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Why Are Bronies Disliked?


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Im 13 and my friend turned me on to the fandom, I thought it was weird at first. But then I fell in love with it, I don't understand why people take hating on bronies to the extreme. Because the only reason I like the show and the fandom. Is because Its about making friends and being happy, and thats what I believe the world needs. Does anyone else feel the same?

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Because they are jealous that they wont be as fabulous as we are, plus they are probably just too shallow-minded to accept us or even try the show themselves. they are still jealous though

  • Brohoof 4


http://dascottishbrony.deviantart.com/ My DeviantArt Page.


Why Only Tuesdays, I'm Not even in this fandom, i've just been sent here to spy on all of you. You guys are defenseless without your tin-foil hats!
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I think because it strays so far from what people say is normal, they don't understand it so they hate. Society has these set gender 'requirements' that they expect to be met, if you'd like to word it like that, so when things go against it in such a way as guys and girls liking and watching a show about colourful ponies, they react with hate and confusion. 


At least that's my take on it.

  • Brohoof 1




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Why people hate on bronies.. We're an easy target that's pretty much it. It would almost be weird if there wasn't some hate, it being a kids show and us being a little older then the targeted audience. Like you probably know, you can only enjoy stuff that's targeted at you. <== (sarcasm). Then there also just people that want to hate, haters gonna hate.


For me, I just fell in love with the show and didn't even know about the fandom until afterwards. Why some people take this hate to the extreme, I don't know. I guess it's like Fluttershy12341 said.. They're just jealous, I say we should let them be jealous.


They're missing out on our fun, acting normal is so overrated.

Edited by Fluttershyfan94
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Well I think the show is just a little too brightly coloured for some people to accept it as a kind of Adventure Time in society. People think it's bad because they've never seen the show and don't understand why we love it so much. The message, as you said, is great, the art style and animation are fluid, the writing is hysterical, songs are amazing and so much more! We can see all of that plain as day, but someone who only sees your age and the brand My Little Pony on sees this:





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The same reason people hate African Americans, gays, transvestites, and hipsters: because they're different. The reason is not because they are insecure about liking the show.

  • Brohoof 2
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This is a way different reaction than what I got from 4chan. lol you guys are the best! <33 (Also when I was suspended from my other account. I had to get my mlp fix from the 4chan forums. D:)

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Just like any fandom there are going to be people that take the whole thing WAY too far, which intern gives all the rest of us a bad rep. Just like the Scifi nerds back in the 80's and 90's did when Star Trek came out, same type of deal. And you know what? I thinks it's kinda a darn shame that everyone feels the need to hate on us so much, I guarantee that is about 60 percent of that haters just gave the show a try they would actually start to like it, but nope it's just easier for them to sit back and trash talk us whenever the chance presents itself.

  • Brohoof 1


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Why do people hate furries?


Why do people hate (violent) video games?


Why do people hate anime?


Why do people hate football?


Why do people hate metal?


Why do people hate the Prius?


Why do people hate me?


Obligatory :lol:

  • Brohoof 6
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Probably because we're different, and in the history of humanity it seems like being different makes you a target. That and from what I've heard people in real life say they seem to not understand why we like the show. Not everything has to be sexual, jeez. What if its just a good show?


Credit for the signature goes to Kyoshi

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Well from my experience, In the world we live in today, people are very closed minded mostly do to the media telling kids and the world what to like and how to live. Instead we should be enforcing individual interest and the morals of a show like MLP : FiM, Love and Tolerance. If the media instilled that into kids, especially over the last 10 years, I believe the world wouldn't wouldn't be in the condition it is today. It could also be fear. People are afraid of what they don't understand and fear provokes defense so people "Hating" on Bronies could be sort of a defense mechanism because they don't understand us or there own feelings towards the show and its fans.

  • Brohoof 2



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Because the social norm nowadays is, when you get right down to it, based on negativity, selfishness, apathy towards others, and general lack of character. When a subculture emerges with principles that are the polar opposite of the mainstream dystopian pessimistic mold, negative feedback is pretty much mandatory.

tl;dr we're genuinely nice people in a world where everyone is expected to be an asshole.

Edited by Tricksy Lewlamoon
  • Brohoof 4


On 10/13/2013 at 6:59 PM, little gamie said:

I'm fresh in school

Hey, you. You should fill out my Johari Window if you're bored.

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Because people have their own little view of the word should be and what everyone should like. They rather make something that challenges that view go away than try and understand it. 

Because the social norm nowadays is, when you get right down to it, based on negativity, selfishness, apathy towards others, and general lack of character. When a subculture emerges with principles that are the polar opposite of the mainstream dystopian pessimistic mold, negative feedback is pretty much mandatory.

tl;dr we're genuinely nice people in a world where everyone is expected to be an asshole.



We had a thread a while back about a :"true gender" test that proved your point perfectly as far as us guys go. The only way to get male on it was to answer the test as if you were a complete asshole. 

  • Brohoof 1



"You know, I don't know who or what you are Methos, and I know you don't want to hear this, but you did teach me something. You taught me that Life's about change, about learning to accept who you are, good or bad. And I thank you for that."


-Duncan McLeod.

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It's the same reason people bash on furries and other internet based fandoms. They think it's weird enough that it is worthwhile to start flame wars and slander it here and there and watch people's reactions to get a good laugh.


If you run into someone like that don't try to fight it. Just turn around and walk away because you are better than that person and you have more important things to do than to get involved with a troll.

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I can never understand why hate is the most appropriate response to misunderstanding. Is it really just a natural reaction we have? Even if we're scratching our heads wondering what all the fuss is about, do we still have even a small spark of hate inside us?


This is a way different reaction than what I got from 4chan. lol you guys are the best! <33 (Also when I was suspended from my other account. I had to get my mlp fix from the 4chan forums. D:)


Wait, wait wait. You asked this same question on 4chan? I am dying to know the replies.

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From what I've seen you have two major kinds of brony haters:


  • Trolls and immature weasels who think it's gheeey for grown men to like a show meant for young girls. They'll throw around cheap slurs like "autism", "neckbeard", "furfag", "basement-dweller", "horse lover", etc. Just your average Internet hate and anti-fandom.
  • The more casual anti-bronies who simply can't tolerate the worse parts of the pony fandom, i.e. your Rabid Idiot Bronies (RIBs) and, well, the stuff that really shouldn't be made for childrens' media, to tip-toe around it. These people are generally reasonable, and are actually quite pleasant to debate.

Then there's everyone in between. Some people hate bronies for the pettiest of reasons, such as members of other fandoms who lose their freaking minds over the sight of one of their characters being ponified.


Finally, there's Hitler.



  • Brohoof 1
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Because a lot of us can't stop talking about ponies when it really isn't necessary.


Well, that's one of the reasons.


The rest of my reasons echo those already said. We're different, people make fun of different people, yada yada yada.


You'd be best to try to ignore it.


"I keep the walking on the right side, but I won't judge the next who handles walking on the wrong. 'Cause that's how he wants to be. No difference, see."


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I think most of the hate is because of the media. For example fox news does a story about someone called "baby man" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fqEDIFfy4Yg and right after that story they do a story on bronies and compares us to

that guy. That is just one example of lies the media say about bronies. They immaturely lie and laugh at people just for liking a show that actually teaches good things and has good morals but when when it comes to immature shows that is based off of fart jokes and doesn't teach good things, they're are okay with that and don't even mention it.



Awesome Scoots signature by

Ticking Timebomb
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Regarding those who hate bronies for no discernible reason, it can be chalked up to simple human nature - most people are naturally disturbed by (and sometimes outright afraid of) that which they don't understand. This lack of understanding generates some of the wildest, most untrue stereotypes you could ever hope to come across - like how we're all supposedly pedophiles - and unfortunately, many people have a propensity for taking what they've heard as truth.


Some stereotypes are based in truth, like those of the loudmouthed bronies who never shut up about ponies, even going as far as to try and "convert" people. Still, anyone who'd apply that stereotype as a sweeping generalization about all of us is really misguided, to say the least.

  • Brohoof 1
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First there's a difference between hating bronies and just trolling them. Bronies are great targets for trolls on the internet (just look around on YouTube, most of those hateful comments are made by poor trolls that have nothing better to do. Best way to end it is to ignore them (but for some people it's very hard task). Now with that said let me explain why people in my opinion are negative towards bronies.



1. Well, it's "officialy" show that was made for little girls yet many adults started watching it. Some people just consider it weird, don't understand it, so they just hate bronies or consider them childish at best, it's easier than trying to understand why we are actually watching this show. 

2. Well, some bronies ask for being hated themselves. I mean some of us should understand that writing under every video/picture that has nothing to do with bronies or My Little Pony some stuff that is actually related to that show will not be appreciated (just like any other topic like religion or politics mentioned under videos that are in no way related to them).

3. Many people find something that is not oridinary (for example watching cartoons) wrong and instantly hate someone who behaves in unusual way. 


As one person I cannot change the world, but I can change the world of one person.

Art, profile picture and signature by one and only Silky <3



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with most of the stuff people said is true for alot of cases it also has to deal with people are scared of what they dont and/or fail to understand and give into group conscious from seeing people around them fear and hate it so they go with them and fear and hate it.


Its pretty sad that majority of the populace of the world is so closed mindied. :okiedokielokie:

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