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Blitz Boom

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@Blitz Boom


On 2023-06-20 at 6:08 AM, Blitz Boom said:

Omen wouldn't respond, before she'd open a gate. more out of instinct than anything else, as she were still looking at the drawing Lin had made as she did so.

"We can go then.

Look out for Shrimp, Sen."

“Thank you, Omen. Here’s hoping we aren’t giving Rosa more work or things to worry about, but this copy is all we can do for now. We may need to put off investigating these ruins and glyphs for another day depending on what we learn from Rosa. Let’s get going.”

“Don’t worry. Shrimp will be safe here with us, and I doubt we’ll be going anywhere for a while.”

Xin nodded and stood with Sen as they watched Lin and Omen depart from the buried ruin. There’d be more to speculate about, but without any confirmation of the location being shown in the glyphs, they’d have to operate on some assumptions for now. A central place where many gathered… Omen had something that could work, but a gathering spot could be anywhere. Villages had a central hut where many would gather to settle disputes, and the same description could work for the larger fire pits where the young ones would gather for evening lessons. It’s not like these would be large enough to count, and it wasn’t reasonable to think a fire pit was the place being described. Seems like the two longma would be back to guesswork…

As for Lin, she would find herself on a roof opposite a rather interesting view. A friend basking in sunlight, aware of their arrival yet not making a move. Not exactly the kind of sight she expected, but one that was still enough to get her guard down.

On 2023-06-20 at 6:08 AM, Blitz Boom said:

"I wondered how long it would take, before you'd return.

So, what brings you back from home? Questions for me, or news of your own? Either way, it cannot be more tedious than what I have went through since last we met."

“Both, actually, but it looks like you had things rough. Things are progressing rather quickly back home; the elders have summoned Ghilan. It’s really happening, even if we’ll be heading off in less than two days’ time. There’s also this.”

Lin brandished the copy of the glyphs she sketched, though, in the sunlight, it was a rather unflattering collection of streaks and scribbles in some attempt to create a replica. That, and the image is scaled down, but the major features were more or less intact. She extended it to the thestral but secretly hoped he wouldn’t comment too harshly on the sketch’s questionable quality.

“We’ve gone into some ruins and found something related to the previous elder’s activities. Before Ghilan, there was Solasan, and we might have stumbled onto something he might be after, or at least interested him enough to have started investigating it. The sketch here is a copy of some glyphs we found, but we’re not sure what to make of them. Judging by its looks, it could be a representation of Equestria, but Sen thinks otherwise. He’s also looking into this on his end. We were hoping you could have a look and tell us if we are wrong to assume that this is Equestria. What we learn through this could narrow down our search, even if we can start our sooner.”

Admittedly, the investigation into the glyphs and the location it is pointing to underneath the central triangular structure would conflict with the meeting with the elders. It would take some unexpected coincidence to even have both be involved with each other. For now, Lin would take what she could get, but there was time to soak up some sun and exchange details.

“But before we can get to that, what’s new, Rosa? Are you all right? What’s been happening since we last saw each other?” 

Edited by EQ_Theta
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@Rising Dusk

On 2023-06-21 at 5:26 AM, Rising Dusk said:

Necrotic's map floated before Dawn's.  The floating rainbow quill flicked twice as if dabbing itself in a pot of invisible ink and started to copy the Prince's map.  Dawn's map quickly filled in the blanks of the two country with rainbow ink.  Town names and other details the other's map offered appeared.  The mare new Equestria's land scape much more clearly, but Harrowmark and Germane would suffer the lower detail of the other countries around Equestria's vibrate drawing.  "Many new maps to create.  It's a start, but I'm sure many visiting Harrowmark will be more than happy to explore and fill it in with your wonderous landscape," Dawn admired.  The quill and rainbow ink faded into rainbow mist and then vanished as she dropped the spell.

"I assure you that if they try, they will probably be detained. The areas that are less than well detailed, are places of high concentration, of dark magic, or incredibly dangerous areas. One for instance, being the lair of the Crysalids. A voracious race of elemental spiders. They primarily hunt and feast on the mindless undead, so they are important to the eco system, but they will just as happily take a living pony. And quite frankly, I am reluctant to let tourists near them, in case they start to get a preference for the living, and begin to go on hunts.

Other place, like Null Zone, are forbidden for entry for everyone, no exceptions. Whoever enters the fog, are never seen again. You can hear them though, if you get close enough. Screaming, begging for someone to come get them... We don't know what is in there, but our best assumption is a particularly powerful Bog Hunter. Perhaps even the one they originate from, and those things are at the best of times, preferable to avoid. There's a barrier around the place, which is why you can see it marked as a large, dark area, but with no details. It is one of several troublesome areas, that I hope that we can eventually make habitable again.

I do not mean to quelch an adventurous spirit, but I will not send the reckless to their graves. They must agree to adhere to certain protocols."

He welcomed curious types, but Necrotic would not sign off on explorers, that could not grasp the concept of warnings. It would be akin to sending them to their death, and he would not have their blood on his hooves. So any that had that spirit, who wished to see things more proper, would have to agree to certain terms, and stay in certain areas. This were not Equestria, where a marked off area might just mean there were an Ursa Major with an ornery temper. This were Harrowmark. If an area were marked as certain death, they meant that quite literally.

On 2023-06-21 at 5:26 AM, Rising Dusk said:

Off they were again to continue their tour.  this time ending up in an industrial area, removed from the festival and merriment that came with it.  Apparently the Prince had a personal matter to attend to, as none in the family were addressed or formally introduced to anypony.  They remained respectful and let the Prince conduct his business.  Star took in the wonder of the hammering away and busy work of the area.  Not many area like this existed so openly in Equestria.  Often hidden inside workshop or factories, away from the public eye.  Something about safety and what not.

With the invitation to return to the castle, they were reminded of their dinner appointment with the royal family, together.  They all nodded, ready to move on once again.

The prince, nor the knights, said anything further about what had happened with the workers. It did not seem prudent to him to do so, seeing as it were... Well, it were not a personal matter per se, though he did care about ensuring that those two knew their place, and would do what were told of them. They had a fair bit of things to atone for, but they were at least able to be atoned. That were more than could be said for some others, regardless of how valuable skills they might have had. Certain crimes were simply not forgivable.

Their trip towards the castle would go much the same, as the rest of this trip. There were festive folks all around, with a few dozen still presenting gifts to Rising. Only one of them cursed, though that seemed to be unintentional, judging by the sloppy work of the magic upon it. It would also not be particularly dangerous. Just caused you to sneeze, and light up, every hour or so. probably a stray miscast from sort of foal, or pup.

They'd make it back to the castle intact eventually, and as they entered the gates, the prince would let out a large sigh of relief.

"It is good to be among the citizenry, yet I welcome the silence, for the time being. Captain? I thank you and your regiment for going with us, and assuring the safety of our guests, as well as myself. You can be at ease now, and go prepare. Enjoy the party with my blessing, and sincere appreciation."

He'd bow to his guards, though they did not move. He might be the prince, but there were only one who truly decided when they were allowed to be dismissed.

"As you wish, your highness. Dismissed."

She'd raise a paw as she said the last thing, and her knights would scatter, going down various paths in the castle, to get to the barracks, and hang up their gear, before they could go and enjoy the evening. Gerthrude though, did have one more thing to say and do, before she left.

She'd take a knee, paws gathered on her risen knee, and head knelt, towards the prince.

"For queen and country, my prince."

She'd then rise up, turn towards Rising, and look down on him, whilst she slammed her clutched fist against her armor twice, in the chest area.

"I leave them in your hooves, Sir Dusk. May Viz'nay watch over you."

She would bow her neck respectfully, right arm crossed across her chest, towards his family, and then be on her way. It should allow them time for a response.

"What a day it have been, and yet it is not nearly over. Yet are you ready to reunite with my mother, and father yet? We have several places we could go, if you wish for some time to adjust to the quiet again, as one might put it. We could go and inspect the theater being prepared, the kitchens, or one of many rooms, including the one where we hold depictions of our royalty, through recorded history. There are also lavatories, and baths, in case some have a need to freshen up? I feel I have dragged you along for some time, pardon my choice of words. It seems only fair you have some say in what we do now."




On 2023-06-21 at 2:52 PM, EQ_Theta said:

“Both, actually, but it looks like you had things rough. Things are progressing rather quickly back home; the elders have summoned Ghilan. It’s really happening, even if we’ll be heading off in less than two days’ time. There’s also this.”

Lin brandished the copy of the glyphs she sketched, though, in the sunlight, it was a rather unflattering collection of streaks and scribbles in some attempt to create a replica. That, and the image is scaled down, but the major features were more or less intact. She extended it to the thestral but secretly hoped he wouldn’t comment too harshly on the sketch’s questionable quality.

Rosa took the offered sketch, and looked it over through his tinted glasses, while Lin kept speaking. He would listen in to what she said, of course, but he would have plenty of attention to spare to give this a cursory gaze. He wouldn't respond though, until his friend were done speaking, at which point, he'd turn around to lay on his side, so that he could look at them directly.

On 2023-06-21 at 2:52 PM, EQ_Theta said:

Admittedly, the investigation into the glyphs and the location it is pointing to underneath the central triangular structure would conflict with the meeting with the elders. It would take some unexpected coincidence to even have both be involved with each other. For now, Lin would take what she could get, but there was time to soak up some sun and exchange details.

“But before we can get to that, what’s new, Rosa? Are you all right? What’s been happening since we last saw each other?” 

I've been through an event best described as having copious amounts of tedium and uneventfulness. They were reluctant to even look at me, much less speaking, with several things being painfully obviously not mentioned, some falsehoods spouted, and my every motion and word scrutinized and questioned. Quite frankly, I doubt anything would have been actually done, if Shade had not shown up.

Far be it for me to say I like him, but I will give him that he have so little patience and respect for what others think of him, that he doesn't much care what they think, as he forces the conversation along. So we did manage to get at least some work done, though they are very clearly not trusting me much currently. I doubt that will change either, anytime soon.

I am afraid I can not offer further details though. I am under a very strict non-disclosure agreement, that means that I am not allowed to speak of such things. Let it be sufficient to say, that the dullness of it all, would make you slam your head into the table several times, out of pure boredom."


He had done enough treason for one life time. He did not need one more country out for his head, because he had turned traitor. Of course, Equestria had some secrets. He knew some of them well enough, to know it were not innocent, but at least so far, it were outweighed by the good it did. Long as you weren't a Trojan.

"My uninteresting day aside, let us talk about this sketch of yours.

I will have to look it up, but there is merit to thinking that this is Equestria. The depiction os lacking in details however, and appears to be from the perspective of a time from before proper towns and regions were established, or from the perspective of outsiders, marking places of significance for them, rather than others.

It is just a theory, but the swamp could coincide with several that I know of, and a few which have been drained and paved over since Equestria were properly settled. If I am correct, I should be able to find some in that direction, that were known for having either settlements, or rumors of strange beings there. That would be a good place to start, as it would give me a baseline to work from.

If this is the case, the middle presents... Concerning things. There's only two things that could mean. The first being that they are referencing the secret vault, in which Equestria stores all their troublesome things. Such as cursed items they are waiting to have the O.M.I. handle, paperwork of a particularly concerning nature, such as rituals for summoning beasts from Tartarus, or of course, beings that they deem too risky to have free or known of, in any sort of way. Though that last one is more of an unsubstantiated legend.

Story goes that beneath the regular vault, is a stasis field, put into a pocket of sorts, that's keeping some things locked up, that they can't or won't kill, and want everyone to forget about. It's debated heavily, whatever that's just a story though. Some are adamant it's real, and others think it's just the first group being too paranoid, or getting distracted from the real issues. Me? I take the stance that I don't know, and I'd prefer not finding out. You never know what might happen.

The second option, is the caves beneath Canterlot itself. The ground underneath, where the city were raised. I heard that they started to excavate it, a few years back, and found a cave system there. Perhaps what is written here, is what were there? If not, then perhaps it were part of the ground itself, before Equestria were risen. An option which brings forth the question, of what have been down there, since before the city's very creation?

A fair bit of mystery I'd say, but one worth at least testing some theories on. I'll take this, and go to the library later. Cross referencing some older maps, would likely be the best start, to find if this is even Equestria, though I suspect that is the case. Leave this to me, and focus on your meeting instead.

And on that note: Might I ask how things are looking for you, so far? Do you have more local support than just Ghilan? Are you preparing properly, to address the elders with care and caution, to avoid retaliation? Have you perhaps done the opposite, and made enemies instead? And of course, more importantly, where are Sen and Shrimp? Don't tell me Shrimp ran away, and Sen's out trying to find him."



Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom

On 2023-06-23 at 5:27 AM, Blitz Boom said:

I've been through an event best described as having copious amounts of tedium and uneventfulness. They were reluctant to even look at me, much less speaking, with several things being painfully obviously not mentioned, some falsehoods spouted, and my every motion and word scrutinized and questioned. Quite frankly, I doubt anything would have been actually done, if Shade had not shown up.

Far be it for me to say I like him, but I will give him that he have so little patience and respect for what others think of him, that he doesn't much care what they think, as he forces the conversation along. So we did manage to get at least some work done, though they are very clearly not trusting me much currently. I doubt that will change either, anytime soon.

I am afraid I can not offer further details though. I am under a very strict non-disclosure agreement, that means that I am not allowed to speak of such things. Let it be sufficient to say, that the dullness of it all, would make you slam your head into the table several times, out of pure boredom."

“Being in your position sounds rough, and I don’t envy you. Honestly, with what you’re going through right now, I find myself questioning whether it’ll still be a good idea to ask you to pull yourself away from your work to join us. I know convincing the elders to understand our perspective will take a lot of work, and you might just be the best of us, but we have to show them that they stand to gain a lot by being open to the outside world, even if we take it slow.”

“In any case, if things are getting busier for you, Sen and I will understand should it prevent you from going to the village to speak alongside us. We’ll do all we can on our end to ensure our success.”

Lin began to see why Sen opted to avoid bringing in his friend. As much as he wanted to have him present with the elders, life and work may keep them apart. This may also be a point where the siblings, Omen, and Ghilan would have to prove themselves and their capabilities. After all, they can’t keep relying on outside help, though seeing the cooperation between various creatures would be a plus for them. Whichever way the wind blows, they’ll take it as it comes. Adaptability and making new plans as the situation changes is a skill worth learning for everyone, and only time will tell just how much they’ll have to adapt. 

On 2023-06-23 at 5:27 AM, Blitz Boom said:

If this is the case, the middle presents... Concerning things. There's only two things that could mean. The first being that they are referencing the secret vault, in which Equestria stores all their troublesome things. Such as cursed items they are waiting to have the O.M.I. handle, paperwork of a particularly concerning nature, such as rituals for summoning beasts from Tartarus, or of course, beings that they deem too risky to have free or known of, in any sort of way. Though that last one is more of an unsubstantiated legend.

“Woah. So something could be hidden under Canterlot’s surface… Not sure if I should find that fascinating or terrifying. Either way, it could be a possible lead, but that still leaves the question of what. I mean, you see those little scratches and scribbles of what look like four-legged creatures under the central glyph. If the glyphs suggest that creatures are underneath, then I shudder to think about what that means. Summoning untold creatures from Tartarus or unleashing unknown powers locked away will make me restless just thinking about them.”

Just what was Solasan’s interest in these glyphs? If creatures are really going to be part of this, what might be the purpose? Whether the glyphs are pointing to some place in Equestria or restricted to the forest of the longma, the implications of this search and why Sen and Lin’s father had to be removed from the picture only leave more questions than answers.

On 2023-06-23 at 5:27 AM, Blitz Boom said:

And on that note: Might I ask how things are looking for you, so far? Do you have more local support than just Ghilan? Are you preparing properly, to address the elders with care and caution, to avoid retaliation? Have you perhaps done the opposite, and made enemies instead? And of course, more importantly, where are Sen and Shrimp? Don't tell me Shrimp ran away, and Sen's out trying to find him."

“There’s no need to worry about Sen and Shrimp. Omen left Shrimp with my brother, and he is back in the ruins where we found these glyphs. Sen seems to believe that the glyphs are likely referring to a location within the forest, so he is limiting his guesses to that. Did he tell you about his strained relationship with an old friend of his? It’s a complicated situation, but the two of them are studying the glyphs I showed you and trying to figure things out on their end. I don’t know if they patched things up, but they are on speaking terms for now.”

“We will go through the things you gave us to help with preparations, but I just don’t know if it will be enough. To tell you the truth, what happened recently gave us much to consider. There’s this longma that was bullying Omen; he doesn’t like outsiders, and when he was prodding her, Sen and I acted rashly. It could make things difficult because he’s the huntmaster’s second, the one who will assume leadership of the village’s guardians, and we may have made an enemy in him. On a more positive note, some of the village’s children are interested in Shrimp, and Omen made a new friend back home.”

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@Blitz Boom@Kujamih
The kobolds stayed quiet mostly, only really talking when silently discussing something between each other; those discussions didn't seem to started by anything specific, so it was anyone's guess what the topics were, if even related to current events. Their responses to the elder were just nods and other such gestures, since she didn't really address them directly at any point, and rather seemed to speak either generally or directly to the other kitsune. 

While they found the smoke spell curious, they didn't comment or it, or really even give it too much thought, because, well, it was magic, and while a spell they hadn't personally seen used before, more you understood about magic, less impressive even the wildest things got, not that this spell was especially weird or wild in the grand scheme. Shark's reaction to the cloud amused them though, the innocent curiosity she showed was endearing, and they enjoyed seeing it.

Sheez didn't make an appearance yet, nor did the kobold siblings expect it, while their comment earlier on her probably coming to bother them at night was in a way figurative, it also had some truth behind it, because as much as they hated the traitor, they knew her well, and they knew she'd try to time her visit to a place and time when they would have some privacy. They also knew that she was probably watching them at this moment, the drone they destroyed was only one of many, and she was smart enough to keep the others far enough to stay unnoticed. 

What they were a bit surprised about was that Solar hadn't come to bother them since the last time, though then again, he's the one who showed them the first evidence of Sheez being in this world, so it could be that he was busy trying to locate her, since unlike the twins, she was an actual threat to this world.


"I never said they are wrong to despise us, In fact, I think the name they have given us is more than accurate." "Bekisnhlekili, Deathbringers, or, as it would probably be better translated in this language 'The bringers of death'" Ruby stated in matter of fact way "Though I admit that this is again a piece of information I've learned from unconfirmed sources, but I do find it believable, as my kind getting through that barrier would bring lot of death, and if they have anything common with us, it would probably be our naming of things being very literal and unimaginative." this was of course just a guess, but she felt that if they shared anything with their more magical relatives, it would be cultural things like that, since they most likely originated from the same ancient culture.

"And while Anti-magic can work as an backup, I feel uncertain on if it should be tried." "Firstly is the question of if it even works, we do not know how universal Equestria anti-magic really is, it could be it has no effect on ancient magic like theirs." "Then there's also the matter of diplomacy, if they distrust me already, forcing my way through their defenses most likely wouldn't help." she wasn't exactly an expert on diplomacy, but even she understood the basics, while she herself would actually be more open for diplomacy if someone showed such determination, she could understand why such action could do the opposite.

"And don't worry about the hatchlings, most of them will most likely be smart enough to avoid challenging me, and those who aren't? I don't kill those who can't fight back. Though you should make sure you are mentally prepared too, because you will see pointless death, in fact, even myself who grew up in it, can acknowledge just how....grim the edges are, it is the first test for hatchlings, and it is easy to fail." 

"But for now, we have business to attend to, I hope it's not another tomb to raid, one cursed object is problem enough." again she used the word 'cursed' insincerely, since she didn't believe the exact  effect the amulet had was intentional. 




“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
Signature by @Stevonnie


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21 hours ago, EQ_Theta said:

“Being in your position sounds rough, and I don’t envy you. Honestly, with what you’re going through right now, I find myself questioning whether it’ll still be a good idea to ask you to pull yourself away from your work to join us. I know convincing the elders to understand our perspective will take a lot of work, and you might just be the best of us, but we have to show them that they stand to gain a lot by being open to the outside world, even if we take it slow.”

“In any case, if things are getting busier for you, Sen and I will understand should it prevent you from going to the village to speak alongside us. We’ll do all we can on our end to ensure our success.”

"Please, this gig of mine, is about as mentally stimulating as watching paint dry currently, and I do not have more to do for a while. No homework, as it were. Quite frankly, this sounds like a far more interesting project to have a go at, and it sounds like it might be somewhat of importance.

If there were a map regarding Equestria in or near your old home, that would mean there were a connection once. What happened to that? Why are they shunning Equestria now, and Equestria not aware of the old history? At least not openly. Is it in some way related to the marker in the middle? Whatever the answer, it could prove important to the concept of introducing the longma as a whole, to the world around them."

He honestly welcomed this task. He had set out to help them with the longma, and any information they could get hold of, would be crucial to it. This seemed to indicate an ancient, forgotten link to Equestria. That might well be important. Perhaps in a good way, yet even a bad way could come to some use, if used correctly. They'd need more information first of course though, which is what research were for.

"I should also mention, that you should not take me with you regardless of me being busy or not. They have not asked for me. They asked for you two, and Omen. The latter of whom they have some history with, and thus, they need to evaluate up front. Me? I am unknown. They currently do not have any reason to hear from me, as I would be approaching without their knowledge, or welcome. It is best that I wait until Ghilan will present things, and wait until I am asked for. When that time comes, I will be as prepared as I can be. Best I can do, is try to help you prepare before you go there, though remember, that you are being evaluated, not the outside. My angle will come in due time, yours is what is important.

As is it, for you to ensure that Omen and them communicate well. Ensure that she knows certain limits, social snafu's to avoid, and such."

22 hours ago, EQ_Theta said:

“Woah. So something could be hidden under Canterlot’s surface… Not sure if I should find that fascinating or terrifying. Either way, it could be a possible lead, but that still leaves the question of what. I mean, you see those little scratches and scribbles of what look like four-legged creatures under the central glyph. If the glyphs suggest that creatures are underneath, then I shudder to think about what that means. Summoning untold creatures from Tartarus or unleashing unknown powers locked away will make me restless just thinking about them.”

"There are many things it could be. If it is creatures, then for all we know, it could be that before Canterlot were risen, Longma lived on the surface, and the princesses and the army chased them off, to get the land for Canterlot. Could also be that something live in the tunnels, that haven't been seen for a while. Could also mean they saw the ponies once, and that is what is marked. It is hard to say, as many creatures are quadrupeds. I also haven't heard of something rising up from that area, so if anything is still there, one could question why they have not shown since. I will look into seeing if I can find reports of bones being dug up in the area. It might give some insight.

I sincerely doubt there is a portal to Tartarus down there. Not unless it is heavily sealed. We'd have noticed if that place had an easy access route into Equestria."

22 hours ago, EQ_Theta said:

“There’s no need to worry about Sen and Shrimp. Omen left Shrimp with my brother, and he is back in the ruins where we found these glyphs. Sen seems to believe that the glyphs are likely referring to a location within the forest, so he is limiting his guesses to that. Did he tell you about his strained relationship with an old friend of his? It’s a complicated situation, but the two of them are studying the glyphs I showed you and trying to figure things out on their end. I don’t know if they patched things up, but they are on speaking terms for now.”

“We will go through the things you gave us to help with preparations, but I just don’t know if it will be enough. To tell you the truth, what happened recently gave us much to consider. There’s this longma that was bullying Omen; he doesn’t like outsiders, and when he was prodding her, Sen and I acted rashly. It could make things difficult because he’s the huntmaster’s second, the one who will assume leadership of the village’s guardians, and we may have made an enemy in him. On a more positive note, some of the village’s children are interested in Shrimp, and Omen made a new friend back home.”

"I have a rudimentary idea of the issue, with him and his friend. Not enough to say much on the subject though, but them speaking does sound like progress at least. There is some solace that can be taken in that.

As for Sen's guess of it being in your forest? It is possible too. You'd have to find a marker first though. As I am assuming you don't have a tower like is shown in this, might you perhaps then have a swamp that is of some importance? I'd think that would be a solid foundation to begin from, lest there are more obvious markers. If there are more, you can triangulate somewhat, where various things should be, in relations to one another."

He would ponder what to say next, as he heard the rest of what were said. it appeared that Omen did not make a friend. And sadly, it appeared to be one with some influence, which could prove troublesome.

"Hmm... Omen? Did you actively do something to the longma in question, beyond stating intent? And did you break any rules, far as you know?"

"No. I told him I did not want to answer his questions, and that he could not make me. Then I said I would send him to the forest, if he tried to hurt my friends again.

Ghilan did not say I broke rules, so I do not think I did."

"I see. I think the actions of Omen would be judged harsher than yours, though I would expect that you and Lin will have the episode mentioned at your meeting, Sen. Prepare an explanation, and be regretful about it. Whatever the circumstance, they will be looking at it with a certain bias, so you must assume guilt in this situation, and accept that far as the episode are concerned, you erred. With reason yes, but still, you had a lapse in judgement. Do not use those exact words though. It will be brought forth as a segue to ask if your judgement haven't lapses when it comes to Omen as well. Do not let your emotions get the better of you, and give them ammunition to use against you.

As for the more positive aspects of your visit, that is good. Shrimp is a small creature from the outside. He will serve as a nice example for your young, that not everything out there is dangerous, or wanting to bring them harm. The one Omen made connections to, might I ask if he is an adult, Omen?"

"He is. He was curious, so I showed him ponies. Two foals came and talked with him. They were curious, and he showed them wood carvings."

"An unorthodox way of handling it, but a positive one still. Seeing the young, and how they are treated in a school setting, is a nice glimpse into life here, showing that were are not vicious savages. Word can spread from there, among the adults too. They won't all be welcome, but stories such as this, should end up with others curious. That can be a boon to work from, in case others come forth, wanting to know things. Even if they present rumors, or skepticism, the curiosity means they'd be open to hearing answers, and maybe see things too. You can work with that, to ensure they become at least somewhat educated on there being a world out there, filled with other regular beings, simply living their lives. Having this idea planted, should help some with the doubts, but it is still a seedling that much be grown carefully.

As for the one on your bad hoof, let his superior deal with him. Do not seek him out, and appear petty. If all he wants is to rile you up, the best to do is not give him that satisfaction.

What of Ghilan? Does he have something of note to add or do, before your meeting, that you are aware of?"



@Catpone Cerberus

They would get to the castle not long after, at which point, the elder would land in front of the door, and walk down from her cloud. As she did, the smoke would stop pouring from the cauldron, and it would rapidly deteriorate, before vanishing entirely.

"Yes, I think this was a wise choice."

The staff would float next to her, as she laid a paw upon the door. At first, nothing would seem to happen. Then a sound like a gong would erupt, as a ripple burst out from her paw, going over the door. It revealed a net of red lines, and oozing runes of magic above the frame. The second ripple would disintegrate those, and when that were done, she would lower her paw once more.

"A control spell. Be on your guard in here. Whoever passed after this were set up, will be made to do as the oni says, even if they are not in that body. Defend yourself, but try not to kill anyone. They cannot help themselves."

Her staff would tap the ground, and a puff of mint-green air would rush forth in front of her, and push against the door, opening it for them.

They wouldn't have to go far in the hallway, before something would happen. That being A griffon and two ponies going towards them, having heard the door opening. They seemed surprised at who were there, yet as they got closer, the two ponies would push the griffon into the wall on the right, and charge at the group. Meanwhile above them, a bat pony would swoop down. The bat pony were aiming for the kits, while the ponies went for the elder.

She did not move, or do anything yet. She wanted to see if these other would act first. But in case they did not, she would intercept them with a paw on each of their closest hooves, and then in a fluid motion, use their own force and momentum, to wander past them, and direct their hooves to impact one another's face, knocking them out in the process. A defensive kind of combat ability, that took finesse to handle well, and were best suited for the weak of body. It relied less on their own strength, and more of that of their opponents, so it were more suitable for ones such as the elder.

The bat pony would be intercepted even before that though, not getting close enough to the kits to matter, before he were suddenly yanked away in the air, and crashed on the ground, back first. The culprit being Shark, who had rushed up and tackled into them, whilst now standing right above, face to face, teeth barred, and growling slightly.

"Shark protect fluffy ones."

"W-What are you doing? I d-don't... P-Please, don't eat me."

The bat pony at least seemed to be at their sensibilities, or the fear just overrode the control. Could be a trick too. Either way, this were a rather sad, first showing, from what were supposed to be a dangerous foe. Might just be they were being tested.

As for the griffon? She rose up from the floor, over at the wall she had been pushed into, looking extremely confused, at what had just happened.



@Catpone Cerberus

"Well, it's actually Saddle Arabian, not Equestrian. I haven't only been here for all my life y'know. I've been out and seen several parts of the world.

Truth be told, I like Saddle Arabia a lot. Yes it's a bit dry there, if you go to the wrong places, but the food, the music, the locals- Great stuff. Some of the merchants would sell you your own skin if they could, and the princess? Celestia and Luna might be princesses here, but Princess Arabian Nights is a real royal. Looks the part, acts the part. A lot less formal than the sisters, that's for sure. Nice enough if you get in her favor though, and I have an easy time of that. You have any idea what they'd do, or forgive, for the sake of someone who can actively summon rain? I make sure to come back at least once every year, during the early season, to make sure there's water, and that I'm kept in high regard. Long as I don't try and steal away adoration from the princess, I'm golden.

When everything's said and done, you have your answers, the eye's handled, and there's no work- I outta take you there. There's a lot for you to see, and the giant sand reavers would probably be some fun prey for you to mess around with. Quite tasty too, with a bit of spice, and Saddle Arabia has tons of that. Equestrian food taste so bland in comparison."

she'd sigh a little, and think on the good times, when she were there. Equestria were her home, as this is the country where she had grown up, and where all her stuff were, but if she were ever kicked out, she knew that she'd be welcomed in Saddle Arabia with open hooves. The merchants grinning at her, wondering what peculiarities she might bring with her. The blink in the princesses eyes, when she saw that she were there, and knew that rain would come- the delicious, fragrant food. Gods, she felt fat sometimes, after she had been there.

A bit desolate for some, that were true, and she got that the heat could get to some, but most of the issues with Saddle Arabia, tended to be weather related, and that were the absolute last of her issues.

"They have a special sort of dragons too, that tend to live under the sands. Had a fight with one that liked to throw sandstorms at those she didn't like, a few decades ago. We went at it for hours, before we both got exhausted, and just called a stalemate. Great gal that one honestly, once you show to her that you ain't a pipsqueak.

Aaah, but better days aside... I know you've said, that there's messed up things to see in your country. But much as I'd try to prepare for it mentally, something tells me that I'm not gonna be able to really be ready for seeing the end result of a lot of pointless death. Especially not o the younger one. It hurts me, right in the maternal instinct of my heart and soul. I can't rule out that I might have to swim along the coast, and meet you further up, if it gets really bad. Or that you might have to force me along. Much as I'd try and harden my mind to it, I'm emotional. Seeing a dead youngster... Urgh, even the thought brings a pit to my stomach.

We'll figure out how to approach things when we get there. But you're right, for now, there's potentially work to do first. Will give us a bit of time to think."

If Ruby had nothing else, the travel could go calmly, with really nothing happening, before they reached Canterlot, and entered the town. It would be hard to miss the hotel from there, where Spicy were staying. Even harder to miss her, as she stood out in front, grinning next to her cart, looking more lively and happy than ever. Probably had something to do with the death of the a certain elderly mare, that no one seemed to like. Or maybe she just figured it were a good day in general. What made ponies beam with joy sometimes, could be so random and miniscule that you wouldn't believe it.

She wouldn't see them approaching, focusing on inspecting her wagon first and foremost.

Though of course, if something else happened before, then this scene would wait. It didn't seem like she were going away right now anyway. Probably. even if she were, it'd be easy enough to find her.


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom

On 2023-06-26 at 5:03 AM, Blitz Boom said:

"I should also mention, that you should not take me with you regardless of me being busy or not. They have not asked for me. They asked for you two, and Omen. The latter of whom they have some history with, and thus, they need to evaluate up front. Me? I am unknown. They currently do not have any reason to hear from me, as I would be approaching without their knowledge, or welcome. It is best that I wait until Ghilan will present things, and wait until I am asked for. When that time comes, I will be as prepared as I can be. Best I can do, is try to help you prepare before you go there, though remember, that you are being evaluated, not the outside. My angle will come in due time, yours is what is important.

As is it, for you to ensure that Omen and them communicate well. Ensure that she knows certain limits, social snafu's to avoid, and such."

“As I was told before coming here, there is no map nor any records in writing. This is about as best as anyone could get until something else surfaces. The longma don’t have a tradition of writing things down, at least until very recently, but no one’s jumping at the chance to write things down. And as for the few who know how to do so, they’re still learning and making things up as they go.”

“But before I get sidetracked, Sen suggested holding off on bringing you unless absolutely necessary. Seems like you two had the same idea, but for the meeting with the elders, Ghilan has already briefed us on what we can and can’t do. Knowing him, he’ll likely let us know again just before we actually meet the elders and present our case to them.”

No matter how much they could run the scenario in their heads, the siblings really couldn’t imagine how things would go once they were standing before the elders. The same could be said for Ghilan, who would likely have to recuse himself given his conflicting interests. It’ll be an interesting event, but the results, and the methods employed to reach them, are important now.

On 2023-06-26 at 5:03 AM, Blitz Boom said:

As for Sen's guess of it being in your forest? It is possible too. You'd have to find a marker first though. As I am assuming you don't have a tower like is shown in this, might you perhaps then have a swamp that is of some importance? I'd think that would be a solid foundation to begin from, lest there are more obvious markers. If there are more, you can triangulate somewhat, where various things should be, in relations to one another."

“I hope to speak with Elder Ghilan or some friends in the village if they know about the other villages in the forest. If I recall what I was told when I was younger, the forest is home to different types of environments, which determine what other longma villages can do and how they thrive. It wouldn’t be surprising if there is a swamp. Not sure if it is a very important place, as villages are just a collection of huts just like the one I live in right now, but that just makes me wish I knew more.”

Still, that wouldn’t be what got her thinking about the immediate future, as Feng was still around and unlikely to be booted from his position after one altercation. If he were as cunning as the rumors say, then they would need to remain vigilant. One wrong move could spell disaster, especially when that disaster could be triggered by well-placed words backed up with force. Admitting fault and guilt wasn’t something she could just go with, and as much as she wanted to fight back, Rosa had a point. Someone with influence could spin the story for his own benefit, and Feng knew this. It makes him dangerous.

On 2023-06-26 at 5:03 AM, Blitz Boom said:

As for the one on your bad hoof, let his superior deal with him. Do not seek him out, and appear petty. If all he wants is to rile you up, the best to do is not give him that satisfaction.

What of Ghilan? Does he have something of note to add or do, before your meeting, that you are aware of?"

“I wouldn’t know just how much Ghilan has on his mind right now, but from what he said about the elders requesting the meeting, they are concerned. About us, our ideas, and about Ghilan as an elder. I’m sure they know of Solasan’s position as an elder, and Ghilan having it suggests he stole or grabbed that power because elders are normally picked. I won’t be surprised if they see him as a usurper, and that makes his situation much more difficult. He said it himself: there is a good chance none of us will be calling him elder anymore. How does anyone deal with that kind of pressure?” 

There was a tinge of sadness in Lin’s voice, not quite wavering, but she, in some way, could feel the dread going through Ghilan’s mind. They’d all be under a lot of pressure, but the current elder also had to grapple with the idea that he’d be out of his position, and that was the best-case scenario should the meeting end on a sour note. The longma shuddered, unable to imagine what a worst-case scenario would look like, but she knew that kind of outcome must not come to pass. 

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@Blitz Boom

Adventurers of Equestria weren't built for what awaited them in their future visits to Harrowmark.  Even the most terrifying encounter with most hardened adventurer of the land of light would be but a simple day in the lives of the locals.  Telling them that would be the most difficult.  That passion, that spirit for the unknown, all but the most tasty of meals to the darkness that awaited them in these forbidden areas.  There was so much to explore in just the safe areas it could sate an adventurer for Moons upon Moons, but keeping them in these places was to be a challenge.  Whether by Dawn's own hoof or that of a member in the O.M.I., Rising's tail would reach the newspapers.  About the pony that dared the unknown to save Manehatten.  It would be a call, a loud trumpet to those seeking challenge and to be the first, in their minds, to chart the unmapped.  Sure, Necrotic had shared a map with Dawn in a way and he was sure gaining an actual map from the royal librarian would be but a simple ask.  But those wouldn't reach the populous at large for Moons.

Thoughts for minds in much higher authority than his own.  This was Necrotic's land and he had every right to detain would be adventurers for their own safety.  Rising's mind was more focused on the new round of gifts that made their way along their travels.  One particular gift.  A small curse, harmless by any standard.  A prank, sloppily made it could easily have done by a foal or drunk that lacked grip on their magic.  Harmless by any standard, but these are what Rising feared the most.  Accidental cursed artifacts making their way into Equestria.  This one didn't serve as the best example, but it wouldn't take a lot for them to become harmful.  An expansion to the O.M.I. was more important than ever now.  Even if a deal between the royals managed to keep the portals to Equestria limited to Manehatten, fourteen personnel wasn't enough to perform their normal duties and work at the ports to inspect every shipment for cursed items that accidently, or intentionally, enter their lands.  Equestria's rules on magic did not match with what Harrowmark is okay with, or other way around.  That wasn't just something he could pass off to higher authorities, he was going to need to be part of that.

They made it back to the castle.  The solidarity of stone walls, a hard contrast to the wood and wallpaper he were use to.  Necrotic was at home, his gilded cage as it seemed from his mother's protectiveness.  Their escorts were dismissed.  The family each in kind offering their thanks for their services and a fond farewell.  Rising bowed to Gerthrude in kind, "And with you," he returned the well wish from their goddess.

"I think freshening up sounds like a wonderous idea, don't you mother?" Dawn expressed.  They were out and about for quite some time, "A splendid idea."  "Ho ho ho.  I think I'll make my way to the royal museum.  Historic visages await my perusal.  Ho ho ho," the professor graveled out.  And Star was off.  Likely in the completely wrong direction.  "Dear, we'll meet you at supper then?" Grace called out to the unicorn, but he had already began to ramble to himself as if lecturing a full classroom.  Something about looking into the founding of Harrowmark like some sort of field scholar.  "Oh, Rising sweetie~," the pegasus started.  "Yep," the detective accepted her unfinished request and trotted after his father.

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@Rising Dusk

17 hours ago, Rising Dusk said:

They made it back to the castle.  The solidarity of stone walls, a hard contrast to the wood and wallpaper he were use to.  Necrotic was at home, his gilded cage as it seemed from his mother's protectiveness.  Their escorts were dismissed.  The family each in kind offering their thanks for their services and a fond farewell.  Rising bowed to Gerthrude in kind, "And with you," he returned the well wish from their goddess.

"I think freshening up sounds like a wonderous idea, don't you mother?" Dawn expressed.  They were out and about for quite some time, "A splendid idea."  "Ho ho ho.  I think I'll make my way to the royal museum.  Historic visages await my perusal.  Ho ho ho," the professor graveled out.  And Star was off.  Likely in the completely wrong direction.  "Dear, we'll meet you at supper then?" Grace called out to the unicorn, but he had already began to ramble to himself as if lecturing a full classroom.  Something about looking into the founding of Harrowmark like some sort of field scholar.  "Oh, Rising sweetie~," the pegasus started.  "Yep," the detective accepted her unfinished request and trotted after his father.

"Oh dear. I really shouldn't have either of you wandering alone. You may well get lost. Ah well, I suppose I simply should just lead you both then."

Necrotic would close his eyes, take a deep breath, and then slowly exhale. Near the end of his breath, he'd then take a sharp turn from where he stood, and walk towards the direction where Rising went. Yet as he did so, something else walked the other direction, to where Dawn and her mother had gone towards. A shape of firm darkness, given features by lines of green magic, with a pulsating, white skull mark in the middle of the forehead. If they looked closely, they'd find that as this one split off, Necrotic did no longer cast a shadow. This shadow of his, for a lack of better term, would look like him, and speak in his tone of voice too, albeit as said, with shadow, and outlines of clothes, facial features, teeth, nostrils, etc, with light-jade colored outlines.

(Dawn and Grace)

Necrotic's split off self would approach them, a smile on his face.

"Do not be alarmed, it is still me. I simply needed to be two places at once, to ensure that none of you end up regrettably lost somewhere. It would be rather embarrassing for us, to lose track of you, and needing to send out search parties.

Do please follow, and I shall lead you to the bathrooms."

He would take the lead, and direct them down a path taking a sharp left turn, rather than continue down this path. A few more turns beyond that, down pathways decorated as much else of the castle had been thus far later, and they would stop in front of a large pair of heavy oak doors. The frame were decorated with a delicately carved flower theme, combining at the top in a tree crown, whilst the door handles were formed as rose buds.

He'd poke at the middle of the door, with the tip of a feather, and a pale line would flow in between the two doors, before an unlocking sound were heard. A magical signature as it were, to unlock it. And when it were, he'd use his front hooves to push them open, with a little hard push at the start, to get them open.

And it were quite a sight behind it. Yes the style were old, but there were two bath tubs, a shower, a large area where one could get toweled off, spacious toilets, and so, so many bath salts and oils. Local flavor as it were, yet they served the same purpose. As did the various rows of perfume, towels, full body mirrors, and everything, were impeccably clean.

Soon as he took a step in, a mist would coalescent in front of them, and gather into a pony. A butler in even older clothes than were normally here, standing regally, and bowing before the prince, as soon as he were proper materialized. His entire outlook were so stereotypical of an old mansion butler, that it were almost too on the nose, beyond him having a small, yet warm smile on his face, and seeming more approachable than you might think.

"However may I serve, my prince?"

His voice were smooth and calm, and as he rose up in a regal stand again, with a fresh towel hung over his right front leg, bent in front of him, his gaze would go towards the guests. Whom he'd of course bow before as well.


"Introductions seem to be in order. Dawn and Grace, may I introduce you to Hector. He's a loyal, trusty helper for the royal family, and will make certain that be it help with your baths, fresh towels, massage or other things in relation to your freshening up, there he is there to offer assistance, if required.

Hector, this is Miss Dawn, and Mrs. Grace. The sister and mother, of our great savior, Sir Dusk."

"A pleasure to meet you both."

He'd bow once more, and wait to see what would happen next.


(Rising and Star)

Meanwhile, the regular Necrotic would catch up to his guests, though he likely needed to go for some time, to find Star. Perhaps though, he would have halted and inspected a picture, or something else, though things were mostly as were seen elsewhere, so he might well have kept going until he found something. Either way, he would be rather far out of where he should be.

Rising would find if he checked, that while there were a residual magic still on the prince, there were no active link between him, and his copy. It appeared he had simply animated a clone, and then sent it off to handle things on its own, without much oversight. If he had checked as the spell were cast, he'd find that Necrotic had indeed animated his own shadow. The green lines were necromantic energy, the outlines it made not only giving the shadow some features one could look at, but also animated and gave it form proper. Like when you animated a skeleton, and the energies were used to keep the bones to actually stay together and move, but done in a more inventive way.

Magic were not inherently evil after all. It were all a matter of how you used it. And animating things that were not normally alive, or meant for it, were one way of doing things. Also one of the first showing of Necrotic's magic, as he had thus far not really used any, outside of a minor telekinesis spell once. He did not see much point in flaunting things, when there were no need for it. It didn't waste energy, and tended to make others underestimate him.

As for their guest, when eventually he'd get to Star, he would either be halted somewhere, not gotten far, or he had gotten further, in which case, he would've found an open door, leading into a peculiar, lit room.

(next does not happen, if Star had been stopped beforehand)

The room had various things on display, in impeccably clean, glass montres. All of them were marked, as having belonged to someone, with a small portrait, with the montre. For instance, there were a silver, gem-encrusted scimitar, belonging to a depressed looking, long-haired mare, in a long coat, and the witch crown on top of her head, marked as *Queen Roseling the Fourth. The Maiden of Silver.*, scimitar down her side in the portrait, as she looked to the side.

Not far from that, were one less regal. It were a flat, leather pouch, with a set of six bone dice in, spread out on a red pillow. The numbers being 1 to 6, in order, with a wooden flute gently laid beneath them on the pillow. The picture there, being of a young teen stallion, standing tall, with a mischievous grin on his face, dice floating around his hoof, and flute poking out from his inner pocket. The portrait were marked as *Prince Marrowgrin. Second to the throne. Taken before his time by the Timeless Tyrant, and given peace, by Queen Magenta the Second.*, with a different plague beneath that, saying *Beloved brother and son. We wish we could have saved you.*.

Not all had a long sentence to them, but Marrowgrin had not been long enough to have made his way into their history books, nor short enough, that he could simply be written off, as haven died without importance. Perhaps in the future, it would be changed, but at least the current regents, and the crown prince, would want this to stay.




On 2023-06-27 at 3:34 PM, EQ_Theta said:

“As I was told before coming here, there is no map nor any records in writing. This is about as best as anyone could get until something else surfaces. The longma don’t have a tradition of writing things down, at least until very recently, but no one’s jumping at the chance to write things down. And as for the few who know how to do so, they’re still learning and making things up as they go.”

“But before I get sidetracked, Sen suggested holding off on bringing you unless absolutely necessary. Seems like you two had the same idea, but for the meeting with the elders, Ghilan has already briefed us on what we can and can’t do. Knowing him, he’ll likely let us know again just before we actually meet the elders and present our case to them.”

"Yet those signs were there. As such, someone have kept record at some point. Potentially before your oral history dates back to? If so, it would be important to figure out things. Nothing good happens, if you forget your past. No matter how painful it might be, there are important lessons to learn from that, and I think this could well end up being one of those important ones for you. It must have meant something to someone in the past at least, to have this marked as such.

As for the elder meeting, I can give some short pointers. Omen, please listen carefully to this.

Do not touch them. Stand where they ask you to, and unless asked, or forced to by circumstances, do not open any gates there. It is a delicate situation, and you need to appear approachable, and respectful. In that regard, also do not, under any circumstances, refer to the things they say as stupid, idiotic, foolish, or other variations of that. If you disagree with something, simply say that you do not agree, more neutrally, than saying they are being foolish. Even if they are, it is not polite, and you need to be polite in this situation.

Also, be careful about Shrimp. The meeting needs to be controlled, and Shrimp wouldn't be able to understand what is going on, and might attack with that glittering flame of his. If possible, try not to bring him with you to the first meeting, just to be safe.

Is this understandable, Omen?"

"Yes. I will listen, and not use gates unless they are being attacked."

"Good. That will cover the most basic things. I'm sure Ghilan will fill you in on the rest."

It were rather... Self explanatory things perhaps, but when it came to Omen, he thought it best to be sure, as she weren't used to regular norms, and ways of dealing with others entirely. It were best to not take chances in this case.

On 2023-06-27 at 3:34 PM, EQ_Theta said:

“I hope to speak with Elder Ghilan or some friends in the village if they know about the other villages in the forest. If I recall what I was told when I was younger, the forest is home to different types of environments, which determine what other longma villages can do and how they thrive. It wouldn’t be surprising if there is a swamp. Not sure if it is a very important place, as villages are just a collection of huts just like the one I live in right now, but that just makes me wish I knew more.”

"Perhaps not important, but if you have a few locations, you can work distances out of this picture, and know where to look for what might have once been a large tower of some sort. If nothing else, it wouldn't hurt for you to make contact to other longma towns, and connect with them in a casual, calm fashion. The less you are kept isolated from things, the better. It might also be useful in other ways, that we don't currently think about."

He would have mentioned one way, but he did not want to burden her mind. That being that she might be able to learn some news of her mother, in one of the other villages. Her father were sadly well known it seemed like, but the mothers fate were somewhat unambiguous still. Dead or miraculously still alive, other longma, from other towns, may still know something. If nothing else, there might be closure to find, which he felt that both her, and Sen, could really use.

On 2023-06-27 at 3:34 PM, EQ_Theta said:

“I wouldn’t know just how much Ghilan has on his mind right now, but from what he said about the elders requesting the meeting, they are concerned. About us, our ideas, and about Ghilan as an elder. I’m sure they know of Solasan’s position as an elder, and Ghilan having it suggests he stole or grabbed that power because elders are normally picked. I won’t be surprised if they see him as a usurper, and that makes his situation much more difficult. He said it himself: there is a good chance none of us will be calling him elder anymore. How does anyone deal with that kind of pressure?” 

There was a tinge of sadness in Lin’s voice, not quite wavering, but she, in some way, could feel the dread going through Ghilan’s mind. They’d all be under a lot of pressure, but the current elder also had to grapple with the idea that he’d be out of his position, and that was the best-case scenario should the meeting end on a sour note. The longma shuddered, unable to imagine what a worst-case scenario would look like, but she knew that kind of outcome must not come to pass. 

Neutral and focused as he were, Rosa did still feel and understand the worry. This could well end poorly, with Ghilan holding no power, and thus, a voice for progress would be removed, before he had much of a chance to prove himself. Yet Rosa wouldn't show this, as he believed it best that he seemed calm, and in control of things. He thought that perhaps, Lin might draw some resolve from that. Least he hoped so, rather than her thinking he simply didn't care.

"Salosan also ran your town towards near destruction, via his acts. He failed as an elder, and did not pick a successor. Ghilan should remember to emphasize that after his horrid acts, there were no designated longma to lead, and the town needed leadership. So he stepped up, where others would not, for the sake of the town that Salosan had tried to ruin. He mustn't underplay the importance, of the fact that there were no common transition of power set in place. And even if there were, wouldn't the one set up to be taking over from Salosan, then be one they needed to be suspicious of? With Salosan's plans as they were, who is to say he did not pick a successor, that he wanted to finish what he had started?

Ghilan taking over were unorthodox, yes. But the situation were unique, and so, the common ways of handling things, simply couldn't apply in this case. He should empathize that while he has lead for only a short while, he have kept the town orderly, and lead them as an elder is supposed to. A position he takes very seriously, and that he is mingling well with you, Sen, and Omen, because you were integral in saving the town in the first place. Something which should get some degree of gratitude and acknowledgement, as otherwise, Salosan would likely have damned not only his own town, but others too.

Were you any regular longma, your praises would have been sung for your actions. Is it really too much to ask, that you be given but a chance instead? Personally at least, I wouldn't think it is too much to ask for, considering you could be asking for mass gratitude, and make ludicrous demands, but you aren't. You're being rational about things, and though yes, Omen is... Peculiar, she did still help, and have thus far not shown any hostile actions towards any longma, and are adhering to your rules and laws, showing that she acknowledges that this is Longma territory, and respect that she is in their house, so to speak.

It depends on how you say it, but really, I think that it shouldn't be too hard for you to present yourselves as humble, respectful, and reasonably owed at least a chance to speak for yourself, and be given a chance at coming back home, with all the good that you have done. As for Ghilan, then as said, he took over under extraordinary circumstances, but unless he have failed in some way as an elder so far, then he is approaching the role that needed him to take it, with the respect and acknowledgement that it requires.

Which does remind me... Salosan's actions. Try and bring evidence, rather than simply words, so that your claims cannot be dismissed, with saying that it is mere allegations. It is key that it is shown, that he did something very badly, that caused extraordinary measures to need to be taken. You'd need something physical, or impartial, high valued members of your town, saying what happened to them, in enough numbers that the know it cannot simply be a tall tale.

Have you something ready for this? If not, I would advice you to focus on finding it. You will need it to convince them, I would think."


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom

On 2023-06-29 at 6:59 AM, Blitz Boom said:

"Yet those signs were there. As such, someone have kept record at some point. Potentially before your oral history dates back to? If so, it would be important to figure out things. Nothing good happens, if you forget your past. No matter how painful it might be, there are important lessons to learn from that, and I think this could well end up being one of those important ones for you. It must have meant something to someone in the past at least, to have this marked as such.

“What you say could be true, but I’ll hold off on jumping to conclusions until more conclusive proof comes up. There may be more to the glyphs than what it appears, and I’m just hoping Sen and his old friend can find out more. It’s going to be tough finding actual proof that we could bring, but I’m sure there’s something connecting the previous elder to the ruins we were in. Come to think of it, I don’t recall being told why I had to go to those ruins with them, only agreeing to it because I needed to see what was there. Now I’ll need to find out for sure.”

“I remember back then that Solasan did have a successor in mind, though I might have only given you a few details. It was a creature born of magic called Legion, the same one that took on the elder’s appearance to blend in and take over his position, then slowly took over the village to make it seem like he had never left. My guess is, this was done because the real Solasan was getting on in years. Legion was dealt with, but without the orb that contained our scholarly friends, we’ll need something else to bring along. Maybe Sen will have found something usable.”

Lin sat next to Rosa, though she’d find herself lounging on the floor and watching the sun with him right then and there. With so much running through her mind right now, one could be forgiven for thinking that all this was weighing down on her long before it even started, but this concerned a friend. Ghilan may be keeping his composure, but he undoubtedly had a breaking point; it was only a matter of time before it made itself manifest, and there was someone already looking to see if it was exploitable. 

On 2023-06-29 at 6:59 AM, Blitz Boom said:

"Perhaps not important, but if you have a few locations, you can work distances out of this picture, and know where to look for what might have once been a large tower of some sort. If nothing else, it wouldn't hurt for you to make contact to other longma towns, and connect with them in a casual, calm fashion. The less you are kept isolated from things, the better. It might also be useful in other ways, that we don't currently think about."

“Knowing Ghilan, he would have a response ready. He knew this day was coming, and it was only a matter of when. I’m sure he can handle himself, and he would likely be in the know about the other longma villages. He’ll likely have information about those because he pretty much has to be in contact with the other elders in some manner. I’m just concerned that if he knows about the ruins and the glyphs, he’ll likely be accused of engaging in forbidden practices. Going into some ruins to explore it is believed to invite curses.”

Admittedly, Lin didn’t know the finer details of these ruins. Old places were forbidden, and to intrude in one such area was like disturbing the rest of some ancient being. She bought into it as a child, but now that she’s grown and had spent considerable time away from home, belief in such superstitions waned until nothing about it remained. At least, it was only mostly gone. A curse taking the form of misfortune seemed out of the ordinary, but she couldn’t help but wonder if knowledge of such could affect Elder Ghilan.

*sigh* “Maybe I am getting worried over nothing. Ghilan already told us how to conduct ourselves, and I guess that means he has a plan. He knows what we could expect, meaning that he might know how to make things work to our advantage. I’ll make sure to let Ghilan know about your suggestion.”

“In any case, that’s about it on our end. Things are developing a lot faster than I thought, and while I am feeling a little better about our chances of success when we’ll meet with the other elders, there’s still the matter of the huntmaster’s second. He may be a bully, but from what I’ve seen, he’s smart about it. Can I ask you for advice? Have you met someone who can get away with being a bully and spin the event to make him look like the victim? Is there a way I could handle that without appearing as the offender?”

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On 2023-06-30 at 4:23 PM, EQ_Theta said:

“What you say could be true, but I’ll hold off on jumping to conclusions until more conclusive proof comes up. There may be more to the glyphs than what it appears, and I’m just hoping Sen and his old friend can find out more. It’s going to be tough finding actual proof that we could bring, but I’m sure there’s something connecting the previous elder to the ruins we were in. Come to think of it, I don’t recall being told why I had to go to those ruins with them, only agreeing to it because I needed to see what was there. Now I’ll need to find out for sure.”

“I remember back then that Solasan did have a successor in mind, though I might have only given you a few details. It was a creature born of magic called Legion, the same one that took on the elder’s appearance to blend in and take over his position, then slowly took over the village to make it seem like he had never left. My guess is, this was done because the real Solasan was getting on in years. Legion was dealt with, but without the orb that contained our scholarly friends, we’ll need something else to bring along. Maybe Sen will have found something usable.”

"I feel rather certain that a magical construct, made in your own image, doesn't counts as a proper successor in your society. Something like that though? There should be proof of the making of said construct somewhere. Potentially a foci, for the early days, of keeping it stable. Of course, magic can work in many ways, but there is usually clues to be found of its usage. Hopefully he will find something. If not, I might have to end up getting involved, and sneak around in the areas around the town, without making contact to it. I'd rather not risk you ending up being seen harsher upon, by throwing *baseless accusations around*, as the elders might claim otherwise.

As for the other research subject, as it stands, you are right to be cautious of jumping to conclusions. As is, I am merely speaking hypotheticals, and extrapolating from that, as it is a habit of sorts, I suppose one could say. There is plenty of merit in thinking of things, but not settling on an answer yet, lest you end up looking for questions that suits your answer, rather than being open to where the evidence could lead you instead. You're going at this the right way so far, Lin."

In another life, Lin might have been a good researcher. Could still end up that way he supposed, but she had a mind, that were open for new ideas, and didn't get too bogged into believing just one thing were true, and discarding other possibilities. There were many things, that could come from a mind such as that. A historian being one of them. Sadly not always too easy, to find a neutral story teller as it were, as there were often implicit bias in the tales being told. Even in Equestria. Certain things said to make them look better. Certain other things done to their own citizens, swept under the rug and deliberately forgotten over time- Standard stuff for a governing body really.

Then there were of course the point of history being written by the victors, which meant that a lot of perspectives of the fabled villains of the kingdom, were rarely even considered, much less told. Discord were a prime example, that there were more than one side to someone. Things that might even make a being more relatable, with more understandable motives. Someday, Omen might well be important in telling those stories, as she had been there, and seen things more neutrally, as were her nature.

On 2023-06-30 at 4:23 PM, EQ_Theta said:

“Knowing Ghilan, he would have a response ready. He knew this day was coming, and it was only a matter of when. I’m sure he can handle himself, and he would likely be in the know about the other longma villages. He’ll likely have information about those because he pretty much has to be in contact with the other elders in some manner. I’m just concerned that if he knows about the ruins and the glyphs, he’ll likely be accused of engaging in forbidden practices. Going into some ruins to explore it is believed to invite curses.”

"Some ruins do have curses, in all fairness. That said, these ruins seem to hold history for your kind. It would be shortsighted to ignore that. Even if it leads to some knowledge that once threatened the longma, one must ask: If you all forgot, what is to stop you from repeating the mistakes of the past? For all we know, Salosa made Legion, using things he learned from the ruins. Who is the say that the next one won't be more successful than he were?

The only way to be sure, is to have someone study them, and then find out what answers they hold. Are they too cruel, they can be burnt, or destroyed. But there needs to be answers, or mistakes will be repeated. Sometimes far worse than the first time.

Problems do not go away, merely by you ignoring them. At a certain point, you need to deal with them, or they will overwhelm you. Trust me, I know this all too well..."

A small sigh escaped him, as he shifted his gaze to look up into the blue sky again. So many mistakes that he'd like to go back and correct, yet that were not an option. The past were not something you could just change. You could only try and make up for the mistakes of the past, yet for some, it would be too late to change things. And that wasn't something he wished the longma to learn the bitter way.

On 2023-06-30 at 4:23 PM, EQ_Theta said:

*sigh* “Maybe I am getting worried over nothing. Ghilan already told us how to conduct ourselves, and I guess that means he has a plan. He knows what we could expect, meaning that he might know how to make things work to our advantage. I’ll make sure to let Ghilan know about your suggestion.”

“In any case, that’s about it on our end. Things are developing a lot faster than I thought, and while I am feeling a little better about our chances of success when we’ll meet with the other elders, there’s still the matter of the huntmaster’s second. He may be a bully, but from what I’ve seen, he’s smart about it. Can I ask you for advice? Have you met someone who can get away with being a bully and spin the event to make him look like the victim? Is there a way I could handle that without appearing as the offender?”

Rosa would ponder things for a little, thinking over things, as they related to the question that had been presented to him.

"...Yes. But it depends on certain factors.

The first is if there were witnesses to the event that transpired. The second being the general charisma of this huntmaster's second in command. Is he well liked and suave enough to change people's perception of how things transpired, to a point where his own faults were not focused on as much anymore? Or will he instead try and intimidate others into silence? Which I will add, is a fools errand. Usually all it will take is one to break the silence, and the floodgates barge open.

Anyway, if we go under the assumption that he is a bully, and act stereotypically like it, he will most likely, try and cast himself as the victim. Bullies have a tendency to not only like to stomp on those against them, but also see themselves as the main character. Considering what I have been told, he could end up being seen somewhat like it, when it comes to you and Sen. If I understand it correctly, he egged you on, and you acted rashly. So I am assuming that you lashed out, in some fashion? If so, he would have a case when it comes to you, but a fair bit harder of one with Omen, as she wouldn't lash out. He might claim that she threatened her, but it holds little value, without something having happened from that.

Omen's general neutrality, and inability for hostilities, could well be in your favor here. He is likely to try and get to her, as he craves a reaction, and if that happens, her calmness would benefit you. That said, I am very positive that he will try to get to her, by using you. Potentially by trying to have you detained for your assault, and then saying to her that he will do quite a few... Unsavory things. Something which will normally get a close friend like her, to act rashly.

If a situation like that arises, just remain calm. Both you and her, can make gates to escape. Make use of those, and do not attempt a physical confrontation. Also do not go away in that case, for an extended period of time. The shorted between you getting into a gate, and out of one again, the less believable any story of you being replaced, having run off, or something of the matter will be.

But then, perhaps he is smart. If he is, he'll keep a low profile, and wait to see if you dig your own grave. And if that happens, he'll be ready to swoop in, to make things worse. I really can't say for certain, as I don't know him, and thus can only speculate.

So then, have you other questions? I would be concerned with the time you spend here, considering you will need all that you can muster, for the trial ahead of you. You must be as prepared as possible, for when you are to face down the elders. Remember, it is not merely your fate on the line here. It is also that of Ghilan. He have accommodated quite a bit for you, thus far. He will need your help, as much as you need his, ton continue the slow steps forward."





Life in Ponyville had it's ups and downs. Monsters and mayhem, villains and grand magic- There were times when it felt like a lot were going on. Even now, Ponyville were in somewhat of a state of emergency, due to a supposed assassin in town, making the few guards the town had around right now, advise folks to stay inside, until they had apprehended the culprit. A right mess in many ways.

Yet as were so often the case, the Apple Farm were calm and buzzing not with rumors and potential attackers, but bees and the usual sound of farm work being done. No matter what went on, the town had to be fed after all, so the Apple family had plenty to do.

It were peculiar how the farm were seemingly never outright targeted, by any villains, but it were fortunate that they didn't. It'd hurt the town far more, if they ruined the food supply, than just attacking town. Sure some buildings had to be rebuild, but they were good at banding together, and handling that. Starvation could be a different mess all together, though Princess Twilight would likely be able to have something sorted, by requesting aid from Canterlot. Some private citizens might also be willing to come to their aid, like Clayton Quartz had recently, when the town needed building materials. Some wanting to help, others knowing there were a tax break to be found in that sort of charity work, though long as the outcome were the same, few rarely cared what the motivator were, between those two.

As for this day, the farm were isolated from the bad things in town currently. In fact, no one had even come around to say there were issues in town, as the one guard the town had, and the few passing through he had asked for help, were too spread thin as it were, and had to focus on the town first and foremost, as the more likely area for something happening.

Someone would pop into the farm though. Starting with a critter, flapping through the air with large ears, and landing on a barrel near the main farm. 


The critter were about 1.5 times bigger than your average squirrel, and had far long ears, connected to the feet, but extending far longer. A king of evolved flying squirrel it seemed, with webbed feet and fingers, but seemingly harmless.

The second one, would be flying calmly into the farm, and landing right in front of the critter, big grin on her face.

"There you were. I were starting to think you had gone to scurry through the trees."


The equine were a strange sight for some, when she had first come to town a few weeks ago. A large pegasus, an easy head higher than most regular pegasi, with the stripes of a zebra, and wearing frames without glasses. A travelling doctor, originally from Las Pegasus, Doc Zinger - or Ziggy, as she asked to be called - were an insatiable hugger, and brimming with energy, causing her to sometimes have to just fly around a lot, to burn off the excess.

An odd sight, that mostly used perfume smelling like candy canes, she did raise some eye brows. As did her companion, Fah'lina, when she first came back from the forest with her, but both of them were overall very friendly, and Ziggy especially, liked to be helpful, so she were a little here and there, lending a hoof. These days, she were watching the house of a friend of hers. A local mare, who were visiting family for a while, but with everything going on, she had been going stir crazy, and so had popped out to roam instead. And Fah'lina had taken the lead, to go here, where things seemed to be nice and calm. Y'know, away from all the ruckus.

IN case Ziggy were snuck up on, she wouldn't be warned by the squirrel-like creature, who'd instead wait for the inevitable, where Ziggy would be surprised, and jolt right up into the air. The mischievous little thing, liked to see stuff like that.


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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“Who are you? What are you 2 doing here on the Apple Farm?”

One of the Apples came out from the farm, noticing the critter and strange, unorthodox pegasus. But he himself didn’t look like an Apple at first glance. He had his guard armor on in case of any attack or danger. But he had his helmet replaced by a cowboy hat. 

“Are you looking for some apples or stopping by to drop some news off? Either way is perfectly fine with me”, he said with a friendly face. He was a Pegasus, and a very fast one at that, being a Wonderbolt alongside the vets. He was somewhat well-known though stays humble and modest, just fine with being him. He does what he does because he enjoys it, mot for the fame. But with the threat in Ponyville, he’s had to be on guard standby and watch for the assassin and keep the town safe. But his home is to him a safe haven. A place to relax and decompress.

(Is this response fine? Or does it need to be longer?)

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@Props Valroa & @Blitz Boom


"Thanks for the help, Magnolia," Twilight told her appreciatively. She settled in on top of her newly-found sister and then watched a serious-looking ... strange pegasus with bone wings approach them. She was going to say something but paused, being stopped by her stomach growling upon seeing the box of licorice. "It's to help with giving back energy and is usually a good thing after a large bout of magic. Licorice is very welcome," she nodded. "Uh, thanks," Twilight added with a nervous chuckle and lit her horn up. Her magic fizzled a bit but thankfully stayed in place. Once her magic field was stable enough, Twilight levitated a few pieces of licorice into the air and began to eat them.

@Blitz Boom


Dazzle regarded the black opening warily. Flashes of tumbling down into dark caves and the sunlight getting swallowed by the Everfree ran through her head before she snorted air out of her nose. "Fine. If it's safe then I have no choice but to trust you," Dazzle told Scarcity before taking off through the void only to slide to a stop, feeling the sand beneath her hooves. "... I'm here," she gasped in disbelief and looked back at the void. "But nothing happened in there?"

"For a pony so hesitant about going in there, she really gave it her all," Dawn commented, standing near Long Stare as they looked into the void.

@Blitz Boom


"I wouldn't even know how to start with finding other drones, Queen Onache," Aurora admitted before shaking her head. She had no idea what to think for the moment and decided to go along with things for the time being. "To think all this started with a holiday from home," she chuckled and began walking after Happy. "I guess we'd better follow him otherwise we'll miss the train."

@Blitz Boom


"Hey big guy," Karmic said, looking up at Enzo. She hummed and then smiled a bit before gently nudging his paw with her head. "If you're sleepy, try lying down."

"So how'd you make the fireworks? What are fireworks? Fire hazards are a thing? I don't even know what this is for," Atzy said rather excitedly, spouting off question after question and going between the explosive sibling duo. She did skid to a halt before the spider robots though and blinked at them. "Eh heh, I uh ... too many questions?" she guessed as she looked at the group.



What else am I meant to put here?


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On 2023-01-21 at 5:23 PM, Blitz Boom said:

Anyway, outta get back to the harvest. You two take care, aight? And if you're looking fer a good place in town, try Slappy Joe's. They're a bunch of oddballs in there. They ain't judging others."

If there weren't anything else, he'd return to his work, and leave the two of these to mull over their next move. Which would probably be to move into town proper. Weren't far now.


On 2023-01-21 at 5:23 PM, Blitz Boom said:

"Must've been a bad collapse."

"E-Everything... Everything were d-destroyed."

Whett Kindle the kirin would help his traveling companion up again off the road. With a pat on the back of reassurance, he would tell Cover Up

 "You, like, find yourself walking the path your hooves are on, right man? Please don't go chasing waterfalls, stick to the rivers and the lakes that you see. Like, if somepony out there looking for you, they'll be destined to cross your path; go chasing running water of guesses and you'll never be in the same place enough times to even find yourself, you get me, man?"

 It wasn't his strength to use words to get across to somepony. Any kirin and him in particular, knew that sometimes others weren't willing to listen to what you could say and he'd seen Cover Up get lost in memories a fair few times by now. Having too many thoughts to be able to get them out was something Whett could sympathize with and wasn't about to push someone to trot when he could lend a shoulder to lean on in a more calming walk.

Also, he was hungry.

And bored.

Alot of emotions to sort through. Always so much noise, even when Whett was by himself, and having somepony by his side for a bit of the journey helped ease that too. 

 As they headed off into town, he offered further inquiry as encouragement. "Let's go find that place, dude. Find this Joe and ask why he's slapping ponies. Man, this whole Town thing sounds crazier the more I hear about it!"

   Beatings & Salivations Everybeing!   Creativity is something blatantly important to me as is no doubt evidenced by the 28 OCs I have posted here of the some forty plus I have, they're linked altogether at the bottom of my About Me page in my Profile & I would deeply cherish anything you wish to say about them! Among which of those I am proudest most of is my Draconequusona, His/My Ask Thread  and my Hydra, Gallimaufry or "Mauf" and their own Ask Thread!  Either way, sufficed to say, I am quite confident I have more OCs than you! Crazier to! Do You have a tatzelpony?! No, I rather think you don't! Hew-Hew-hew!

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@Blitz Boom@Kujamih

The kobolds didn't actively interrupt any of the attackers, instead only readying themselves in case one came at them specifically, why? because as had been stated before, they felt no obligation to protect the others, besides, they had seen the elder stop Shark on her tracks without much effort, so there was no reason why two random ponies would be any more difficult for her to deal with. And the young kitsune, they too were very magical, and even if they couldn't magically stop a pony, they could just dodge, they were at least as fast, probably faster, as the two kobolds, so there was no benefit in the kobolds rushing in between the pony and the kitsune, especially in hindsight when Shark did it for them.

After the batpony seemingly broke out of the spell, the twins got even less worried, these were just random civilians, a possessed, most likely highly trained guard couldn't harm Sheska, so bunch of civilians really didn't worry them, especially since they would feel no remorse if they accidentally broke few bones, these ponies may be innocent in the grand scheme, but they were still ponies, and they were still the ones who attacked first, even if mind-controlled, in fact, even if one of the siblings would be taken over, they wouldn't hold back, because they both knew that they both would rather die than be controlled to harm the other.

"Told you the thing is a coward." Sheska commented, she was mainly saying it to Trox, but as the choice of language implied, she wasn't trying to stop others from hearing it.  


"My point still stands" Ruby stated regarding the correction, magics around the world, or worlds if you believed that, was different, and it was foolish to assume that anything in any specific region was universal. To Ruby Leviathan's story didn't sound as pleasant as it seemed to be to her, it sounded noisy, she didn't particularly like royals, or rulers of any kind really, and spices? she had yet to eat a plant she liked, the new prey was really the only things she could say sounded interesting. Unsurprisingly, meeting other dragons also weren't on her list of strong wants, she may have warmed up to Leviathan and Charir, but she was still a loner who liked to be left alone. The dryness wasn't a problem for her though, because...well, when she said everything in homelands was awful, she meant it, she was certain that when they eventually visited there, Leviathan would wish it was a dry desert.

"Swimming is not necessarily an option, because even ignoring the potential toxicity of the surrounding water, I don't know if there's any entrances into the homelands closer than the one I know." Leviathan would understand what Ruby meant when they eventually got there. "We may just have to blindfold you and I'll just carry you there." she was joking, but also wasn't, there was a reason why even someone as young as Charir was so unfazed by death, why the worth of a single life was so...nonexistent for them. Now that one thought about it, it was truly a miracle that the homelands weren't also haunted by record amount of dragon ghosts, makes you wonder what happens to all those souls. "But's that's a worry for that time." 


Ruby found it bit odd that Spicy wanted to meet in a hotel instead of her mansion that was in the same city, but then again, she wasn't a pony, or a business-mare leading less than perfectly legal operations, so she didn't know the logic Spicy ran on, nor did she really care. She didn't bother making her presence known by greeting her, and instead just spoke "Did the wagon get banged up in delivery?" 






“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
Signature by @Stevonnie


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@Catpone Cerberus @Blitz Boom

 White Light was about to take action, but he was too slow. Shark had already pounced and intercepted the pathetic bat pony. But he felt more pathetic.

Light stood shocked at how useless he was. He internally question himself.

Soon after would break out of his stagnancy and try to cover his love's back.

He rushes to her side, trying to do something, anything that could be helpful to her. 

" I-I got your back Shark."

He then scans the area if there might cause trouble or problem that could endanger Shark.

He'd see that the kobolt did nothing and just enjoyed the view.

It weirded him out and confused him abit.

Internally he questions their logic and actions. But he could not question them since he himself had done nothing. 

He'd put it aside for now as Shark's safety is his priority first.


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@Blitz Boom

Once they reached the town Howl showed them to where their mother had been staying and knocked on the door.

"Oh, Howl! Boy am I glad to see you!... May I ask who those ponies with you are?" A rugged stallion answered the door. 

"Well this is my little sister, Ginger Lightning and her new friends. They wanted to help. "Howl explained.

"Yeah... About that...I can't find  your mother anywhere I look. I don't know how she'd get out, but I think she did...And knowing what she is, she could be anywhere as anything or Anypony!"  The stallion started to panic.

"Brittle Briar, let me get this straight...You lost my mom?"Howl tried his hardest not to come off as intimidating and scare Brittle Briar.

"I didn't mean to! I only took my eyes off her for a second I swear!" Brittle Briar exclaimed.

Howl tooka deep breath. "Well... she couldn't have gotten far...Not with injuries like hers, chances are she didn't even leave the house and just disguised herself." 

"That doesn't sound too much better... She's still in an unknown location..."Ginger was very concerned for her mother.

"It'll be alright, we'll find her...Or she'll find us..."Howl looked around.

A cat was laying on a cushion in the corner of the living room. 

"When did you get a cat? I thought you were allergic."Howl's brow furrowed. 

"I am allergic. Wait, What cat?"Brittle Briar had a look of complete confusion 


"The cat in the corner."Howl sighed, piecing it together.

"What about it?"Brittle Briar questioned.

"Brittle Briar, You don't own a cat. So clearly a cat in your home would be out of place, wouldn't it?"Howl raised an eyebrow.

"Oh my Celestia! How did I not piece that together?!" Brittle Briar exclaimed.

"Well, you're not the Sharpest tool in the shed...But, that's not your fault."With a flash of green magical flame, A rough looking changeling queen now lay where the cat was.

"Mama? Oh my Celestia...Are you alright?"Ginger rushed over to her mother.

Queen Siren responded  by skittering up a wall. One of her legs had a thick coating  of hardened changeling bowel on it to function as a cast of sorts.

"You aren't going to turn on me, are you?! You aren't going  to hurt your mother, right?!"Siren hissed, her body was shaking terribly and her fear was almost palpable.

"I'd never hurt you. You're my mom." Ginger reassured her.

"And the others... What about them?"her eyes narrowed at cheshire especially. 

"I'll have you know, even if I'm wounded, I'm not weak!" She growled with vitriol.Untitled283_20230702213716.thumb.png.31ce132688ea172eab3e7ec4f575de3c.png

She seemed more paranoid and scared than anything else. She ended up reopening her wounds from all her sudden movements. 

"I'm warning you...I can still defend myself!"She gave a full-in feral sounding  Changeling hiss.

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@Blitz Boom

On 2023-07-02 at 5:22 AM, Blitz Boom said:

Anyway, if we go under the assumption that he is a bully, and act stereotypically like it, he will most likely, try and cast himself as the victim. Bullies have a tendency to not only like to stomp on those against them, but also see themselves as the main character. Considering what I have been told, he could end up being seen somewhat like it, when it comes to you and Sen. If I understand it correctly, he egged you on, and you acted rashly. So I am assuming that you lashed out, in some fashion? If so, he would have a case when it comes to you, but a fair bit harder of one with Omen, as she wouldn't lash out. He might claim that she threatened her, but it holds little value, without something having happened from that.

Omen's general neutrality, and inability for hostilities, could well be in your favor here. He is likely to try and get to her, as he craves a reaction, and if that happens, her calmness would benefit you. That said, I am very positive that he will try to get to her, by using you. Potentially by trying to have you detained for your assault, and then saying to her that he will do quite a few... Unsavory things. Something which will normally get a close friend like her, to act rashly.

If a situation like that arises, just remain calm. Both you and her, can make gates to escape. Make use of those, and do not attempt a physical confrontation. Also do not go away in that case, for an extended period of time. The shorted between you getting into a gate, and out of one again, the less believable any story of you being replaced, having run off, or something of the matter will be.

“The huntmaster’s second is named Feng, and he already got to us in a fairly crowded area, and while Ghilan was nearby to diffuse the situation, I’m afraid there were enough witnesses to see everything. I guess we’ll be lucky if their opinion is in favor of us, as everyone seems to be keeping quiet about it. That said, by the time everyone was staring at us, Sen and I had already jumped to defend Omen in case Feng tried anything. I guess that may be a positive for us. Then again, he was trying to get a reaction out of Omen, and he made it seem like we attacked him.”

It was fairly even how they and Feng had equal standing among the villagers but having authority meant the siblings were at a disadvantage. Then, there was also Omen’s request to not have them step in out of some misguided attempt at protection. Lin understood and would honor that, knowing they were being overprotective of her. Perhaps Rosa was right on this and Omen’s neutrality would be the advantage they’d have, and while she understood that, it might take more convincing for Sen, who had already become somewhat unhinged recently. There was still some rationality in him, but he already flew off the handle more often, and one could only imagine how aggravated his emotional state could be if he were prodded further.

Having to use gates to escape didn’t sound right, not when it could also make them look cowardly, but the precarious situation they found themselves in meant they’d have to swallow their pride and accept that cowardice could give them an advantage. It’s not something Lin would approve of, but she respected Rosa, so she’d consider it. Feng can be smart with this prodding, but his ego could be his undoing.

“Maybe you are right about temporary escapes. In all honesty, I don’t like the idea because it makes us look cowardly, but I suppose we have to be smarter to make sure we come out on top. Here’s hoping we don’t run into him until we leave, but we’ll see how it goes.”

On 2023-07-02 at 5:22 AM, Blitz Boom said:

So then, have you other questions? I would be concerned with the time you spend here, considering you will need all that you can muster, for the trial ahead of you. You must be as prepared as possible, for when you are to face down the elders. Remember, it is not merely your fate on the line here. It is also that of Ghilan. He have accommodated quite a bit for you, thus far. He will need your help, as much as you need his, ton continue the slow steps forward."

“I suppose that will be all from me for now, and I wouldn’t want to intrude on your moment of rest after you described your day. The ruins we found earlier were fairly safe, and nothing out of the ordinary happened in the moments we spent examining them. Sen and his friend might have found something there while we talked, and that is about the best we all could hope for. We’ll keep you informed of anything new, but there is no rush to discover what those glyphs mean.” 

“Thank you again for your time, Rosa. I’m ready to head back now, but I could spare a moment in case Omen has any last-minute questions. Omen? Any questions you would like to ask before we go?”

Regardless of whether they’d part ways sooner or shortly after, the gate leading back to the ruins would lead to a rather uneventful sight. They’ll come face-to-face with the two remaining longma huddled by a wooden desk examining what appears to be a stone tablet. They appeared a little too fixated on it, unaware of anyone else being in the ruins with them, but it was more than what everyone had earlier. It may not be much, but there was some writing on it, an unexpected find considering writing was still very new to the longma as a whole. Another round of investigations is in order once Omen and Lin return, and the latter would open a gate leading directly back to the ruins to shorten the trip.

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22 hours ago, EQ_Theta said:

“Maybe you are right about temporary escapes. In all honesty, I don’t like the idea because it makes us look cowardly, but I suppose we have to be smarter to make sure we come out on top. Here’s hoping we don’t run into him until we leave, but we’ll see how it goes.”

Rosa pondered what were said before this. It appeared he were right, about how perception were not entirely in their favor. But still, if there were even some who took their side, it meant that Feng's charm were limited in scope. That could be a good factor later. Especially if he began to do more and more pushy things, to try and get a reaction from Omen. A fruitless fight, that he could not win, but pushing for it, would eventually cause him to make mistakes. And in a delicate situation such as this, even small slipups, were notable advantages, that one could make use of. Especially when it were against one who clearly had made his mind up, when it came to Sen, Lin, and Omen.

"You are in a delicate situation. One where you do not want to appear as an aggressor. That you are perceived as a coward, is hardly an issue, since at worst, it will make them underestimate you.

It is important to remember that there is a time and a place, for standing your ground. Times such as this, were you need to thread carefully, and not appear as a threat, is not one of them. There it is better to play on the defensive, lest you end up making yourself seem like you have returned, but are too violent and against your own kin, to have the right to be allowed near them. You'd be surprised how petty some can be with their reasonings, in cases such as this."

It were important they not be seen as attackers. Yet it would mean they had to swallow their pride, but that were one of the things you just had to accept sometimes, in exchange for getting things done properly. Had he more time, he could teach them some things, as he had done such things often, to blend in during his work better, but alas, time were too short for that, and they had more important things to think of. Best he could hope for, were that they would think carefully about things, and act rationally.

22 hours ago, EQ_Theta said:

“I suppose that will be all from me for now, and I wouldn’t want to intrude on your moment of rest after you described your day. The ruins we found earlier were fairly safe, and nothing out of the ordinary happened in the moments we spent examining them. Sen and his friend might have found something there while we talked, and that is about the best we all could hope for. We’ll keep you informed of anything new, but there is no rush to discover what those glyphs mean.” 

“Thank you again for your time, Rosa. I’m ready to head back now, but I could spare a moment in case Omen has any last-minute questions. Omen? Any questions you would like to ask before we go?”

"What about your father, Rosa? Were you not going to do something with a draconequus, for him?"

Omen had asked this somewhat out of nowhere, making Rosa cringe a little, though... *sigh* She were fair to ask this. In fact, it were something he had to share with them, just in case something would happen.

"I am going to go and speak with the draconequus in question, within the hour in fact. I were just resting my eyes for a moment.

You needn't worry. I have gathered some information I can of this one, and she is seemingly harmless. I also have found an offering I can provide, for a good beginning.

I will go, make my case, and then find out what the price shall be from me, to have her help. It will likely take time to go from there, to having my father potentially back, but that is not for you to concern yourself with. I am only going to try and make a deal with this *Anomaly* for now. Nothing will be signed, or asked for to happen right away, until I am aware of the cost, and potential consequences.

You should return and focus on your own issue for now. You will need your thoughts focused on this. I will try and find out what I can on my end. Take care of yourself."

"You too."

Rosa nodded. Omen had seemingly grasped when to say that phrase. He were a little proud, he wouldn't deny it.

23 hours ago, EQ_Theta said:

Regardless of whether they’d part ways sooner or shortly after, the gate leading back to the ruins would lead to a rather uneventful sight. They’ll come face-to-face with the two remaining longma huddled by a wooden desk examining what appears to be a stone tablet. They appeared a little too fixated on it, unaware of anyone else being in the ruins with them, but it was more than what everyone had earlier. It may not be much, but there was some writing on it, an unexpected find considering writing was still very new to the longma as a whole. Another round of investigations is in order once Omen and Lin return, and the latter would open a gate leading directly back to the ruins to shorten the trip.

Seeing as they didn't seem to bite notice in them, Omen would go over to the symbols again, to look them over once more.

She still didn't get anything from it though. So she'd try another approach, went over, and licked the symbol in the middle. It would probably do nothing as well, but she were running low on ideas on what to do here. Using her soft, no-saliva tongue to poke at it, seemed a reasonable approach, and one of a few that she actually had to things. It sometimes did things back when she were brought in by Discord. Of course, different world, with different rulse, but still.

After this probably wouldn't do a whole not, she'd just wander around, trying to see if there were something to see, like an entrance to a cave or something. Maybe other symbols on the ruins there were in? She wouldn't know, unless she moved around and checked, yes?




Ziggy heard the voice, and turned around to see a new face! Perked her right up, and in a flash, she'd be standing over right in front of him, grinning down at him.

It were more or less a literal flash. Ziggy didn't have magic or any of that, but she were a quick mover. Not the sort they'd ever want in the Wonderbolts though. She flew in an... Unorthodox manner, when she sped up, and didn't much care for formation. If she flew straight, she'd be a notable one, but as it were, she did her own thing, to burn off more excess energy. That were in the air though, on the ground like this? She were just simply able to move fast. You could practically see the pink and white blur from where she had stood, and where she ended up being.

"Oooh, a new face! Hi to you! I'm Doc Zinger, but everypony calls me Ziggy. This here's my friend Fah'lina.

We sorta just tried to get away from all the ruckus in town. There's some sorta crazy being hurting others. I were getting stir crazy inside, so we went outside, and Fah'lina went this direction, so I followed!

Are you another one of the Apple's? I didn't know they had one in the guards. That's pretty neat. I'm a doctor. I specialize in bones. Learned a lot from that growing up. Chemical instability and lots of growth, makes you hear tons about bones, and the what the body can go through. The doctors say it's because I'm mixed breed, that I got that crazy growth, an all the excess energy, but at least they stopped the growth. I'd be taller than your barn otherwise. Would've been hard to move around like that, heh.

Anyway, I wanna know who you are too. I like meeting new faces."

She were leaning her neck down quite a lot, to get more near his sight range, rather than him needing to crane his neck back a lot, to look up at her. She stood out easily, due to how tall she were, among other things, but she had come to accept that. What were she gonna do? Walk on her knees, and wear thick burlap? Yuck, no thanks. Better to just accept the lanky mess of a zebra/pegasus that she were, and embrace it. And on a positive note, it made it easier for others to find her, which were mostly a good thing. She really sucked at hide and seek though. Her general... Everything, were not well suited for that sort of game.




"Oh you poor, poor thing."

Cheshire walked a few steps closer, as the varied ones had talked things out, but halted once the queen began to show hostility. The fear rolling off of her, like a cornered animal.

"I can practically smell your fear. What a cruel twist of fate that have left you like this.

I am Queen Cheshire, of the Las Pegasus hive. Your children brought me along, because they were worried about you, and hoped that I could help. I am glad they did, because you need it, Queen Siren. Pirouette? The gel please."

Her drone would step forth, looking worried at the near-feral queen, as he withdrew several large ball of gel, wrapped in a thing, organic material. A typical thing when harvested from vats. It were durable, helped to preserve the emotions, and were well suited for a changeling's fangs to go through, for easy consumption.

Cheshire would use her horn to float them closer to Siren, and then have them land softly on the ground. At which point, Cheshire would sit down on the floor, her eyes filled only with worry, and empathy, as she gazed upon the broken queen. What horrid state to be in. So scared. So near her breaking point... She needed help. Her kids had definitely not been exaggerating about that.

"It's Joy. Please, you must be starving. I'll tell you more of who I am, and why they asked me for help, while you eat, okay?

My hive is a small one, in the midst of Las Pegasus. We are one of the few pacifist hives, as well as one of the even fewer samaritan hives. My hive lives by the edict that all of our kind deserves someone who will listen to them, and help them in trying times. So when Ginger came to us, wanting to learn about theater, the talk eventually fell on you. Then your son came to visit, and offered more information. I knew that I had to come personally then, to try and offer you what I can tell you need now, Queen Siren.

An outstretched, friendly hoof, from someone who wants to help you.

I can offer shelter in a friendly environment, and food in abundance, harvested safely, so you won't have to worry about starving, or someone coming after you. We can also help you with your wounds. They're opening now. It's clear that you haven't had enough time to even try to relax long enough, to heal and regain your strength. I want to give you an environment, and the caring changelings around, to help you with that, and get back on your hooves. Otherwise, you risk either dying from more injuries, or going fully feral from hunger, and suffer mind death.

You know as well as I do, how real of a threat that is. There is nothing worse, that a changeling can suffer than that. And if you ended up like that, you know the rules of a hive. You know who would be forced to have to put you out of your misery then.

I beg of you, to think about that. Think of your children, and how they'd feel, if you died, or they had to confront that grizzly reality. Let me help you, to get back on your hooves. Stave off that horrendous possibility, and be yourself. Not just for your own sake, but for theirs too."

She hadn't wanted to tell the others about it, but... There were certain rules, related to a hive. For instance, if there were a period where there were not enough food to sustain the eggs, a queen were meant to cull her own eggs, to spare a generation not even awake yet, from facing the dread of mind death at birth. And if one of their drones went that route, it were also up to them, to handle that one themselves ideally, unless a random adventurer or such, would accidentally handle it instead.

Then came the incredibly rare situation, where a queen faced mind death... In that case, the hive had to try and handle her, until one of the older, stronger queens could show up, and cut them down. Something which tended to leave a lot of casualties from that hive. Siren might have been kicked out from her hive as it were, but the rules still bound them to handle it. Even more than that though, her closest children would have to lead the effort, in both making contact, and containing her. Which meant these two with her. Something that sadly, would more than likely lead to the death of at least one of them.

It were not nice to bring that up now, but Cheshire could see that the time to be nice and subtle about things, had passed. Siren needed help, and she needed it now. There weren't time to be soft and gentle here, when she were in a state where she might either starve and break, or her injuries get too great. So she had to give her a rough wake-up call, though it were said with heavy concern for her, and a look in her eyes not of hate, or fear, but simply unfiltered sympathy, and worry for her. She weren't just gonna sit by, and let a queen break like this.

And if Siren were uncooperative... Well, she might be a pacifist, but she could still force one this... Unfocused as it were, to do things. Though she hoped it wouldn't get to that.



@Sekel @Props Valroa

Soul would stand and let her take some of the offered sweets, as he observed her. One of his eyes were covered by a flap of sorts, to keep the light out, but he were still plenty able to get a look based on his sole, focused eye right now.

"You're handling yourself better than your teacher. Celestia have explicitly said that she never wants to even meet me, and judges my general for using me in the first place.

And before you think I resent her for it, or think it hypocritical, due to her own covert ops leader being allowed to meet Princess Luna, I don't. I can't see the point in ill will for banalities like that."

Soul really didn't like Celestia's covert ops leader though. He frankly found her a pompous, annoying showoff, that reveled herself in praise and adoration from the public, but were probably one of the most sadistic creatures that he had ever had the displeasure of meeting. In fact, the first time he and Glorious Phantasma had met proper, had resulted in a three hour fight between them, that had ended without a victor. And she hated that she hadn't been able to beat him, even when she tried to cheat. It were obvious by the ways he had dragged his name through the dirt even more since then. Granted, he didn't need help to be unpopular, but this had certainly not helped, and it were part of why he didn't like her.

Another more prominent being, were the hypocrisy around her. For all his faults, at least he didn't try to hide his darkness, behind a veil of flamboyance, PR manipulation, and presenting himself as some sort of dashing idol. He also had never done anything as horrendous as he had found her to do. And yet, her crimes were accepted, because the details to the public were held back, and what were leaked, were never believed. Just horrid rumors, and character assassination. Or it were blamed on him. An easy scapegoat, as he had heard himself referred to by them.

Least he could always feel smug about him having a higher success rate than she did. There were some satisfaction in that fact.

"My general wish me to make myself known to the princesses who wants to see me. You have less of a choice, as I come to you, but this is my home. It changes things. It also marks you as only the second princess I have met. Your sister in law politely declined. An understandable position. I wouldn't trust strangers with bad reputations around my foal either.

I have doubt that you'll ever need my services. The stories I hear, make you out to be capable. But General Midnight Screecher, insisted that you knew you had the option."

She should at least know the name of his general. The leader of the Night Guards, and part of the three Equestria-related guards. General Morning Dew were in charge of the Solar Guards - a decorated veteran, that held Shinning Armor in high regards - and from the Coastal Guard, General Tidal Wave, who were a bit of an odd one, but so were most of the Coastal Guards. They had different traditions, and ways of succession. She had kept her status the last three years though, beating her opponents in the yearly trial they held, to judge who were the best Coastal Guard to lead them. Four more and she'd beat the record, for longest standing Coastal Guard general.

"Any questions, or comments? If not, I will go and see my mother. She have been asking that I make time to speak with her at length."




"Little do happen in there dear. Why do you think the ones inside, are so eager to find someone to adopt them, and take them into a world of wonder and colors?

Now then, are you two joining us?"

She'd look at her sister, and her friend, rather expectantly. Stare wasn't keen on this whole thing, but.. She knew her sister. She wouldn't put her in danger, so this had to be safe. So while it was hesitantly, Stare would lift a shaking hoof, and step into the void in between. She'd hit the solid ground, have a quick look, into the dark expanses around then, not seeing a horizon, or end to things, and then scurried through the other gate, ending up at Dazzle and Scarcity. She wouldn't even realize before then, that she had been holding her breath, and had to gasp for a moment.

"Easy now, sister dearest. Everything is okay. Fret not.

Now then, while we wait for Dawn, I believe the honor of opening the door, should go to you, Dazzle. It is your home after all, and you'd know best what to look for, as a sign, or message from your parents. Would you not agree?"

Hammond were mighty curious about the building, but he would stick with them, understanding what were being said, about who were to open up and look first. Scarcity frankly weren't sure what they'd find. But it were fascinating all the same, to see what would come of it, were it not?




"You will likely hatch one someday, rather than turn another, as I did."

She would begin to move after saying that, heading towards the train station, with naught more of a word on this. Frankly she assumed all changelings would know what she meant by that, but she could imagine that Aurum would still have questions later about what she had meant with this. A point when she'd learn some of the more grizzly parts of changeling culture.

But that would be for a time in more private. For the time being, they would go and meet up with Happy, who'd just about return to his cart, tickets in hoof, whistling all the while.

"Have arrangements been made?"

"Yep. Tickets bought, and the train's gonna show up in about five minutes. We had pretty good timing honestly."

If there were nothing else, they'd soon enough be met with the incoming train, where the two queens could then wander in and find their place, while Happy made sure to secure his cart in the back of the train boxes, where cargo like this were usually stored.

They'd have a few minutes to themselves, if she had questions, before Happy would show up, and the train would begin on its merry way, towards Las Pegasus.




Enzo would open his eyes, stirred by him being spoken to, and would look down to see his companions, and the two odd ponies. Along with one of the metal spiders. The small one, riding on top of the stallion's head.

"I was just resting my eyes."

"Yeah, I know the feeling.

And you folks can relax. Enzo here probably ain't a troublemaker."

The crowd had gotten a bit stirred, as Enzo started to move, but hadn't taken off. One even wandered forth - a stallion in his early thirties, wearing a sailor's cap - and looked between Enzo and Molotov, before ending on the latter eventually.

"Why've you gone and made a clank like this?"

Molotov's machine making were known in the area. Felicia were a new sight for them, but it just expanded on his reputation, for some some sorta weird robot maker. They had assumed Enzo were the same, when they saw him sit on the lawn, and wondered how they hadn't seen it before now.

"He ain't a clank. Enzo's real."

"How could I possibly be mistaken for a mere copy of the real thing?"

"Wait that's real?! Oh uhm... W-Work's calling."

Suddenly it seemed like the gathered group were in a hurry to be elsewhere. Except for a few young ones, but they were scurried along with the rest of them, if they wanted to or not. There were a few rushed waves though, and in the end, Enzo simply sat there, letting out a sigh.

"Sometimes I wonder if I am wasting my time, attempting to wander these lands..."

"Eh, some folks need time to get used to things. You should see the things some of 'em said once they saw Felicia for the first time.

Anyway, as for what fireworks are? Heh, you'll see. Just expect lots of colors. It'd be spoiling it to say more. And you ain't pestering me with them questions. Blitz can get far worse than that, when she starts asking lots of things on her mind. Fire away. It'll pass time when we're on the way."

Getting out, he'd lock the door, via a control panel of sorts, and then with the goods in tow, the lot of them - minus Felicia - could get on their way. It were pretty much just a direct line towards the forest, with plenty of strange looks coming their way. In fairness though, they were a pretty weird bunch.



@Catpone Cerberus @Kujamih

Shark was doing okay. This one she had pinned down, reeked of fear. He were not a threat to her right now. Just like a tasty sardine, realizing it couldn't escape from her maw.

A bit of drool were making its way down the side of her muzzle, as she thought about that. Yummy, yummy sardines...

Light going over snapped her out of her hunger trance, and she'd shake her head, then lift her head up high, so that she could nuzzle his face.

"Mate not worry. Shark protect."

The bat pony were honestly just more or and more confused, yet due to fear of the sharp-toothed mare that had him pinned down, he wouldn't say a peep. Barely even breathed, worried he'd set her off.

Meanwhile, the elder would wander over towards the griffon, who were still very confused at what had just happened. Probably about as much as the bat pony were.

"Hello there. Might I ask if you've seen anyone else act abnormally lately?"

"T-There's uh... There's Sunflower. She's being... I mean, she's kinda domineering right now? That's... Maybe?"

"Where might we find this Sunflower?"

The griffon would point down the hall.

"Go left after the main hall. She's in the uh... The library."

"Thank you for that."

Elder Rhugan would smile, then raise a paw, slowly making a circle with a claw, whilst two bubbles of smoke emerged from her cauldron. Then suddenly they'd pop, and both the bat pony and griffon, seemed to lose consciousness.

"It is safer for them and us, if they are not awake to be used.

Now then, I believe we have a library to visit."

She would begin to move on, the young kitsune in tow, though they were looking briefly worried and shocked, just before they followed. They of course heard stories about what Elder Rhugan could do, but she were not one to show off, so few of their generation had actually seen anything of note. They had been unprepared for how she dealt with things, and while what she had done to Shark were cool and all, the way she had handled others here, were different. It were done with an immense calmness and smoothness, that they didn't expect. They would trust their elder though, and believe that she had not hurt these beings, but just ensured that things would be safe as they were now.

"I am surprised at you two though. You seem so battle hardened, and yet not a claw were lifted, when they tried to hurt a frail, old kitsune. Waiting for a real fight, perhaps?"

She would speak to the kobold siblings as they wandered on, though her tone had a cheeky joy to it. No matter the age, kitsune liked to poke at others. It were in their nature, and even the elders didn't see much harm in indulging themselves every now and again.

Meanwhile, seeing the bat pony were no longer moving, Shark would lean down and poke him with her snout, seeing if there were ny reaction. Wasn't it seemed, though he did breathe, and his pulse were okay, so he were not dead... Big fluffy one must have done something, is what she concluded, and as such, would stop pinning him down, and turn to lick Light on the snout. Just a small, quick one, as she giggled.

"Mate help Shark lots. But Shark can help too. Keep mate and fluffy ones safe."

She appreciated that he were worried, but she could defend herself. In or out of the water, she were still an apex predator, no matter how many odd changes she had gotten through.



@Catpone Cerberus

On 2023-07-02 at 11:56 AM, Catpone Cerberus said:

"Swimming is not necessarily an option, because even ignoring the potential toxicity of the surrounding water, I don't know if there's any entrances into the homelands closer than the one I know." Leviathan would understand what Ruby meant when they eventually got there. "We may just have to blindfold you and I'll just carry you there." she was joking, but also wasn't, there was a reason why even someone as young as Charir was so unfazed by death, why the worth of a single life was so...nonexistent for them. Now that one thought about it, it was truly a miracle that the homelands weren't also haunted by record amount of dragon ghosts, makes you wonder what happens to all those souls. "But's that's a worry for that time." 

"Thinking I'm too emotional to confront reality of your home?

...Yeah, that's fair. Pretty much where I were going with my ramblings too. But like you say, we'll cross that bridge when we get there. Gonna be a rough ride regardless though, if we manage to get through that wall. Or we'll get stuck at it, and feel like we wasted our time. Not my first time doing that."

She were joking around a bit, but some worry did sneak into her voice. The thoughts of things being so bad, that she couldn't even ignore it in the water, and that she had to be near it. Enough for Ruby of all beings, to think it better to essentially treat her like a kidnapping victim... It had to be even worse than she could imagine.

On 2023-07-02 at 11:56 AM, Catpone Cerberus said:

Ruby found it bit odd that Spicy wanted to meet in a hotel instead of her mansion that was in the same city, but then again, she wasn't a pony, or a business-mare leading less than perfectly legal operations, so she didn't know the logic Spicy ran on, nor did she really care. She didn't bother making her presence known by greeting her, and instead just spoke "Did the wagon get banged up in delivery?" 

"Nah, it's fine. More that I were banged up. That little fun time at the casino, had the hospital staff making me come in for a checkup, once they heard it had gone down again. Thinking they ain't ever seen someone party proper, but that's on that bunch of prudes. I'm fit as a whistle."

Wasn't why she had come here, but it were none of their darn business what really got her here. She didn't have them hang around to dig into her private history.

"You still got your entourage I see. Gotta say, it ain't bad. It had a nice sorta theme going, when you're rummaging around like you do."

"Seems like we're the only one with one."

"Gonna take some time for me to find a proper stand-in for Marley, before he comes back someday Y'know, if he ever does. So for now, I'll just handle things myself.

Speaking of handling things, guessing that's why you're here, eh? Wondering if I got something for you to dig into? I do frankly, but I gotta know your sorta tolerance level. Like, you're a good sniffer, but are you overly superstitious? Got a gig and a place, but it ain't for the squeamish, or the sort whose all up in hooves about ghosts and curses."




On 2023-07-02 at 5:56 AM, Widdershins said:

 "You, like, find yourself walking the path your hooves are on, right man? Please don't go chasing waterfalls, stick to the rivers and the lakes that you see. Like, if somepony out there looking for you, they'll be destined to cross your path; go chasing running water of guesses and you'll never be in the same place enough times to even find yourself, you get me, man?"

"You don't u-understand... I didn't just lose my h-home. I lost my family, my friends, my entire c-culture. I don't know how to connect with E-Equestrians proper. I try, but their world is much k-kinder and innocent than the one m-my family came from. I can't even..."

He'd look down into the ground, then slowly, his town would ignite, and the large brush on his back would move over, brushing over the tattoos on his face. It removed the ink covering him in the intricate patterns, to reveal that most of it were covering scars. And not small ones. Some rather nasty looking one, that looked like he had been torn into rather several, but without a pattern with much rhyme or reason, that would indicate a beast of some sort.

He would reapply the ink, using the same method of magic that he used, to remove it before, and then continued on the road to town. He didn't like to show these. Not on his face, not on his legs, back- Any of the myriad of scars that he had to carry for the rest of his life, after his home had collapsed on top of him. Having even one shown, made him feel like everyone were looking at him. Judging him, for some strange, nonsensical reason.

On 2023-07-02 at 5:56 AM, Widdershins said:

As they headed off into town, he offered further inquiry as encouragement. "Let's go find that place, dude. Find this Joe and ask why he's slapping ponies. Man, this whole Town thing sounds crazier the more I hear about it!"

Slappy Joe's were one of the first places they'd run into. A diner near the outskirts of the actual town, with a varied amount of creatures buzzing in and around it. One of them would even come over and greet them, with a half bench strapped over his back, and tools down his side. Seemed like he were trying to do some repair work, on one of the outdoor seats, that had had a bit of a collapse, and needed a rework.


"Merry days, weary travelers, and welcome to Slappy Joe's. A better place to quench the thirst, or satisfy a hunger, is hard to find in Ponyville. In fact, we are the only diner in town, that accommodate meat eaters. Is that not wondrous?

I, the great Alonsus Merrywind, certainly feel so. It hardly fits to not think of our carnivorous friends, with how many tourists come to our fair town, does it?"

"I... I suppose not?"

Cover Up regarded the brawny, muscular stallion with concern. He confused him, as he seemed friendly, and made sense... But also had a pompous attitude, and seeming great focus on his personal looks, that normally were connected to some rather stuck up types. He honestly weren't sure what to think of this one right now. 

"Indeed. And what think you, friend of the painter? What thought holds a Kirin like yourself, of standards, and the convenience of  ones traveling far from home, such as yourself? Alonsus wonders."


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom

7 hours ago, Blitz Boom said:

Light going over snapped her out of her hunger trance, and she'd shake her head, then lift her head up high, so that she could nuzzle his face.

"Mate not worry. Shark protect."

Light would blush and feel embarrassed.

Who was he to assume that his love needs his help... Is he even needed?

His flustered face starts to vanish as dread slowly creeps into his mind.

His realization that losing the chains that binds him from his freedom and gave him power has started to show.... He is nothing without it...


Luckily another lick to his snout by his love shaked it off of him.

7 hours ago, Blitz Boom said:

Mate help Shark lots. But Shark can help too. Keep mate and fluffy ones safe

" Right ..."

Her words ring true and clear.

Doubts and worry disappeared.

Light needs to accept that Shark does not need a hero infront of her, but a loving partner at her side.



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@Blitz Boom

Now that was a neat little spell.  Although, the lose of one's shadow does sound concerning on first mention.  Would be rather odd to see a pony walking on the street in the middle of the day without a shadow while the clone is out and about running errands.  The shadow clone was not Necrotic, in the pure sense, even Dawn didn't need her brother's extra sense to determine that.  Hard to not feel overly watched, even just going to the bathroom to freshen up.  But she didn't want to rob the prince of his responsibilities over them.  Finding Rising would be easy, she could sense his whereabouts even now.  And her twin could do the same.  Then it were simply a matter of relying on the detective's memory to retrace their steps.  Getting lost was not a thing Necrotic need worry, as long as their parents were in tow of either.  "Of course.  Lead the way," Dawn replied.

The mother and daughter enjoyed the lavish door and its animation while opening.  Quite the fancy bathroom.  And new ideas sprung into the mare's mind of some fun alterations to her manor.  A passing fancy as she was constantly changing the structure of the thing almost as fast as fashion seasons flew by.  The inside of the bathroom were less fanciful.  Dawn was half expecting to encounter an ancient bathhouse.  It were instead, just a nice and somewhat larger bathroom.  Oh, but it did come with an attendant.  Mother and daughter bowed in their own greeting.  "A pleasure," the mother responded.  "Baths and a massage might be a bit obsessive for the given event.  By freshen up we were more referring to washing our hoofs, checking our makeup, adjusting our dresses and maybe using the toilet," Dawn wanted to clarify.  They weren't here for a spa treatment and should the events continue on pace, they'd be home to bathe anyways in hours.  The pair making their way over to the mirrors to begin doing just that.  "Oh, but maybe a pair of hot wet towels?" she inquired from Hector.

Necrotic wouldn't need much effort to catch up to the father and son.  Star did tend to wander, but he wasn't the most fleet of foot stallion in Equestria.  He'd often pause to make comment on a painting or vase as they passed.  Rising did take note of the residual magic lingering on the prince from a freshly cast spell.  But he'd let his profession as a detective paint that picture.  It were easy to note Necrotic no longer cast a shadow, even in this lit hallway.  Easy dives into his mirror told him that at the entry way, just seconds ago, the prince did indeed have a shadow.  He were here and he didn't seem the type to leave his sister and mother alone.  Put two and two together, and, "Neat spell.  Dawn tried cloning herself once.  One Dawn is enough," he smirked as they entered the peculiar lit room.  Star was of course, all a join as he prances around the room like an adventure discovering a lost tomb.  Rising made note of peculiar objects was left behind, just as curious to see what ancient magics remained on the artifacts.  They painted their own stories likely unread by any before.  "Who founded Harrowmark?" the detective remarked.

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@Blitz Boom

On 2023-07-05 at 6:04 AM, Blitz Boom said:

You should return and focus on your own issue for now. You will need your thoughts focused on this. I will try and find out what I can on my end. Take care of yourself."

"You too."

“Farewell, Rosa. We’ll be careful, and we hope to return with good news in the coming days. Wishing you all the best!”

Lin smiled and bowed to her friend before heading back, but she would do well to remember his advice. There was a time and place for everything, and perhaps being around Feng was the time to accept that fighting back wasn’t a wise option. With Ghilan already warning them about their aggression, they were in a delicate situation, and making things worse won’t help their case. Once they said their farewells, the Ki’Nathar and longma returned to the ruins, where Sen and Xin were fixated on a tablet. They didn’t seem to notice them, but they might have found something of interest, and Lin was just as curious as them.

Omen’s rather… odd ways of inspecting the eventually got the two to notice them, as the licking was just bizarre enough to snap the two out of their hyper-focused study.

“Aah! Oh, I… didn’t notice you were back. I suppose this means you have good news, sister?”

“In a sense. Rosa said he can have a look at the glyphs and see if they match up colocations in Equestria, but we need to give him time. He’s got his own matters to handle, and that means we’ll have to handle some of the investigating ourselves. So, what are you looking at?”

“A slab containing some writing or what looks like writing. Sen and I found it tucked away in the corner of the room, but we can’t tell what it says if it is saying anything at all. Either way, it might be some kind of ancient language, and we are just about out of ideas.“

“This may be wishful thinking, but would you like to have a look and see if this is likely something you encountered in your travels? Likewise, Omen, would you like to have another attempt at examining this? If it is some old language, perhaps you might have seen it from somewhere. In all honesty, I am just about considering leaving this here for the time being and going home because we could be looking at something that doesn’t make sense to us.”

It definitely caught Xin off that Omen was rather eccentric in her approach, but she had the right idea to look around the ruins for more clues. There wouldn’t be more to see, but treasures beneath the rubble could be present. Whether they had a certain “scent” or identifying mark was another matter, but there wouldn’t be more symbols like the ones seen on the slab. However, if Omen were to poke around the distant corner of the room by some fallen stones and other loose debris, she might come across another artifact for study: an orb, just like the one containing the scholars. This one didn’t seem to have anything special going for it, and there wouldn’t be any replies if one were to attempt communications. It was about as normal as it could get until one was to bring it closer to the slab…

Now if bought in proximity to the carved words, they’d glow a faint blue, highlighting each but still not providing much in the way of a translation. They have something to work with, but further investigation would reveal if any of this is significant. 

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@Blitz Boom

Siren's gaze softened looking at Ginger and Howl and cautiously climbed down from the wall."I am not so stubborn as to starve myself to the point of mind death. I'd  honestly rather drain the nitwit than starve to that point..." 

She gave a soft sigh as she settled back on the cushion she had previously been resting on while disguised as a cat. She cautiously accepted the orb of joy. Sinking her fangs into it, one of her fangs was cracked at the base of it while the other one was in fair condition.

She looked over at Cheshire before starting conversation "If my son trusts you, I'll let you help. Howl is cautious enough to know who is trustworthy..."

"My hive isn't of a large size either. Up north of ghastly gorge, up near the Smokey mountain. One of those peaks. The closest to the white tail woods... It has a distinct whistle when the winds blow through. So we call it whistling peak. 

when I returned to my hive, they rejected me as their queen. They claimed they elected a queen from among themselves and no longer needed a queen like me. Which is absurd.  I've never heard of changelings electing a queen...They're all just workers and drones even if they managed to lay a few eggs it wouldn't be enough to sustain a stable population... Not to mention their mounting aggression. My hive was never a particularly violent hive. But under their new leadership they're attacking and even kidnapping ponies!"

She shook her head in disapproval.  "They've also taken to keeping feral changelings in cages around in cages. I don't know why they'd do such a thing..."

"That's terrible..."Ginger sat next to her mother.

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Omen would come over and look at what they had found, but sadly, she would get little from it.

"It still looks familiar. But I do not know where I have seen it, or what it says."

She tried to look at it from a few angled, and walked around the table. Even tried poking at them, with the tip of her tongue, but nothing happened. So with nothing else to do, she'd begin to look around instead, finding a grand total of... Nothing. Didn't seem to be hidden rooms that were easily found, or anymore weird writing. Nor even a skeleton or anything of the sort, and she tried poking at several random things. Mostly rocks.

She had gotten to the point where she had little other places to look, and then got to rummaging through rubble. Didn't seem to be a lot happening. Not even that special rock. She knew well, as she went and ate a piece of rubble, that didn't seem special anyway, so it were probably okay. Nothing else happening in that pile.

She went through several, still not finding anything, until she got to the corner. She had just lifted a piece of rubble the length of a sipping straw, and were beginning to crunch down on it, when she found something strange. An orb. Didn't seem all that impressive, but it were something new. Something familiar too... Yes, didn't it look like the talking one, that they left at the stone mason? Hmm, it didn't have voices though. Maybe if she brought this over to Sen and the others, they could tell if there were something going on with this? If nothing else, she could take it home to her things, and maybe use as a ball sometime.

5 hours ago, EQ_Theta said:

Now if bought in proximity to the carved words, they’d glow a faint blue, highlighting each but still not providing much in the way of a translation. They have something to work with, but further investigation would reveal if any of this is significant. 

"I think I found something? It is glowing now."

She did not expect it to glow, when near this thing... maybe this were a clue then? Meant that she could not take it home with her though. Oh well, she'd find other things, other times. So for now, she'd just crunch the last part of her stone down, and then reach the orb towards Sen and Xin, whom she assumed would know better what to do with this than her. Maybe they had to say some words or something, to make it work? She hadn't a clue, and were hoping they might.

"Do you think the ball with the voices in it, maybe have something to do with this? This ball looks like theirs.


She'd turn her head, confused as she saw the light hit a certain symbol of the odd text.

"...Was it Saddle Arabia? It reminds me of lots of sand. Maybe an hourglass?

It confuses my head."



@Rising Dusk

On 2023-07-06 at 5:25 AM, Rising Dusk said:

The mother and daughter enjoyed the lavish door and its animation while opening.  Quite the fancy bathroom.  And new ideas sprung into the mare's mind of some fun alterations to her manor.  A passing fancy as she was constantly changing the structure of the thing almost as fast as fashion seasons flew by.  The inside of the bathroom were less fanciful.  Dawn was half expecting to encounter an ancient bathhouse.  It were instead, just a nice and somewhat larger bathroom.  Oh, but it did come with an attendant.  Mother and daughter bowed in their own greeting.  "A pleasure," the mother responded.  "Baths and a massage might be a bit obsessive for the given event.  By freshen up we were more referring to washing our hoofs, checking our makeup, adjusting our dresses and maybe using the toilet," Dawn wanted to clarify.  They weren't here for a spa treatment and should the events continue on pace, they'd be home to bathe anyways in hours.  The pair making their way over to the mirrors to begin doing just that.  "Oh, but maybe a pair of hot wet towels?" she inquired from Hector.

"It were merely an option, I assure you. Still, I can hear it is my time to depart. I shall wait just down the hallway."

Necrotic's shadow would bow to them, wander out, and close the door behind him, leaving them at the mercy of Hector.

Upon hearing their request, he would bow his head, and dissipate into mist once again, pouring through the room and into one of the left-most cabinets next to the sink. A pair of large towels would be engulfed by the mist, slightly fluttering about in there, as they were carried towards the mares.

Just before reaching them, he would take form again, with the towels neatly folded over his bent, right front leg.

"Your towels, madamme."

He'd hold them forward, and they were indeed hot and wet, as if they were steamed. They were also not of the great quality that one could find in Equestria, but they were still fine, and should serve the purpose well, even if they were somewhat less soft and dainty.

"Will there be anything else?"

If not, he would dissipate, and seemingly vanish into the corners of the room. Perhaps through cracks in the wall, or he would be more like a constant vapor somewhere? Perhaps nothing, if he were a ghost? There wouldn't be any signs of him unless called upon  in any case.

He would share one thing before going away though That being the closet behind the mirror, over the sink. That being where they could find various perfumes, if they had need for such things, when freshening up. There wouldn't be makeup kits since Harrowmark didn't have that sort of thing. They freshened up more naturally. In some cases magically, but most were focused around making the clothes they did have look nice, be clean, and style their hair. Makeup and such were not the sort of thing they had the resources to really work with, under Twisted's rule. It wasted too many raw materials, that could instead be used for their homes, or to feed themselves.

The perfumes were a small exception. Rising had allowed some to be made, provided that he were paid proper homage in product, due to his vanity, and not wanting to smell too much like death when he had been around. So it wasn't something many had access to making, but some were allowed a minor amount of leeway, making these things.

Rarely any were actual followers of his. Like many others, they simply accepted that they had to swallow their pride, to get some work done. They also knew that someone had to, as much as he claimed he *allowed* some to do this, it were more accurate that he wanted this job done. Sometimes due to... Specialty orders, which no one involved were proud of, and preferred not to talk about.

The perfumes they'd find, were more earthy in the undertone, as could be expected, but with flowery overtones. One bottle also appeared to be in a small, translucent box, with chains around it. Seemed best not to touch that one.

On 2023-07-06 at 5:25 AM, Rising Dusk said:

Necrotic wouldn't need much effort to catch up to the father and son.  Star did tend to wander, but he wasn't the most fleet of foot stallion in Equestria.  He'd often pause to make comment on a painting or vase as they passed.  Rising did take note of the residual magic lingering on the prince from a freshly cast spell.  But he'd let his profession as a detective paint that picture.  It were easy to note Necrotic no longer cast a shadow, even in this lit hallway.  Easy dives into his mirror told him that at the entry way, just seconds ago, the prince did indeed have a shadow.  He were here and he didn't seem the type to leave his sister and mother alone.  Put two and two together, and, "Neat spell.  Dawn tried cloning herself once.  One Dawn is enough," he smirked as they entered the peculiar lit room.  Star was of course, all a join as he prances around the room like an adventure discovering a lost tomb.  Rising made note of peculiar objects was left behind, just as curious to see what ancient magics remained on the artifacts.  They painted their own stories likely unread by any before.  "Who founded Harrowmark?" the detective remarked.

"It is not cloning per se. I'm merely... Shall we say, living up to my name, as it were. You'd be surprised what one can animate, as well as reanimate.

There are some hazards of course. If it is stabbed for instance, I can feel that. The spymaster were rather direct in showing me that flaw, in one of my more naïve moments. Quite a strict teacher at times."

As it seemed they had caught up to one another as a good time, he could lead them in to the room with all the memories within himself. Display cases showing off their past rulers, as well as some royals of importance. One being his brother, whose display case he would gravitate towards the first. It were hard to miss really, as it were not far from the entrance.

Standing in front of it, he would bow his neck, eyes closed, and mumble a little to himself.

"I pray your pain is truly over, brother..."

"He rests soundly beneath my wings, empowering me in troubles times."

A voice would whisper to Rising. Though she had kept to herself, him being here, in her country, made it easier for her to communicate, without expending much energy. Though she had allowed him privacy from her presence. That said, she had been observing the young prince for a moment, and heard his words. Felt his sorrow, for his passed brother. A soul that nourished her well through the recent years, grasped tightly under her wings, as she laid around her counterparts prison.

Might be that he had passed, but in some way, Marrowgrin were still doing a service to his country. As were all the souls, whom she had managed to get hold of, over the centuries.

She would leave them alone again. She wished to gaze over more of Harrowmark again, before returning her focus in full, to her primary purpose.

A moment would pass, and then Necrotic would turn, to address Rising.

"Harrowmark were founded several times, though no record remains, of the diamond dogs who originally founded it, long before equines set hoof upon these shores. They refer to them only as *The Alphas*, and though naught is remembered of them, they are still thought of with respect.

The modern Harrowmark though, when equines and diamond dogs came together? Those we have over here."

He'd lead them to a corner, where a large portrait stood, encapsuled in old, preservative magic. A display case were there too, but the showing were more meager. A rusty, beaten up emblem, looking somewhat similar to an ancient crusader cross. Next to it, a short line of chain, in faded golden brown. And then at last, a chipped cup.

The portrait showed three beings, standing around a small tree, with pale and dark lines faintly showing on the bark. On the left, a tall, young mare with long, flowing white hair, wearing heavy armor, clad in protective wards, and carrying a gruesome looking axe. The look in her eyes, even on a portrait, felt like it were boring into you, and harshly judging what they saw.

The one on the right, were a diamond dog. Medium of stature, and clad in leather hides and bones. His lower fangs were chipped, and a ghostly raven sat upon his shoulder. His posture and look, spoke of a stoic, serious creature.

In the middle of them, towering over both, stood a tall helhest with wings. And on its back, sat something. A small form, roughly the size of a foal, in heavy layers of cloth. It seemed crouched over, and the only features one could see, were two wisps where eyes would be in the darkness of the hood. It seemed to hold a large crimson scythe, made primarily of bone, that appeared to be about five times as tall as itself.

"The founders of the modern Harrowmark. Queen Crimson Dawn the First. Former leader of the Grave Crusaders, and uniter of all equine tribes, that travelled to Harrowmark.

To the right, are the Prime Alpha, Howler Gnarltooth. The spiritual and cultural leader of the diamond dog tribes, who lead his people through treacherous times. His word that they could trust Crimson, were pivotal, in them accepting an alliance with the new arrivals.

In the middle, we have an enigma. We have no knowledge what it were, or even what helhest that is, as it were never seen since it went away. We know but two things: That this were its cup, and that it were seen as holding the voice of the gods. A revered figure for the diamond dogs, whom we know only as The High Heathen.

Long have it been since Crimson and Howler came to rest. As for the heathen? We do not know. Stories of it stops, around the time when the founders died, and it seemed it simply vanished."




1 hour ago, GingerLightning said:

Siren's gaze softened looking at Ginger and Howl and cautiously climbed down from the wall."I am not so stubborn as to starve myself to the point of mind death. I'd  honestly rather drain the nitwit than starve to that point..." 

It were good to hear that, for Cheshire. It showed that whilst afraid and suspicious, the queen still had enough of her wits to not go too far. Granted, one could argue that draining the resident of this place, might be a bit far, but he could get over that. She could not get over mind death, once it had occurred. So whilst extreme, it were an understandable act of desperation. One that they thankfully avoided for now.

Though it also meant that the queen would be somewhat calm enough to talk now, and the things she said would... Impact Cheshire and Pirouette.

1 hour ago, GingerLightning said:

"My hive isn't of a large size either. Up north of ghastly gorge, up near the Smokey mountain. One of those peaks. The closest to the white tail woods... It has a distinct whistle when the winds blow through. So we call it whistling peak. 

when I returned to my hive, they rejected me as their queen. They claimed they elected a queen from among themselves and no longer needed a queen like me. Which is absurd.  I've never heard of changelings electing a queen...They're all just workers and drones even if they managed to lay a few eggs it wouldn't be enough to sustain a stable population... Not to mention their mounting aggression. My hive was never a particularly violent hive. But under their new leadership they're attacking and even kidnapping ponies!"

She shook her head in disapproval.  "They've also taken to keeping feral changelings in cages around in cages. I don't know why they'd do such a thing..."

"That's terrible..."Ginger sat next to her mother.



Pirouette looked disgusted, as he heard about the feral changelings, but then he looked at his queen, and for the first time in his life, he saw her growing paler, and looking truly fearful. Sure he had seen her afraid of things before, but this... This were different. It were worse than what he had otherwise seen.

"You can't... You can't do that sort of thing! If the Council of Queens heard about this, they'd... E-Everyone, everything, gone! It's... It's sacrilege."


Pirouette wandered over, and put his hooves across Cheshire, worried, and wanting her to get more to her senses. He wasn't used to seeing her this shaken, and hoped to show her some comfort. Also why he had called her mom at this point. It were not something that they often did, though still more than calling her queen. To them, she were their mother, but she were also their closest friend and confidant. As such, they mostly went on first name basis with her.

Cheshire would quiet down, her heartbeat and mind getting calmer, as she felt Pirouette's soothing presence, and the ribbons tied into his leg holes faintly drag across her exoskeleton. It'd take a minute, but she'd get herself in check again, though she still looked worried.

"I'm fine, Sorry, it's just... This is bad. It's very, very bad.

Queen Siren? As another member of a small hive, I can imagine you might not have been welcome at the Council of Queens either? Some of the hardliners believe only those with certain hive sizes should be allowed there. If you did not, then you might not know this, but keeping feral changelings locked up, is seen as beyond even taboo. It's one of the unforgivable acts, that tends to cause one of the stronger queens to come out and lecture the leader. Eradicate the leadership of the hive, if they do not have a very good excuse, is common in that case. Potentially the hive too, if it does not change their ways, though most without a queen tend to disperse and join other hives, that can keep them in check.

It's been a rule since King Astarous, under guidance from his queen, began experimenting on them to try and reverse mind death. I couldn't tell you what the results were from that, but I know that since then, any notion that ferals are kept locked up for other reasons than to give them mercy, is highly frowned upon, and tend to lead to investigations.

If the council hears this, whoever is currently in charge of your hive, is in serious trouble. Perhaps even more if..."

She'd bite her lip, not liking what she were about to say.

"... If they stole eggs. Only queens can lay eggs. In some cases, a changeling drone can procreate with an equine. If the disguise is immaculate enough, they're acting the male, or if they're female, keep it up through the entirety pregnancy, an offspring can sometimes come from it. But in those cases, it's a normal birth, not eggs. If they have eggs, they might have stolen them, which is another taboo.

There's alternative reasons. I mean, some eggs are stolen in general. Could be they had liberated some, from thieves, or its eggs from other species. Potentially it's cocoons that're used for mutating a pony into a changeling, which is not taboo, but rare. Since you mention they already keep ferals though, I fear they might have actively stolen eggs.

Are you sure about this? The ferals, and the eggs? There's no way that maybe you mean feral as in like, just very scared or something, and acting animalistic, instead of being mind dead? And the eggs... Is there a chance it's a fledging queen, that swooped in and took over while you were away? Usually drones don't follow drones like this. I mean, it can happen sure, but it's not exactly common. Nor is increased aggression, unless there is something going on, it's desperate times, or some vile fiend like Chrysalis s in control."

She didn't wish to burden the queen like this, but these were serious things, that she had to address. You didn't just keep ferals around like this. It were barbaric and cruel, to not give their lost kin peace, in the only way that they could.


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom

"I wouldn't know, their new leader was covered head to hoof in armor. She had  the stature of a regular drone. If she was a fledgling queen, she'd be the strangest queen I've ever seen. I hadn't been able to see if they had any eggs in the hatchery since I couldn't make it into the hive, the only thing I was able to see was what appeared to be ferals in cages..."Siren coughed up a little bit of blood.

"This interloper is going to run my hive into the ground. I can't imagine what horrors are happening there." she tried to stand, determined to get up and do something again, the stumps of her wings buzzing.

"I rather die than have my children suffer."She gritted her teeth.

"Mama, don't move... You'll just make your wounds worse. Please, sit back down."Ginger urged her mother to sit down.

"This is repugnant...We have to do something about this. I have to do something about this."Howl got so angry he dropped his pony disguise, wings buzzing furiously.

"I'm going to rip some wings off at the very least..."He started to angrily pace back and fourth, considering storming out and rushing into confrontation with the danger head on. 

"Brother, just take a moment to breathe. I don't want you to do anything brash." Ginger came up and wrapped a wing around her brother in an attempt to comfort him and calm him down.

"I don't need to calm down..."Howl grit his teeth.  

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