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request Pony D&D Looking for Resource Designers and Playtesters

Starry Wisdom

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Hello my name is Starry Wisdom, and am in the process of creating a Pony D&D campaign, 3.5 edition.  I have the core three races, the two ‘advanced’ races (alicorn and changelings) complete as well as many of the prestige classes and templates.

I am not yet ready for play testing nor am I quite ready to release what I have for peer review; however, I am getting the materials I have ready for putting them into book form for play testing.  Before I can do any play testing, I would like to obtain some maps of Equestria of quality.  For this reason I would like to ask my fellow Bronies for some assistance.  I eventually would like full on detailed encounter maps.  But for the moment I will settle for TILE SETS.

My specific needs include a tile set for the Everfree forest/White Tail Woods, Ponyville/Generic Small Town, Canterlot/(Castle City) and the most important Cloudsdale or other Cloud City tiles.

I realize that this might not be the place to ask for this, but I don’t quite know where else to ask, I also understand that this is a large undertaking, (personal experience with this project so far), and from the point of view of someone who has taken commissions for fiction.  So I am not asking that artists do this for free, I will pay a reasonable price for reasonable work.

For more details, you can private message me here, email me or send me as message on Skype.


Hopefully, I will have some of my files up for review on Google Docs or drop box soon for feedback and play testing shortly beyond that.  Chances are I won’t post them here, for size considerations.


Again, if this is the wrong forum for this I'm sorry I just couldnt find one that fit better.


Edited: Added the Request tag instead of the RP "Planning Tag"

Edited by Starry Wisdom
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Because you are specifically looking for art-type assistance, rather than RP or rules help, I think you would better off putting this request in Octavia's Hall, specifically the Request Guild, using the tag 'Request'. Once you reach the point in this project that you actually have a need for play testers and proofreaders, then the Roleplay World Planning folder is the best fit for it.


Good luck with your project!


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i dont think youll really need a map for the everfree.  its rather shifting, so a dm should be able to make that up--you might need specific areas of encounter.. if you want~~i dunno shrines or something sitting around.  if you want these to scale its gonna be a BIG file to try and send :/




my art: here, and tumblr

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Very true, but there are specific areas of everfree and a tileset would be nice to "Create" maps.  I could use the generic forest one but I dont want to.  the D&D essentials tiles dont have the proper feel and they have a grid on them (sorta), which I cant stand.


As for the files, sure I'd love them, I dont really care about the file size, they need to have a decent level of detail so I already assumed the file would be large.


Again, whatever help you can give would be extremely appreciated, I am very much in need of everything for maps to go with the setting I'm creating.

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Have you looked at 5th edition at all? It really is amazing. Far better than 3.5 imo.


Aside from that, have you put thought into zebras, donkeys, griffons, breezies, dragons(like Spike), ect?

My oc - http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/flash-fire-r5698 pixel_dash_running_by_shearx-d4tfdq7.gif

"Take my love. Take my land. Take me where I cannot stand. I don't care. I'm still free. You can't take the sky from me.

Take me out, to the black. Tell my ma I ain't coming back. Burn the land and boil the sea, you can't take the sky from me."

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Have you looked at 5th edition at all? It really is amazing. Far better than 3.5 imo.


Aside from that, have you put thought into zebras, donkeys, griffons, breezies, dragons(like Spike), ect?


While I do agree that 5th edition seems like it might be a bit easier to work with (going off of the playtesting packets and a brief scan of the player's handbook) I wouldn't say that it is better than 3.5. it is certainly new and exciting, but if you have already developed content for a 3.5 setting, then you should stick to it. 


Also, if it pleases your fancies, you might want to look into publishing the final product in the Dungeon Magazine! This is something that I suspect would be a big hit in the D&D community.


Looking forward to seeing it!


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While I do agree that 5th edition seems like it might be a bit easier to work with (going off of the playtesting packets and a brief scan of the player's handbook) I wouldn't say that it is better than 3.5. it is certainly new and exciting, but if you have already developed content for a 3.5 setting, then you should stick to it. 

Having played or run a dozen of games in the format, I respectfuly disagree. So do the majority of players I know. The heirarchy of good seems to progress 3.5 < Pathfinder < 5th ed. I can't wait for the DMG. But this is off topic now.


I would try to convert existing races as much as possible (tweaks here and there) to fit the pony format.

My oc - http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/flash-fire-r5698 pixel_dash_running_by_shearx-d4tfdq7.gif

"Take my love. Take my land. Take me where I cannot stand. I don't care. I'm still free. You can't take the sky from me.

Take me out, to the black. Tell my ma I ain't coming back. Burn the land and boil the sea, you can't take the sky from me."

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1) I have looked at 5th edition and I DESPISE it.  It removes much of the customization and many of the prestege classes that I have come to know and love are simply gone.

2) I have looked into Zebras (Zebreccan's) which will be a template applied to the base three racess (allowing for pegasi and unicorn varients).  Gryphons, a very interesting race and "Baby" dragons.  Which still need more work.  I have two versions of those, one will be a player race and the other will be a player companion.  As for breezies and donkeys, no on both, though if people wish to play a donkey I suppose they could modfiy an earth pony.


I have no plans to impliment breezies, sea ponies etc at this time.  I have already much I need to perfect without adding to my list, in addition my "campaign setting" will be based on an alternate version of equestria than is in the show, I feel the TV show version is too sterilized to make for an effective setting.  If the players or GM wish to use this to follow the CANNON storyline they are free to do so.  But the story and adventure hooks that I will provide will split from the CANNON near or at the events of the Canterlot Wedding.


I have provided a list of what I have currently completed and/or nearly completed below, but as I stated in the orginal post I NEED a more equestria themed tileset, and that is my priority here for the time being.  I will eventually be asking for playtesters WHO MUST USE SKYPE,  (I dont mind others but I dont have a ts/ventrillo server of my own).


Base Races:

Earth Ponies (No Arcane) -- Strong and dependable, they are the back bone of equestria's work force, they are hard workers and this lifestyle leads them to be quite enduring.

Unicorn -- Highly magical, and attuned to the flows of the arcane world, some of the skilled ones can let forth a concentrated blast of arcane energy [Horn Blast] and the truely gifted ones can let forth a massive [Horn Beam] of energy.

Pegasi -- Fiercely competitive, prideful and have a strong rivalry with the gryphons, they often see more than they let on.

Gryphon -- An tribal race that values the strength of competition; debates, arguments and shouting matches with equally matched verbal combatants is an art form, but doing so with someone who is clearly not on your 'level' is considered rude and bullying.  A standard first-time greeting is to duel your opponent until either they are unconsious or you are.


Advanced Races:

Changelings [Fey;Vampiric] (Incomplete; complicated):  Emotional Vampires, Dark Empaths, _entry deleted_, and masters of transmutation/enchantment magic.

Zebra (Racial Template):  Zebreccan's as a base is derived from earth ponies, but half-breeds with other races inherit many of their ancestor's abilities.  They are highly connected to the spiritual world and have are very tribal.  They often become shamans or sorcereress.

Crystal Pony (Racial Template)

Alicorn [Non-Celestial] (Player Race): Cadence, Twilght Sparkle (pre-season end of season 5)

Alicorn [Celestial] (Demigod/Deity NPC): Celestia, Luna, Nebula, Orion, Nyx, (Sometimes Cadence and Twilight)  They all have at LEAST divine rank 1.  In my campaign Celestia is a Greater, and Luna is an intermediate and Twilight/Cadence are both Demigods or least deities depending on the situation.

"Baby" Dragon (Incomplete)


Possible Future Races:

Diamond Dog (Gnoll?), Buffelo



Element of Harmony  --Element of XXX-- (Incomplete): One of the Six Elements, and/or additional elements created by the GM for the use in their campaign.

Vampiric Pony (With No Level Adjustment) (Vinyl Scratch etc)  And no they DO NOT sparkle. *glares*

Filly/Colt (Incomplete): Applied to Ponies they allow for Cutie Mark Crusaider type sillyness campaigns, this template is highly incompatable with the normal hack and slash style of play and is useful for an EXTREMELY heavy rp game.




Weather Pony [10-level prestige] -- Any pony that is supremely skilled at manipulating the weather, either formally trained at one of equestria's many weather schools, or self-taught prodigy.

Wonderbolt [10-level prestige] -- A elite stunt pony with several variations.  Code of Conduct for proper behavior, similar to that of the Knight focuses on good sportsmanship.

Shadowbolt (Incomplete) -- A darker version of the Wonderbolts, they have similar skills, with a selection of dirty tricks and an aerial sneak.  They believe that victory is all, that there is no honor either on the battlefield or in competition (with a few exceptions).

Faithful Student [3-level prestige] -- A unique class that can be held by only one active faithful and one faithful student emeritus (former/NPC)

Lunar Apprentice [3-level prestige] -- Night based counterpart to Faithful student.  Unique as well see above.

Royal Guard [10-level prestige] (Incomplete)- Uses Maneuvers, and takes from the Tome of Battle as well as adds some new manuevers, this class is an entry requirement for horn and wing guard and is used for both Day Guard and Night Guard (or Bat Pony Guards if you prefer).

-->Horn Guard [?-level prestige] (Incomplete) -- Requires levels in Royal Guard and a Horn.

-->Wing Guard [?-level prestige] (Incomplete) -- Requires levels in Royal Guard and Permenent Flight Ability.



Timberwolves (Pup, Adult & Dire), Quarray Eel, Parasprite (Swarm and individual), Cloudsprite (Elemental Familiar)


Notes:  Some of the above items have two versions, such as the Lunar Apprentice, Vampiric Pony and Changeling.  I cannot include any information on those on public forums (They would violate the family friendly rules of mlpforums.)  Either for Suggestive Content or Gore.  I wanted to create a game that would be playable both by the younger audiances and the older audiances that prefer a... darker more Ravenloft type experience (Minus all the darklord sillyness.)


Flight: I have created extensive rules for dealing with flight and I think I have succeeded in creating a set of rules that effectively negate the level adjustment of flying creatures do to their inherient advantage while not taking away from their usefulness and fun.  These rules are somewhat compatable with the Dragonlance rules for flight, from which they were partially derived.


Magic:  In the MLP universe created for this campaign, most Arcane classes are restricted to ponies with a horn.  And all magic spells have an ELEMENTAL subtype that matches the five elements, Earth, Fire, Air, Water, and Spirit.  Earth Ponies, are only capable of using arcane magic in limited ways because they lack a horn and all of their spells must be applied through touch or contact.  Some arcane classes such as Shugenta and similar can use limited magic but are totally forbidden from using any arcane class that uses a spellbook.  For the purposes, this rule the Bard is considered a Divine caster.


Cutie Marks:  The rules for gaining a cutie mark hasn't been fully fleshed out, I have three possible ideas that I might use.  The first, a roll table to randomly choose the cutie mark (for adventurous players and NPCS).  Second, simply let the player choose it, or three have it simply class based and pick something specifically related to the class, such as flame wreath for a fire mage.  In all cases the cutie mark will grant one spell like ability of either 0-level or 1st-level (chosen by the GM and the player) and a possible bonus on related skill checks.

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