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web Your thoughts on rucka rucka ali


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For anyone who doesn't know rucka rucka ali is a youtuber who makes parody songs all of which make fun of something like for example he often makes fun of Obama and even has a few songs that specifically make fun of Obama. I personally like most of his songs a few of them are kinda weird and usually very racist but the majority of them make me laugh. The one song that he made that I absolutely despise is his gangnam style parody. So what do you think about him?

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  • 5 months later...

Rucka is a YouTuber who makes parody music videos on YouTube.

However, his style of comedy is very unique to how most people do parodies.

Basically his videos are meant to blast certain stereotypes of certain ethnic, racial, and sexual groups that have been beaten to death while mimicking the rythm of the song he tries to imitate.

His voice sounds in a way where you can't really take him seriously.


Now I know allot of you who knew him previously are probably like "I HATE HIM! HE'S SO OFFENSIVE!"

Well... that's the whole point of his videos.

Personally, it matters how sensitive you are to stereotypes and getting made fun of.

I for one get his form of comedy.


What are your thoughts?

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I think he's offensive in the funniest way possible.

On top of everything, he knows how to put it to a good beat.

Anypony who does what he does that can't create a good song to support it, better look into non-musical comedy.

I can understand that it isn't the style for everypony, but still, I am amused more often than not.

  • Brohoof 1
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He's offensive, which is clearly what he's trying to do.  I personally have nothing against it, and some of it is humorous, while the other part is pretty bad in terms of humor.


I get exposed to biases to the point where I'm desensitized about nearly all Asian stereotypes, so I take no offense.

Edited by Wyzecat

Semper ubi sub ubi


Wyzecat supra omnia

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I absolutely hate him. He's not Funny, he's not clever, he's just a Weird Al wannabe with a racist disposition.

You see, in your mind anything racist, prejudice, or homophobic is automatically unfunny.

Rucka challenges that.

He tries to get you to laugh at the most offensive stereotypes and labels.


Now you said that Rucka was not clever.

Have you ever examined the lyrics in his parodies?

They're some of the most clever lyrics I've heard in any parody I've seen.

Here's a sample line from his latest parody, "Ebola":


"Every shitty little village in Africa has Ebola."


Now if that was said normally, that line would come across as ungodly offensive.

But it's the way Rucka says it that makes it funny.


A Weird Al wannabe.

Are you kidding me?

He is completely different in style, character, and music video production.

Plus all his music videos are just basic slide shows of different pics and clips of videos with the audio playing the song.


Maybe you don't find him funny as hell, but ya gotta look at both sodes of the fence here.

People obviously find him funny for a reason.

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I find him funny. It is kind of whacked that some of the stereotypes he is making fun of are basically me.


The one thing that did make me feel negative was when Rucka called Bronies pedos : /

Do you think he believes the words that come out of his mouth?

He said "Jesus has ebola", so obviously he's being silly.



He made fun two things I am.


1. Just like you, I'm a Brony.


2. I'm a Minecrafter. (he made fun of Minecraft in his parody of "Fall Out Boy")


Sure he called Bronies pedos, but in the end, just remember he doesn't really believe the words in his parodies.

He knows very well Bronies aren't pedos.

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"Every shitty little village in Africa has Ebola."


Now if that was said normally, that line would come across as ungodly offensive.

But it's the way Rucka says it that makes it funny.


I kept waiting for the part of your post where you explain how that line is clever and why it's not still ungodly offensive, but you never get there. Do you mean it's because he says it in a funny voice, or to the beat of an existing song? Because that's not inherently clever.


I've watched his videos, he just comes across as an unfunny Weird Al with lazy video production, who uses controversy to get views as opposed to actually being clever or subversive. He's not offensive, just boring and uninteresting  :mellow:

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I kept waiting for the part of your post where you explain how that line is clever and why it's not still ungodly offensive, but you never get there. Do you mean it's because he says it in a funny voice, or to the beat of an existing song? Because that's not inherently clever.


I've watched his videos, he just comes across as an unfunny Weird Al with lazy video production, who uses controversy to get views as opposed to actually being clever or subversive. He's not offensive, just boring and uninteresting :mellow:

To answer your first question:


It's the way he says the line.

It's still offensive, but it's funny at the same time.

One example is how he rhymes his lines cleverly so it seems more humerous than offensive.


"Do you mean it's because he says it in a funny voice, or to the beat of an existing song?"


This line you said describes almost every single parody ever made.

They're all funny sounding and mimic a mainstream song.

And you said:


"Because that's not inherently clever."


So by your logic every single parody out there is uncleverly made.


Also you completely ignored my last post.

He's NOTHING like Weird Al.

His style and voice is completely different.

And his video production is bad on purpose.

I for one find just sliding through pics and video clips for a music video is just as funny if not even funnier than an actual full-out music video.

And these pics and video clips aren't just randomly made by himself.

He selects them from all over the internet and puts certain clips and pics in the video when he says certain lines.

For example, again in his video "Ebola" when he says the line "ebola la la la" you get a video clip of a group of African people dancing in a circle (taken that ebola came from Africa).

Now that with everything I have said about him, is why I find him hillarious.

Lastly, if he were to use shock value to gain negative attention, I could understand why you'd consider it unclever.

But he actually puts in a good effort in making the most offensive things seem hillarious.


But hey.

Maybe you just don't get his humor.

Edited by Emerald Starlight
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  • 9 years later...

Rucka rucka ali is funny to listen to.

I'm biased but if you don't like him, loosen up. He's satirical, and you have to recognize that he attacks only stereotypes. In fact he has made fun of white Americans before- remember Party In The TSA or Let's Go Cops? He appears to just like to hit vulnerable spots.

I don't want to say he's similar to Eminem in any way, but remember Eminem caused plenty of controversy way back then. The only thing keeping Rucka from stardom is just a disclaimer (Em had so many of them, especially on the Eminem Show- he mentioned rappers are purely entertainers, true gangsters had respect and carried firearms for protection and not aggression and that at the end of the day his goal was to make music people can vibe with).

His songwriting is clever; his flows and impressions are plainly goofy and he's only ever made fun of stereotypes and famous people. For example his songs about Asians are about as bad as Korean Comic (funny for no reason, he makes similar but more specifically Asian music), his songs about black people are usually targeting Obama and the rest are him being random (Minecraft Won't Add Inches To Your C--k).

I also clearly have a broken sense of humor (my friends are well versed in how to make a dirty pun because of me) but I don't find Rucka to be very offensive. I am gay and I'm largely Latinx, so of course I have many jokes targeting me. Still, I don't think he's seriously sly everythingist, solidified by him making a public announcement he was deleting and destroying old racist content. Grow tough skin, it's likely he just likes offensive jokes. If you look from an unbiased perspective, n---- means something endearing to black culture- though, everyone can remember to get a pass from their friend. In my opinion fa---- could be seen similarly.

I would defend his content myself. This message is targeted to those who dont like him or need a thinking exercise.

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On 2014-11-24 at 7:42 PM, TenorSounds said:


I kept waiting for the part of your post where you explain how that line is clever and why it's not still ungodly offensive, but you never get there. Do you mean it's because he says it in a funny voice, or to the beat of an existing song? Because that's not inherently clever.


I've watched his videos, he just comes across as an unfunny Weird Al with lazy video production, who uses controversy to get views as opposed to actually being clever or subversive. He's not offensive, just boring and uninteresting  :mellow:

Maybe he's not for you. His editing and everything really is deliberately terrible however.

Unironically, Weird Al and Rucka Rucka are much different. One talks about more general things and usually only makes fun of artists ("What is Smells Like Nirvana by Weird Al Yankovic?"), whereas one uses awful ethnic satire. And yes, the concepts at their veryncore are similar Yankovic isn't the first parodying entertainer. I like the number of parodies to the River Kwai March myself.

It's like showing the video of an iPhone 5 looking terribly long to the people who designed it.

If you'd look at more of his lyrics they get clever. I would like to point out that this was a ba lyricnof choice, with a bad explanation. If you'd read more of his album lyrics, you may find yourself making funny expressions. Yet if you still are offended, loosen up- I believe he's joking. After all he's indiscriminate about what groups he writes stupid lyrics about- he has come after white people before. If he's still offending you find the new wave aisle and don't come back 

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  • 2 weeks later...

He's fucking funny! Easily the South Park of the music scene, and I even sing his songs to myself a lot at times, of course it's not everyone's taste given his song parodies on certain sensitive topics about the modern world we live in today, but it's still funny to listen to.


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