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Why, as a Brony, do I feel like I have to like all aspects of the fandom?

Rarity Paige Belle

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You don't have to like all aspects of the fandom to not be considered a troll but you do have to try to be civil and respectful of people and groups even if you may not agree with them or even like them. There are certain parts of this fandom I am not exactly thrilled with either but I deal with it.

  • Brohoof 7
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Well you don't have to like every aspect. It's just sometimes people can come across as haters or trolls if they say they don't like something on the Internet if you're just saying it bluntly without consideration.

Edited by AnonBrony
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Not liking a certain aspect of the fandom is not the issue. The issue is the level of respect with which you treat those who do like the things you dislike.


For example, it's okay if you dislike grimdark. But it's not okay for you to label everyone who does like grimdark a deranged psychopath.


By that token, it's okay if you dislike clop. But it's not okay for you to label everyone who does like clop as depraved sexual deviants who'd screw a horse if given half the chance.


Seeing the connection? If you don't like something, nobody's holding it against you. But if you make trollish statements that amount to "everything I don't like should be erased from the world!", then I'm sorry, but whoever brands you a "troll" is well-entitled to that opinion.

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I don't know. I certainly don't like a good bit of the fandom. Cloppers and Shippers mainly. But I feel like I need to relate to other people like myself, that like watching MLP. I wish I could do it without the perverted activities being a mention.


But I do understand. It's just sometimes when discussing the issue I do call bronies "depraved" for doing such things, and most of you aren't bad people, it's just that some of you do some nasty things. (Or at least I consider so). I was hammered in the "Why do you ship?" thread for saying why I DON'T ship. I just ignored most of the replies. Some of them were low-level and idiotic, but still. It was a little unnecessary on my part to say why I DON'T ship in a thread titled "Why do you ship?"

Edited by Twilly F. Sniper


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 you do have to try to be civil and respectful 

You don't *HAVE* to do anything.

Respect has to be EARNED. It's not something that comes automatically.

Edited by Derp My Life



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You don't *HAVE* to do anything.

Respect has to be EARNED. It's not something that comes automatically.

There are two different kinds of respect actually there is the one I referred to which is simply common courtesy and then there is the other one which does need to be earned. Common courtesy is what keeps this site from devolving into a 24/7 flame war, there are people I don't like on here and some I even despise but I use common courtesy and restraint by not saying *insert username here* is an asshole even if they may in fact actually be one. Those people who shall remain nameless may not earn the other respect but I show common courtesy because I have made a calculated decision that whatever issues I may have with them this site being a nice place is far more important and when someone crosses the line there is always the report button.

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Well you should at least respect the opinions of others. Are you claiming that you won't be respectful to others that you deem not worthy? Not cool.


On topic, you don't have to enjoy / like all aspects of the / a fandom, but at least acknowledge that it's a part of the fandom and be nice to others that do like it. That's all there is to it.

  • Brohoof 1

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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No, you don't have to like everything. I think the reason people are calling you a troll is because, in some of your more recent threads, you come off as pretty judgmental.



By that token, it's okay if you dislike clop. But it's not okay for you to label everyone who does like clop as depraved sexual deviants who'd screw a horse if given half the chance.


Seeing the connection? If you don't like something, nobody's holding it against you. But if you make trollish statements that amount to "everything I don't like should be erased from the world!", then I'm sorry, but whoever brands you a "troll" is well-entitled to that opinion.


This, basically. Its totally fine to have a differing opinions as long as you don't antagonize the people who disagree with you. When you do that, people are either going to think that you are a jerk, or that you are trolling them. I don't think you're a jerk RPB, but I do think you could consider a little more how people might react to the way you choose to phrase things.

  • Brohoof 3


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I can't answer why, but it's definitely not a necessity to like everything about this fandom.  I'm sure all of us call ourselves bronies and are still unhappy about certain parts of it.  Even if I know people who like those certain parts for whatever reason, it's no reason for me to hate them.  And it's no reason for me to be irrational or go look for a reason to insult them.  All that really matters is being friendly and reasonable.

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You don't have to like every aspect of the fandom. I know I sure don't. If there are certain aspects you're not comfortable with, then don't associate with it. Just don't go around looking down upon those who like what you dislike.

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Nothing's perfect. Completely normal. I don't even think any realistic person likes everything of anything.


I personally have a lot of problem with the fandom that I feel I'd be labeled as a troll as well but it really all depends on how sensitive the subject is to a usually big majority of fans and how you present it. Being disrespectful and downright rude could be passed as "trolling". As long as you don't do that, than you're not a troll at all.

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There are certain aspects of the fandom that I don't like at all. It comes down to how one presents their point of view that makes it seem like trolling or not. The other people posting pretty-much explained it already, but to reiterate: it's fine if you don't like something, just don't cast judgement on people who do. And if you really, REALLY don't like something and think it's a blemish on the fandom, at least present your thoughts clearly and rationally. If you do that, no-one will think you're a troll. Posting a single sentence slamming a whole group and then not responding for a long time makes it seem like you're trolling even if you're not, since that's a common troll tactic.

Edited by TenorSounds
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Do you tell yourself you have to believe all aspects? If so, it means you're probably losing interest, yet you want to remain as a brony anyways, but you tell yourself you're a brony by wanting to like everything.


Although by the looks of it, it appear this feeling of yours is for external reasons.


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Or get labeled as a troll?




Ladies and Gentleman, I feel as though an explanation is in order. @@Rarity Paige Belle started this thread not as a genuine discussion on why people think a fan has to like all aspects of a fandom, which for the record isn't true as a person has every right to disagree with anything they darn well please, but as a response to a reply I left in the now locked "Bronies NEED to stop thinking MLP:FiM was created especially for us" thread:


"I am starting to think @Rarity Paige Belle is a bit of troll."


I called you a troll not because you "didn't like all aspects of the fandom," but because you are deliberately saying things and creating threads for a sole purpose of causing a flame war. Y'know, the kind of things a troll would do.


You say G3.5 is better than G4. Setting aside standards in quality, you are saying that a series of short animations that equal up to maybe around 10 or so minutes of content is in any way comparable to a 91 episode series. It's not even G3, which had actual stories and characters, regardless of whether they were good or not, and actual animation. You're talking about the one with the babies. You're talking about this:




I refuse to believe for any second that an adult would enjoy this more than an actual television show. That show could be freaking Out of Jimmy's Head. 


You go on a thread specifically asking why people don't like G3.5 and then complain about how people keeping talking about why they do not like it. To paraphrase you, "You don't have to read the thread if you don't want to."


You said bronies need to stop analyzing a show made for little girls. On a website dedicated to analyzing a show made for little girls.


You say Hasbro should try to shutdown fansites to stop bronies from doing what they do, despite the fact that you yourself are using one of those fansites and that you have used said fansite long enough to reach Pony level, meaning you like this show enough to put in the time and effort to reach that status.


OOOOOOOORRRRR you simply got on this website, despite not liking the show, to mess with people. Regardless of your intentions, that is some troll-ish behavior, and I call them as I see them.



Edited by CITRUS KING46
  • Brohoof 7


Onwards to my DeviantArt page!

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@@CITRUS KING46, I called RPB a troll in one of the threads too, where they said they were "turned off the fandom" because of that one story about a guy having sex with a horse and he also happened to be a Brony. If they're not trolling then they are at least are at least making very, very poor decisions when it comes to making threads. That one had the "leave an incendiary comment and then not respond for a long time" issue I pointed out in my above post as-well.


Still, I'm always one to give someone the benefit of the doubt/a second chance. One of my weaknesses, I guess. Hopefully if they're not trolling they take this thread to heart and realize why everyone thinks they are, and if they are trolling then...well, I guess they got me. Oh well, no skin off my nose.

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Ladies and Gentleman, I feel as though an explanation is in order. @@Rarity Paige Belle started this thread not as a genuine discussion on why people think a fan has to like all aspects of a fandom, which for the record isn't true as a person has every right to disagree with anything they darn well please, but as a response to a reply I left in the now locked "Bronies NEED to stop thinking MLP:FiM was created especially for us" thread:


"I am starting to think @Rarity Paige Belle is a bit of troll."


I called you a troll not because you "didn't like all aspects of the fandom," but because you are deliberately saying things and creating threads for a sole purpose of causing a flame war. Y'know, the kind of things a troll would do.


You say G3.5 is better than G4. Setting aside standards in quality, you are saying that a series of short animations that equal up to maybe around 10 or so minutes of content is in any way comparable to a 91 episode series. It's not even G3, which had actual stories and characters, regardless of whether they were good or not, and actual animation. You're talking about the one with the babies. You're talking about this:




I refuse to believe for any second that an adult would enjoy this more than an actual television show. That show could be freaking Out of Jimmy's Head. 


You go on a thread specifically asking why people don't like G3.5 and then complain about how people keeping talking about why they do not like it. To paraphrase you, "You don't have to read the thread if you don't want to."


You said bronies need to stop analyzing a show made for little girls. On a website dedicated to analyzing a show made for little girls.


You say Hasbro should try to shutdown fansites to stop bronies from doing what they do, despite the fact that you yourself are using one of those fansites and that you have used said fansite long enough to reach Pony level, meaning you like this show enough to put in the time and effort to reach that status.


OOOOOOOORRRRR you simply got on this website, despite not liking the show, to mess with people. Regardless of your intentions, that is some troll-ish behavior, and I call them as I see them.



No, I never said I enjoyed G3.5 over G4, I said I enjoyed earlier gens over G4. G1 IS my favourite generation!


I never said that you don't have the right to analyse the show, I said that it annoys me when Bronies get peed off when Hasbro so something for the shows main audience, you know, preteen girls! In fact, considering the amount of brohoofs, a lot of people agree with me!


And I said that Hasbro should C&D EQD. Did I mention anywhere MLP forums?


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I have to agree. Lurking around and seeing his actions that can be assuring that it can fall under some trollsih behaviours, but I think it's just a drive for some attention.


Signature created by: Gone Airborne


Imagine if you will being on your death bed – And standing around your bed – the ghosts of the ideas, the dreams, the abilities, the talents given to you by life.

And that you for whatever reason, you never acted on those ideas, you never pursued that dream, you never used those talents, we never saw your leadership, you never used your voice, you never wrote that book.

And there they are standing around your bed looking at you with large angry eyes saying "We came to you, and only you could have given us life! But now. We must die with you FOREVER!

The question is – if you die today, what ideas, what dreams, what abilities, what talents, what gifts, would die with you?

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Or get labeled as a troll?

You don't get labeled as a troll for not liking certain parts of the fandom. You and I do mean you get labeled as a troll cuz a lot of your posts either bash cloppers or bash the fandom in general. I'm not trying to start a war or call you out or insult you. I'm just saying that cuz you don't like certain parts of the fandom doesn't make you a troll. Its what you do that makes you one.
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The reason these threads are locked is due to the ulterior motive of the thread in question. This isn't a discussion for the sake of discussion, and its devolving into another "Is this member a troll" debate.

This is why the threads are locked.

  • Brohoof 3


Goddamn right, you should be scared of me



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