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Pony Hypnosis


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I've tried it before... only Vinyl Scratch a few times. :P


Honestly, I kinda feel something happen. But not much.

Usually it just makes me rowdy and hyper, like Vinyl Scratch would be. X3


It's not unsafe at all. 

Edited by PrincessWubsy~


My OC, Starlight. (Better than Starlight Glimmer):


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Not insanity, just think of the effect like an identity crisis. But everypony LISTEN: EKP should not be a concern if you soley focus on one file. If you are wanting to change, you will need to first use the Reset File.

You'll have to forgive me, I'm slightly little knowledged here. :( . I believe the sight Hypnoponies may have more detailed info about the effects.

that's a more simple explanation :3


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well, i heard the applejack one is good and also is the rarity. i might try applejack first tho


EDIT: also, do you have to be 18 or can you be any age?



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Honestly even though it has an age restriction, you are free to try it at your consent. Did you know some of the audio files have been posted on YouTube?

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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Honestly even though it has an age restriction, you are free to try it at your consent. Did you know some of the audio files have been posted on YouTube?

yes. i have seen rarity and fluttershy's. rarity had much clear quality while fluttershy's sounded more fuzzy


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