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private An Unexpected Trip to the Human World (RP Reboot)(On Hiatus)


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Rainbow watched as the small group of people entered the pub; she assumed these were some of the others who worked here. They stared at her for a moment as they walked by, but that didn't bother her. She was used to being the center of attention, for multiple reasons, good and bad. She wondered how long she would have to stay sitting there, until an old man entered the building, and slowly came towards her.


"'Scuse me lass, but you're in me seat." He said.


Rainbow was confused by this statement. What sort of world was this? She hadn't hear anyone say that since she was a filly at school. She briefly looked at the stool she was sitting on, and then to the ones near her. She didn't notice anything particularly special about it, other than it looking a bit more worn than some of others. While she didn't really care where she sat, she didn't really see a need to move, either. "Umm...couldn't you just sit somewhere else? There's plenty of other stools around here." She motioned to the array at her right.


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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Colette remained on the couch, staring up at the ceiling, doing her best to forget the man who riled her up worse than the jocks at school. Just what was the deal with that Bozo??


She looked over to her left, and groaned. He forgot his shirt and jacket! Dammit!


She was just rising to her feet when there was a loud knock at the door. "Hold on, Atlas!" She called, already making her way to the door, making only one small detour to the hall closet to fetch his jacket.


"Alright, you moron!" She said upon turning on the light and opening the door. "Take 'em and get outta--" she stopped. In the insane cosplayer's hand was a ball of fog, seemingly self contained and near perfect in shape. "What in the hell…?!"


……Was he telling the truth after all??



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Atlas looked at her taking the jacket and shirt from her hands. What was she so big about? He put the ball high in the air spinning it. He let go just long enough the throw his shirt on not to let it dissipate. Ah, nice and warm. He grabbed the ball again letting it spin in his grasp.


"What are you looking at?" Following her gaze he saw it ending at his hand and the ball of fog. "This? You act like you've never seen a Pegasus play with a ball of cloud" Then again she probably hasn't.


Atlas snapped his fingers with his free hand. "You want your proof? This right here! Don't tell me you can do that cause I doubt it!" He smiled displaying the spinning ball conforming to his hand with every finger stroke.

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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@,@@Pripyat Pony, @@Windbreaker,


Stephen couldn't tell what the queen was thinking, but nor did he care. That is, until Chrysalis spoke again. "Likely story, lady. But let's just drop it and wait for the doc…"




Chrysalis seemed to turn her attention to Shawn, unsurprisingly interested in his knowledge of Equestria. "Later, Queenie!" He said. "It's a bit of a story!"


He let out a nervous "eh heh…" again as the queen bowed, then mused about something about becoming a 'Devourer.' "Uhmm… let's just wait for the--"


"Excuse me, but are you Chryssie?" A woman in scrubs asked, having seemingly appeared from nowhere. "Yeah, that's her!" Stephen said, all too eager to respond for the queen. "The doctor will see you now. Follow me!"




Shawn breathed a deep sigh as the queen was escorted away. Of all the Equestrians his brother had to find, he had to find Queen Chrysalis! "Why on Earth couldn't he have found somepony like Twilight or Fluttershy??" He sighed, mostly to himself. Chrysalis could very well be as big a threat to humans as she.is to Equestrians, if not more so. Taking her in would be the single most stupidest idea anyone came up with! But leaving her out there could prove disastrous… Who knows how many humas she could feed on? Add to that, there was no telling what would happen to them! "Jesus, why??" He breathed.


Shawn was brought back from his thoughts at the sound of Aegis crying. Instinctively, he wrapped an arm around her, squeezing her a little. "Hey, it'll be alright! We'll figure something out…" Shawn paused, looking to the front doors before adding, "Wanna step out for a bit?"

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@@Pripyat Pony, Dennis soon heard some snoring-sounds, signs that Diego was asleep. He carefully closed the door and got to work. The potatoes were cut and getting cleaned after ten minutes. It would take a quarter to clean and fry them. After that he started cutting some salad. Tomatoes, cucumber, olives, hot peppers. Hmmm he had to have some bananas as a fruit for later. He'd have to buy some bread because this was certainly not going to be enough.

@@Hypn0ticD,@@Windbreaker,  "Yes i am Chryssie, or otherwise Chrysalis. Could you help me? I seem to have tripped and broke my nose. Embarrassing isn't it?" she smiled in an attempted to appear kind, joke off the situation and inspire some friendliness with the staff. There was however something she needed to ask, to be sure about. "Before you do anything could i ask you something? You're not going to keep any blood of mine right? I would like you not to if you please." She didn't know what these humans could do with blood and she didn't want to find out. She was particularly afraid that someone from Equestria could do something like Avarice's geis again. She didn't want this to happen again. It was pathetic enough that she felt like a puppet already.

Edited by NioniosTheSilent
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@@Gloomfury, Clare smiled back. "Whereas I like to dress up all the time!" she giggled. "We seem to be different in some ways, but similar in others."


The dogs continued to race around the park, happy enough to exercise themselves. Clare looked at her watch. "I'll give them a little longer to have a run around," she said, "Then we'd better get back. I'll talk to Mary later when she gets back about passing us in at the gym. She's due to go today after work. Then you can show me your stuff."




@, Diego slept for a few hours, finally waking up at around eleven. He groaned when he stirred and remembered that instead of being in Equestria, he was stuck on this weird world. He thought that it was the next morning, too.



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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@@Pripyat Pony,


 Shamrock smiled again. "Can't wait. I really want to see what this body can do." She pulled her arm from around Clare's shoulder and checked her fingers and knuckles.  And strangely like her hooves they showed marks that would built up on any boxers hands. Like they were her hooves but in hand form. She popped them and got up to do a little bit of shadow boxing. She did a few jabs, combinations. uppercuts and hard punches. Everything worked as they should, but strangely it felt like there was a little more strength in her punches.  But she she just made a 'not bad face' and did a little more shadow boxing. 

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Aegis let out a small gasp when Shawn wrapped his arm around him, blushing a little through his tears. It felt strange to be treated like a mare, though it probably shouldn’t have been a surprise that this happened, given his feminine act. What confused him about this turn of events was how he enjoyed it. He enjoyed the attention and the company. It made him feel safe in this unfamiliar place. He leaned against Shawn, wiping away his tears as they slowed.
"Wanna step out for a bit?"
Aegis mulled it over a little, since it took a few seconds for the idea to register amongst the tangled mess in his head. When it finally clicked into place, Aegis nodded. “I’d like that.” He said, giving a small smile through his tears.

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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@@Pripyat Pony, Dennis heard shifting from the guest room, and waking sounds. He proceeded to enter carrying a glass of milk with him. He approached carefully.

"Hey Diego... how's it going? Had a good sleep? Need a glass of milk? Bought one this morning, fresh fresh! Do you need help drinking it? We don't want you to get everything dirty now right? Don't worry... i won't think of you any less for asking my help." 

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@@Miss Reaper,@@Windbreaker,


Spike's Perspective


Spike looked over to the odd man once he spoke, asking them both to come with him for a warm drink. Now, considering the start that he had here, he stood in front of Fluttershy protectively and tried his best to look threatening but it only came off as the cutest face anyone has ever seen. It didn't even look like he was angry but his cheeks puffed out like he was pouting but of course Spike couldn't see it but only Fluttershy would know when he was serious and he certainly was. "How do we know we can trust you? As far as I know, all these...creatures like yourself seem way, way too dangerous. I got nothing but chased since I got here and you tell me that we should just follow you? Why?" obviously his stomach wasn't sharing the same conscious as it's master because it did nothing but growled since the moment he sat down at the tree earlier. It wasn't helping his position any either considering it was so loud and his legs became too weak from all that running and he collapsed onto his knees now that his fatigue caught up with him."Oh forget it, I'm way too tired and hungry to move or even care right now..." he turned his head to the side, huffing out a cloud of emerald smoke in frustration. This was all too taxing for the young dragon, he wished Twilight was here because at least she'd know what to do.


He looked up at Fluttershy, while Spike knew he had no choice but to trust this stranger since he wasn't trying to come after him like all the rest. He just couldn't...at least not right yet. Not until he knew the guy but since Fluttershy was with him before Spike found her and so far she seemed to trust him, he was going to give the stranger the benefit of a doubt and just go along with it. If he tried anything he didn't like...well, let's just say that third degree burns from a dragon wasn't something you could easily get rid of. Spike would keep his eye on him for now until he knew for sure he could trust him but for now, he wasn't letting Fluttershy out of his sight if he was in the same room with her. Considering this was uncharted territory for them, he had to do his best to protect his best friend now that he was separated from everypony else. Not that he remembered what happened when he tried to help on the battlefield back in Equestria. Spike looked up at the man, his expression now softening. "Uh, I know this is a weird question but you wouldn't happen to have any gems where you live, do you? Any kind will do, I really need to get something in my stomach." didn't even occur to Spike that he hasn't said that he was a dragon but he was sure the stranger might find out sooner rather than later if the signs wasn't evident already.



Serenity's Perspective


Serenity was sitting in her spacious office inside of her home in Tokyo, trying her hand at trying to draw a few character concepts. Nothing too fancy as it wasn't associated with anything, she was on her vacation, after all. Even though she was, she really didn't plan on going anywhere. It was a last minute thing after she had helped work on the second of an anime that she was very fond of, Rosario + Vampire. The whole thing had been stressful. Fun, yes but very, very stressful. Getting into animation work wasn't easy, not at all. Considering how most animes were made, from the tiniest strands of hair flowing gently in the wind to complex as high speed fighting scenes had to be perfect and with almost no room for error. Sometimes right in the middle of making an episode, things would be changed around or altered another way according to the editor in charge of them all and boy, oh boy, when it was that would mean late nights in the offices and others passing out because of no sleep. Literally, she had to live two weeks inside the company she worked for because the whole production schedule had been moved up so much that no one had time to sleep. From that point on for two weeks, it wasn't nothing but coffee and energy drinks. That was MURDER on her, she never wanted to do that again but the bonus was very nice, nice enough to get her this house, her office, and the makeover she wanted too.


Serenity put the end of the pencil in her mouth, flicking it up and down as she looked out of her window. She made a point of heading to the beach at some point and now she was taking a vacation, what was stopping her? I'll tell you what, she was too lazy to go. It felt like a lazy Sunday today for her, she didn't really want to go outside but she didn't want to be a slave to her own home too. What to do, what to do. She guessed for starters, she could go to Akihabara and stock up on some new manga, at least that wasn't too far of a train ride but considering how stuffy it could get in there...maybe it'd be better to go at night. She was a 'vampire' after all, a pretty cute one at that. She giggled to herself for that thought and got up, closing down her tablet.  "Maybe I should just take a walk." she said to herself before grabbing her keys, her phone, and purse. She walked downstairs then out of the door, heading toward the train station. 

Edited by Astral Legend
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@@Gloomfury, "There's a lot of guys in the kick boxing class," Clare said. "I bet it'll be funny to see you showing them up. In the show, earth ponies are the strong ones, so I bet you're strong."


Clare checked her watch again, and whistled to the dogs. In a moment, they came running up together, panting happily and Clare fastened the leads to their collars.


@, Diego groaned and heaved himself into a sitting position as Dennis came into the room. "Is it morning already?" he muttered. "And it wasn't a dream. I'm still here. And yeah, I might need some help. I'm not used to these things yet." He waggled his fingers.



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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@@Pripyat Pony,Dennis smiled. Figures this one was drunk, but he wasn't the one to judge. Hell he did a lot more crazy thinks without being drunk so why even bother sometimes? It was only to crush his inhibitions, something he welcomed. He kept his smile during his derailing thoughts, but return his look upon Diego.

"It's 12 o clock, you arrived here approximately at 7. I guess you had a good sleep? I've cleaned your clothes but they'll need to dry up a bit before i iron them."

He helped him with the milk, giggling a bit on the inside, it must have felt a bit embarrassing for him to be like a baby but he didn't judge. He didn't forget it was somewhat alien to be in such a body for him.

"I've prepared something for us since you know it's the time i should normally eat as well. In the meantime... mind telling me something? You might not think you can use magic right now since you don't have a horn, but i imagine that since your mark stayed that maybe your powers did too. What do you think?"

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@Pripyat Pony,


Cat listened to Cicada's story intently. She went through immense pain to involuntarily go along with a plan that inadvertently sent her here along with her queen. Catherine couldn't imagine how that must feel. "I will do what I can to help you get in contact with your queen and get all of you back to Equestria, but first I need to know what you need. And Terra, the washroom is out that door, to your right, and the fourth door on the left."




"I'm guessing you're new here. See here boyo, I've sat here since long before you were in nappies, so it's something like a tradition. At this pub we honour tradition, so it's a common courtesy to get up if an old crow like myself asks you to. Are ye gettin it yet?"


Chloe stepped out from the back and stopped in her tracks. Oh, what's this crazy girl gotten herself into now?

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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@@Astral Legend,

@@Miss Reaper,


Alex Jones - Austin, Texas


He’d give the kid credit, he was brave. Standing up to someone for the sake of a friend was something Alex could admire and the cute expressions just made him grin. In fact, both of them just seemed cute, which in turn made Alex grin rather than his usual unamused expression that came with playing games online. At least, it did for him. The request for gemstones was an odd one, though, but considering the girl had said ‘Ponyville’, he was starting to piece together who they were. He still wanted to hear it from them. “Well, we’ve all got questions, right? I figured it’d be best to have that conversation inside with a warm drink and some food. And I don’t think gemstones would agree with a human body. There’s a few complications on that front.”


As far as Alex could tell, they seemed like they’d been through a lot. A place to sleep would probably be welcome, especially since the kid looked really tired. “Would you object if I carried you inside? Since your friend is a bit shaky on her legs and you look like you can barely stand.” Alex offered in a softer tone than before, hopefully conveying the message that he was just trying to help.




Pinkie Pie


Pinkie Pie had absolutely no idea what happened. One moment, they were having fun at the Summer Sun Celebration, then that meanie Queen Chrysalis showed up and trashed the place. After that some weird scary magic lady came and caused even more chaos, even opening these weird holes and tears. What was worse, she kidnapped a whole bunch of Equestrians, including Twilight, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Spike and Princess Cadance! This was unforgivable. Unforgivable, I tell you! So, when Princess Celestia said she had a plan to find them and bring them back, Pinkie wasted no time in volunteering. Then…black. Boring, boring black.


When she woke up, things felt different. She appeared to be in a sitting position, leaning against a hard and really uncomfortable wall. She stretched out and yawned, kinda feeling like she just woke up from a really long nap. Everything felt weird right now. Her hooves didn’t feel like hooves and it felt like there was some type of covering over them, like the ones Rarity made. She opened her eyes to probably the strangest place she’d seen yet, though the first things she saw were her own feet and legs with clothes that Rarity might’ve picked out for her. And she put on weight! Pinkie never put on weight in Equestria. Must’ve been the big breakfast before leaving.


She tried standing, which wasn’t that difficult since she did it all the time in Equestria, though she wasn’t yet used to this body. Once she was on her feet, she took a deep breath, almost filling her lungs to bursting point (A new experience, I’m sure), and hollered as loud as she could.



Edited by Windbreaker

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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Summer winced and closed her eyes, covering her head again as a car whizzed by...but then, she heard a voice. She looked up, tears dripping down her face to see a person standing a couple feet away. "S'il vous plaît aidez-moi...où suis-je?Ce que vous êtes?" She asked, eyes wide, visibly shaking as she looked over this...thing's form. From what she could tell...it resembled quite a bit of her own. Weird...pointy thingies where hooves should be...no muzzle...walks on two legs instead of all four.

She continued to stare at the woman as her mind was flooded with thoughts. Most were what you'd expect. 'where am I' 'What am I?' Nothing particularly unexpected from a girl who'd just been transported to another world.
She gave a small whimper and put her head in her hands, crying quite a bit and mumbling under her breath. "S'il vous plaît...Je veux rentrer à la maison." She repeated, over and over, waiting for this person to either...hurt her in some way or...hopefully, help her get back home.



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Akatsu paused for a second, and tried to distinguish what language the girl was speaking. 'S'il vous plaît... that is French isn't it?'

Akatsu had taken French in her highschool years, but she rarely used it. "Uh... Pouvez-vous parler anglais?" she asked the girl. She hoped to the heavens she said that correctly. She wouldn't want this girl hearing something other than what she intended. "Ugh, why is it so cold tonight..." she muttered under her breath.


Akatsu started to smell what seemed to be rain. Wind was blowing westwards, and the weather hadn't called for rain, but anything could happen really. "We should get you inside" she stated in English, as she forgot the words in French.

Cyril Coltefeller, the Head of Magical and Technological Development.

Fierasil de Rosa Canter, the optimistic flyer.

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@@Pripyat Pony,


 "I fought a few kick boxers in the underground fighting circuit. During a time I was looking for more of a challenge. I Also did a bit of bear hoof boxing. So I'm pretty sure I can take'm." She said with a cocky grin. When shamrock was taking a break from normal bouts she tried her skills in underground fighting. She got a little hut during her time starting. But she got better and stronger after every fright. As she walked next to Clare she thought back to what she said. Her eyebrows forward in thought as she looked over to her. "And what do you mean in the show?"

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@, Diego struggled a bit with drinking the milk, tho he hated being so helpless, he was glad of the help he received from Dennis. So it was still the same day, right? Things seemed to move so much more slowly when he wasn't spending time in bars. Diego felt a pang for his lost magic; sure, it wasn't the most popular magic in Equestria, but it certainly made things more fun. When Dennis said about that his magic might not have vanished along with his horn, Diego brightened up.


"Yeah, maybe," he replied. "I don't have my horn any more, but I do have these," he waggled his fingers again. "Maybe they're kinda the same as far as magic goes? I'll try and do something harmless, then we'll see."


This required a bit of thought. Diego could do a lot of things with his chaos magic, including making trees sprout from wood and weather change into weirdness, but he figured that these wouldn't be appropriate inside a house. Then he recalled that he could make things change colour. That ought to work, and it wasn't too messy. Diego concentrated, using his fingers instead of his horn as a means of channelling his magic, and to his surprise, and relief, it worked. His pyjamas changed colour from blue to red. It took a bit more effort here than in Equestria, but that didn't matter. The main thing was that he still had his magic.


@, "One thing I need... well, it's difficult to explain," Cicada replied. She felt uncomfortable bringing up her need to feed on emotions, but it was necessary for her to recover her strength and to be able to tap into the Hive Mind. She didn't want to feed off this girl who had been so kind to her. "Perhaps if I could go outside for a little while, that ought to do it. Then I'll try and contact my Queen."


@@Gloomfury, Clare replied, "Oh, I didn't explain to you how I know all about Equestria. You see, there's this show called "My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic" and I watch it all the time. When we get back, I'll show you on the laptop. Well, I could show you on my phone, but I've kinda got my hands full with the dogs' leads at the moment, and I'd probably end up dropping it. The picture would be bigger on the laptop as well."



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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Summer stared up at Akatsu, her lip quivering as she thought for a moment. "Y-Yes..." She said, quietly, looking down at the ground. Alright...this was good, from what Summer could tell this person didn't want to hurt her. Her english wasn't fluent, however she was good enough to understand much of it...she did have some trouble now and again. She took a deep breath, doing her best to calm herself down as she closed her dark purple eyes, rubbing her forehead with one of her...talons? No...she shouldn't call it that anymore...it was so different now.
She looked back up at Akatsu and spoke in a calmer...but still very distressed voice. "P-Please...I...I don't know where I am. I was...I was in the park and...and then I just woke up 'ere." She said, looking at the girl pleadingly. "Wh-What 'ave I...what 'ave I tarned into?" She asked, slowly reaching out to Akatsu for help up, holding one hand against the tree they were next too.
Her calm attitude changed however as again, a car drove around the corner a few metres away, the lights flashing by the two of them, making Summer cringe and quickly pull her hands away, covering her head as it sped off down the road.

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Akatsu was wondering why so many drunk or amnesia riddled people were showing up, but she felt like she had to help. She looked down at the girl, and knelled down next to her. "Come inside with me, and we can get you warmed up with some tea" she said and helped her up onto her feet. She stabilized her as soon as she saw her fumbling, and guided her towards the apartment building.


"I'm Akatsu Zakhaev" she introduced as they got to the steps of the apartment building. She lead the girl inside and to the elevator, going by the same routine as she did with Corsica. She pressed the button to send them to the 16th floor, and the doors of the elevator shut closed with a 'ffmmp'. The elevator rumble slightly, and started to elevate. "Are you from France? You speak French, and have a French accent..." she asked.

Edited by The Original PWD

Cyril Coltefeller, the Head of Magical and Technological Development.

Fierasil de Rosa Canter, the optimistic flyer.

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Colette's jaw hung open as she stared in stupefied silence. 'Well, I'll be damned! He was telling the truth after all!


"You want your proof? This right here! Don't tell me you can do that cause I doubt it!"


Colette closed her mouth as she deadpanned. "Why didn't you show me this earlier when I was getting on your ass?" She asked if as she stepped aside to let Atlas in. "In this world, one simply can't go off of one's word alone. You're gonna have prove yourself if you want anyone to believe you." She said as she led him to the stairs. But what if that wasn't such a good idea? Colette knew far more about this world than Atlas; There were those out there that would never believe him, and still others at would think of him as some kind of freak... "Nevermind. Just... Just follow me!"


Colette led Atlas up the stairs to the second floor, various pictures of a younger, black haired version of the human hung on the outer wall. In a few of the pictures, the younger Colette was accompanied by a man. In a few other photos, the young Colette was playing a guitar.


There was one door immediately to the left, and two to thee right upon arriving on the second floor. Before them was an open area that had a large reclining chair, several beanbags, and another flat screen TV on the far wall. Below the TV was another bureau, a Xbox One and Super Nintendo console


Colette led Atlas past the door on the left, into the open area, and to another door.


"This is our guest room. You can crash here for now. Wait here." Colette said before going off to the other end of the hall, disappearing into a door, before reemerging , some clothes tucked under her arm. "This may or may not interest you, but I got an email from a friend right after if kicked you out, saying that she found a Pony and a Changeling," she said as she handed Atlas the clothing, hoping she wouldn't have to help him dress. "So there's a bit of vindication there."


She took a step back, hoping to be done with the whole Pony business to true night. "Well... There's the bathroom if you need it," she said, pointing to a door to the right. "I'll be in my room if you need anything."

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Rainbow couldn't believe they were even having this conversation. It's just a stupid seat! She thought to herself. Not showing the slightest bit of concern, she dryly replied "Sure bud, have your seat. Knock yourself out." She slowly got up and walked over to another seat next to a window, and more importantly, away from this weirdo. This was not worth fighting over. Dash noticed that Chloe came out from the back, and cast her an annoyed look. As far as she was concerned, the sooner she could get out of here, the better. There just wasn't anything for her to do here.


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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@@Pripyat Pony,


 Shamrock's mind shut down a little after hearing that another world knew about her own. And in a form of some sort of entertainment as it seems. She's had talks with her one of her mates who happen to be a scientist, about other universes and planets that might have life. But she just thought it was just a theory. But it turned out to be real and to top it off one of this universes knows a good deal about there's. Most ponies would freak out after hearing something like that. But to be honest, she delt with a lot of strange things in her life. "... Huh..."

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@@Pripyat Pony, Though Dennis supposed that Diego could use magic the fact that he could made it no less weird. He looked a bit at the pajamas and blinked once or twice. "That... that just happened. Ooooookay... i was NOT ready for this." he didn't hesitate one bit when he got up, went to the kitchen, took a bottle of wine that he had from his grandfather, and returned. He saw the pajamas still red. "EEEEEEEEEEEEyup! I am definitely going to need a good glass of wine to let it sink in that magic exists." He filled a glass of wine, drunk it pronto, and shook his head. "Aaaaah... that helped a lot!" he said shaking the shivers of his head.

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Summer walked shakily, holding onto Akatsu quite tightly as she led her into the building, which summer didn't really notice the size of as she was staring down at her bare feet. She jumped a bit as the doors to the elevator opened and gulped, staring in, unsure whether or not to enter. She took a deep breath and stepped forwards, stumbling a bit and quickly taking hold of the railing, frowning a bit as she watched her talons wrap around the bar...did she have five? She was used to four...what was with the extra? She pushed that thought away however and looked up at Akatsu. "French? I believe you mean Prench. And...oui, I was born in Prance..." She said, tensing up as the doors closed before squeaking and quickly taking hold of Akatsu's arm as the elevator shook into action.

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