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Zombie Pony Apocalypse - Choose Your Allies


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ZOMBIES! That's the topic of news networks everywhere as both Equestria and Earth are taken over by a horde of angry brain eaters. It seems a certain disease that was no more dangerous than the common cold in ponyland transformed into a virus with apocalyptic goals in mind after coming in contact with a human host. Now both ponies and humans are roving the world seeking organ "donations" and creating an army of dead in their wake. Is that scientifically possible?! Who cares! It's ZOMBIES.


You have partnered up with three ponies, each with their own strengths and weaknesses in an attempt to survive the undead onslaught and travel to a research facility in northern Equestria with a new strain of the virus that could save all of pony and humankind!


Below the break, you will have a bunch of pony party members to build your team out of! How will you survive the zombie apocalypse? How will you save both Equestria and Earth?


Twilight Sparkle - The Scientist



Bio: One of the chief researchers in charge of the pony division of curing the zombie plague, she was stranded in Ponyville after a zombie attack nearly took the city.


Bonus: She has created a quick-use formula that can cure someone of the zombie infection just once per pony/person, as long as it is administered within half an hour after the initial bite. Twilight comes with six vials of this for your party, or any other pony you may run into.


Negative: This apocalypse thing is slowly breaking poor Twilight's mind. Her decisions are sometimes irrational and extreme, which can and will put your party in danger.


Fluttershy - The Friendly Zombie



Bio: Bitten by a zombie early on, Fluttershy quickly learned to control her flesh eating urges, thanks to her already calm and quiet nature.


Bonus: Can't be infected. Immune to disease. She has the ability to trick a swarm of zombies into bombarding something else if your party is ever stuck in a corner.


Negative: She is a zombie sympathizer. If you kill too many of them, she will leave the group. She also smells awful, but you will get used to it eventually.


Applejack - The Bruiser



Bio: Years of apple buckin' have turned this pony into a zombie killing machine. When her farm was taken over, she set out to help the ponies of Equestria in any way she could.


Bonus: Her endurance and combat abilities are unmatched. Where one pony would fall to three zombies, she can take on eight alone. She also has a strong back, allowing her to carry double the amount of equipment.


Negative: Shes a one trick pony. Outside of bucking things, Applejack doesn't bring much else to the table. Her stubbornness will also get her in trouble at one point, requiring your party to rescue her.


Pinkie Pie - The Bard



Bio: When Ponyville fell, Pinkie Pie wandered the wasteland searching for a place to call home, gathering tales and information from ponies and humans alike. Her storytelling has become legendary.


Bonus: Even the most hardened group of survivors needs a good laugh every once in a while. Pinkie Pie will keep the spirits of the party high. She also has knowledge of hidden caches of supplies throughout the world, which you can take advantage of while traveling to the research station.


Negative: Unfortunately, she sometimes takes the happy a bit too far. Some outposts have outright banned her after a visit from the legendary Pinkie Pie turned into an all out riot. There will be places that will refuse your group admittance simply due to your affiliation with the party pony.


Rarity - The Infiltrator



Bio: After her dress business collapsed (primarily due to the lack of respect for fashion from the zombie hordes), Rarity took the skills she had learned from years of crafting personas for the popular ponies of Canterlot on the road.


Bonus: Using her femanine wiles and countless fake identities, Rarity can take advantage of the inhabitants of an outpost, gaining huge bonuses to supply trading and in some cases completely cleaning out the stock of a less than intelligent shopkeeper. A roll in the hay usually ends up with them tied up and her trotting away, saddlebags filled to the brim.


Negative: While her resource gathering is unmatched, years of being pampered have spoiled Rarity. Expect endless whining, and even the chance that she will straight up leave if things really hit rock bottom.


Rainbow Dash - The Scout



Bio: With weather control teams everywhere breaking up, and her number one idol Spitfire being zombified, Rainbow Dash struggled to find some way to put her talents to good use. After a brief stay with the now disbanded Canterlot Royal Guard, Rainbow discovered how useful incredibly fast flight can be in the field of scouting and infiltration, especially when the skies are swarming with deadly zombie pegasus.


Bonus: For the most part, Rainbow Dash should help you avoid any major zombie outbreak centers. Her infiltration abilities can also help determine the hostility of other nearby groups of survivors that you may encounter on your journey.


Negative: Rainbow hasn't completely come to terms with the dangers of the wasteland yet. Her need for popularity and heroism can sometimes force your party into the complete opposite direction, as you are forced to sidetrack and rescue another group. She also may take a bit of damage on each mission, due to the dangers of Equestria's famous flying zombies.


Princess Luna - The Guardian of the Night


Bio: After the fall of Canterlot, and the death of her sister, Luna set out to defend the ponies of Equestria as they slept at night. The idea of a cure, and on some level, a rest from constant battle, has her rallying behind your cause.


Bonus: Luna makes limited night time travel a possibility, and can can guard the party while they rest. She is also a fairly competent warrior, though not as skilled as Applejack.


Negative: Unfortunately, the princess of the night is completely useless during the day. Chances are she will be off snoozing in a tree somewhere and pop in at the last minute with a "Hello, everypony. Did I miss anything?".


Minuette - Apprentice Time Lord


Bio: With Equestria in shambles and her dental business overrun by the living dead, Colgate set out to re-discover the meaning of her cutie mark. After a run in with a pony in a blue box, she discovered a natural proficiency with limited time magic.


Bonus: Colgate can stop time in ten second bursts, allowing her to escape harm, or rescue a party member mid-combat. The intense requirements of time magic limit her to casting this three times before needing a few hours of rest. She can also reverse time on wounds, essentially healing a zombie bite once a day, or fixing up a few nasty cuts. And finally, cavities and plaque are a thing of the past! Expect sparkly clean teeth for the entire party, even Zombieshy.


Negative: Colgate is no fighter. Her combat abilities are severely limited, promoting a more support style role as opposed to any direct conflict. She can stop time to run in and save someone, but taking a zombie on one on one, especially without her time stop, would be a huge struggle.



The Great and Powerful Trixie - Sorceress



Bio: While Twilight decided to take up science and save the world, Trixie continued on down her path to become the Greatest and Most Powerful Pony in All of Equestria! Unfortunately, most libraries housing the greatest and most powerful spells were completely destroyed. Bored, and looking to travel in hopes of finding powerful artifacts and loose spell scrolls, she will help you, but only because she knows you need her.


Bonus: As a traveling unicorn herself, Trixie has a plethora of spells and abilities that make life on the road much more convenient. Everything from cooking to mini-lightning clouds to power electronic devices. Need something repaired? There is a spell for that. Zombies bearing down on the camp and you need a distraction? There is a spell for that too!


Negative: Everything Trixie does is somewhat unreliable. Her storm clouds have a chance to overcharge and fry whatever is plugged into them, and her zombie distracting performances may fail entirely. Expect about a 30% failure rate on anything you have Trixie do. And if she does derp something, she will always blame you for it.



I found this to be an interesting idea and thought I'd share with others. With that is the question which three characters would you pick to travel with? The second question why did you pick the three characters chosen?


I admit there are two things that annoy me about this:

The first being the fact the auther killed off Princess Celestia, leaving Princess Luna the sole ruler.


The second being Twilight just focusing on science. I could see her as a unicorn that mixed magic with science.

Edited by EquestrianScholar
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hey I think this should go to roleplay

If it does, I cannot run it. This seemed to be more of a thought exercise but if there are those that want this to be a roleplay I won't stop them.

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ok (I don't know much about this site lol) but I say first off get AJ for fighting off the zombies during the day I also think she would be good for knowing how to grow some crops for food when the canned goods are out 2 luna to keep night watch that's kinda it 3 rarity because she is best pony and probably get some allies with her manipulation and also she is best pony

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The only problem with the growing crops idea, is the disadvantage of staying in one place long enough for the crops to actually grow. From what is suggested, staying in one place is a bad idea.

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Well, with both the Master Chief, and a Captain of the Ultramarines on my side, I am sure to survive the zombie apocalypse, as zombies are ridiculously easy to kill. I mean, with the Chief, and one of the Emperors angles of death I am sure to win.



Also, does this count the users combat skill in as well? As you know, I do have a fair amount of combat experience, and a bit of training.


But as for my 3, I would take Dash, Trixie, and Pinkie pie. That way I can have areas ahead scouted out, have a solid base of operations in the main core, and Pinkie is best pony so I must bring her.

That and my expert qualifications with any weapon the army has handed me, along with the loadout I will be carrying with me is more than enough to get us to the north.

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I would choose Colgate as the main support and to heal injuries and bad breath XD Rainbow dash to scout out so we can find the safest spots and outpost's and get in minimal fights and then applejack so when fights do break out we don't just die super quickly.

But wow this is super detailed and if anyone makes a role play of this pm please

Edited by Pinkie_dust


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The only problem with the growing crops idea, is the disadvantage of staying in one place long enough for the crops to actually grow. From what is suggested, staying in one place is a bad idea.

I would get on a small private island to prevent zombies from getting to close and I live five minutes away from a taught club so I think I'm good for staying in one place
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I would get on a small private island to prevent zombies from getting to close and I live five minutes away from a taught club so I think I'm good for staying in one place

Well you're going to have to do a fair amount of traveling then because there are no islands within or near Equestria.


Also, does this count the users combat skill in as well?


But as for my 3, I would take Dash, Trixie, and Pinkie pie. That way I can have areas ahead scouted out, have a solid base of operations in the main core, and Pinkie is best pony so I must bring her.

I would think you would either as yourself, human, or as one of your OCs.


Do you have military experience or something? As in real life?

Edited by EquestrianScholar
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Well you're going to have to do a fair amount of traveling then because there are no islands within or near Equestria.I would think you would either as yourself, human, or as one of your OCs.

Do you have military experience or something? As in real life?

Yea, I did one tour in Afghanistan, and 3 years in garrison US Army.
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  • 6 years later...

carnage-marvel-character-psd-430783.pngmaybe my allies will be scootaloo as the fighter and master at swordmanship and rainbow dash as the Scout and with Carnage sure to survive the zombie   iscootaloo___cragadile_wrangler_by_cheezeimg-2800694-7-shadowstalker_rainbow_dashlatest?cb=20191128034148&key=2122baf0b76and sombra will shield us from zombieimg-2800694-3-my_creepy_pony___zombie_flwith fluttershy help to distract the zombie  and with megatron  he can blast some zombie and also nightmare foxy slice some zombie headlatest?cb=201910260124483c34ef4e0fab9d32ddc61f8378d10b05.jpg

Edited by Scootaloo90747475
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On 7/2/2014 at 12:38 AM, M'aiq the Liar said:

Well, with both the Master Chief, and a Captain of the Ultramarines on my side, I am sure to survive the zombie apocalypse, as zombies are ridiculously easy to kill. I mean, with the Chief, and one of the Emperors angles of death I am sure to win.



Also, does this count the users combat skill in as well? As you know, I do have a fair amount of combat experience, and a bit of training.


But as for my 3, I would take Dash, Trixie, and Pinkie pie. That way I can have areas ahead scouted out, have a solid base of operations in the main core, and Pinkie is best pony so I must bring her.

That and my expert qualifications with any weapon the army has handed me, along with the loadout I will be carrying with me is more than enough to get us to the north.

I will have a base of  operatiotions in the everfree forest 

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If I were to pick three out of the ones from the prompt (This is a very well done prompt)

I would first pick Rarity. Her skills in getting us supplies would come in handy

Second I would pick Rainbow Dash. If Rarity is able to secure us plenty of supplies then RD getting somewhat damaged often shouldn’t be too big of an issue. Not only that I feel the same as her, if someone is in need from saving from the zombies I’d want to rush in there as well. 

The last pick was hard. However I’d go with Trixie. 30% failure is kind of high. However with Colgate only being able to cast 3 time spells before needing hours if rest, that would be very bad for the group. If we need her but she’s too tired and weak to help us. Twilight was my other choice however my biggest concern is the losing her mind and making extreme irrational decisions that could put everyone at risk. 

Rainbow Dash leaping into action at the first sign of trouble is one thing. While it could cause us trouble at least her hearts in the right spot. If Twilight however is making extreme irrational risky decisions she could risk us all for no reason. Her losing her mind is also a concern. It’s also interesting twilight doesn’t use her magic in this. Although with her losing her mind that might be a good thing.

To combat Trixies 30% failure, I would want myself to be a mage of some sorts. Hopefully I could cover trixies backfires or do some sort of damage control for the times she accidentally makes things worse. 

* Freaky Just Got Fabulous *

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On 12/10/2020 at 10:56 PM, Scootaloo90747475 said:

maybe my allies will be scootaloo as the fighter and master at swordmanship and rainbow dash as the Scoutscootaloo___cragadile_wrangler_by_cheezeimg-2800694-7-shadowstalker_rainbow_dashlatest?cb=20191128034148&key=2122baf0b76and sombra will shield us from zombieimg-2800694-3-my_creepy_pony___zombie_flwith fluttershy help to distract the zombie  and with megatron  he can blast some zombie and also nightmare foxy slice some zombie headlatest?cb=201910260124483c34ef4e0fab9d32ddc61f8378d10b05.jpg



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