adults.

-there will be smells you have never smelled, and you have to try your hardest not to puke or make a face when you smell them.

-you need to be extremely nice to the patients, no matter what they say or do.  not only is that your job, sometimes being extra nice will make your patients more cooperative, and trust me, you want that.

-sometimes all you have to do is sit and listen when someone wants to talk.

-always check the name bands on their wrist when you are giving them food or checking a chart.  you're taking care of a lot of people in a hurry, mix ups happen.

-there are a lot of obese people.  you will learn to use a lift machine.

-gloves are your best friend.

-people will die.  it is your job to clean up and dress the body as you would if they were alive.  you have to do this before the family comes.  they want to know that their loved ones are taken care of no matter what.


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Network Security / Infosec / Penetration testing




- It isn't Hackers, or CSI, or any silly movie/show you've seen. It's long, boring, and tedious.

- You can't just click a button and be done with it. Except for when you can, which is disturbingly common.

- Sometimes you get legal action taken against you, even when they waive the right to in your contract.

- You know that great idea you had of being a white hat and finding random holes and telling people about it? See the above.

- Defcon is awful.

- Using Metasploit doesn't make you a qualified pentester.

- 99% of your job is actually just juggling policies and yelling at people to not do things that should be obvious.

- Work for a company that specializes in your field, not the other way around. That's a good way to become 'the IT guy'.

- You won't be taken seriously if your pentesting machine is Windows-based. I'm serious. Double-dog serious.



  • Brohoof 2
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haha, you can almost never get rid of the back pain either, omg.  it's awful

Yes, agree completely. All you can do is try and not make it worse. >.<

♪If I could find you now, things would get better, We could leave this town and run forever, I know somewhere, somehow we'll be together, Let your waves crash down on me and take me away♪ ~Yellowcard

Bangarang, Peter Pan. May you find Neverland. Thank you for teaching me how to fly. ~???

(RIP Robin Williams)
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  • 2 weeks later...

Alright, this should be good!


Airport Operations worker (Ranging from ground crew to emergency response technician



2. If the person has a baton(two coloured sticks in the air) DO NOT APROACH OR TALK TO.

3.Some of us have shared jobs and duties for example a mechanic's aprentice could be the team leader of emergency response unit 2 the next day.

4. Due to some staffing and other things we may ask you to assist with some signals ie do a hand signal but YOU MUST DO EXACTLY WHAT WE SAY AS SOME SLIGHT VARIATIONS COULD HAVE POLAR OPPOSITE MEANINGS.


6.  When we transport people its not for fun, its because either we are escorting them or the person requires emergency care and we are administering it or stabalizing the person until we reach the Ambulance pickup area.


7. there is a sign that says "Ambulance pickup" DO NOT PARK THERE


8. We only transport to three place, across a runway, to the medical treatment area or to the ambulance pickup zone where EMS will take it from there.


9 we work alot and sometimes for days, that means we tend to sleep in awkward places sometimes like closets.


10. If there is piece of clothing on a door to a closet or rest area it means somone or some people are sleeping in there and to knock before entering


11. Some of us are not paid but volunteer our services in exchange for training and job rep


Edited by @Vinyl Scratch
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I'm gonna keep my list short and sweet.


Farming is a dirty job. You mess with manure for a part of the day and other times you're out in the field doing field work and if it's really wet, then you're playing in the mud.

Something breaks down, then you gotta stand in the mud to fix it.

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hotel work (anything you could do in a hotel i do it all)



1) if you room is not ready yet dont complain its being done as fast as it can

2) if you come back at like 1-2 am in the morning you cant expect to go into the bar and stay there we need sleep

3) even if you hate the people in you hotel you need to be happy all the time

4) my hours are like 8am-2am and i only get a break if all the gest go out somewhere so please dont just sit in the bar all day it kills me

5) you meat lots of people so you cant like them all because you probably wont see them again

6) yes i take drinks from the bar and don't pay i work here i paid to have them in the bar why would i pay twice and the money would go in the till to just go back to me

7) please god please don't complain just if something is wrong ask nicely and it will be fixed


Don't judge a book by its cover. You will truly understand it if you're just willing to read it.

                                                                                                         Sig made by me

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