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Why do you like previous generations more than FIM


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I don't think it's necessarily that they like the previous generations more, though I really do like G1 a lot. I put it right behind G4 in terms of how much I like it.


It's simply a matter of preference. I can completely understand liking a previous generation more. I personally love the villains from G1 a lot, maybe even more than the G4 villains, and some of the G1 pony characters are really cool and unique. Megan is actually a pretty good character despite being a human, and the same goes for her brother and sister. There are also some really well written episodes and there are many multi-parters with running plots that I wish G4 would do more often as well. The only thing that prevents it from really being better than G4 is that it has more animation mistakes than G4 and can be a bit stale in that department. Except for the Movie, the animation was pretty good in that.

  • Brohoof 1



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I don't personally like them more than G4 (though the only experience I have with any of them is G2 via the Friendship Gardens computer game), but a reason I've heard is that the previous generation toys more closely resembled real horses and are therefore better, as toys, but not having a better TV series. This is a reason that might be given by older people who were into collecting MLP toys in the previous generations and are also fans of real horses. For me, though, I couldn't care less if the G1-3 toys resemble real horses more closely or not, they look unappealing and ugly to me (unlike the G4 toys, which I've bought quite a few of...), but there are people who prefer them. Probably a lot of it also has to do with whether people grew up with it; like Blue Moon said, there's a nostalgia factor to it.

  • Brohoof 1
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I love G1 because I grew up on it and feel that it is more daring than G4, although G4 has gotten better. But I wouldn't say I like one or the other more. Both have strengths and weaknesses. For example, I love the G4 music and songs, but I feel like the G1 villains were 10,000 times more badass. The G1 ponies had to deal with CRAZY stuff. So again it's a give and take. I love both, which is why I say I'm an MLP fan instead of brony. Previous and current gen fan. :)

  • Brohoof 2
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Though I am a G1 fan I do like G4 better though I can understand why some may prefer G1. G1 is surprisingly dark in a lot of instances especially with certain villains like Tirek (though his G4 version is even more dark) and Grogar and is much more heavily focused on adventure stories than G4 is. I myself like adventure stories and wouldn't mind seeing more of them as well as more world building, it was my hope for twilicorn even though I had my various concerns and issues with that. I like the slice of life stories of G4 as well don't get me wrong but seeing more action and adventure would be very welcome for me and the season 4 finale delivered on that big time.

  • Brohoof 2
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I don't like it (more) but mainly with G1 I AM into it much like fim it has depth into along with good writing, pretty cute ponies, so on this goes for G1 but with the other generations (apart from FIM) did not get the following right....



although I prefer FIM I respect previous generations and kind of like G1...

The deepest of the Everfree!

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G1: More mature, much darker, and hasn't stole anything from any other franchise.

G1.2: For teenagers, eliminates anything fantasy-like form G1, and focuses on personal problems people at certain ages might be having.

G3: Mainly for little girls.

G3.5: I don't like it.

G4: Just annoying, disrespectful and childish fans, that's the only thing original coming from Lauren Faust's "creation".

  • Brohoof 1

Overlord of Darkness








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Short version


Is just a difference of taste , a matter of opinion, that is all ! ;) 


Large version



Hmmm.......I think it is just a matter of opinion.


Sometimes We always tend to  think that there is only one road in front ,of what we  put characters into neat boxes like "nastly" and "nice". As describing something for being " bad" or " mediocre". In fact , nobody can define anything for being beautiful or ugly, good or bad, and when I say something like " pinkie is beautiful! " I am not staying anything but what I think. I think pinkie is beautiful, there are people that don't think so . Neither I nor the guy that think differently are right or wrong, is just a difference of taste. But if you ask me : "Is pinkie really truly beautiful?." Although I will probably answer with a YES, I am afraid that I can't really define her beauty, because I know that no everyone will think so.


The same happen with FIM and the previous gens. It is unfair to say any creator of both generation didn't put a lot of effort on them. But can effort really define a cartoon for being good or bad ? of course no. Is the final product that we appreciate. While  FIM has now a growing popularity, being not only watchable but also enjoyable for must of us, it still doesn't surprise me the fact that there are still people enjoying the old gen- specially the gen 1 for the ones that love adventure themes and extraordianary dark villains.But why ? I think it isn't something that I can answer, being not a fan of any previous generation, all I can say is that people are different with different feeling about a specific thing.


As a G4 fan, It won't surprise me that there are people that dislike FIM. As a (G4)pinkie's lover , It won't surprise me that there are people that hate her, as a Hugo's maniac, It won't either surprise me that there are people that disagree with his ideas, some of them being highly famous in modern times such as  marx..........


But it doesn't mean it won't hurt. I am sure that many G4 fan will not feel too good  reading commentaries and opinions that point FIM lackness of imagination, originalitly or creativity according to them , opinions that I personally disagree but respect....but still, opinions that I  find inconvenient  to put in a forum made by and for fans of FIM.


As for your question, Eliash, I think what you meant to ask is  question more like: Why do you like the previous generation more than FIM? Neither I or you can understand that, because neither of us adore generation 1~3 more. But I can still try to guess their point:


1. Most of them growing watching and collecting the toys of the previous generation, and have a   deep love for them.

2. The themes of the oldest gen were much darker and adventure like, the villains were really evil , and of course all the word were original. Not as gen 4, with plently amounts of references to the old gen.

3.The toyline qualities were much better compared with FIM toyline.


I can still point countless reasons to like the older gen more until it get pointless , because really , it in fact is just a difference of taste. Do you like coffe? cool. Do you like chocolate ? cool. No one will ask you " why do you like coffe" or "why do you like chocolate", because there is an obvious answer : "because is yummy". then why to ask someone "why do you like a cartoon?" Isn't there an obvious answer too ?" Because it is of my taste."

But no one can deny that there are an  difference between the older gen and the newest. From the design to the personification, Is this the difference that make plenty amount of people to like a show with girls as  target audience ? maybe. Is this the difference that make some of the older gen lover turn away and hate the newest gen? maybe. But there is a difference, a difference that is also a great effort not only put by Lauren Faust but by the G4 team. A difference that turn a lot of teenagers and adults to  love a show that was girly for them. Is like to put a different kind of sugar in the same milk, a sugar that is tasty for many but inacceptable by some.


And what can we do? love and tolerate is probably the best answer, this meme that was no more than a troll, can be also be a way of life. Love and tolerate is to accept the differences and complexity of the humankind, Is to not fear when you see two roads, two way of think. Is to not be a javert of your own that will  persuit your until the corned of your mind , is not to let other's opinion dictate your action,  is to believe a more lovable world, when no one will bully you for your likes of act, and will love and tolerate the sh---t off of you



  • Brohoof 1


              By MiniKirby123                

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Well, it's simple why some like the older generations more... They grew up with them. It's like why a great portion of the people around my age like Pokemon generation one, perhaps only. Now I think the worshipping of G1 Pokemon is irrational, but with MLP it's a little different (Pokemon is mostly the same as it was back then, while each generation of MLP is very different from the last).


I've seen somebody that grew up with G3 and I completely respect her opinions. You see, MLP G3 is very different from MLP G4. When you grow up with the show and characters one way, it can be very hard to accept them another way.


For Bronies, this is really a teenage/adulthood fad, but for many of the fans of older generations MLP is a series from their early childhood. You really have to step outside of the Brony community to see this. It makes complete sense then.


Either way opinions are opinions, and there's nothing wrong with them.

I'm happy to have come to like all generations. Even G3, which gets too much hate by this fandom. Oh well, the further it stays away from this fandom the better.

Edited by Envy
  • Brohoof 1

Everything needs more woodwind!

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What the Fu-

Also I Read your "about me" and it says you find G4 mediocre 

Care to explain?

Heh. There's nothing into it.

Absolutely nothing.


Generic clichéd characters and villains, typical and old morals that are more than obvious, mediocre songs, and many more things that just make it very boring of how childish it is.


And that's taking everything it has stolen from G1,G2,G3 or G3.5 or other franchises.

Overlord of Darkness








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Heh. There's nothing into it.

Absolutely nothing.


Generic clichéd characters and villains, typical and old morals that are more than obvious, mediocre songs, and many more things that just make it very boring of how childish it is.


And that's taking everything it has stolen from G1,G2,G3 or G3.5 or other franchises.


I Wonder why you people who like G1 G2 and G3 more than G4 come on these forums if its clearly mainly for G4 when most of you clearly hate or dislike G4 

I Really just wonder

Alright lemme take this apart 

Also it seems people like you seem to just watch like the first 2 episodes and then judge the thing based on that when you have to watch at least an entire season to understand them

1 The chatacters are made to break cliche sterotypes

2 The morals maybe obvious but they are dilivered in a mature way

3 Songs are taste i wont judge you 

4 BRING IT ON WITH MORE! C'mon i like doin stuff like this

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Generic clichéd characters and villains, typical and old morals that are more than obvious, mediocre songs, and many more things that just make it very boring of how childish it is.


What are you trying to say?


I understand your dislike about FIM, and I respect it.


But don't you think you are being too absolute? your word aren't golden. And  to say them in a forum made by and for fan of FIM, do you think it is convenient ?


              By MiniKirby123                

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I like both G1 and G4. The middle ones were all girly and stuff.


Generation 1 is a lot darker than Generation 4, mainly because they got away with a lot more stuff than G4 could. Every other episode has Pony Land at risk. They aren't living casual lives. Pony Land is very dangerous, and they know it. Several of the ponies almost die. The ponies almost lose their home in a fire, there home is destroyed in another episode, in that same episode, Pony Land was going to be covered in water. Most ponies can't breath under water, so they would die. If I could go to Pony Land, I would not want to go there. It's very dangerous. Something could come out and kill me when I least expect it. Friendship is Magic is a show for babies compared to Generation 1. 


Generation 4 has some World At Risk themes, but it rarely puts ponies' lives at risk. It has a lot of good lessons and morals, and it is fun to watch if you want a good show that is not too violent but can still appeal to a large audience. I personally love Friendship is Magic. It is not dark because it is teaching about friendship, not that Equestria is a dangerous place. They have their share of disasters, but unlike Pony Land in Generation 1, I wouldn't mind living in Equestria. 


I prefer Generation 4, but I also love Generation 1. 

  • Brohoof 1





Applejack Fan Club

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I've only ever seen G1, back in the day...and to be honest, 99% of the stuff I watched back then, doesn't really stand up much for me today. Transformers has been the only thing I watched when I was a wee lad, that I can still watch today and enjoy. I like FiM better, mostly because it doesn't seem like they're just throwing shit into it, like G1 and pretty much every 80's cartoon back then.

Feel free to add me on steam if you want to play something. Also don't be afraid to message and talk to me. I've had bad luck when I start a conversation, so I more then likely won't start one.

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I Wonder why you people who like G1 G2 and G3 more than G4 come on these forums if its clearly mainly for G4 when most of you clearly hate or dislike G4 

I Really just wonder

Alright lemme take this apart 

Also it seems people like you seem to just watch like the first 2 episodes and then judge the thing based on that when you have to watch at least an entire season to understand them

1 The chatacters are made to break cliche sterotypes

2 The morals maybe obvious but they are dilivered in a mature way

3 Songs are taste i wont judge you 

4 BRING IT ON WITH MORE! C'mon i like doin stuff like this

As you wish.

But let me go to get something to eat, this is gonna be good.


OK, first, boy, this site is called MLPFORUMS, My Little Pony, in general, not precisely FiM.

Second, I don't hate it, read my comment below.

Third, I had to do an entire review of it, so I've watched THE ENTIRE series, and it hasn't changed my opinion.

Fourth, WANT MORE? Come and get some!

What are you trying to say?


I understand your dislike about FIM, and I respect it.


But don't you think you are being too absolute? your word aren't golden. And  to say them in a forum made by and for fan of FIM, do you think it is convenient ?

Never said I hated or disliked it. I respect it. Its the last living member of the MLP franchise, I need to have hope on it.

But I don't like the way it's praised in comparison, insulting the previous gens while G4 misleads into believing that the other ones are for kids.

When they're far darker.

Edited by Darker
  • Brohoof 2

Overlord of Darkness








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Never said I hated or disliked it. I respect it. Its the last living member of the MLP franchise, I need to have hope on it. But I don't like the way it's praised in comparison, insulting the previous gens while G4 misleads into believing that the other ones are for kids. When they're far darker.


Yes, you are right !






Just annoying, disrespectful and childish fans, that's the only thing original coming from Lauren Faust's "creation".


Here you are not only being disrespectful with the show, you are being disrespectful with the fandom, and posting here ........


I don't see your point.

  • Brohoof 2


              By MiniKirby123                

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Goddamn after seeing these responses I really wanna see G1 

Could i like download it on amazon or something?


A playlist of all MLP Villain songs from G1.



The very first episode of MLP.



And If you're interested on the villains or some, here is a list of them, along the FiM one.



And everything you want to know about G1 is here, on classic good ol' Wikipedia


Yes, you are right !







Here you are not only being disrespectful with the show, you are being disrespectful with the fandom, and posting here ........


I don't see your point.

It is that, the fandom, the only thing that annoys me. Everything else is cool with me. Also, broohof to that comment, almost caught me /)

  • Brohoof 1

Overlord of Darkness








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, insulting the previous gens while G4 misleads into believing that the other ones are for kids.

When they're far darker.

What? Insulting the prev gens? 

Anyways the thing is the kids watching G4 probably dont even know they're previous gens so thats a bad arguement 

Also you didnt just insult FIM you insulted the fans which... you shouldnt do

  • Brohoof 1
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What? Insulting the prev gens? 

Anyways the thing is the kids watching G4 probably dont even know they're previous gens so thats a bad arguement 

Also you didnt just insult FIM you insulted the fans which... you shouldnt do

Oh, true...


...very true indeed... :o

Overlord of Darkness








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