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I mentioned before that humans have a latent psychic ability and that almost all creatures we've created are somewhat based on extraterrestrial counterparts, right? Cause that totally is a thing in this RP that could easily be missed... In other words, who says it's not a Xenomorph from Aliens ;) or it could just be a big angry cat... It's probably not a big angry cat :P

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@@Dji @@Alex Kennedy

Just so you know the SIRIs can manipulate sound waves for a being in a direct manner as well as the other senses, this allows them to have any species communicate with one another. They make it so you hear any language, not matter how the race communicates, as your native tongue; they'll do this automatically for alien races, for another human you'll have to ask to they won't realize they even need to do it.


@@RunsWithSquirlz @@Firehearted @@Flying Ace @@dashian500 @ @@Wind Chaser figured I should mention everyone else as well.

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No!! You're status update calls Star Wars dead the day before May the 4th! I can't associate with someone like you! :P haha I'm kidding of course but really, I'm sorely tempted, cause everyone wants to travel with the Doctor... but the Doctor is far too OP for this RP, he'd just solve everything for us and have humanity saved and off the ship with minimum effort for us. This is about a test for humanity and growth of the character through the challenge. You are welcome to join with a human character though :)

Edited by Torrent505
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@@Wind Chaser

Are you still interested in this RP? I think the two players ( @@Dji @@Alex Kennedy ) with characters closest to yours might be waiting on a response. All three of you are close enough to have heard Eric's yell/scream and the struggle of him and Atlas against the alien droid worm thing, so play that if you want too.

I'm trying to get back to this but I'm extremely busy and also fighting the 504 errors that started coming up a day or two ago. I'll try to get back to it when I have a chance.

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So Scrap's focus for his database is ancient species and technologies, that means he'll know what that metal thing is. It's an Arkanian relic, the Arkanian species is believed to be one of the earliest advanced species to begin colonizing space. Something happened though and their worlds were all cut off from each other and the Arkanians on the colonies disappeared while the ones on their home planet seemed to suffer an extinction level plague. The home planet made approximately one thousand 'archives' that take the form of symbiotic metal tails that attach to organic species so they may travel the universe in search of any of their Arkanian makers so they may share the vast stored knowledge of their species.


So the worm thing is looking for a new ride so it can keep looking for the objective of its millions of years old mission.


Scrap would know all that, I figured that knowledge of ancient races might suit a SIRI for an archeologist.

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@@Dji @@Alex Kennedy @@RunsWithSquirlz @@Flying Ace @@dashian500 @ @@Wind Chaser @@Firehearted


So I know we had the trouble with the server and then a weekend and people can get pretty busy during the weekend so I can't fault people for that. But the new week has started and I need to know if people are still playing, and if you are please show it by making a post.

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Still here


Umm, well are you going to respond to the metal tentacle that's currently choking my character, squeezing your arm and just mentioned taking one of us as a host? I can just continue but I thought you might want a chance to say or do something haha


Also I posted this earlier, incase you missed it.



So your SIRI Scrap has focus for his database in ancient species and technologies, that means he'll know what that metal thing is. It's an Arkanian relic, the Arkanian species is believed to be one of the earliest advanced species to begin colonizing space. Something happened though and their worlds were all cut off from each other and the Arkanians on the colonies disappeared while the ones on their home planet seemed to suffer an extinction level plague. The home planet made approximately one thousand 'archives' that take the form of symbiotic metal tails that attach to organic species so they may travel the universe in search of any of their Arkanian makers so they may share the vast stored knowledge of their species.

So the worm thing is looking for a new ride so it can keep looking for the objective of its millions of years old mission.

Scrap would know all that, I figured that knowledge of ancient races might suit a SIRI for an archeologist.

Edited by Torrent505
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Oh! I'm really sorry, I hadn't noticed you'd posted. My bad. I'll get on it.



Question. Does Jackson have a free arm? From the post it looks like Jack is strapped to Eric from the arm he was grabbing Eric by. Is the other free? 

Two: How thick is the optics on the alien?

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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No problem, I would have told you earlier if I had known.  Yes, he has one free hand; the optic is in the very end of it and it's about hose/hot dog thickness there; the optic eye is the size of a quarter. 



@@@dashian500@@Flying Ace@@RunsWithSquirlz,



I am having too much fun sending the aliens after you guys...  

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