Valynne 2,727 October 28, 2014 Share October 28, 2014 okay, im proudly a Brony because i think and i have a brain, but son you are asking this at this moment? havent you realize that MLP changed our lifes? i mean, how blind are you to not realize that bronies exist cuz we see in the show and the values and the lessons as a way to live our life, our sanctuary of peace and harmony, our weak spot of softness. MLP is more than a cartoon, is a philosophy, ponies tech us great lessons, we live unders their adventures and teachings about friendship, armony and tolerance. that leads me to another question, dear, "brony", do you do, what your friend do? i mean af far as i read, you "quit" when your friends did, that tells me that you are an esaly manipulable person, and what if your friends became pure hardcore bronies today? you would follow them? i think yes since the embarrasing you are feeling would split in the hearts of your friends i dont get why you feel embarrasment. i thought it was clearly obvious what some bronies did to break those toxic stereotypes, you like a cartoon show for little girls, you like the art and works of true artists that followed the path of MLP, you embraced the friendship but i dont get why you feel ashamed of it, i mean come on! you should be ashamed if you.. i dunno, steal, murder, attackt people, be a bad guy, but if you like MLP, who are you hurting? you have afraid of rejection, mocking or any attack from society? well let me tell you something, the people that attack a fandom for no reason or for many stupid reasons, is people that never gonna be happy until you do, exactly what they want, and even with that you are never gonna please people, no one can, the maximun incarnations of good and evil are hated by some people but embraced by another, BOTH, and you are not the exeption, whatever you do, and listen carefully to me, WHATEVER thing you do is gonna be acepted by some and rejected by another, but the best advise i can tell you is that you better follow your heart.... i know it sounds gay but yes, do whatever it come from your balls, and that you dont give a shite what other people think cuz you are never gonna please everyone, you shouldnt be worried, if you like, dislike or be indiferent of MLP poeple are gonna acept it and people who is gonna protest about it. with this i hope i answered to your final question, im still here because i want to, beacuse i dont give a fuck what other people think, because bronies support me and are open for friendship, beacuse im smart (no matter how you put it, being a brony is the smartest decition ever) and finally because i love My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, stop talking nonsense, "oh i feel embarrased cuz i dunno why am i here!" YOU ARE HERE BEACUSE YOU WANTED TO AND YOU LIKE IT, just do what you want the most and dont take people shite, many new bronies fall in that mistake, but the key is in extend your arms in the air and say "this is the amount of fucks i give to your attacks" have a good day 2 . Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Justin_Case001 4,907 October 28, 2014 Share October 28, 2014 Fuck normal, be strange, and most importantly, be happy. Why on earth would anyone want to be normal? 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dewdlz 938 October 28, 2014 Share October 28, 2014 I honestly don't know for sure why. I mean, I could just keep it all a secret and not join the fandom, but I ended up doing it anyways. I figured I would make some new friends. Usually things like this are temporary for me, if things kind of stay the same I probably won't stay long, but I'm still here and I like being here. Like most times when I'm here I feel like I'm talking to myself, which is true in a sense. Popularity is key anywhere, something I don't really care about, but it's true. Top posters, exceptional artists, or those who are good at blending in crowds usually get the most attention. That's the "normal" for me, those who seem to stick out while the hidden gems are left unnoticed. Much like this post. I don't blame you at all. 1 ^Space-djent music for Luna. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MuffinQueenDerpy 131 October 28, 2014 Share October 28, 2014 If people have a problem with me because I like a TV and am out of the target demographic then they can suck my ass. I'm an open brony at school, and am disregarded while posting on the forums or drawing ponies during school. I don't see why people have a problem with it. Maybe its because our society has become so narrow-minded and stereotypical about what they believe a "normal" person should be, and are so afraid of people being different that the label them things like "gay" as a first mode of defense. Personally the way I see it, if they're not gonna like me because I like MLP, and refuse to actually get to know me first before they judge, then they're not worth my time. As for haters, the way I see it is people have their heads shoved so far up their ass their words literally become shit. 1 "...And then the Princesses of Equestria declared, 'Derpy is best pony.'"... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Noei 718 October 28, 2014 Share October 28, 2014 (edited) Simple answer: Because I want . That is why. Edited October 28, 2014 by Monsieur Noel 1 By MiniKirby123 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
IJoinedForPonies 126 October 28, 2014 Share October 28, 2014 Why am I doing this? Well, long story short, I wouldn't be posting this right now if it weren't for MLP. In fact, I would be 6 feet under instead. Discovering this show and it's fandom has really helped me a lot. ooBrony also covered the rest of what I can say about it on the 1st page. :-) 2 I made an OC! I'm always looking for feedback on her, please have a look and tell me what you think! ^^ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Everleaf 541 October 28, 2014 Share October 28, 2014 We are unique and I personally find that a good thing YES many disapprove of this however there are not many good reasons to say we are (bad) be have flaws...our ups, our downs and we DO get them people time to time (excuse the awkward spacing out of words) I myself like the fandom AND the show and you have no need to feel bad for being a fan of something.... 1 The deepest of the Everfree! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kanashimi purinsesu 244 October 28, 2014 Share October 28, 2014 I was a side watcher of the fandom for a while, this forum is really the only 'active' participating in the fandom I've done lol but I'm realy genuinely just fascinated by the show, It's something special to me. It always takes me out of a bad mood, helps me out when I get a little down and It's really just something that'll stick with me until I pass and get reincarnated. I like the stuff the community comes up with as well, there are so many creative individuals and so much chatting, not to mention from what I've seen this fandom is much friendlier than most. That right there is a MAJOR perk imo. And don't worry about what anypony has to say about your hobbies because chances are they'll forget about you after seeing somepony else to judge. That's just how folks are lol. 1 Silence is a girl's best friend. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sceethe 704 October 28, 2014 Share October 28, 2014 So of those that gave an actual response, the general pattern I'm seeing is "I enjoy it, and what others think is irrelevant to that fact" or "normal is relative". I'm also seeing responses that remind the reader that what society expects us to be and what we want to be are orthogonal concepts. I agree with this, but I feel that because of the circumstances of our culture the way others think about you will still affect your life anyway. I understand "normal" is relative, but I can't ever stop seeing that the vast majority of society adheres to a single definition of normal. Maybe to others this isn't a problem, but to me I constantly feel "wrong" for living the way I do because of it. Locally, in our culture, the norm is an "absolute", that is, you're deviating from the expected behavior of the vast majority of society. I'm also seeing responses that separate our online and offline lives to be independent of each other, which I can definitely appreciate. That's essentially what I've been trying to do as well. If it were possible to entirely separate these two "lives" (which is difficult when you live with someone), then ideally there would be no problems. Since people seem to think this is a troll thread, I guess I'll just leave after this. I kept this reply short because obviously some people would have preferred this thread didn't exist. Oh well, right? how,exactly, does liking a cartoon change the way you live your life? how,exactly,do i deviate from expected behaviour by listening to music,watching actually well-made fan-animation and being a part of a good-spirited community? Sure,if you dress up as a female character in a pink costume in public,carrying a bunch of plushies on your shoulder, that would be. People have been making AMV´s and video game music videos since the beginning of the internet. What has once been nerdy and socially questionable is now a part of mainstream culture. i won´t even go into talking about how your argument with "it isnt normal" is giving me headaches. You act like watching a cartoon and talking about it on the internet is even comparable to actual life-changing events. it really isn´t. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vox 870 October 28, 2014 Share October 28, 2014 Yeah, I'm speculating (like many of you are) whether the OP is just trying to stir the shitstorm but regardless. Like many here have already said, I don't give a damn about social norms. I've been much more optimistic and happy since watching this show and at not cost at all to my pride, self esteem, or masculinity. My life doesn't revolve around this show, i Rock climb, practice martial arts, take part in marksmanship competitions, play drums, keyboards, etc.i don't let it overly define me. Liking a show that defies gender roles isn't a problem, it's a genuinely enjoyable program for everyone, rather, over obsession with it, or anything for that matter is unhealthy. 1 Who you jiving with that cosmik debris? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CC_Maud_Pie 6,431 October 28, 2014 Share October 28, 2014 I'm here because I enjoy watching the show and that this forum looks like a safe place to talk about it in a positive manner without the risk of being made fun of. Outside the real world, I don't personally know many peers who are outspoken about this show. 1 All my life needed was a sense of someplace to go. I don't believe that one should devote his life to morbid self-attention. I believe that someone should become a person like other people. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ashen Pathfinder 16,162 October 28, 2014 Share October 28, 2014 Why do I do this? Why, as a 28 year old male, a college graduate ('08), works at a steady bank job, do I do this? Honestly, what else is there to say besides the fact that I love the show and I love the overall community that makes up the fandom. Yeah, not everything is perfect, but it is something I like and I choose to indulge in it. I've dedicated many hours to discussions, much effort into creating my OCs and their roles, much time to RPs, and even some cash for some art commissions. I love it. It doesn't rule my life, but I still love. Lastly, why should I care for what society dems right for me? Why should I let other people decide for me? I like what I like. End of story. 1 Pathfinder I Sojourner I Corsair | Zu'hra I Autumn | Scarlet Willow | Gypsy | Silverthorn | Crystal Whisper | Radiant Historia | And many other OCs~ Matching signatures with mah Bestie MOONLIGHT <3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lelouch. 625 October 28, 2014 Share October 28, 2014 some people here are very nice and thats why i bother to stick around. otherwise i dont consider myself part of this fandom. dont get me wrong, i love mlp, but i dont believe in telling the whole world about it. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Invincible 2,092 October 28, 2014 Share October 28, 2014 I'm in good terms with my interests. I like the show, the characters and the fanfics. I don't have any friends who like the show; and i agree, if you asked me two years ago if it's weird that i love this show, i'd nod. However... I didn't change after becoming a brony. I am who i am and being a brony simply fits me, i guess. Whether i'm some sort of problematic person isn't for me to decide. I don't feel shame or remorse about my interests, i don't have some forbidden desires regarding horses or i come across as flamboyant around others. I'm pretty much a normal dude who sometimes watches episodes of MLP or reads some fanfics on his spare time, you know? I would not want to overstep, but i doubt i come across as shameful compared to other people. Eccentric maybe, but i was already eccentric years ago. There's also the fact i have literally zero concern for what meaningless strangers think. 1 My OCs for Roleplay purposes: o Lit Fuse ( o Dust Devil ( Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
skysweep 541 October 29, 2014 Share October 29, 2014 Well, I do have a very simple view on this. A lot of society doesnt have the....the drive to be different anymore. People are willing to give up uniqueness just so they can be with the "in" crowd. Our world is just a messed up one. Its become easy to victimise those who try to be different simply because they dont follow along. Im here as I believe this is among the last bastions of the world where gentle and kind, yet daredevils, true daredevils reside. The rest of the world is dead to me. A lost cause. Just sheep following a cruel and morbid code. 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GenderIsAnIllusion 2,177 October 29, 2014 Share October 29, 2014 I personally just dont think about it.... Or care if its "not normal"...... Normal is completely subjective, therefore meaningless term to me. I love the community. Fun, friendly, and excepting people. Simple. 2 My peep is against bullying.... Are you? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest October 29, 2014 Share October 29, 2014 I have a lot of anxiety issues etc. and I found MLP provided a nice relief from that. I decided to find a place where I could converse about the show I loved, considering those I know IRL don't care for it at all. I found the forums just as awesome as the show, and I branched out with a few people here, where it wasn't just pony talk for example. I honestly don't think I would have survived the stress of recent events and my uni deadlines without this place and its members The love of MLP:FIM brought me here, my love for the community kept me here Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Founder Twilight Sparkle ✨ 8,528 October 29, 2014 Founder Share October 29, 2014 Why are we all a part of this objectively meaningless group that has an interest in something people in general doesn't approve of? It's not normal. And by that, I mean, it doesn't fit society's definition of normal, and that's the only thing that matters. How can you take yourself seriously doing this? I know I can't take myself seriously. These feelings are what have prevented me from applying for a programmer in many major projects despite that I would like to (regardless of the looming threat of C&Ds) and feel I would be able to make a contribution. Why are you still here? Have you managed to somehow come to terms with your interests? So of those that gave an actual response, the general pattern I'm seeing is "I enjoy it, and what others think is irrelevant to that fact" or "normal is relative". I'm also seeing responses that remind the reader that what society expects us to be and what we want to be are orthogonal concepts. I'm also seeing responses that separate our online and offline lives to be independent of each other, which I can definitely appreciate. That's essentially what I've been trying to do as well. If it were possible to entirely separate these two "lives" (which is difficult when you live with someone), then ideally there would be no problems. Programmer-to-programmer here: ponies played a non-trivial role in inspiring me to up my coding game, and three years later, I'm almost halfway through a computer science degree and have managed to secure a pretty good number of interviews and job offers for "real-world" software engineering. I treat MLP and my involvement in the community as an interest: I bring it up if the context is appropriate. And it's been appropriate more often than you'd think. The leadership and technical opportunities this community has afforded me are significant, so you'll find poni in my resume and LinkedIn profile. This isn't something worth hiding; mature people can and do respect it. Perhaps you're surrounding yourself with the wrong people? My experience so far has been that, in the professional world, having something unique to stand out with that supports your professional goals, is an asset. In one interview, a good 10 minutes went into talking about the brony community, describing misconceptions that exist of it, and my place in it. Designing websites, running conventions, and doing good things for other people ended up getting me noticed, and I received more offers than I could accept. Am I a deviant of society, by a definition forced unto me? Quite possibly. Has it hurt my ability to function in society? Not even a little - the brony stereotypes melt like hot butter when people learn that my interest in ponies intertwines with employable skills and some amazing fun. 5 Avatar credit: robinrain8 Signature credit: Kyoshi Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Falsey 44 October 29, 2014 Share October 29, 2014 I don't need to "Come to terms" with anything. I legitimately enjoy MLP: FiM and most of the fandom. I have no need to justify what I find appealing. 2 Would you like to play with me? I'd like to play with you, forever, and ever, and ever! No... no you can't have it! It's mine! Stay back! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
I love Jelly Otter 477 October 29, 2014 Share October 29, 2014 I'm here when bored to read various random lulz & whatnot. Let it be I'm not a brony but an obsessed fan of PB&J Otter / Jelly Otter. That's not normal, especially at my current age, after being same regarding my interest for nearly 12 years... oh, that's so not normal, I should be ashamed of myself, etc. But lol, I'd prefer to stay so rather being no different from all the "normal" people out there! I enjoy what's at current time if I like it & if I'll be regretting about it or ashamed of in some time then well I have an excuse that it was actual for that time & contributed to happiness. 2 Ultimate Jelly Otter / PB&J Otter fan since 2003 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest October 29, 2014 Share October 29, 2014 It's not normal. And by that, I mean, it doesn't fit society's definition of normal, and that's the only thing that matters. I agree. The kid-gloves just went off, huh? Then again, there's a lot of things that we just do on a daily basis that aren't considered normal by other societies, but yeah. I've just come to the terms that I do this for lulz. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shanks 10,816 October 29, 2014 Share October 29, 2014 Because life is way too short to get caught up in what others think, I have come to terms with the fact that not everyone is going to understand me or my interests years before I ever got into ponies. I have been singled out for all kinds of things over the years and had to develop a thick skin in order to survive. 2 Rarity Get's Cockroaches Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
UnusedAccount 15 October 29, 2014 Share October 29, 2014 (edited) .. Edited October 26, 2024 by UnusedAccount privacy 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
eekster 57 October 29, 2014 Share October 29, 2014 We're all here to talk about the show and know people who like the same thing. I work in an office environment. My coworkers always talk about "Game of thrones", "Sons of Anarchy", "Walking Dead" just to name a few. Now, some of you may love the same shows, but no one would break out to exclaim "Have you seen the latest MLP yet?!! It's awesome!" My question is: how can being a brony impede you from taking that major project as a programmer? Did you "quit" because you're embarrassed of being associated with such fandom? Or did you grow out of it? I see these forums as a way to interact with people interested with the show. If you've totally quit, you should have already moved on. You wouldn't spend much thought and time to sign up and post quite a long paragraph... Or perhaps you're just trolling us... it could be a possibility... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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