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Problems with "My Content"

Your Nightly Spectre

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When I click on my username and go threw my options I get to "My Content", a feature that I often used on the forum and it made things so much easier for me. But yesterday or two days ago[Don't remember exactly] it won't show me my "forums" content type, it comes up with "There is no information to show." . 


It works with other things like members and pages and such, just not with "forums".



I don't know if this is fixable, but it is annoying me and I guess there is no harm in getting it out.


I look forward to the answers[As long as they are not stupid].  




My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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The "There is no information to show" incident is a bug cause by something on the server,that avoid users to see other's content(posts,topics,etc...)



This weekend,Lavo is rebuilding the entire server again,and,hopefuly,that will fix the bug,and you'll be able to see again your content

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