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Blitz Boom

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@Blitz Boom

"Ah, selective indeed.  During this initial introduction of out two lands, it'll be important to do so gently.  For Harrowmark as well.  Things from Equestria might be harmful to lack understanding until we get more use to each other and our, unique cultures," Dawn could agree.  Agnostica seemed like a smart cookie, catching on rather quick to the need to ease into such an arrangement instead of jumping right in without knowing what awaited on the other side.  A lead in to Dawn's purpose here as well, beyond the current celebration, of course.  The control of such traffic in trade and knowledge.  For safety, of course.  And if just the right creatures happen to end up in just the right positions, a win win for all.  "A most agreeable position.  Further conversations will need to occur, at a later time, where we can work out the fine details.  What you or I might consider even mundane in our own lands, may be more exotic their our points of view are prepared for."

"What a delightful thing to hear.  I'm all the more a flutter at the honor of witnessing a special performance just for us," the pegasus smiled.  More of Twisted's work put to the bin and join the crushed dust that remained of his statues built by the hoofs of the stone maiden.  Something for just about everypony to be had at this festival.  Dawn, Grace and Rising bid the trade stallion farewell to no longer rob him of his time with his work, thankful for the time offered to them.  A delightful encounter for the gathered family, removed from the thus far grand royal reception so far.  The kind of encounters the detective was far more accustom to on the streets of Manehattan.  Par for the course, he supposed. 

"Ho ho ho!" boomed the stallion deep joyous laughter.  Star had returned to the gathered group, "A splendid, oh a splendid time indeed.  Such a wealth of untapped culture and the most friendly of diamond dog and pony alike!  Darling, dearest, do we bring Bits?  Do they take Bits?  I have found...! A hat!"  the stallion proclaimed, waving his hoof in the direction of a vendor that contained the target of his fervor.  "I'm... not sure..." the mare pondered.  Her horn ignited and a small scarlet coin purse appeared after a flash of rainbow light.  It opened and a half dozen Bits floated free to hover in the air.  "The Bit might not hold tender here, but the coins are pure gold, which might have a value?" Dawn inquired allowed, but turned to Necrotic for his insight.  

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@Stellar Heights

The time between the bush simply rustling, and Glory being wrapped up in a hug, were less than the blink of an eye. Ziggy were a very quick pony, though you might not think it. Which were good, cause if she were more sluggish, her body wouldn't be able to keep up with the excess energy she produced. 

The doctors had told her that it might even out when she reached her middle forties, but that were still over twenty years ahead. For the time being, she just had to burn it, the old fashioned way. Which she were in a good position to do, as thankfully she hadn't suffered under any bad sidde effects from her abnormal growth, due to the constant training sessions she underwent in the hospital, as she grew up, to keep up with it all. Didn't leave her a lot of fun time, but at least she were better off in the long run. Although she did appear to sometimes be a mixture of a pony, a lightning bolt, and a filly on a sugar hype.


Her hug were firm and warm, the candy cane smell clearly wafting off from her, indicating it as a perfume, or her having fallen into some peppermint liquid, and not cleaned it off fully.

It would last but a second or two, and then she'd withdraw, holding her newfound hugging friend at hooves length, as she smiled down upon them with a great big grin on her face. Almost seemed like joy were radiating from her, even after she let go fully, letting the mare go down again. At which point, she'd go and start to try and poke the halo. It probably weren't physical, but it still seemed to fascinate her.

"Ooooh. Pretty.

Oh right! Hello there. My name's Doc Zinger, but everypony just calls me Ziggy. Who're y- OhmyCelestiayou'readorable!"

She had almost gotten through, before she bit notice in Pixel. She'd be sat down soon as she did, leaned down to be in eye height roughly with the small one, with her hooves in front of her muzzle. It appeared that she were having a bit of a 404 moment, as she just sat there, mouth opened fully, and eyes nearly shining with glee.

If Pixel were on the ground, she'd lay down on her belly, looking the same way. It appeared that Pixel had a fan now.




On 2023-01-17 at 3:48 PM, EQ_Theta said:

“When you put it that way, the latter explanation make some sense… I don’t know if you were told this but the longma are wary of outsiders because of a history of slavery, or something like it anyway. The details aren’t clear as to who did the enslaving, but supposedly, my ancestors were asked to help build some kind of kingdom until they were tricked into becoming the source of the labor. They had no place within that kingdom’s future once they’ve made their ‘contributions.’”

“Was there more to the story? This is what’s usually repeated around the village fires when stories of our history are told to the young to teach them about why we isolate ourselves from the rest of the world.”

“Sadly, that’s the extent of it. A lot of the details go missing when the story is passed by word of mouth, unlike how events are recorded here in Equestria. It’s a long shot, but you could try the town library. They’ve got lots of history books there.”

"Hmm, trickery like that, rules out dragons. They're rather forthcoming when they want others to do something for them. Ponies potentially... Doubtfully deer, as they pride themselves on making their own things, and they're more for smaller villages, rather than a kingdom... Kitsune or sphinx are notable for tricking others, but the former tend to keep it more low brow than this.

...Ah, I suppose I am going on a tangent here. Might be some way to hear of news regarding these things. Usually I'd say any history about sphinx would be near impossible, as little escapes from their capitol, that they don't want others to know, but I heard a few words about a sphinx that had come here to Canterlot recently, seemingly not with aggression in mind. Though I also heard that one had come to Ponyville, with the same kind of overarching theme. One would be easy to say just as a rumor, but two, and this far from their mainland... Might be there were something, though there's still a lack of details.

Might be a fun thing to ask around about, when next I have some free time. Been a while since I went around, inquiring about things of interest."

Kiba and Uddo might know the validity of this more, considering the sphinx had been right at the castle, rather noticeable, and had been proclaimed by the ambassador, to be an ally of Equestria. Things like that, had a tendency to spread. It were just that their group, had not been present throughout this, and thus, had missed several things. Yet a few words here and there, as they passed along, had gotten noticed by Rosa. A bad habit of his, to listen in to everything, he supposed. It did prove useful sometimes though.

"Regardless, we'll just have to see what might come forth of information. What you told me, certainly adds a layer on the longma history, and if correct, would explain the original intent, behind the self isolation far better. I do think the full story has to be found though, to progress beyond it. Find who the culprits were, if it happened as have been put forth, and then from that, try to find a path that does not include those parties. In time ideally, there'd be some talks to move past the bad history, and try to ,mend the relationship, but that's likely a generational effort, beyond my years. Forgiveness for such a thing, is not one easily given."

A bit more to the shrouded history of the longma. A peculiar beginning they must have had, though this part would explain why they were isolationists. Depending on the rest of the story to this. Tales kept alive via telling alone, tended to get distorted over the generations, and thus, it were hard to say what else were part of this story. Might be something important, in the finer details beyond this.

On 2023-01-17 at 3:48 PM, EQ_Theta said:

"I guess it’s a matter of getting used to the odd things, but you seem to be handling it, so maybe we can do it too."

“All the more reason why I asked you to look after each other. You’ve probably gone through a lot before meeting me, but there are plenty of folks out there who’d take advantage of a lack of knowledge and experience. Take this as a lesson, Sen and Lin; be attentive and perceptive. If you feel you are walking into danger, find a way out of that situation and head to safety.”

“Of course, and we’ll make sure to keep that in mind for our friends.”

“Good. Now back to that other thing we’re talking about… I personally don’t use them, so I wouldn’t know, but you do know something I didn’t expect. Maybe I’ll ask you about that substance in case I start getting requests from dragons. Anyway, it looks like we sorted out what you need from me here. Anything else you all need me to look over because I should really get back to work on this order.”

"There's a few liquids that can be used. Dragon B-Gone is a notorious one, that you will not be able to get hold of, and quite frankly, you should refrain from mentioning around dragons. It is an incredibly strong dragon repellant, that were stored and used, much like perfume. It is revolting for them to be anywhere near it, and if they are forced near it, or it is sprayed on them, it can actually cause them serious health issues. Thankfully short term, but as you can understand, any kind of poisonous materials, are highly undesirable.

When the last dragon and pony war ended, the equine forces, and the dragons, went forth to put down some tentative rules of not peace, but more a ceasefire. Individual things would happen as they did, but it would be against dragon law to kill a pony, and vice versa. Any did that, the offender would be handed over to the judgement of the victims family and peers. Thus, ensuring there were no seeming covering, of offenders. It helped to keep the tentative peace, among other things, and keep the hostilities down to individual cases, rather than all out war again.

That aside, there were many provisions made from both sides. One big one fromt he dragons side, were the complete, and unequivocal banning of production, sale, and possession, of any Dragon B-Gone. Something the equines agreed to. All official stores were destroyed, the recipes burned, and if any private individual, were found in possession, they'd face harsh penalties. It's considered to be a grade 5 contra-ban, which includes things such as sacificial magic creations and tomes, biological weapons, and Trojan Ridgefelt Capsules. Trust me, the less you know of the last ones I mention, the better for your mental health.

Just focus on the fact that if you are trying to get something, make sure it is certified Draconian Hazba. It's just revolting for them to eat, but not harmful. If someone does try and sell you Dagon B-Gone, refuse, report them, and forget you ever saw them. Being in possession, could end up having your store closed, a prison sentence arranged, and in worst case, your Equestrian citizenship, being taken up for questioning."

"You know many strange things."

"I consider it important to be well versed in local law, to avoid problems. Even unusual ones.

If you need help in the future to find the proper liquid though, I can help. It is fairly easy to find the circles, where the correct vendors are. For the time being, I will not take more of your time away, from your work order. I thank you kindly for the help you have provided. I hope that at some point, I can offer you some of mine in return."

Rosa would bow his neck to Uddo, whilst internally hoping that the help he'd have to provide someday, were not in his professional way. It would expose something he'd prefer were kept hidden, but if it came down to it, he would risk that, for the sake of helping a close family friend, of Sen and Lin. Though he could hardly imagine other situations where this had to happen, except for him being kidnapped, or him being blackmailed. The former of which, Omen could handle, as she had their scent. Minus the wife. The latter situation... More his way of dealing with things, though what the two longma would be blackmailed about, he wouldn't have the faintest idea.

"In suppose we have our own errands to run today as it is, that we may as well go and handle. Mine leads me to the site of my job, to inquire if I have any tasks present, or if they're still preparing. I would imagine Lin, that you'd like to return home, and deliver the packages, yes? Perhaps something that would be good for you all to do. Have a little look around, and mingle a little, whilst doing so. Get them more used to seeing creatures, that comes from the outside. It may well end up important. Especially if some have questions regarding the outside world. It could help to give a little insight, into how not everything from beyond the forest, are something to be afraid of. These gifts will prove that too, in their own way."



 @Catpone Cerberus @Kujamih

On 2023-01-15 at 3:14 PM, Catpone Cerberus said:

She then got up, Interrupting any potential conversation going on "No need for any elders, I'm a healer and there's a hospital nearby, she's stable enough to be brought there." her tone was friendly but surprisingly commanding "Can you kitsune float her there or do we need to take the more physical route?"  she looked at the shark and the pony when she said 'physical', though ultimately she'd drag her there herself if she had to.

On 2023-01-16 at 2:30 PM, Kujamih said:

he'd reduce harpoon's wait and easily make her float. Hed then stops her from floating away from him.

" See? Should we head there now?"

Zhing let out a yelp in surprise, as Harpoon began floating. The floating being an action, that almost made Hachi stumble, though thankfully, he didn't, though he too looked back, halting what he were doing, and looking on with worry at Harpoon.

"Nonono, you don't understand! Hachi were healing her. If you interrupt it, she could-"

"No, I think... I think that was enough. See? She's breathing, and she stopped bleeding... I'm pretty sure she can go to their healing house now."

He'd close his eyes, and place a paw on her chest. After a few seconds, he'd nod, and his siter would seem to calm down a little.

"She's stable. We can take her there then. Just uhm... Let me do it, okay? If she gets worse, we'll handle it. I hope."

He were still a student as a healer, rather than a full fledged professional. Not the usual position for a male kitsune, but he had shown interest and talent, and there were no objections to letting him try to follow the path, that he seemed to wander most proficiently. But he still needed years of training more, before he were as good as their real healers. They could tap into the leylines, and the strongest, were even able to safely repair, and reattach limbs. He hoped to get to that point someday. But for now, he could at least stabilize Harpoon, via his own magic.

Hachi would go underneath Harpoon, and then loosen the cloth belt in his kimono, before wrapping it around her, and him, to keep her on his back. As light as she now were, this were pretty easy.

Whilst this went on, Shark would near the kobold, curious, and uncertain what this one were. As she did so often with new things, or creatures, she'd sniff in the general direction of her target, to try and get a scent, that would tell her something about the one she stood in front of.


"Not seen this before. But... Food don't talk, so not prey.... Is friend?"

She were hesitant to say so, but the other thing, were clearly dangerous, and not a friend. It tried hurting her mate, so bad thing. very bad! This one wanted to fight the bad thing, so she were a friend then. She were pretty sure of that at least.

When they started to move towards the hospital, Shark would continue to look at Sheska curiously, whilst walking closely to her mate. Light had been hit, but did not seem hurt, so that were good. Strong genes for their pups, when egg season began, to be big and tough like this. She were however, going to bite the bad one, when she found out who or what it were. Bad thing must be punished!

The other who'd look though, would be Zhing, who'd eventually start asking something, to try and break the ice, or something.

"So uh... It sounded like you knew something about what we just saw, so... You've seen them before? We haven't, we just know what it is, but this is normally something the elders would take care of."



@Catpone Cerberus

On 2023-01-15 at 3:14 PM, Catpone Cerberus said:

"Mark my words, the ponies' obsession to control nature for sake of 'harmony' will bite their flanks eventually, be it in 10 years or 10 000 years, those who try to control it instead of adapting to it, will perish." she simply stated regarding Leviathan's speech about weather magic, she had nodded when she had spoken about Charir, but didn't comment anything, partly due to the topic change by Leviathan, and partly because it would have been basically a repeat of what Ruby had just said before it.

"Yeah, I've tried telling them the same thing, but the weather geeks are adamant that their way will always work, never fail, and ensure everything's the best it can be.

My guess? One day, their machine is gonna malfunction, and send a flurry of thunder storms all over the country. Maybe some large tornadoes too, though either of them would cause a ton of damage, and probably casualties.

Y'know, maybe if I'm around at that point, I'd be able to strike a deal about that... Clear it up, until things settle, and scold them proper for not just adapting to the unchained majesty of nature. Probably get a nifty price for it too... Might be able to score something of the princesses themselves. I have just the spots in my collection, for something royal, and shiny."

Might be a little selfish of a way to look at it, but they were setting themselves up for some kind of trouble. And when it hit, they'd probably not be able to deal with the immediate effect right away. Seemed a good time to jump in, be a hero, and both get something for it, as well as rub it in the weather ponies faces. Y'know, if it were still ponies at that time. She kinda had her hopes high, that crows would evolve, and be a more dominant species. They were pretty cool.

On 2023-01-15 at 3:14 PM, Catpone Cerberus said:

Ruby would make her way outside, waiting for the others to exit first, locking the door behind them, same with the fence of the yard, though when they would get out on the street, there was a.... unique situation happening on the neighbors yard, the one where the hybrid lived, the huge murder of crows that had inhabited the surrounding area of the house previously was still there, but some of them were now on the yard itself, jumping around, flying down from the air, to attack something, to attack...snakes, so many snakes, there was a battle between sea of snakes and sky-darkening amount of crows on the neighbor's yard.

Charir was absolutely baffled by what he was seeing, while Ruby's confusion was more 'what is it this time?' "Probably better to not get involved with that."

And speaking of crows, the next door had a big bunch of them. As well as an absolute ton of snakes. And it were like... The crows made sense, sort of. They could fly in from everywhere. But how the heck, did a ton of snakes like this, just slither into a garden, in the middle of a town like this?

Leviathan would peek over the fence, to get a closer look at things, and see the fight between reptile and fowl, unfold in all its odd, odd glory.

"I dunno... Kinda curious what's going on here. Like... How did so many snakes get over there? And why are they fighting? You think your neighbor started to use something in the garden, that got them all riled up? Not sure of snakes can have grudges, be angry and such... They've always seemed pretty straight forward, and in the moment. A bit ambush at times, but... This is new.

I personally root for the crows in this. Gorgeous creatures. Very intelligent too. A few twists of the evolutionary ladder, and I could see them rise up, to maybe even usurp the ponies. At least in some areas, though it'd probably take some thousands of years. Nice having the chance to see that unfold, y'know?

Hey! Neighbor! You got a bit of a wildlife problem out here. Everything's okay? Need us to call like, an exorcist, or something?"

She'd look up towards the house as she said it, and talk a bit louder. Not shouty, just trying to see what'd happen, if she tried to address this, in a louder voice. Her bet? Probably nothing. She couldn't see the inhabitant anywhere, and the animal probably didn't care about her, lest she did something more tangible. Then again... These were probably not normal, so hard to say if they'd act sanely... Guess they'd see, yeah?



@Rising Dusk

"Most certainly. While the coin itself might hold little value, gold is still gold, and not far off from the Harrowish Kroner, in design."

He'd pull a coin purse, out of his inner pocket, and open it up, to present them with three various, roughly round coins, not much larger than a bit. A copper coin, a silver coin, and a gold coin, being the most prominent.

"They are not made from the pure metal, as yours are. They are mixed with more common metal, and we primarily use only the worst purity grade veins, to make these coins, as to not waste the more pure materials. Especially silver, holds very high value, if it is pure, due to it's magical, and religious usages. As for the coins, the value they hold, are that the copper ones are a half, the silver ones are one, and the gold ones are five.

The hat you have sought out, I can see goes for three and a half kroner. A single bit should suffice there, considering the purity in gold, that I see those bits are. Unless you would like to use your token on this, Sir Dusk? Remember that you have been granted the option to take whatever you'd wish from here, as a token of appreciation from Mr. Agnostica. Though perhaps, you'd see something more fitting of your own want? Many have pushed things upon you thus far, but I've yet to see you actually pick something yourself. Now might well be a good idea, yes?

He'd lean in to Grace, and whisper that he'd advice to use the bit, as he noticed the effect the sheer notion of the sale alone would have on the young hatter, and suspected it would cause her great delight, to have that as a reminder.

The one who had made the hat, looked and listened on with growing excitement, as she heard that it were her ware that had drawn the eye, of the father of their savior. Which might mean that he would walk with something that she had made! The young diamond dog already wagged her tail uncontrollably at the thought, and raised her paws to correct her dark shirt, pants, and hat. Her own overall ensemble, being one with a fancy design, for the age they were in, whilst still being practical. The hat were more boastful then the rest, though subtly, as she had made that one herself, and wanted to match... Yet also show that she could do that, whilst showing her own meddle. As many hats here, it had a pocket up there, for carrying for instance, a small knife, or enchanted coin, card, etc. As well as the standard protection spell, against minor confusion and alluring spells.

If they decided to use the acorn for the transaction, the vendor would take it, though the tail wag a little less, as she had hoped to be the first to carry outside coin, and would place it in a pocket, under the desk. If a bit were used though, she'd take it carefully, with great reverence, her tail wagging so hard, that she almost pushed a few things down, and placed it carefully on the desk in front of her, whilst giving her warmest thanks. She'd still thank them for choosing her product regardless though, and would in time, still enjoy the fact that she had made something, that this inquisitive, important pony would be wearing.

There would be several more things, that might be of more interest to dusk in here regardless. For instance, beautifully rustic, crafted necklaces, with more powerful protection spells. An oil lamp with a small key in a chain, that would follow near the wearer of said key, to function as a light source. The light inside, requiring a candle, yet still would glow brighter than you'd think.

There were also things such as weapons made of hallowed iron, which were geist infused metal. The meaning behind that - if he asked - being that it would have soul energy upon it. Which could be utilized in a myriad of ways, but as this were a good, kindly aligned place, all of theirs, had some less than harmful effect. One being a bow, where the string were made of somewhat similar materials, that would cause it to draw arrows out of thin air, that'd halt the movements, of those it hit, long as the wispy arrow were stuck in the target. They were harmless, and would fizzle out of existence within a few minutes, but it would still be enough for one to escape, whoever it were that were chasing you. Or to get hold of someone trying to run away. It did have to be drawn by hoof or claw though, so using it with magic, wouldn't work.

There were also a shield, which would be able to take hits from spiritual elements, which were useful as regular armor, weren't always effective against a spiritual attack. Such as a geist trying to rend your soul, for instance, though there were spells for that. This helped more with spirit-infused weaponry, from more unsavory types.

Another more subtle thing, were a simple ball of metallic yarn. Toss it at a target though, and it would unfurl, and entangle. Specifically good for those wanting to capture spirits, as this in essence, were what hallowed metal were good for: Interacting in some ways, with the spirit, or spiritual energy. Same reason there were also a pray necklace, that one could hold aloft, and would help cleanse you of ailments of the soul, if you had been struck in such a fashion. It'd be visible in several items, and the description of those.

Though not all were weaponry. There were also a music box, made of it. Open it up, and a wispy mist would rise up, and show various characters dancing around, in a small ballet, to the song the box would give off. Or the mirror that'd show you how you looked, in more layers than all were perhaps comfortable with. 

He would be told, no matter which one were pointed out - though his father had likely already asked in to several of those things - that they all would attune more with the user over time, for more personal affects. The music box for instance, might latch on to songs you knew. The bow firing arrows more in tune with the magic of the user, and perhaps even work with it, if given enough time. The mirror would show true, inner beauty, the shield strengthening the resolve and spirit of the user, making them more resistant to some attacks, etc. It were a marvelous material, but Equestria were likely not ready for it, as the raw materials had a tendency to moan, cackle, or giggle distantly, when you were forging with it, and release wispy puffs and brief shapes, as you hit it hard. It were general something many worked with, with their ears covered. It were unnerving to work with in the long run otherwise, even for the Harrowish.

(you can add plenty of other ideas. I've just given a baseline few, to show the overarching idea, of various things. Or he can keep the acorn)

Edited by Blitz Boom
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@Blitz Boom Pixel was surprised at this pony calling her adorable, not even her close friends had called her that, only "cute" and the bullies sure never thought she was adorable, she was also in awe of the massive pony towering over her, through her eyes, this pony were a Goddess. She felt herself get flustered, seemingly happy. Glory on the other hoof, was not as in awe, as the princesses were big, too. she did see it from Pixel's POV, one of her size would see anypony as a God or Goddess. Glory introduced herself and Pixel, "I'm Glory Feather, and that's my friend Pixel, she's a little small, but she's not so different!" she found herself chuckling at her statement, of course Pixel was probably different, nopony was the same. 

Edited by Stellar Heights
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On 2022-11-28 at 4:36 PM, Blitz Boom said:

"Well ain't that a sight. You one of them... What's the name... Kobolds? No, those change color... Longma? Ain't seen something like you before, that's fer sure.

"Well, Kobold is close enough! No sense going around about it for hours, eh? We is, what we is, man~"

Whett would see his traveling compatriot's shocked expression, and his face would wane in less than its jovial expression. In a lower, calmer voice, one from some experience of meditation, he'd say lowly to the other stallion.
"...Nature does be loud sometimes. But that's okay, when sometimes things are too much. You can feel that slight breeze on your fur? The birdsong & movement of life around you...? That's where you are now. History is past." He'd calmly move forward, gently booping his snout to his.

"... and you're okay. You are, where you are."

Then he would turn to the farmpony and return to his cheerful, goofy tourist-pony tone. "That's what great about the Outdoors, yeah?!!? It's either Peace or Adventure! Hehee!"

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@Blitz Boom

On 2023-01-19 at 5:10 AM, Blitz Boom said:

"Regardless, we'll just have to see what might come forth of information. What you told me, certainly adds a layer on the longma history, and if correct, would explain the original intent, behind the self isolation far better. I do think the full story has to be found though, to progress beyond it. Find who the culprits were, if it happened as have been put forth, and then from that, try to find a path that does not include those parties. In time ideally, there'd be some talks to move past the bad history, and try to ,mend the relationship, but that's likely a generational effort, beyond my years. Forgiveness for such a thing, is not one easily given."

“Well… I wouldn’t know about a sphinx’s visit, but I usually try to keep myself out of others’ businesses. Besides, what happened between the longma and myself is something I want to put behind me, and as much as I gained knowledge and experience from my time with them, I would prefer to focus on what I have here. Let their troubles be theirs to fix because, to me, they made it clear that living with old grudges is the way they want to move forward. If anyone found them worth helping, then I won’t stand in their way, and what becomes of the longma’s future will be up to them.”

Lin felt that her stance was somewhat affirmed from her uncle’s words; the same could not be said about Sen, who looked rather downcast at what he heard. It wasn’t without precedence, and he could understand where this sentiment came from, but it didn’t sound right that the longma back home were beyond hope. Maybe there was a way to prove Uddo wrong, but Sen would need to have the time to see this kind of change through. Even then, Rosa mentioned things like this would need time to move past bad histories, something that may only happen beyond his years. 

As for Kiba, he silently watched his father and friends speak of the topic, but he felt that he might be missing out on something that only this odd group could give him. Outside of his obligations to the family business, there didn’t seem to be anything giving him reason to see more. As much as he can consider himself blessed to have a means of living right now, he still felt rather constrained by his lot. It might not change his goals in life, but he would at least like to see more than just Old Canterlot. For now, he’d be quiet and gather his thoughts on the discussion, and when the opportunity arises, he’d learn more. 

On 2023-01-19 at 5:10 AM, Blitz Boom said:

Just focus on the fact that if you are trying to get something, make sure it is certified Draconian Hazba. It's just revolting for them to eat, but not harmful. If someone does try and sell you Dagon B-Gone, refuse, report them, and forget you ever saw them. Being in possession, could end up having your store closed, a prison sentence arranged, and in worst case, your Equestrian citizenship, being taken up for questioning."

"You know many strange things."

"I consider it important to be well versed in local law, to avoid problems. Even unusual ones.

“I’m with Ms. Omen here. Those are some strange things to know about, but you make it sound so simple when you’re just pulling that information. Was that all form the top of your head? Because that’s impressive.”

“Draconian Hazba… I’ll keep that in mind. Hey, I know this may sound sudden, but if I find myself in trouble or curious about other matters, would it be alright if I came to you for advice? I admit I am unfamiliar with the legal aspects of Equestrian law, and it took me longer than I had hoped to even get my bearings in more civilized society. There’s no need to answer immediately, and seeing as we are pretty much living in the same town, communication wouldn’t be an issue. I wish you all the best, and I feel free to stop by anytime you need something.”

The older longma would soon return to his work unless the others had more questions, though he’d was still technically on the job and would prefer to get some more work done. He’d bow to Rosa and the others, and they returned the gesture, ready to part ways for now. As much as Lin wanted to stick around, she would also like to get the tools back home to keep her end of the trades she initiated with some of the craftworkers. Even if she didn’t have a high opinion of the longma, there was a soft spot she had for a few folks, though she’d be quick to admit that this was only for upholding agreements. Never let it be said that she didn’t honor them once deals were made. 

“I know we have our own errands, but would be all right if we walked with you to where you need to go, Rosa? I am curious about that, unless it’s not for us, and we understand if it is. Bringing these tools back home can wait, and we aren’t in a rush to go home. So, where are we heading?”

Edited by EQ_Theta
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7 hours ago, EQ_Theta said:

“Well… I wouldn’t know about a sphinx’s visit, but I usually try to keep myself out of others’ businesses. Besides, what happened between the longma and myself is something I want to put behind me, and as much as I gained knowledge and experience from my time with them, I would prefer to focus on what I have here. Let their troubles be theirs to fix because, to me, they made it clear that living with old grudges is the way they want to move forward. If anyone found them worth helping, then I won’t stand in their way, and what becomes of the longma’s future will be up to them.”

"Your perspective is understandable. They wronged you, and thus, your view of them are somewhat biased in the direction, of them having dug their own grave, so to speak. I do not have anything personal against them at this current point in time, and I think of the more long ranging effects, than judging by past, or current things. The broad perspective of how enlightening them, might end up benefitting them, as well as have them reflect on previous habits, and learn to see the faults in them. That kind of hindsight will be needed, for them to move forward, because if they see their system as flawless, and impossible to improve upon, I will embark on what is little more than a fool's errand.

But I've talked my way through many things, and beaten stubborn enemies in verbal debates before. I am confident that over time, I will be able to make some sort of influence. For a start though, i will consider it a win, if the elders are willing to meet me in the first place. I will need to build a degree of trust from there, which will require me to remain unbiased. They'd hardly listen to one going in, shouting and accusing them of things. That works rather rarely, despite what theater productions and bards tales, lead you to believe. It's about being diplomatic, which is sadly often a rather slow, tedious process. Rewarding though, if you do things correctly."

It were a shame to see that the talk they were having, seemed to demoralize Sen to some degree, but it were little wonder. He too hoped that things could improve, rather than keep to old grudges, and seeing then so many close to him, having no interest in changing then.... There were a level of hypocrisy in it all really, if you thought about it... Perhaps something to bring up?

"A minor point, if I may? Thinking of it objectively, are there not some similarities between yours and Lin's stance, and theirs? They too refuse to let go of the past, and thus, are stagnant, and bent on not improving it for those around them, but rather see them punished. Are there not more to be gained from seeing past that, and understand that whilst forgiveness might not be an option for those that have earned grief, there are others who will be hurt, if things do not change, who does not deserve it? From the old keeping to themselves, to the yet to be born, of the next generation, to those banished unfairly. The system will harm others, if it remains. Others who might be like any of you.

Thus, I see merit in trying to change things, as it will benefit them, and could help prevent things such as what have happened to those present, to happen again to others. That is my position in this. To understand that you have your grievances, for your various reasons, but also see that this is not simply a mater of a few, but the many. It does not mean that your grievances are not legitimate, nor that forgiveness have to be in order. You chose your own path in that, after all. I only argue that things are not so narrow, and straight forward in the long run. And in the end, this is a matter that will be addressed and processed, with the future in mind.

It's much like some of the things I've told King Thorax, in my time visiting his village.  There are generations after our own, so how do we make things better for them, than what they are for us? I find that a fascinating thing to examine, and act upon."

9 hours ago, EQ_Theta said:

“I’m with Ms. Omen here. Those are some strange things to know about, but you make it sound so simple when you’re just pulling that information. Was that all form the top of your head? Because that’s impressive.”

“Draconian Hazba… I’ll keep that in mind. Hey, I know this may sound sudden, but if I find myself in trouble or curious about other matters, would it be alright if I came to you for advice? I admit I am unfamiliar with the legal aspects of Equestrian law, and it took me longer than I had hoped to even get my bearings in more civilized society. There’s no need to answer immediately, and seeing as we are pretty much living in the same town, communication wouldn’t be an issue. I wish you all the best, and I feel free to stop by anytime you need something.”

"Most certainly. I have no issues being helpful in matter regarding legality, or other things, and would consider it a nice way to help the family of my friends, with what expertise I have.

And it were not merely from the top of my head. I have done many, many jobs through my time, and that means going many places, and seeing much. As a bat pony, some of those places have a bias against me, and thus, knowing the law to the letter, can protect me from doing something, that would make them feel reassured, in judging me as a potential troublemaker. Others just in general, does not trust outsiders. Knowing their customs and laws, help to ease yourself into things. I also just in general, find it a fascinating study, to see how various laws work.

As for the example in question... I have some hooves on experience, with the product in question actually, which is why I found it poignant to learn as much of it, as were possible. Worked for a perfume store, out east. A lovely place, calm owners, who didn't say a lot. Just asked us to do out jobs in the store, and entice customers to purchase things befitting of them.

I eventually found out they had a secondary business going, involving selling this. I were not sure what it were, but an officer smelling me out, certainly did, and I ended up cutting a plea deal. Caused the owners to end up in a police trap, and in return, I got ordered to - and I quote directly here - *Get lost, or get eaten.* I found it prudent to learn more of it afterwards, and in turn, also learned of several other things. It were quite a read, but educational for sure. managed to save my rear a few more times prematurely, in the years after."

It were not the exactly correct story, but he could hardly just tell them, that he had actually been there to oversee things in secret, as the two ran smuggling wares for the consortium, and had then set them up, once it were discovered that they were stealing a good portion of the proceeds. It didn't paint him in a flattering light, and could put into question his morals. Which at the time, were basically just do as he were told, and he didn't much care, as the two were obvious criminals. Their punishment were just delayed, until their greed shone through.

A shame really. He had liked the job. It were rather calm, pleasing clientele that had visited that place. And it smelled heavenly.

9 hours ago, EQ_Theta said:

“I know we have our own errands, but would be all right if we walked with you to where you need to go, Rosa? I am curious about that, unless it’s not for us, and we understand if it is. Bringing these tools back home can wait, and we aren’t in a rush to go home. So, where are we heading?”

"Very well. Follow me then, please."

He'd wander into town, and lead the way. The spy offices didn't have a sign over it, as that would be dreadfully obvious, but he knew what he were looking for. It were obvious for those who needed to know, and he had to. Which in this case, were at the prison itself, where he had been held for questioning, before the trial.

"And here is my entry point. Be not alarmed. It's not a cell itself. There is a side path in here, leading in. I suspect it also leading into several of the nearby residents and shops, in case it is needed, but I will humor them, and take the front entrance this time."

Omen didn't seem to listen much, and would instead go over to the entrance, then smell the air, and tilt her head to the side. She'd look around a bit, seemingly looking for something, and would eventually land her eyes on the shadows above the door, beneath a balcony further up. Her gaze would be fixated there, on seemingly nothing... And then suddenly, a pair of faded-yellow, equine eyes would open up, and meet hers. No words would be exchanged, and the figure didn't show much more than this, and a feint shape of an equine, before suddenly, a pair of pegasi wings would spread, colored the same as the shadows, and the pony would flutter off the wall, and fly in a nearby window.

"It appears I am expected.

Honestly though, this one were not bad. Better than the one who followed us as we left my home, and went to Uddo's store. Far too obvious. This one have more potential.

Ah, but if there it naught else, I will have to begin on work. May your day be merry, til we meet again. Try not to get into trouble in my absence, and do take care of yourself, you hear? We'll see each other soon enough again.

And Omen? Please don't pop in to see how I am, lest it is an emergency. Or if it have been over thirty hours, since I entered, without a word since. It should not happen, but some can be fickle."



@Stellar Heights

"A pony is a pony, right? Never saw anypony this petite before though. But then, I'm also a size mishap, so we can all come in all shapes and sizes, right? Hay, if the doctors hadn't found out the right treatment, I'd probably be at least a half to whole meter taller now. Full on beanstalk then, hehe."

Fromt he side, the squirrel-like creature would appear, and upon seeing Ziggy, and the other ponies, would spread it's large ears, and fly towards them, where she'd then land on Ziggy's back. This were not just a flying quirrel, in that the flying, were really just parachuting. This one could actually fly. And from the look of the webbed hands and feet, as well as the extra membrane on her eyeslids as she blinked, and the gills faintly seen on the side of her neck, she were also aquatic.

"Oh hey there. I found some new friends. Aren't they cool? Pixel, Glory, this here's my companion, Fah'lina. Don't call her a pet please. She doesn't like that."

Fah'lina's eyes were mostly on Pixel, seemingly calculating something in her head about the small pony.

"And don't mind her trickery. Discordian Knight Squirrels love to prank others. The amount of times I've woken up with something on my head, or written on my face... Little silly head likes to think she's funny."

The little one would bonk Ziggy on the head with a clutched fist, which really did little, considering she were the size of a slightly larger than average squirrel.

"Some also calls them mimics. You'll see why eventually.

Anyway, what're you doing all out here, by your lonesome? Are you going to town? I were, and then I saw a flock of rabbits and got distracted. I think that were a few hours ago."




On 2023-01-20 at 7:11 AM, Widdershins said:

"Well, Kobold is close enough! No sense going around about it for hours, eh? We is, what we is, man~"

"Eh, not judging either way. This here princess we got, talks about acceptance and friendship. Outta try giving folks some benefits of doubt and all. Lotta strange folks these days. No point thinkin' all of 'em are here for trouble, y'know?"

This farmer were pretty lax about things, long as his farm weren't threatened. Didn't made much sense to him, to get all paranoid about things, if there didn't seem top be a danger to whomever got near. This one seemed a bit odd, but eh, nothing too bad, yeah? Why not just accept it, and be calm about it?

His little inked up lad there, didn't seem to be that much at ease though. one of them nervous fellahs probably.

On 2023-01-20 at 7:11 AM, Widdershins said:

Whett would see his traveling compatriot's shocked expression, and his face would wane in less than its jovial expression. In a lower, calmer voice, one from some experience of meditation, he'd say lowly to the other stallion.
"...Nature does be loud sometimes. But that's okay, when sometimes things are too much. You can feel that slight breeze on your fur? The birdsong & movement of life around you...? That's where you are now. History is past." He'd calmly move forward, gently booping his snout to his.

"... and you're okay. You are, where you are."

"Yes, I... I'm s-sorry. I just keep expecting something b-bad to happen. Especially when something loud goes on. Last time I heard everything go loud, my h-home crashed down on top of me, and I woke up in a full body cast, in a h-hospital. They said that I w-were lucky to have survived."

"Must've been a bad collapse."

"E-Everything... Everything were d-destroyed."

He'd shiver, remembering both when he woke up in the hospital, and then later, as he had gotten out, and rushed to his home, despite the warnings from both the doctors, and later on, the guards investigating the ruins of the town. It had been a mess, to put it mildly. The town he had grown up in. The only place, he had ever called home, laying in ruins. And yet, not a single body were found. Everyone had just... Vanished. Far as he knew, they still hadn't figured anything out. They hadn't come for him for a while anyway. Guess they maybe stopped... Or lost track of him. Either way, it didn't change that it were all gone, and he were alone, in an unfamiliar land, that he had barely interacted with prior to that.

And frankly, it gnawed at him a lot, that he didn't know what had happened to the others in his village. At least if he knew they were dead, he'd be able to get some sort of closure. The uncertainty however, were a constant, nagging monkey on his back.

On 2023-01-20 at 7:11 AM, Widdershins said:

Then he would turn to the farmpony and return to his cheerful, goofy tourist-pony tone. "That's what great about the Outdoors, yeah?!!? It's either Peace or Adventure! Hehee!"

"Yeah, it ain't bad out here. I prefer me some peace though. Just me and my farm, enjoying a simple life n' all, y'know? I figure you sort go do the adventuring proper. Got the spirit for it n' everythin.

Had a cousin like that. Still do. He's a bit of an oddball, but he got some good stories for the family gatherings. Usually with the bruises to prove it, the clumsy lil' fellah. Still best for him to be out there, just like it sounds it's like for you. Your lil' buddy there though? Ain't sure, but the lad needs some confidence, that's fer sure. Some fresh air, n' having a looksie at how exciting things can be, might be a good thing.

Anyway, outta get back to the harvest. You two take care, aight? And if you're looking fer a good place in town, try Slappy Joe's. They're a bunch of oddballs in there. They ain't judging others."

If there weren't anything else, he'd return to his work, and leave the two of these to mull over their next move. Which would probably be to move into town proper. Weren't far now.

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@Blitz Boom Glory cleared her throat, and said "We're on a journey to find ourselves, you see... Pixel here has been downtrodden by bullies in our town and I... I do not know, what I've become, who I truly am, in spirituality," Pixel nodded her head, causing her curly mane to flop about. "I do not know why others hate me so..." Pixel murmured, tears springing to her purple eyes. 

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@Blitz Boom@Kujamih
Sheska rose an eyebrow at Light's questions, but responded anyway "No, I don't have any guns, only a crossbow and a sword, which you can see easily, if I had a gun, I wouldn't use these ancient things." "Though I am surprised you even know what a gun is." "And no, Kobolds as a species are not an oddity to this world, there's plenty of us here, all naturally evolved, they just don't interact with you surface creatures that much." "I in other hand...or other hoof like you ponies say, am from a different world, reality or whatever you want to call it, but if that isn't confusing enough, I also exist here, and it is entirely possible for me to meet myself." She said this all in even, almost deadpan tone while focusing on Harpoon, but there was a certain level of friendliness mixed in, though it wasn't the kind of genuine 'nice to meet you' friendliness, and rather the professional, 'it's my job to be friendly' kind of friendliness, bit rude maybe, but in her defense, a possessed Harpoon just tried to kill her and she was now busy making sure Harpoon stayed alive. 

"The hospital is in that direction." she then addressed Hachi "Don't worry about her, I'm also a healer and have dealt with lot worse than this, you all focus on getting her safely into the hospital, I'll focus on keeping her stable." 


Sheska gave the shark a curious look as it started to sniff her, but didn't do anything about it, after all, where was the harm, and especially after the words that came out of the shark, it was clear that the sharkness wasn't necessarily just a visual thing, and while Sheska lacked the experience to blame it on Discord or his kind, she assumed it was probably something to do with magic. "Yes, friend." she simply responded, enemy of your enemy was your friend after all.

For Sheska's scent, she smelled like a sun dried lizard that had been in contact with blood, with combination to whatever dirt the makeshift cast on her tail may or may have not gathered. 


"No, I don't know who or what this one is specifically, but I have seen lot of things in my life, and can infer lot of things from just what I saw." "It's a magical being with the ability to possess creatures, it is prideful yet incompetent, it is also a coward." "I have faced physical manifestations of nightmares and darkness, so this shouldn't be too big of a problem to deal with." 




"Bold for you to assume your magic would help either at that point, magic is merely a tool along the others, and like all tools, it will eventually break." This shouldn't have been surprising conclusion for anyone, as much as Ruby was sometimes hard to read, one of the things that had been constant, was her disbelieve to the longevity of civilization and everything related to it, sure she had started to warm up to the idea of peaceful life, but she still believed that her kind's way was the natural order of things, that every species was destined to fall back into 'survival of the fittest' eventually.

There was no real reaction to Leviathan's not-quite-shouting, some of the crows looked at her but that was about it, and the neighbor either didn't hear or didn't care, though it was most likely little bit of both, as while it was reasonable to believe that Leviathan's voice didn't make it inside the house, all the cawing certainly did, and it wasn't like the animals were avoiding to be seen from the window.

However, they would get a response, from behind them, as a tired, perpetually irritated mare's voice spoke "She has a visitor, probably a relative, another hybrid in same colors." it was the other neighbor , the odd pegasus from the house with tree shading every window, she was wearing a robe that covered everything but her head and wings "The snakes arrived few minutes later." "So the following of specific animal type is genetic?" the neighbor shrugged "None of my business, but probably." the mare looked and sounded like she was in perpetual state of not having slept enough, even though there wasn't physical signs like bags under the eyes 






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@Catpone Cerberus @Blitz Boom

9 hours ago, Catpone Cerberus said:

"No, I don't have any guns, only a crossbow and a sword, which you can see easily, if I had a gun, I wouldn't use these ancient things." "Though I am surprised you even know what a gun is." "And no, Kobolds as a species are not an oddity to this world, there's plenty of us here, all naturally evolved, they just don't interact with you surface creatures that much." "I in other hand...or other hoof like you ponies say, am from a different world, reality or whatever you want to call it, but if that isn't confusing enough, I also exist here, and it is entirely possible for me to meet myself."

" Oh sorry...I Instinctively called your crossbow a gun." Light scratched his head as to wonder why he called it a gun. Must be because the word gun to him is more common than the word crossbow and just called it a gun instead. 

" Naturally evolved?... I see..." Light pondered at the answers given to him. His instincts as a dimension traveling police still lingers, even though he has abandoned those duties.

He wonders the existence of Grogar here has a different roll for this kobolds.

Hearing that she also came from another dimension perked him up a bit.

"Oh! You aren't the original here? We're the same then, i guess? But all my versions do not exist anymore to any dimension and would either join the order or... get dealt with...hmm..." He then stood silent.

" Anyway, you're from another dimension correct? We should share some stories once we get some free time." He suggested.

10 hours ago, Catpone Cerberus said:


"No, I don't know who or what this one is specifically, but I have seen lot of things in my life, and can infer lot of things from just what I saw." "It's a magical being with the ability to possess creatures, it is prideful yet incompetent, it is also a coward." "I have faced physical manifestations of nightmares and darkness, so this shouldn't be too big of a problem to deal with.

" Oh? So whats your preferred weapon of choice?" He curiously asked.

" My main weapon is the changeling crystals. It absorbs all non changeling magic. Pretty much very overpowered since it only had one flaw." He bragged.

" But... I lost that kind of power...so i just focus on my cutie mark abilities instead..." 

But if one looks at his white flank, no one would see any cutie mark.

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@Blitz Boom

On 2023-01-22 at 7:23 AM, Blitz Boom said:

"A minor point, if I may? Thinking of it objectively, are there not some similarities between yours and Lin's stance, and theirs? They too refuse to let go of the past, and thus, are stagnant, and bent on not improving it for those around them, but rather see them punished. Are there not more to be gained from seeing past that, and understand that whilst forgiveness might not be an option for those that have earned grief, there are others who will be hurt, if things do not change, who does not deserve it? From the old keeping to themselves, to the yet to be born, of the next generation, to those banished unfairly. The system will harm others, if it remains. Others who might be like any of you.

“You are persistent on this, and I do not have issues with your interest on the topic or Sen’s goal of wanting things better for the longma back home. I left my home and my kind because back then, I didn’t believe they were worth helping. I lost my friend, and Sen and Lin lost their parents, because they couldn’t see past their isolationist tendencies. The longma back home may claim to be looking for themselves and their welfare, but if they can’t save their own kind from themselves, then I can’t support them.”

“Let me be clear: I have no desire to go back when I have to look after what’s already here. Call me selfish, but the longma should experience the consequences of their actions if they are to improve, even if they have to ruin themselves to do it. If you and Sen, or anyone you meet, agrees with your goal of changing the longma’s way of thinking and helping them move forward, then I hope you succeed. Maybe one day, I will rethink my stance on this, but I don’t have faith that they will see things the way you do.”

Uddo wasn’t angry with Rosa for pressing the matter, but having already made up his mind on it, he didn’t see the point in wanting to go back when it was apparent that he couldn’t do anything more. His friend was gone, and there was no bringing him back. Having someone who was willing to stand by Sen’s goal was something he liked, and it made his nephew and the thestral more admirable. In a way, he could see his old friend’s persistence and positive outlook in the two, and he would use this time to give them his blessing silently, a sign of his approval and his wish for their success.

As for Lin, she stood to the side and wondered about this exchange. Lin was especially distraught, having to reevaluate everything she initially thought to be the truth she stood by in her exile. Having bottled up all her anger and venting them to her brother wasn’t a healthy thing to do, but hearing what Rosa had to say, maybe he and Sen had the right idea. It would be worse seeing history repeat to more young longma who don’t deserve what the siblings went through, and there was merit to wanting to do something to save others from that kind of misfortune. 

On 2023-01-22 at 7:23 AM, Blitz Boom said:

And it were not merely from the top of my head. I have done many, many jobs through my time, and that means going many places, and seeing much. As a bat pony, some of those places have a bias against me, and thus, knowing the law to the letter, can protect me from doing something, that would make them feel reassured, in judging me as a potential troublemaker. Others just in general, does not trust outsiders. Knowing their customs and laws, help to ease yourself into things. I also just in general, find it a fascinating study, to see how various laws work.

“You are very interesting, Rosa. Not many can say they know a lot and back that up with proof. If I mentioned you to the other ponies I went to school with, no one would believe me. Don’t worry though, I won’t actually do that. You’re still new in town, and your privacy is important. It might be better if you got to know the town a little bit better instead of everyone coming to you.”

Going off with how described his thoughts, Kiba liked having someone to talk to about this kind of stuff. Between running the store and studying, he didn’t seem to find a lot of things interesting in town. The quaint and quiet atmosphere is nice, but something about it felt rather lacking. The young longma could only imagine the interesting stories Rosa, Omen, Sen, and Lin had of their travels. It could get him to also do a bit of exploring beyond Old Canterlot. As for Uddo, he was happy with Rosa's immediate response, and he is looking forward to the next time they could meet, preferably in less crestfallen moments.

On 2023-01-22 at 7:23 AM, Blitz Boom said:

"It appears I am expected.

Honestly though, this one were not bad. Better than the one who followed us as we left my home, and went to Uddo's store. Far too obvious. This one have more potential.

Ah, but if there it naught else, I will have to begin on work. May your day be merry, til we meet again. Try not to get into trouble in my absence, and do take care of yourself, you hear? We'll see each other soon enough again.

Sen and Lin followed their friend, but a sense of dread loomed over them as they walked. The trip was silent, more so than normal for them, but if it was really happening, then perhaps it was meant to be. An unassuming building with a shadowy path inward… maybe a little too on-the-nose with the whole secrecy thing, but they wouldn’t question it. Once there, some words should be said, but Sen wasn’t one to mince how he was truly feeling at that moment.

“Rosa… I-I… I know we’ll see each other again, but I find it difficult to say goodbye, especially to a good friend. P-Please be careful, as well. I’d hate it if something were to happen to you b-because I wouldn’t be there to help.”

“We are looking forward to when we’ll meet again, but let us give you one more thing before we part. Omen, can you huddle up with us for a bit?”

Both siblings thought this would be sappy, and it was already embarrassing that they were doing this in front of Rosa’s employers, but knowing the circumstances, they figured it best to tough it out. Before parting, they’d go up to their friend and hug him tightly; it was apparent that Sen wasn’t taking this well, doing his best to keep himself together but wavering in his words. Bowing was a sign of respect, but this situation felt different and called for something else. It felt like a good time to bring up something appropriate for the moment.

Though all walk their own paths, the journey needed not be solitary. May the travelers never tire, ever reaching for their way. And should they ever stumble, may they find comfort in companions who will never lead them astray.

“It’s a longma blessing for those who have big undertakings, and I feel like we’re heading off on our own paths now. It’s going to be different not seeing you everyday. We’ll keep in touch, but we will surely miss you until we meet again.”

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20 hours ago, EQ_Theta said:

“You are persistent on this, and I do not have issues with your interest on the topic or Sen’s goal of wanting things better for the longma back home. I left my home and my kind because back then, I didn’t believe they were worth helping. I lost my friend, and Sen and Lin lost their parents, because they couldn’t see past their isolationist tendencies. The longma back home may claim to be looking for themselves and their welfare, but if they can’t save their own kind from themselves, then I can’t support them.”

“Let me be clear: I have no desire to go back when I have to look after what’s already here. Call me selfish, but the longma should experience the consequences of their actions if they are to improve, even if they have to ruin themselves to do it. If you and Sen, or anyone you meet, agrees with your goal of changing the longma’s way of thinking and helping them move forward, then I hope you succeed. Maybe one day, I will rethink my stance on this, but I don’t have faith that they will see things the way you do.”

"I wouldn't dream of calling you selfish. Your decision is perfectly understandable, and I wouldn't dream of pushing you towards partaking, nor make you return. I wander my path, for the reasons stated. I do not expect others to follow my potential fool's errand, nor give their judgement, or support, of the endeavor.

And for what it is worth, I agree that the hypocrisy is staggering. Thus far, I have heard much bad, and little good, and this will be an uphill battle, at the best of times. Yet it is worth an attempt in my eyes. If nothing comes of it, then they cannot claim that they were never offered the chance.

But I think we all know where each other stand on this, and thus, should focus on more important things in our lives. In both our cases, that being forthcoming work, it seems."

Rosa were not going to question Uddo, in regards to what they had done to him. Whatever it were, were a private matter, and he had no right to dig into that. He frankly would have also liked to say little more, but it struck him that Uddo might think that Rosa's plans, would involve him or his family, having to return, and potentially forgive the longma, which were not his intend. The dice had been rolled here as it were, and if he felt like they had nothing more to offer him, then all the power to him, as it were. Rosa simply wished to make it said, that he were not intending to include Uddo, nor Sen and Lin, more than any felt comfortable with, in his plans.

On 2023-01-23 at 3:22 PM, EQ_Theta said:

“You are very interesting, Rosa. Not many can say they know a lot and back that up with proof. If I mentioned you to the other ponies I went to school with, no one would believe me. Don’t worry though, I won’t actually do that. You’re still new in town, and your privacy is important. It might be better if you got to know the town a little bit better instead of everyone coming to you.”

"To a certain extend, but if they are friends of yours, I can lend an ear, in case something troubles them. You'd be surprised how difficult it can sometimes be, to make heads and tails, of all the rules, that governs a nation. Some of them are even contradictory, and rely on proper understanding of several settled cases on the subject, and an understanding of which things are laws are in effect, and which aren't.

For instance: There is a law in Equestria, they have yet to rectify from the books, regarding the sales of a plant, that have been extinct for several centuries. Another regards inter-species, and interracial marriages, that have not been enforced for around 870 years. There's even technically a rule that if the Caneighdian ponies cross into Equestria, via longboats from the east, it is allowed to pelt them with apple seeds. I've still to find a reason why that is in there, yet it is.

The point being that some things are simply just not removed, due to the lawmakers either forgetting about them, or considering them too obscure, to bother replacing the books said laws are in. It can over time, leave to some confusion. Though the good part is that often, unless malice were evidently present in some way, they'd understand that some rules were confusing, and be lenient. The Equestrian government isn't perfect, but it's far from the worst."

Honestly, he considered this the best part of familiarizing himself, with local law. Finding these odd, obscure things, written in long ago, tended to amuse him greatly, and helped him get through the long, dry reads, that doing these reads, tended to be. Law were important, but it was rarely entertaining.

On 2023-01-23 at 3:22 PM, EQ_Theta said:

Though all walk their own paths, the journey needed not be solitary. May the travelers never tire, ever reaching for their way. And should they ever stumble, may they find comfort in companions who will never lead them astray.

“It’s a longma blessing for those who have big undertakings, and I feel like we’re heading off on our own paths now. It’s going to be different not seeing you everyday. We’ll keep in touch, but we will surely miss you until we meet again.”

Omen had joined them, as she were asked to. Rosa found it a little odd, that they got so emotional over him leaving for work for a little while, as it weren't as if they had not spend a bit of time away from one another before. Though he supposed, seeing how this were the entrance, to the prison cells on the outside, which they had seen him go into another, and then be set before a court... he supposed there were some reason, why they'd find this situation to be a little different. Though he didn't think they needed to worry. Had they a want to have him in a cell, he'd have been so already, rather than being waited for, to come to advise them on things.

As for watching, no one seemed to be. The one who had seemingly waited, had slinkered inside, so they were seemingly alone.

As the embrace ended, Rosa stood with a small, reassuring smile on his face.

"While I appreciate the sentiment, fear not my friends. It is but a day of work. I foresee nothing harmful, that will come from this.

Yet if blessings you will, I have one for you: Cha, heihne, gho yo tawi.

It loses something in translation, but in essence, it is a saying that conveys the hope that like the river, you flow wild and free, til I float with you again. Be not burdened with worries of my safety. Focus on your own tasks, and where your path takes you. We will meet soon again."

"How touching."

The voice came from the pen door, where a pony would wander out to the open doorway, and look at the gathered group.


"Such is the case, when you have those in whom you can trust. You should try it sometimes."

"Hmph. You coming or what? There's work to be done."

"Isn't there always?

Alas my friends, for now I depart. We'll met soon again."

If there were nothing else, Rosa would bow calmly before his friends, and then follow Shade into the prison. Not the most trustworthy looking pony in all of Equestria, but in fairness, it weren't as if he were hired to be that. He were simply here, because the general willed it.

Back here then, standing without oversight, Omen would stand and look at the open door, and soak in the silence for a bit.

"...He is not going where he were the last time.

If he is not back when the sun goes up the next time, I go to find him, yes? To be safe?"

She did not know what worry felt like, nor would she have much need of it anyway. She trusted him when he said that he were fine, and would return, so unless he were gone for a long time, she did not see much of a reason for things to be different now either. But she'd still ask if she should go and find him after that time if it were, just in case. Sen and Lin knew time better than her, so she were just making a guess, of when they thought it were a good idea to start looking.



@Stellar Heights

"Awh, don't cry Pixel. They're just mean bullies, deflecting their own problems on to you. You're among friends here, yeah? No one here's gonna bully you.

That includes you, Fah'lina. No messing with her, okay?"

The mimic just rolled her eyes in response. It appeared she were less enthusiastic, about giving her word on this. But she'd chitter a little, while Ziggy went in close enough to gently rub the side of her head, against Pixel. She were sadly too small to give a proper hug too, which were her go to reaction, when others cried, but she could at least try this.

"Good enough. And I bet there's tons of others out there, who's gonna love a cute lil' munchkin like you.

Hehe, but you say you're out to find who you are, huh? Is that like, finding your cutie marks?"

She'd have taolook, to see what theirs might look like. Which would give them a chance to see hers.


"ANd what do you mean you don't know who you are spiritually? Are you like, a monk? Does it have anything to do with the floating doughnut? It's pretty."



@Catpone Cerberus @Kujamih

On 2023-01-22 at 12:09 PM, Catpone Cerberus said:

Sheska rose an eyebrow at Light's questions, but responded anyway "No, I don't have any guns, only a crossbow and a sword, which you can see easily, if I had a gun, I wouldn't use these ancient things." "Though I am surprised you even know what a gun is." "And no, Kobolds as a species are not an oddity to this world, there's plenty of us here, all naturally evolved, they just don't interact with you surface creatures that much." "I in other hand...or other hoof like you ponies say, am from a different world, reality or whatever you want to call it, but if that isn't confusing enough, I also exist here, and it is entirely possible for me to meet myself." She said this all in even, almost deadpan tone while focusing on Harpoon, but there was a certain level of friendliness mixed in, though it wasn't the kind of genuine 'nice to meet you' friendliness, and rather the professional, 'it's my job to be friendly' kind of friendliness, bit rude maybe, but in her defense, a possessed Harpoon just tried to kill her and she was now busy making sure Harpoon stayed alive. 

"The hospital is in that direction." she then addressed Hachi "Don't worry about her, I'm also a healer and have dealt with lot worse than this, you all focus on getting her safely into the hospital, I'll focus on keeping her stable."

On 2023-01-22 at 10:35 PM, Kujamih said:

"Oh! You aren't the original here? We're the same then, i guess? But all my versions do not exist anymore to any dimension and would either join the order or... get dealt with...hmm..." He then stood silent.

" Anyway, you're from another dimension correct? We should share some stories once we get some free time." He suggested.

Botht he kitsune seemed unsure what to do, with what they heard here. They were both from other worlds than this, and one could end up meeting themselves? Sure the kobold looked odd, and the magic used by Light were weird, but... Really? It sounded like a fairy tale.

Then again, so did what they had just seen, right? Certainly wasn't normal at least, even if they had a marginal idea what that were.

"Well I uh... Guess that works too. Just say if you need help then, okay?"

Hachi wasn't sure about any of this, but if she said she were a healer, and had dealt with worse than this, so if that were true, then it were probably okay then, to just leave her to deal with this, yes? He were still an aspirant in the craft after all. He might not do as well as her, even if he had stabilized the guard. But he'd stand ready, just in case. You never knew. Especially when he didn't know this lady.

"...How does someone even come here, from another dimension?"

They were both confused, somewhat skeptical, and curious. Shark on the other hand, didn't grasp any of this, and thus, just ignored that chat. She assumed dimension, just meant they came from another place. Like how she came from the sea.

On 2023-01-22 at 12:09 PM, Catpone Cerberus said:

Sheska gave the shark a curious look as it started to sniff her, but didn't do anything about it, after all, where was the harm, and especially after the words that came out of the shark, it was clear that the sharkness wasn't necessarily just a visual thing, and while Sheska lacked the experience to blame it on Discord or his kind, she assumed it was probably something to do with magic. "Yes, friend." she simply responded, enemy of your enemy was your friend after all.

For Sheska's scent, she smelled like a sun dried lizard that had been in contact with blood, with combination to whatever dirt the makeshift cast on her tail may or may have not gathered. 


Shark went into a big, happy grin, which showed off her large, razor-sharp teeth. Seemed she were right that this were a friend then. A friend who smelled good. She had smelled a lizard before, and found them to be kinda like this, but different. In a good way, though she couldn't explain it. Maybe it were the blood? She liked that smell. Reminded her of food, though she knew the rule: If she could understand them, they weren't food. Pets... Well, she hadn't eaten any yet, but she had chased a few. It were hard for her to know what were meant to be food, and what were pets. Ponies were strange like that.

In any case, having settled the matter, she'd go over to her mate again, with her shark tail, slightly wagging behind her in joy. Bad thing were out there, but now they had a friend more. Strange friend and fluffy ones, all so soon after one another. That had to mean she were getting good at being like the ponies, yes? They had lots of friends, from what she understood.

On 2023-01-22 at 12:09 PM, Catpone Cerberus said:

"No, I don't know who or what this one is specifically, but I have seen lot of things in my life, and can infer lot of things from just what I saw." "It's a magical being with the ability to possess creatures, it is prideful yet incompetent, it is also a coward." "I have faced physical manifestations of nightmares and darkness, so this shouldn't be too big of a problem to deal with." 

On 2023-01-22 at 10:35 PM, Kujamih said:

" Oh? So whats your preferred weapon of choice?" He curiously asked.

" My main weapon is the changeling crystals. It absorbs all non changeling magic. Pretty much very overpowered since it only had one flaw." He bragged.

" But... I lost that kind of power...so i just focus on my cutie mark abilities instead..." 

But if one looks at his white flank, no one would see any cutie mark.

"This is weird..."

"I know, let's just... Try and be openminded.

So uhm... This thing, I think I know what it is. Sort of. In our village, we call them Oni. They're either the spirits of exiled kitsune, or kitsune who have delved into some pretty dark arts. Maybe paintings come to life? We're not entirely sure. The elders says it is important that we just know they exist, and how dangerous they are, but never how they are made, so that no one is tempted. We do know they're somewhat based on the same sorta magic we have, and they really don't like kitsune. Like, they're hunting us, if they get the chance.

Our mother always said that she were told by her grandmother, that they hunted kitsune, to try and get the body back, that they had lost. And if they got you, you'd become the Oni instead."

Both of the kits shivered at that thought, with their tail brushes standing tall. It were a horrible thought, yet sadly, they did not have much actual information to work with here. As they said, they were not allowed to be told what the Oni were exactly. Just what to do, if they thought they spotted one.

"If one is here, that's very far from our home, but that's probably worse. Only the elders knows how to deal with them."

"But I mean, if you're from other worlds, you uh... Might know? Have... Ideas, maybe? It's a little hard to believe, sorry."

Zhing nodded along with her brother, as he said the last bit of his part, and they neared the hospital more. They sure got a fair bit of looks as they passed down the street, but no one would try to stop them, of those still out on the streets. Most just looked on, from their windows. The news that there were some kind of attack going in, had made folks shelter, as they were used to do. Some in their houses, and some had headed for the bunkers. They had scoffed a bit as Last Stand had been in charge of the rebuilding efforts, after the last monster attack, but they sure didn't mind having the safety option now. And her idea of having a tunnel build under them, to offer a way out of town entirely, were starting to sound mighty tempting to those, who had sought shelter. Of course, there were limited space still, as it were a test thing, and a fair bit had cellars to hide in, but it were better than nothing, and mostly meant for those who couldn't safely get home, or be let into another's house for emergency shelter.

"Is bad thing. I bite bad thing."

Shark's contribution to this, were one of the last things they'd have a chance to say, before they reached the hospital entrance. Though they could still fit a response before they entered the doors, and a nurse signalled some of her colleagues over, to get the unconscious guard, transported to a room.



@Catpone Cerberus

On 2023-01-22 at 12:09 PM, Catpone Cerberus said:

"Bold for you to assume your magic would help either at that point, magic is merely a tool along the others, and like all tools, it will eventually break."

"Only if you don't maintain your weapon, or use it improper. And I'm keeping mine sharp, and ready to rumble.

Buuuut, that being said, if we're talking a full on, apocalyptic buildup of storms, that's probably a little too much for me to sort out all in one go, right now. So I hope it'll be a few decades at least more, before things goes haywire. Gives me a better chance to sort things. Though who knows? Nothing's that easy to predict. Might be that it goes haywire, and it turns out that absolutely nothing have changed, cause the weather just adapted, or the machine were a con in the first place. It'd honestly be hilarious if it were just a hoax, and no one caught on to it. I'd have something to laugh about for years."

Leviathan were a prideful sort, but she wasn't stupid. If she saw a full scale mayhem, she'd probably be able to slowly do something, and maybe even offer enough of a path to save some, but she were well aware, that she had limits. If she didn't grasp that concept, she could mention 57 times she'd already be dead, right off the top of her head.

...58. She remembered the rottweiler, from when she were a welp, now that the thought grazed her mind. Good thing she hadn't listened to the pups on that, and taken the dare.

On 2023-01-22 at 12:09 PM, Catpone Cerberus said:

However, they would get a response, from behind them, as a tired, perpetually irritated mare's voice spoke "She has a visitor, probably a relative, another hybrid in same colors." it was the other neighbor , the odd pegasus from the house with tree shading every window, she was wearing a robe that covered everything but her head and wings "The snakes arrived few minutes later." "So the following of specific animal type is genetic?" the neighbor shrugged "None of my business, but probably." the mare looked and sounded like she was in perpetual state of not having slept enough, even though there wasn't physical signs like bags under the eyes 

(assuming you meant Mystic Shade)

Leviathan swung around, as she heard the voice of the mare, just to end up face to face, with one hay of a cranky little mare. And one dressed like she were going to a costume party, disguised as a monk, or cultist. Well weren't she a peculiar little one? Heh.

She'd face the pony, with a beaming grin on her face, as she were feeling in a pretty good mood, regardless of how the birds and neighbors had ignored her. She didn't figure much would happen there anyway, but hey, been worth a shot, right? And it had dragged this one out, so it wasn't a total wash.

"Well hello there, my little ray of doomshine.

Heh, kidding aside, that there's a weird family, if they have snakes and birds in their wake. Like some weird version of the rat catchers, with the flutes. Wish I could've seen the faces of the locals, once a hoard of snakes just suddenly started to slither into this place. Must've freaked them out.

You're the other neighbor then, yeah? I'm Leviathan. How's it swinging? A bit rough it sounds like."

Seriously, this one didn't look like it, but she had the morning cranky attitude going in full. Maybe full on sleep deprivation even, though there weren't the baggies under her eyes, or slurred voice and odd movement associated. Just seemed like one who got some sleep, but not enough, and were frankly annoyed with everything.

An odd sort. Just like how she liked them. And now that she had come out to talk, it'd be rude of her to not try and be social, wouldn't it?

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@Blitz Boom Pixel laughed when Ziggy stated the words "Flying Doughnut," cheering her up a little, Glory agreed with Ziggy's statement of the halo being pretty, but then she said "By spiritually, I mean, on the inside, like what is my motivation, what is my goal, y'know, that kind of thing," Pixel butted into the situation, "Are you sure others will like me? Lots of other ponies don't think I'll ever make music for video games," she said softly. Glory leaned down to Pixel's level and patted her head, in an attempt to make her feel even better. 

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2 hours ago, Blitz Boom said:

But I mean, if you're from other worlds, you uh... Might know? Have... Ideas, maybe? It's a little hard to believe, sorry."

"Easy...If its made of magic, let it be absorbed by a changeling shard." Light's quick reply. 

"Mostly spirits who remain here in the world uses magic to tie themselves up on the waking world or the living.... So once tou cut that magic you cut their connection."

" Shark would you like a changeling weapon? We can install braces infused with changeling shards... Although im not sure if you have side effects with it... But you didn't react badly when i was made of it though..." He ponders.

@Catpone Cerberus @Blitz Boom

Edited by Kujamih
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@Blitz Boom

Kiba, and Uddo by extension, found Rosa getting more and more interesting whenever they met, and as much as they wished they could chat, there was more work to be done. Perhaps the thestral could be a legal advocate, but that might just be wishful thinking on the older longma's part. For now, they had to part ways; their work would have to keep them busy until they gathered together once more. Likewise, the siblings would have to accept this and establish a new routine for their daily lives, something that could be tricky for them. 

On 2023-01-25 at 3:45 AM, Blitz Boom said:

"While I appreciate the sentiment, fear not my friends. It is but a day of work. I foresee nothing harmful, that will come from this.

Yet if blessings you will, I have one for you: Cha, heihne, gho yo tawi.

It loses something in translation, but in essence, it is a saying that conveys the hope that like the river, you flow wild and free, til I float with you again. Be not burdened with worries of my safety. Focus on your own tasks, and where your path takes you. We will meet soon again."

“Flow wild and free... I just don’t like saying goodbyes. Knowing how things go in my life, that feeling of something else coming along to make things worse gets me worried. But you are right, we will meet again soon. Please stay safe.”

“This will be a goodbye for now, and we will see each other again. Take care.”

Sen and Lin bowed to their friend and waited until he was out of sight. They wished they could see him off in a better way, but they may just be overreacting at this point. There was no more to say, and when they were ready, the turned to the exit and left, though not before Omen could ask them something that may put their minds at ease.

Sadly, the answer they would default to feels like a violation of that trust they had in the thestral. He is capable, probably more so that Sen in a fight and definitely more than both siblings in matters outside of combat. However, they’d reserve their response until after they left, preferably some place where their exchange couldn’t be heard. Knowing the kind of company present was enough of a warning to them that they’d be picking apart their movements and words at that very moment.

On 2023-01-25 at 3:45 AM, Blitz Boom said:

"...He is not going where he were the last time.

If he is not back when the sun goes up the next time, I go to find him, yes? To be safe?"

She did not know what worry felt like, nor would she have much need of it anyway. She trusted him when he said that he were fine, and would return, so unless he were gone for a long time, she did not see much of a reason for things to be different now either. But she'd still ask if she should go and find him after that time if it were, just in case. Sen and Lin knew time better than her, so she were just making a guess, of when they thought it were a good idea to start looking.

“Not here,” Lin whispered to the Ki’Nathar. “We’ll talk about this elsewhere.”

The longma started to walk a fair distance away from town until she could reasonably mask her movements through the thick foliage in the town’s outskirts. There, she’d open a gate to the solitary plateau where they kept the statue meant for Scarcity, a place that would be difficult for others to leave should anyone be stranded there. It was perfect for discussions involving sensitive topics. Sen knew her sister would be up to something like this, impressed that she was thinking more carefully about their movements. 

When everyone crossed over to the other side of the gate, Lin immediately closed it to avoid anyone else from entering, suspecting that they were being tailed. Knowing that they were pretty much within the presence of spies, it got the longma to consider anything, maybe making her a bit more paranoid. 

“I appreciate you offering to look for Rosa, but it has to be done in a way that wouldn’t draw attention to him.”

“Brother is right. You could pick up scents, can you open gates near whoever you are looking for? Sort of like picking up Kiba’s scent at the workshop but opening a gate a few blocks away and just looking around a corner to see if he is all right? You don’t have to go up to him; just see if he’s in trouble, and if he isn’t, then there’s probably nothing to worry about. If this isn’t making sense to you, we could show you what I mean.”

Edited by EQ_Theta
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@Blitz Boom


For a while the train ride was full of Howl and Ginger's chatter and bickering before Ginger just fell asleep.

 "Train rides always did make her super sleepy, same with wagon rides. Being carried too. Growing up ponies always commented what a quiet foal she was since she was frequently asleep. Then when she was awake she was running around every where she could."Howl chuckled.

Ginger was pretty much limp as she slept until she rolled over and fell on the train floor, still asleep somehow.

"Ugh, I forgot she drools in her sleep, Yuck..." Howl grumbled as he helped put the sleeping Ginger into a train seat again.

Ginger woke up, then promptly stretched while yawning, hitting her brother in the face with her wing on accident.

"Are we there? "Ginger asked tiredly. 

"Well not yet, we're almost there though. And soon we'll see mom again. Hopefully she hasn't eaten anypony."Howl booped Ginger.

"Oh...Wait  there's a possibility she ate somepony?!" She woke up fast. 

"Oh no, I'm joking. Mom wouldn't do that...I think..."Howl started to feel uncertain. He started to consider the possibility that their mother could actually be dangerous.

"You think? You aren't a hundred percent certain?"Ginger questioned. 

" Well, she might've, if she was hungry enough."He nervously scratched his head with his hoof.

"I don't think that's how that works...Cheshire, is that how it works?"Ginger asked Cheshire.

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@Blitz Boom

"Dimension, world, timeline, I don't know much about this stuff, but in short, yes, while some things here are familiar, this Equestria is quite different to the Equestria I know." Sheska stated "I didn't have a preference for any specific weapons, explosives, anti-material blades, blast weapons....whatever we got our claws on was good enough, though more effective it was against the various shields and anti-magic defenses the guard's soldiers had, the better." "But as the medic my weapons tended to be the lighter kind, my brother is more the heavy weapons user, with his cybernetics enchanting his strength." she said it so casually that is sounded like she expected someone to have any idea what she was talking about, but she was well aware it probably went over the heads of the others, she just didn't think this was the right time to explain it in more detail.

She didn't look for Light's cutiemark, for few reasons, one was the simple fact that she was looking after Harpoon, other was that she didn't really know much about cutiemarks, as kobolds didn't have them and such information had simply been useless to her, and lastly, she had always found the...openness of ponies' fascination with that area of the body weird, sure kobolds weren't exactly shy either, but if she spotted someone looking at her backside the way ponies did for each other, or the moon forbid, get physical like she had seen some do, she'd make them know that this lizard bites and she bites hard. 

For the Kitsune's question, Sheska shrugged "No idea, but a guard who is bit more knowledgeable said something about our world ripping itself apart." 

She didn't add much to the conversation about the Oni , just kinda letting out acknowledging hum, she was listening, she just had nothing to add. Before entering the hospital, she simply concluded "With all due respect, I don't care if you believe me or not, as one's opinions don't shape reality." until of course the one happened to be a reality bending being, but that was beside the point.

In the hospital, as she had done with the stabbing victims, Sheska explained the medical staff what had happened, what kind of injuries there had been, and what kind of care had been given to Harpoon, mentioning the Kitsune healing too, she also gave them the daggers, explaining they had some kind of poison on them and that harpoon had been stabbed with them before the possession. She used the correct medical terms for things, and just generally spoke like she knew what she was talking about, because she did. 



(You assumed right)
"You could say I haven't slept well, for a while...for the last decade or so, but that's neither here or there." The neighbor stated "But I'm sure you are used to living embodiments of sunshine, seeing that you spend time with Ruby." she added jokingly, though the perpetual irritation was still on the background, it seemed that while she suffered from constant crankiness, she had learned to not unleash it on those who had nothing to do with it "Name's Mystic Shade, from the three of us, I've lived here the longest." Ruby didn't say anything to the joke, because while it was at her expense, it wasn't wrong, Ruby wasn't exactly the walking embodiment of positivity and happiness.

Charir meanwhile was....suspicious of the pony, while he could tell Ruby didn't see her as a threat, there was something about her that just felt...wrong, he didn't know what it was, and couldn't have put it in words if asked about it, but there was something. 


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On 2023-01-27 at 8:17 AM, GingerLightning said:

"Ugh, I forgot she drools in her sleep, Yuck..." Howl grumbled as he helped put the sleeping Ginger into a train seat again.

"You ever get tempted when you see somepony sleep in public, to just stack small stuff like pebbles and the sort on top of them, to see how far you can get, before they wake up? You should try, it's pretty funny."

Cheshire were feeling the urge, soon as she saw Ginger lay about, sleeping and drooling. Heavy sleepers were the most tempting, as they tended to lay or sit, rather still, and it took a lot before they woke up.

She might be a queen, but that didn't mean that she couldn't get lost in having some fun. They couldn't all be stoic and majestic all the time. Some of them, liked to actually live a little.

Pirouette knew that, as she had once done that to him, and he woke up with a meter and a half of small things, stacked on top of his head. He tended to be careful to fall asleep around her, when she were fully awake, and didn't have much else to do, after that experience. Which were one reason why for the trip thus far, he had been looking out, enjoying the view. The other reason being, that he had never really travelled far before, and it were exciting for him, to see more of the country. Even if it were but a few hours, it would be a fair bit more than he were used to, having never been more than twenty minutes away from the New Las Pegasus area.

On 2023-01-27 at 8:17 AM, GingerLightning said:

"I don't think that's how that works...Cheshire, is that how it works?"Ginger asked Cheshire.

"What, that she'd eat somepony? Nah, don't go believing those fairly tales. Changelings don't eat ponies.

She might have drained someone to a husk, and cocooned them though, but I doubt it. If she's desperate enough to attack, and eat indiscriminately, she shouldn't bother cocooning them, so I'm fairly sure she haven't started to convert anypony. It's a moral thing too for some, and once they drained one fully of emotions, they get a bit more clear headed, and normally don't go the step beyond.

It's mostly something done in case a queen finds somepony really special too, and it doesn't always go well. The risks of someone going a bit bonkers, combined with the effort, and subsequent strain on the hive's resources, makes conversion a normally rare thing. Also, even in the best of circumstances, the converted ones, still remember who they were, the majority of the time, and are more prone to being violent in general. It can be a right hassle, since as you imagine, not everypony's too keen on being forcefully changed into one of us, and being told to join a hive.

My mother tells me though, that it's sometimes needed. That conversion, is the only way to make a changeling king for instance. Well, normally anyway. I dunno the details with Thorax, but that sounded extraordinary. Usually it's supposedly requiring a converted pony, with the resulting changeling then having the chance of being a changeling king. Like Rasputin for instance.

What were we talking about again? Oh right, your mother eating others. I'm sure it haven't gone that bad, and at worst, we'll find one or two that's been drained to the point of emotionlessness. It's pretty nasty, but enough time and care, and folks can easily make a full recovery. Probably will need therapy for a while though."

That said... While she wouldn't eat anyone in that sense - changeling stomachs couldn't handle meat, any more than regular equines could - she might have gotten crazed from hunger, if she hadn't gotten fed, and been on a draining spree. It were rare, and especially for queens, but it were possible that she had caved from hunger, and gone out like that. And as a queen, she'd naturally have a greater than normal hunger.

She were extremely unlikely to have reached mind death from hunger though. A changeling had a few stages before they got that far, which included a natural, feral-like stage of desperation, where they'd even tackle and absorb the emotions, of their closest friend, out of the deep-rooted fear and instinct that were in changelings, to avoid that most horrible fate. And queens were strong. They could easily get rid of restraints put on them in that stage, and go wild.

There were a reason why most who suffered this fate, were those who had gotten trapped and lost in caves, those trapped by gruesome beings, who'd chains them away from civilisation, well knowing what would happen to them, and newborn, who had not been fed enough emotions in their egg state to hatch with sentience.

The second were gruesome, and were often used by the more ruthless queens, as a driving force, to keep their hive from feeling remorse or pity, with other races. The last though... It were the most horrible, indescribable thing, to go through. One of the reasons why her hive were so tiny as it were, even though she had plenty of emotions harvested. Cheshire simply couldn't bear to see her own children, hatch as mindless, feral creatures, with no hope of improving. Nor could she get herself from doing what were even harder...

She had a lot of bad things to say about changelings like Onache. But she would give credit where it were due, that she had the stomach to cull her own eggs, in times when there were simply not enough sustenance to go around. As she said it - something she heard through others, as Onache would rather drop dead, than mingle with Cheshire - she'd rather that they never lived, than suffer like that. And she would give the slaver queen, that she also did not leave that to others, but carried the pain of doing such on her own shoulders. It had to take an indescribable amount of conviction, to do a thing like that, and much as Cheshire found the thought repulsive, she understood, and pitied Onache, that she even had to make that choice.

"We should get there in time, to ensure she doesn't go too far, but in case she have gone on a bit of a spree, I'm gonna have to ask you two to trust me. I'll have to employ a few tricks, to extract her, before the guards would get hold of her. So don't trust your eyes, if things seems odd.

...Hopefully we're there soon. Even if she might be another queen who'd despise me, I can't help but be concerned, whenever I hear somepony like that in trouble."



@Stellar Heights

"Oh, just ignore those negative grumpies. You set your mind to something, and you can make your dreams a reality! I were told I probably couldn't become a doctor, because I didn't grow up normally, and probably wouldn't have good school knowledge because of it. And because I couldn't stand still for that long. But phooey to them. I studied hard, and growing up in the hospital, meant I knew lots and lots of medical terms and information already, so I had a head start. And I got my degree! So see? Everypony doesn't know everything.

Granted, I'm not licensed to do major surgery, but that's a minor detail. I'll get there someday. That stuff takes at least ten years, and I spend most of my life in a hospital. I wanna be free, see the world, and help those I run into. I can go back to the dusty medical books in a few years or something. Or just stay like this. Surgeries are scary."

Ziggy would suddenly perk her ears, the look around, but didn't seem to spot something. So she just shrugged after a bit, and returned to talking to these two fascinating ones.

"What was the other thing... Oh, right! You're looking for your purpose, Glory? So like... Your cutie mark, or the meaning behind the one you have? That's cool. It isn't easy for everypony to get. My brother's cutie mark confused him for a while too, until he figured out that he were meant to work in a large animal preserve. I mean, it makes sense in hindsight, why his cutie mark is a broken bear trap now, but we had no idea back then.

So, what sorta things are you looking at for it now? Are you looking for temples, to try and find some spiritual meaning? I dunno is Manehattan have that. Never been here before. I just went here, because I heard there were dragons, and I wanted to hug some of them."

SHe'd grin widely, with pure joy, almost wafting out from her pores. Several had described her as being infectiously positive, for better or worse, which she tended to take as a compliment. The more smiles, the better, yeah?



@Catpone Cerberus @Kujamih

On 2023-01-29 at 12:59 PM, Catpone Cerberus said:

"Dimension, world, timeline, I don't know much about this stuff, but in short, yes, while some things here are familiar, this Equestria is quite different to the Equestria I know." Sheska stated "I didn't have a preference for any specific weapons, explosives, anti-material blades, blast weapons....whatever we got our claws on was good enough, though more effective it was against the various shields and anti-magic defenses the guard's soldiers had, the better." "But as the medic my weapons tended to be the lighter kind, my brother is more the heavy weapons user, with his cybernetics enchanting his strength."

Neither of the kistune siblings really understood a lot of what were said. Cybernetics were not a thing with their kind. They were an old school, traditional village, and while they did hear about mechanical things, this were a fair bit beyond what they had been taught. In large parts, because this sort of thing, were basically unheard of, in either Equestria, or Neighpon. The ones who did it, did so more on a personal basis, rather than mass produce them. Maybe in the future, but the world in this dimension, were generally speaking, not that technologically far ahead. Not even a little bit.

Regardless, they grasped some of the ideas in it, even if they didn't get the full picture, so it wasn't completely lost on them.

"...Is cybernetics like, body enhancing magic? And I guess, the other stuff is weapons? We don't really have that, where we're from. The town protectors mostly use crossbows and spears, and then lots and lots of magic. We're not like the ponies of Troy. At least I heard they do more tech stuff. Not a lot from the village goes there. I think those from Hanatohro goes there more."

"They do. Mother said her sister have been there dozens of times now. They're apparently good training for illusions. Nothing like the sort of weapons you're talking about miss. I think."

They were still unsure of what they heard, but the more she said... Well, she looked mighty odd too, even if she didn't appear to be metal, or made of knives or something. Not that they had really seen a lot of kobolds before, but she still seemed off, compared to those they had, and she kept saying so many things... Could still just be an elaborate hoax, but it would kinda be cool if it wasn't. The others back at the village, wouldn't be able to beat them, having met two otherworlders, and an oni. Hopefully they'd live to tell them about this.

On 2023-01-29 at 12:59 PM, Catpone Cerberus said:

For the Kitsune's question, Sheska shrugged "No idea, but a guard who is bit more knowledgeable said something about our world ripping itself apart." 

"That's uh... Definitely not good."

This were far easier to understand, as it were pretty direct, and pretty bad too. Having your whole world just get torn up, bit by bit? What could even cause that? These... Cybernetics, and weapons? If so, it were probably good, that they didn't have these things here.

As for the cutie mark thing... She didn't say anything, but Zhing and Hachi would have agreed, if it had been talked about openly. They did not understand the fascination, that ponies had with a mark like that, and especially where it were positioned. Their kind were a more modest sort, overall, and not that fascinated with marks on ones posterior, in general. Some outliers, including those who seemed to just find it funny to catalogue, all the various cutie marks they had seen. More of a hobby than anything useful really, like collecting bottle caps.

Shark would likely be fine checking, if she knew what this butt mark even meant in the first place. But she also didn't grasp the concept of personal space, and were highly curious, so her opinion on this, may well be a little skewed.

On 2023-01-24 at 10:58 PM, Kujamih said:

"Easy...If its made of magic, let it be absorbed by a changeling shard." Light's quick reply. 

"Mostly spirits who remain here in the world uses magic to tie themselves up on the waking world or the living.... So once tou cut that magic you cut their connection."

" Shark would you like a changeling weapon? We can install braces infused with changeling shards... Although im not sure if you have side effects with it... But you didn't react badly when i was made of it though..." He ponders.

Shark responded to this, by tilting her head, confused. What were bracers? Something for her teeth? That... Huh.

She'd suddenly perk up, then shake her head, and opened her mouth. From the second row of teeth she had, behind the larger, frontal ones, a tooth would fall out, and land on the ground. The row behind that, seemed fine, but now, there were a small hole in her second set.

"T-ooooth. Tooth. Tooth gone, is good. It were loose."

Shark would scratch herself behind the ear, by rubbing her head up against a nearby tree, then kept going. She did not think anything of this. Her teeth always grew back before. Why wouldn't they now? She could even feel one starting to poke up from the gum already. Probably what helped to loosen this one in the first place.

"Now... What is br-aaacers. Bracers. What is bracers? Something with tooth?"

"It's a teeth thing, yes. I uh, don't think you look like you need help straightening yours though.

And we don't know what this *changeling shard* is. Is it something carved out of a changeling? That seems a little gruesome."

"Maybe it's kind of like a vessel for the spirit to inhabit, and then you can cut their connection like that? Sorta like the wards out at the east of the village."

"Maybe. That'd make kind of sense. Like dealing with foxfires."

On 2023-01-29 at 12:59 PM, Catpone Cerberus said:

In the hospital, as she had done with the stabbing victims, Sheska explained the medical staff what had happened, what kind of injuries there had been, and what kind of care had been given to Harpoon, mentioning the Kitsune healing too, she also gave them the daggers, explaining they had some kind of poison on them and that harpoon had been stabbed with them before the possession. She used the correct medical terms for things, and just generally spoke like she knew what she was talking about, because she did. 

The kits said little, about the rebuttal they had been given, just nodded vaguely, and focused on getting the pony, the last bit of the way. The staff took good care of her, and thanked Sheska for the information she provided. The more they knew, the easier they'd have, dealing with things here, so her information were assuredly welcome. Especially when it came to talks about the poison, at which point, they'd bag the daggers, and bring them with them for examination. Just in case there were still something lingering in Harpoon's system.

For now, she'd be led off safe and sound, and thus, she were probably safe, for the time being. Hard to say, if the oni had broken in here, so one could only hope.

"So this is a pony healing house, yes? It's very... Sterile looking."

"She means it's boring."


Her brother would get a thwack across his face, with her tail.

"I said nothing of the sort. Just that it's not what I had thought. It looks more like a meeting hall of sorts.

Anyway uh... What do we do now?"

She might lead her brother, but she were not a leader per se herself. She were a kit, and one way out of her debt, so she'd look to Sheshka for answers, as she seemed to have some, and Light appeared to currently have Shark rummage through his mane with her snoot for some reason, so he might be occupied.



@Catpone Cerberus

"Long term insomnia huh? Oof, that sucks. Especially when it lasts that long, for one of you short-lived ones."

She did actually feel a bit bad for this pony now. Sure she seemed odd, and Ruby had said as much too, but come on. Long term, seemingly chronic insomnia? That sort of thing suuuuucked. She had to deal with it for a few months, when crashing near a reef full of seals once, and she couldn't sleep proper. But decades of it, for a pony? That's be several centuries for her. She couldn't imagine dealing with that, for that long. Honestly, this pony looked well for someone who had to deal with this for so long. Props to her.

Another props? She made a pretty good joke regarding the ray of sunshine, that were definitely not Ruby, which made her grin widely, and chuckle slightly.

"Yeah, she brightens up the day, like a star to the face. Illuminating and intriguing, yet painful."

That were actually an apt description of Ruby, in her mind. A very enticing dragon, who actually did brighten up the rooms she entered, in Leviathan's eyes, but she'd also rip your face off, if needed be. made sense in her mind at least, but little did it matter, yeah?

"Anyway, so you're the OG here, huh? That's pretty neat. Did wonder who came here first, and attracted the rest. Must've been you, it sounds like. Though you honestly ain't looking like I imagined. I sorta figured the sort 'round here, were a bit off.

But who am I to judge on that, yeah? I mean, I got raised by a thief, who named me after a great sea serpent, because she - and I quote her directly *Thought it was hilarious, to see the pups try and say it*. She also said it sounded strong, and she wanted that, but the first one always struck me as the original idea. She loved doing stuff like that, the crazy old mutt.

Interesting fact, in case you're curious. Diamond dog's teeth and jaws, are actually strong enough to crack through dragon scales, if they put some effort into it. They also hate getting snow to the face.

But nature programs aside, I know Ruby now, and I know a bit about you. What's the deal with the shut in and the bird squad? You got anything on that?"

Couldn't hurt asking, yeah? Might be something cool to learn.

She didn't notice what seemed to cause pause for Charir though. Weren't anything weird that stuck out to her. Granted, she had seen so many weird ponies, that it sometimes took a bit for her, to notice anything were off in the first place, but in fairness to her, ponies were weird creatures.




On 2023-01-26 at 3:55 PM, EQ_Theta said:

“Flow wild and free... I just don’t like saying goodbyes. Knowing how things go in my life, that feeling of something else coming along to make things worse gets me worried. But you are right, we will meet again soon. Please stay safe.”

“This will be a goodbye for now, and we will see each other again. Take care.”

"As my father were so keen on saying: Think not of it as a goodbye. But rather, *Til next we meet*. I assure you, that I am perfectly capable of handling myself. Even with this less than charming individual present."

He'd gesture towards Shade, who grumbled a bit under his breath.

"Take care friends, and may we meet again sooner, rather than later."

He'd answer any bow in kind, which were to most, except for Omen. Even Shrimp seemed to catch on, and bow his head and front body a bit, in the direction of Rosa. Omen though, seemed to consider it, but not do it. Probably because she were too occupied, starring unblinkingly at Shade. Though for once, that did not seem to unnerve her target of observation, as he more or less just ignored her entirely.

On 2023-01-26 at 3:55 PM, EQ_Theta said:

“I appreciate you offering to look for Rosa, but it has to be done in a way that wouldn’t draw attention to him.”

“Brother is right. You could pick up scents, can you open gates near whoever you are looking for? Sort of like picking up Kiba’s scent at the workshop but opening a gate a few blocks away and just looking around a corner to see if he is all right? You don’t have to go up to him; just see if he’s in trouble, and if he isn’t, then there’s probably nothing to worry about. If this isn’t making sense to you, we could show you what I mean.”

The group were not being tailed. One had noticed them, and tracked them for a bit, but when they were out of sight, they had just entered the halls themselves, not bothering to care. They knew these ones were welcome in town, and currently not known troublemakers, regardless of who they were with, so they would just leave them be. Besides, they wanted to get in, to hear the pitch this spy had. It would likely be more interesting, than tailing a group of thus far, non-threatening motives.

As for the group themselves, Omen would remain silent, as she had been told, until they reached where it were, that Lin had wanted them to go to. The questions at the end, seemed to indicate that now, it were okay for her to talk. Which were good, as she could not whisper. Her range of talk, and volume, were always the same. Though granted, the voice were somewhat whispering, it were not like proper whisper, as it were the so the words went around the head of recipients, and thus, could not be shushed, the way whispers could.

As for the question itself, Omen would mull it over for a few seconds, before she'd give her answer. Though it were likely not what they expected.


There were thus far, not many cases, where it seemed like Omen had some limitations on her abilities, but it appeared that they might have hit a snag for once.

"Some places I remember, and can find. I found the log one place like that. The place where the kitsune now is too.

I track beings. I know their scents, and can sense where they go, if I focus on them. But things are not that easy back home. Small distance in there, can be very, very far apart other places, and they change around a lot. It is why I look around, to find the right entrance.

I will have to know a lot of the town, to find places where I can go and look sometimes. Or I can go to those, I have the scent of, and look from there."

Their kind, traversed and tracked, in various ways. Hammond appeared to maybe have focus on beings, and some on locations, but Omen were mostly on creatures, and as she had to wander the ever shifting area of her home realm, it were anot always that easy. It were a space between the layers, so to speak, and it kept twisting and turning about, so things could be far away. Sometimes, a hoof away, could be the next block, or right next to another. Other times, it were several minutes of travel away.

It were different if she made a short distance travel, with entry and access near her, as it would connect easily close by. But a town far off? That were different.

But she could get to do it. She'd have to find some areas that she could imprint in her memory, and then go to some times, to see if she remembered properly. Usually she did that, by having a cloth, or toothbrush or something like that, of one she had to track, and then go after the weaker scent enough times, to get a relatively good idea of the area. Wasn't perfect, yet it did somewhat well.

She could also go by others, such as the baker, but then she were in the situation, where said baker, might wonder why she suddenly had Omen's head stick out of her wall, while she were in the shower, or something else like that. Might be a bit hard to explain away.

"Your gates are different. You go directly to places. So it is stable for you, yes? Seems good. But maybe you can not track scents? Have you tried before?"

Lin could try, but wouldn't find a scent deeper than that of the surface level. Which in Omen's case, smelled of ash and caramel, for some reason. She might have better gates, and perhaps something more, but she wouldn't have the tracking of life energy, like Omen did. Though she could seemingly still just transport, based of of memory, which were highly practical, and might mean she did not need it per se anyway.

"And I do not understand. How would I know he were in trouble? I can tell if he gets moved, or his scent starts to go away, but what is trouble for him? For you? I mostly know trouble, as things trying to hit others."

Edited by Blitz Boom
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@Blitz Boom Pixel was very happy, she wouldn't let them get to her again. Glory, on the other hoof, was very intrigued by this pony, she seemed wise and Glory knew that she didn't know everything, but from what Ziggy knew, it could help Glory get to what she needed to know, "Hmm, yes, temples, something of that nature, what with the visions I've been seeing," Glory said. 

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@Blitz Boom

On 2023-01-31 at 7:22 AM, Blitz Boom said:

"As my father were so keen on saying: Think not of it as a goodbye. But rather, *Til next we meet*. I assure you, that I am perfectly capable of handling myself. Even with this less than charming individual present."

He'd gesture towards Shade, who grumbled a bit under his breath.

"Take care friends, and may we meet again sooner, rather than later."

The siblings bowed to their friend, and they held their tongue this time to stop themselves from dragging things too long. They said their farewells, and they would leave things here for now. It didn’t seem to mind them that, even with the possibility of others spectating them, it was just their group for now and a reminder that they will meet again. Parting with the assurance that Rosa could handle himself was somewhat comforting, but it wouldn’t be enough to completely dissuade the siblings from trying find a way to check in on him.

For now, moving into the desolate plateau was their move, and they’d be able to discuss things in private. With no one else around, at least seemingly, they could plan ahead and determine how to proceed on their own.

On 2023-01-31 at 7:22 AM, Blitz Boom said:

"Your gates are different. You go directly to places. So it is stable for you, yes? Seems good. But maybe you can not track scents? Have you tried before?"

Lin could try, but wouldn't find a scent deeper than that of the surface level. Which in Omen's case, smelled of ash and caramel, for some reason. She might have better gates, and perhaps something more, but she wouldn't have the tracking of life energy, like Omen did. Though she could seemingly still just transport, based of of memory, which were highly practical, and might mean she did not need it per se anyway.

"And I do not understand. How would I know he were in trouble? I can tell if he gets moved, or his scent starts to go away, but what is trouble for him? For you? I mostly know trouble, as things trying to hit others."

“I doubt my nose is powerful enough to pick up someone’s scent. Food and other strong smells like fire are given, but something that is unique to someone… I can’t pick up on them. Places can be reached because I have a memory of them, so I just think of a place I want to go to, and it will be there on the other side of the gate.”

“As for your question, I guess we should put our trust in Rosa. He is much more capable than us in matters inside and outside of battle, but there may be things that could overwhelm him. I remember that time we crossed that swamp back then, a place that showed us our deepest fears. We could have crossed it faster, but I slowed us down, and we were affected by its power. A place like that… something that could mess with our heads… it could be trouble for Rosa, but I doubt there are many more like them. Either way, this is all just to make sure he’s doing well.”

Lin remembered that dreadful place. The trees seemed normal in one moment, then there’d be things all over them the next. A macabre sight, but it was only fortunate that in her fear, she found their way out. The same may not be true if they aren’t lucky the next time. With regards to Omen’s question, they could only guess, but there might be a workaround, at least for now.

Omen likely would need to have someone else with her to judge a situation and see if intervention was necessary. Likewise, they might have to get in some practice on opening gates stealthily, at least to let them see events play out without having to step in or near anyone. Lin didn’t say anything more on the matter, and it was fortunate that Sen interjected. For now, the trip home could wait a little bit longer if it meant they could all come to a better understanding of each other's abilities.

On 2023-01-31 at 7:22 AM, Blitz Boom said:

"Some places I remember, and can find. I found the log one place like that. The place where the kitsune now is too.

I track beings. I know their scents, and can sense where they go, if I focus on them. But things are not that easy back home. Small distance in there, can be very, very far apart other places, and they change around a lot. It is why I look around, to find the right entrance.

I will have to know a lot of the town, to find places where I can go and look sometimes. Or I can go to those, I have the scent of, and look from there."

“Maybe we could spare some time to do a bit of testing. You say you can track beings by going to places that have someone’s scent. That might be a good place to start. Would you know if a scent could stick on something no matter how long ago it first had it? Like the guest room at Rosa’s home; if I only used it once and never went back, would that room still have my scent after several days or weeks?”

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@Blitz Boom

Star Echo was overjoyed to hear the words come from the prince's lips.  It would be vastly too rude to just expect things for free as the sire of their savior.  Far more gratifying to partake in the art of the trade.  Plus it gives far better benefit to the young diamond dog who made the hat.  Dawn withheld the Bit from her father for a moment while she gave her twin a quick glance.  Rising took a moment to cast his senses at the hat their father had taken for a target.  The tapestries of minor protection enchantments danced around the top hat.  Snug and a perfect fit for the hat, the art of a true craft.  Rising nodded his approval to his sister.  Dawn let go of the Bit, where Star's own magic glow took over and carried the coin away.  "Ho ho ho!" he exclaimed and trotted back over to the stall to give the young diamond dog the coin in exchange for the hat.  The first Bit exchanged in Harrowmark in who knows how long.

The diamond dog looked so excited.  It was genuine and wholesome, bringing a smile to the family's faces.  Star quickly put the newly purchased hat upon his head, "Perfect, just delightful!"  Grace fluttered over to Star and fixed the position of the hat on his head to better fit and be proper.  "It is a lovely hat, dear," the pegasus admired.  "You did a wonderful job," she complimented the diamond dog as well with a warm smile.

Rising's attention was drawn to the rest of the market.  Necrotic was right.  Everything he'd gotten from Harrowmark had been forced upon him, to varying levels of pleasantry.  He had enough souvenirs to fill his apartment already, and more was likely to come.  But what did he want?  So much from the market jumped for his attention.  Simple objects to that naked eye, but everything was enchanted to some degree.  Each tapestry told a story.  Like open books for the detective from Equestria to read.  They told of the artist, the crafters.  His eye for the object itself wasn't the most practiced, but magic was his specialty.  He could see their moods, their hearts in the weaving of their craft, their intentions.  The most interesting that stood out to Rising, was the music box.  He traced the ley lines, a self learning box that could tune into the music he likes and cast misty ponies to dance.  With a few adjustments he should be able to control the selected music and keep memories of Harrowmark dance.  The acorn itself was a powerful souvenir as well, however.

Rising walked up to the stall of music box.  "Tell me about this, please."   

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@Blitz Boom @Kujamih
"Technology, but otherwise yes." Sheska corrected, though that was as far as she explained for now for previously stated reasons, if they wanted more detail, they would certainly ask later. 

 She didn't comment on the brace conversation, but she did observe it. mainly to see what happened with the teeth situation, as while casually falling teeth was usually a bad sign for the health of a creature, she didn't know much about shark anatomy due to sentient sharks not being something she had considered ever meeting, so she waited to see how the shark herself reacted, and it seemed that this was somewhat natural occurrence that didn't need medical intervention.

She also had nothing to say about the changeling shard, she had an idea what it probably was, after all, anti-magic measures were everyday thing in their world, but since she couldn't be sure without Light confirming it, she just waited for him to explain it, if he was going to, she wouldn't lose sleep over not knowing. 

"Hospitals are boring" Sheska responded in matter of fact way "While some color wouldn't hurt, ultimately hospitals are for healing, not entertainment or even really for enjoying your stay." "Meeting hall also isn't a bad comparison, as the area we are in, the lobby, is where visitors of all kind meet the staff and are guided further to the various waiting areas and rooms." she explained "I can understand where you are coming from, because as stated, I'm also a healer, and we kobolds don't really do hospitals like this either."

"For what next, I don't know what you bunch were doing before all this, but I'll go update my brother on the situation, though before that, I have hospital business of my own to deal with." she'd then head to the nearest non-busy looking staff member and ask if they knew about, or could point her towards someone who did know, about the progress on the more permanent cast/cover for her tail, she wasn't trying to hurry anyone, but since the hospital didn't really have any means to contact her, she figured it was good to check now that she was here again.



"Firstly, shut in is inaccurate way to describe her." Mystic stated, to which Ruby continued "Indeed, Ember is the most social of us three, in fact, socially speaking, she is exactly like any average pony." "She's just busy with the visitor right now." "No pony knows what the bird situation is about, even she herself has no clue, it's just something that has always been the case." "But as I mentioned before, we three have a sort of a wordless agreement that we don't stuff our noses to each other's business." "But what can be said, is that she has enemies, she leaves the house armed and armored now and then, and her house is one of the most magically fortified buildings around." 



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@Rising Dusk

13 hours ago, Rising Dusk said:

The diamond dog looked so excited.  It was genuine and wholesome, bringing a smile to the family's faces.  Star quickly put the newly purchased hat upon his head, "Perfect, just delightful!"  Grace fluttered over to Star and fixed the position of the hat on his head to better fit and be proper.  "It is a lovely hat, dear," the pegasus admired.  "You did a wonderful job," she complimented the diamond dog as well with a warm smile.

"T-Thank you ma'am. I hope it will serve your husband well."

Her tail were now wagging so much, that she caused a set of needles behind her to fall down, which made her reach back with a paw to try and keep her excitement - ergo her tail - down a bit, whilst going down to the floor, to pick up the needles. No need to wander into those, nor waste them. She would first though, make sure that the pit she had gotten, were placed in her shirt pocket. This might hold monetary value, but she were never gonna give this up, for any reason. It were a special token, that she would keep with her.

Granted, she needed to give a portion of her sales to Agnostica, as she did work for him, but he where a reasonable pony. He would understand what this meant, and just take his regular cut in common Harrowish Kroner. One of several reasons, why she had chosen to come here for work. She knew that she would be treated well, and would have a place to do her work, as well as what were asked of her, without too strict management. He were generally only hard on troublemakers, and the lazy, and she were neither. She were sure he'd be possible to talk to.

13 hours ago, Rising Dusk said:

Rising's attention was drawn to the rest of the market.  Necrotic was right.  Everything he'd gotten from Harrowmark had been forced upon him, to varying levels of pleasantry.  He had enough souvenirs to fill his apartment already, and more was likely to come.  But what did he want?  So much from the market jumped for his attention.  Simple objects to that naked eye, but everything was enchanted to some degree.  Each tapestry told a story.  Like open books for the detective from Equestria to read.  They told of the artist, the crafters.  His eye for the object itself wasn't the most practiced, but magic was his specialty.  He could see their moods, their hearts in the weaving of their craft, their intentions.  The most interesting that stood out to Rising, was the music box.  He traced the ley lines, a self learning box that could tune into the music he likes and cast misty ponies to dance.  With a few adjustments he should be able to control the selected music and keep memories of Harrowmark dance.  The acorn itself was a powerful souvenir as well, however.

Rising walked up to the stall of music box.  "Tell me about this, please." 

The one he had called out for, were a young mare, who looked surprised, and a little bit star struck. She also felt her pulse increase, as she gazed at him. The very savior of Harrowmark, interested in something from her stall? She were honored, and yet... It were not a question for her to answer.

She'd ask him to please wait, and would wander to the backroom, where a few minutes later, she would return with an elderly mare.

This one were the oldest one they would have seen yet in Harrowmark. Her mane were thin and pearly white, with her fur, turned silver in her old years. Wrinkles adorned her face greatly, and she seemed frail, as she wandered slowly, cane floating in front of her, and the young mare standing close by to support her.

She wore a thick, faded brown dress, a large scarf, and had two, large needles, jabbed sideways through her mane. Her hooves were covered with warm shoes, and around her neck, hung a thin, iron necklace, with a myriad of rings - thirty at the least - with varying designs, hanging on it. None of them being magic, which indicated they carried sentimental value, of some sort.

As she got to the front, and looked up at the detective, he'd see in her grey eyes, a warm, kindly gaze, of one who had lived a long life, seen much, and told more stories, than he likely had days in his life. Had he ever seen Granny Smith, this one made her look like a spry filly in comparison.

"This is the one, great, great, great grandmother. The hero of Harrowmark."

"Hero or pauper, it is always nice to meet a spry young fellow, willing to listen to an old mare's tales."

Her voice were a little croaking, and low, but had a certain joy in it, over seeing who she were facing.

"So, you want to hear of the music box? A little thing I learned, from my third husband, and made a few adjustments on.

My dear Lime here, crafts the box from hallowed iron. The small parts inside, comes next, and then I adjust, and infuse them, before putting them in the box. Then it's jut applying the right runes, and a little magic, and it spins to life. The geist energy in the metal, reacts to the sound, and rises to make a little dance with it. There is a few songs it is attuned to, that runs at random. Just some old favorites of mine. But like all hallowed metal, it attune to the user. Use it enough, and it will start to play music that you like too. Don't worry how it works, and just think of it attuning to what it hear you like.

It will change other ways. The shapes will start to look familiar for one, but the fun is not to spoil it all, and it sometimes change in strange ways. Hallowed iron are versatile stuff.

What is life, if not new experiences, and getting surprised and bemused? Long as there are wonders left, there is meaning to life. Wonders like yourself. The hero from across the world, who lit up the darkness. To think they called me crazy, for claiming I'd live to see the day. I guess I laughed last, didn't I?"

There would be a lively smile going over her face, as she let out a low, drawn out chuckle, and leaned on her cane. The body might not hold on as well as it should, but at least she seemed to be spry and full of joy in spirit.



@Stellar Heights

"Oh I dunno if there are any temples, since I've never been here before, but probably, yeah? It's a biiiiiig place. There's outta be all sorts of things happening around here.

Hey, I know! Why don't we all go looking? We'll find a temple for you, and an unaware dragon for me to swop in and tacklehug. It'll be fun!"

She jumped a little in place, so giddy that it almost seemed like rainbows should be flowing out of her ears.

"Come on, wadda ya say? Just look at it. Look!"

In the blink of an eye, she'd stand behind Glory, and point towards the town in the distance. Towering buildings, dragons and pegasi flying in the distance- The big city life, just aching for them to go there and explore.

"Doesn't it look enticing? The largest Equestrian city, that accommodates both dragons and ponies, living pretty much in harmony. What's not to get amazed by there? Come oooon. Don't be worried about nothing either. I'll make sure to keep a good eye on you both, and waft away nasty pigeons, if they come swooping down after you, Pixel."

She'd grin down at Pixel as she said that. Ziggy were joking, but the pigeons could sometimes get large in there, so one might get curious enough, to go down and see what the deal were, with the small equine. She shouldn't be in danger though. Not unless some seagulls found their way here. They'd snatch whatever they could get their talons on, or beak around.




On 2023-02-01 at 3:36 PM, EQ_Theta said:

“I doubt my nose is powerful enough to pick up someone’s scent. Food and other strong smells like fire are given, but something that is unique to someone… I can’t pick up on them. Places can be reached because I have a memory of them, so I just think of a place I want to go to, and it will be there on the other side of the gate.”

“As for your question, I guess we should put our trust in Rosa. He is much more capable than us in matters inside and outside of battle, but there may be things that could overwhelm him. I remember that time we crossed that swamp back then, a place that showed us our deepest fears. We could have crossed it faster, but I slowed us down, and we were affected by its power. A place like that… something that could mess with our heads… it could be trouble for Rosa, but I doubt there are many more like them. Either way, this is all just to make sure he’s doing well.”

"Sounds like a strange swamp."

Unbeknownst to Omen, she had actually been there before. Several times in fact, but the creatures had a hard time really doing anything, as she didn't react to fear. They hadn't found anything with her, and whatever had come at her, she had just looked at curiously, then tried to find when it were gone. And since they couldn't catch her either, they had eventually just given up, and more or less ignored her now, every time she got near that place. Which still weren't often. Had been several years since the last time.

Regardless, it did not sound like Lin wanted to go back there again, so it must be bad. Best to avoid that then, yes?

en, and "And you remember places, and that is how you go there? Do you know how many places, you can remember?"

Omen's tracking were one she couldn't explain, beyond just saying that she knew the scent of someone, and could tune in on it. How many she could remember, and how she could recall all that she had smelled, whom were still alive though, she didn't know. She just did it, but Lin were not exactly like her, in many ways. Maybe her having to remember places, meant she had a limit? Or could she also just call up the memory when she needed it, and remember every place she had been? That seemed practical.

On 2023-02-01 at 3:36 PM, EQ_Theta said:

“Maybe we could spare some time to do a bit of testing. You say you can track beings by going to places that have someone’s scent. That might be a good place to start. Would you know if a scent could stick on something no matter how long ago it first had it? Like the guest room at Rosa’s home; if I only used it once and never went back, would that room still have my scent after several days or weeks?”

"Yes. The scent hangs on, for some time. It's a lesser scent, so I know when it is the real one. Except for brother, and his master. They are hiding. Their lesser scent is too. I do not understand how.

And sometimes, scent last for a long time. Sometimes not. I have seen the sun rise 6 times once, when I could still find a lesser scent."

While she did not know how to count time, Omen had managed to grasp the concept of days, by how often she saw the sun rise. The ponies kept using that as a way to say that the day had begun, and ended, so she started to understand, that every time she saw the sun rise, one day had gone by. It wasn't accurate, and in case the princesses ever messed up, it would be utterly worthless information, but it were what she had. Maybe someday, she'd understand it more, though she had tried to look at a watch to try and understand it better. It had taken some weeks, before it had been pointed out to her, that said watch were broken, and thus did not turn.

"I can still sense you in his home, Lin. It is very clear."

To prove it, she would open a pathway, to the room wherein Lin had slept. Right in front of where she had slept, as a matter of fact.



@Catpone Cerberus @Kujamih

On 2023-01-31 at 1:18 AM, Kujamih said:

Relaxed and comforted by Shark, Light would lightly hug Shark and wait for what's next to come.

" Shark, what is it? Is there something on me?" He asked, as it seems something cought Sharks interest in his mane.

Shark would halt her exploration of his mane, and flutter over in front of him. In her mouth, were nothing, and she did not seem to gnaw on anything, so apparently, she hadn't been finding anything.

"Huh? No, mate mane is clean. Shark just curious. Wanted smell, and smell good.

This place is... Good place? Smell strange."

Shark wasn't sure what a hospital, or healing house were, but her mate were smart. He'd tell her. All she could tell, were that it seemed like there were a lot of easy prey here. Or sick creatures, as they probably called it? Lotta ones that moved slow, and didn't seem like they could defend themselves. Just like prey in the ocean. Though of course, she wasn't going to hunt anyone in here. But it would be easy, if something did want to. Good luck if they tried though! She'd chew them to bits, and protect friends. Then everyone would be happy to see her.

11 hours ago, Catpone Cerberus said:

"Hospitals are boring" Sheska responded in matter of fact way "While some color wouldn't hurt, ultimately hospitals are for healing, not entertainment or even really for enjoying your stay." "Meeting hall also isn't a bad comparison, as the area we are in, the lobby, is where visitors of all kind meet the staff and are guided further to the various waiting areas and rooms." she explained "I can understand where you are coming from, because as stated, I'm also a healer, and we kobolds don't really do hospitals like this either."

"For what next, I don't know what you bunch were doing before all this, but I'll go update my brother on the situation, though before that, I have hospital business of my own to deal with." she'd then head to the nearest non-busy looking staff member and ask if they knew about, or could point her towards someone who did know, about the progress on the more permanent cast/cover for her tail, she wasn't trying to hurry anyone, but since the hospital didn't really have any means to contact her, she figured it was good to check now that she was here again.

"In our school, the healers have their own room, but it is a lot like the bigger healing hall, in the middle of town. A lot of vegetation, pictures, statues- It's very ornate, and natural. Brimming with life everywhere, to remind us of health and good fortune. But this is just so devoid of any life, or personality. It just showcases illness, and disease, rather than the better times ahead. It feels empty, in a bad way."

"It feels depressing. Like everyone who goes here, should get nervous, and dread what's to come."

Kitsune culture didn't want to focus on the dreadful aspects of things like this, but they also healed differently than ponies did. Their healing arts, did not need to take into account various things, such as keeping things sterile, and as such, they had the option to be flourishing and lively about things, to make their patience feel at home, and comfortable. Maybe this would all make more sense to them, once they had come to understand ponies a little more. But there were hardly time for that now. There were other things to keep in mind, such as the potential Oni, that were messing around who knew where in town. The kits certainly didn't. They didn't know how to spot an Oni, until it wanted to be revealed, like the one from before had. They just knew they had to keep extra good eyes on one another now. It were safer that way, considering what they had been told about Oni, and hunting kitsune.

"We were just looking at classes for tomorrow in school. We're exchange students."

"I still wonder who they're gonna send home to Neighpon."

"Hopefully someone with an open mind, that can take a joke. The small kits are gonna be all over them."

They meant that literally. The very youngest kits, were very direct, and had a habit of piling up on things and beings, that they found fascinating. If that class met a pony, in their town, they'd pile up on them, poking and sniffing, fascinated by them. Quite frankly, there would likely be at least one teacher, who'd encourage it too. Give them a nice, closeup look of a pony, in the safest area they could be in.

"Seeing how the Oni is chasing us, and you have some issues with it too, it's probably safest if we stay around you. You looked like you were good at fighting too."

Both kits nodded in unison at this, then looked around, to try and help the kobold, look for whom she were. Though they didn't know who it were, but... Maybe something would pop up, right?

And something did. The exact nurse, who had spoken to her earlier, who had spotted a few patients of hers. Several in fact, as this were also the new school doctor, at the school of friendship.

"Hah, all the fun ones gather up, huh? The kitsune from the school, the odd couple over there, and you too now. Sheshka, right? You here to ask about the tail, I bet? Still ain't done I'm afraid, but I know J. L. is doing his best. He just let me check, when I were handling a few things, and he has a good idea for the base. He's just waiting for the last materials. Didn't seem we had them here.

The temp one still working? Not causing any sorta pain or anything, right?"



@Catpone Cerberus

"Maybe someone's trying to capture her, because of the birds? Sounds a bit odd they've always been there, but eh, I've longed a fair bit, and I've seen some odd stuff. probably some kinda curse, or one of her ancestors, really got under the skin of a god, and the whole family line were afflicted. Could also be a blessing, that just seems wrong. Gods are weird, y'know? I try and stay away from them, and their crazy followers, as much as I can. Except for Acronia, up in northern Caneighda. That one's pretty nice, and the harvest festivals held in her honor? man, I never miss them, if I have the option. They're utterly amazing.

Where were I? ...Right, weird curse things. Seems odd she's now with one who have a similar affliction going, but hey, might be they can go help one another then. Or it's family, and this really is a family affliction... Guess I'll just have to ask her one day, when I see her. Outta be fairly easy to spot a pony that's armored up, that doesn't have one of the official guard uniforms."

She'd look away brieflyt, at the house where the mysterious third  one were, scratching her neck, and chuckling slightly.

"Heh, that'd be fun, but really bad...

Anyway, it's nice learning something new here. Guessing I outta try and stay somewhat in your whole arrangement then, and not start snooping around. So you have my word, I won't go start snooping around your property. Scouts honor."

She'd conjure an image of the local scout band, in rainy clouds, and thunder for details, but dissipate it a few seconds after. She weren't a scout member, nor had really been around here before, but they had chapters in Canterlot too, and well... She might have bought a box or two of their cookies over the years. Maybe a few dozen... A big crateful possibly.

Their apple crunch were just so tempting.

"But I could ask something unrelated then, yeah? So, be honest, why does anyone wanna live in this town? It's a monster magnet, and you got like, zero guard presence here. I'm amazed the graveyard of this town, isn't six times as large as the town itself, if even half the stuff I hear about going here, is true. This town have a strange reputation."

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@Blitz Boom Glory wanted to be able to protect Pixel, too. So she stood as tall as she could to look brave. Pixel laughed, Glory looked silly like that. 

"We should get a move on!" Glory said, but before Pixel could respond, a familiar friend appeared! "Oh hello y'all! Terribly sorry to bump into you girls!" it was Sienna Cinnamon! 

"Sienna? what are you doing in Manehattan?" Pixel said. "I heard that they have good pastries.. and if they have better pastries, then, who am I?!" Sienna said and began to cry. 

"Oh dear..." Glory said. "How can we make her feel better?" Pixel said.  

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@Blitz Boom

On 2023-02-03 at 7:40 AM, Blitz Boom said:

en, and "And you remember places, and that is how you go there? Do you know how many places, you can remember?"

Omen's tracking were one she couldn't explain, beyond just saying that she knew the scent of someone, and could tune in on it. How many she could remember, and how she could recall all that she had smelled, whom were still alive though, she didn't know. She just did it, but Lin were not exactly like her, in many ways. Maybe her having to remember places, meant she had a limit? Or could she also just call up the memory when she needed it, and remember every place she had been? That seemed practical.

“I guess the number of places I can go to are tied to my memory? As long as I can remember a location, it might be possible to go to it. There may be some limitations, like if a place still exists the way it did back when I first saw it, but I haven’t tried opening a gate to a place that doesn’t exist. Might be something for me to try. The same goes for my memory; I don’t know its limits, so it could be a few things or maybe a very large number.” 

Lin knew about her powers from practice, but once the act of opening gates became normal, she hasn’t found herself wanting to learn more about her abilities. There are likely limitations to what she could do, and it may be prudent for her to try everything that comes to mind before she stumbles upon a situation that will likely render her powers obsolete or unusable at the wrong time. One thing was for sure, the Wellspring she visited long ago was not one of those places she could reach anymore. Despite having some memories of her time there, the place itself was one she could never reach again. 

That was about the extent of what she knew, and everything else related to Omen’s question was more theoretical to the longma. Until she had a definite answer, all she can provide are guesses. It might not be what Omen hoped to hear, but that was all Lin had to give for now.

On 2023-02-03 at 7:40 AM, Blitz Boom said:

"Yes. The scent hangs on, for some time. It's a lesser scent, so I know when it is the real one. Except for brother, and his master. They are hiding. Their lesser scent is too. I do not understand how.

And sometimes, scent last for a long time. Sometimes not. I have seen the sun rise 6 times once, when I could still find a lesser scent."

While she did not know how to count time, Omen had managed to grasp the concept of days, by how often she saw the sun rise. The ponies kept using that as a way to say that the day had begun, and ended, so she started to understand, that every time she saw the sun rise, one day had gone by. It wasn't accurate, and in case the princesses ever messed up, it would be utterly worthless information, but it were what she had. Maybe someday, she'd understand it more, though she had tried to look at a watch to try and understand it better. It had taken some weeks, before it had been pointed out to her, that said watch were broken, and thus did not turn.

"I can still sense you in his home, Lin. It is very clear."

“Hmm…. It looks like as long as a place has a scent, it could be reached even if the one being tracked isn’t around.” 

Sen slowly stepped through Omen’s gate and looked around, hopefully using what they could learn right now to identify what kind of test they could do to hopefully find a way to keep tabs on Rosa. This might be a good start, and the longma was getting some ideas on what they could do for a follow-up test. If scents can linger, then maybe Omen could trail someone’s movements without being right next to whoever she’s tracking. 

This wasn’t exactly a good time for a quick rest, but Sen was willing to wait in case the others wanted to take a breather. However, lingering in a place that wasn’t theirs is not a good habit, especially as they are now uninvited and didn’t have express permission to use the room. When they were ready to resume, the longma had another test in mind. 

“How about we try opening to a place like uncle’s workshop, but try picking up his scent outside the place instead of wherever he is right now?”

“Sen, what is this about?”

“If I am right, and this works, it means Omen’s gates don’t have to open right next to whoever she wants to reach. As long as she can pick up someone’s scent, she could follow them. I want to test this out with a safe place so we won’t get into to too much trouble. How about it, Omen? Does that make sense to you?”

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