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What if Celestia was a villain?

Snuggie Lord

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Which is one of the reasons why Luna is such a provocative and interesting character.

Acting like a brat makes her provocative? When you break it down, this is like a kid making a block tower that's very respectable, but when their sister's block tower is slightly larger, they fly into a murderous rage and try to stab their sibling to death for daring to be better than them


It's extremely petty and comes off as Luna needing a whambulance

  • Brohoof 1

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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oh, I know about the part where celly got all the praise, it's allways princess celestia this, celestia that, praise the sun etc...what do you mean denizens of the moon? And she played chess up there? Glad to know she wasn't bored out of her mind.

Denizens of the moon meaning there happen to be beings that live up there. They happen to know Luna personally, though she was Nightmare Moon at the time.


And it's not that i'm all "Solar Empire", I just happen to respect Celestia. She's been through so much garbage, and is still able to rule a kingdom in spite of it. Even better, she's managed to do so without becoming a tyrannical despot, or breaking apart mentally. She's the kind of person you need to rule a kingdom.


I respect Luna for different reasons. She's finally learning to stop trying to be her sister, and that takes a lot. She never got crowds of ponies screaming her name, but instead of sinking into depression and bitterness again, she's learning to live with it. She even found a new stake in her life; helping the children of Equestria fight the nightmares like she couldn't. She's finally starting to grow up, and I approve.

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The thing is that Luna's perceptions at the time won't be accurate. She herself regrets it and says it wasn't justified at all. It's very likely she got attention, just not as much as Celestia


And your sibling getting slightly more attention is no reason to start screaming about how you want to depose them and try to kill them


um, she didn't get slightly less attention, she got way less attention.


Oh she got possesed by nightmare forces THEN she wanted to dispose of her sister, her mental state probably wasn't the best sk it was easy for it to happen, or maybe the nightmare forces talked her into it like "if we get rid of your sisters the ponies will have to like the night because you shall make it last forever" or something like that.


It was always about celestia and her day...so this goes on for hundreds of years of you pouring your soul into your work and it just isn't recognized or appreciated...imagine that.

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Acting like a brat makes her provocative? When you break it down, this is like a kid making a block tower that's very respectable, but when their sister's block tower is slightly larger, they fly into a murderous rage and try to stab their sibling to death for daring to be better than them


It's extremely petty and comes off as Luna needing a whambulance

I see pre Nightmare Moon Luna as a character with a hamartia, yes. In a way it's similar to many of the greater tragic characters in fiction with analogous flaws such as Scarlet O'Hara. Of course I have the luxury of a wife who can talk about hours on the subject of jealousy and how we apply this outwardly, both consciously and subconsciously, so I may have picked up a thing or two that influenced my interpretation.


Collaborative function of art and all. :D

Denizens of the moon meaning there happen to be beings that live up there. They happen to know Luna personally, though she was Nightmare Moon at the time.


And it's not that i'm all "Solar Empire", I just happen to respect Celestia. She's been through so much garbage, and is still able to rule a kingdom in spite of it. Even better, she's managed to do so without becoming a tyrannical despot, or breaking apart mentally. She's the kind of person you need to rule a kingdom.


I respect Luna for different reasons. She's finally learning to stop trying to be her sister, and that takes a lot. She never got crowds of ponies screaming her name, but instead of sinking into depression and bitterness again, she's learning to live with it. She even found a new stake in her life; helping the children of Equestria fight the nightmares like she couldn't. She's finally starting to grow up, and I approve.

Beautifully put Shimmer!



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Asquerade,  you are following my ideas, except I think PC is a puppet master & you think she is an evil puppet master.


Straw in the wind.  Twilight is scared to death of upsetting PC -and T doesn't scare easy.  Kind of makes me wonder Does T know something(s) most ponies don't?


Straw in the wind.  PC has never harmed anypony.  Well, except for her sister. You know, the one  that suddenly went insane, turned on her & had to be locked away.  Luna agrees PC had to do it?  Did she agree before or after T used a spell to scramble her brain?  T saw the whole thing?  Was that before or after she took drugs?  Because I've known people to see purple spiders crawling on them after taking drugs.  Kind of makes me wonder if, over the years, others have gone insane, turned on her & had to be punished.


Magical Mystery Cure is a lot more than a straw in the wind.  It is proof that PC can not only be ruthless, but DAMN ruthless when she wants to be.  Switching cutie marks like that caused a lot of harm.  If T hadn't  figured it out & reversed it so quickly, it would have caused a lot more harm.  Starswirl did it?  Oscar Meyer! (No matter how you slice it, it's still baloney.  My mom's expression when she thought us kids were lying)  Timeline isn't completely clear, but it seems he was gone before the Elements arrived.  So, how could a spell he made affect the elements?  (Twilight, write 100 times.  Casting an unknown spell is not the best way to learn what it does) :angry:

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Only if she was brainwashed and manipulated by some evil forces. I really can't see Celestia willingly becoming evil.

Yes, but as the others said, Celestia can control dark magic, which could theoretically lead to her being evil.

420 snug it


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Yes, but as the others said, Celestia can control dark magic, which could theoretically lead to her being evil.

Hooray! Clichés! Cuz' that totally never happened before!

"Freedom is the right of all sentient beings" ~ Optimus Prime

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Sarcasm isn't appreciated here bro. If you want that, I suggest you take it elsewhere. By the way, I LOVE your username! ShadowPirateX!





























420 snug it


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Quite frankly, I'm kind of sick of Celestia being portrayed as a villain in this fandom. And I love Pro Human Conversion Bureau fan fiction where evil TCB Celestia gets her just deserves, in which she's publicly executed (and I'm against the death penalty... but for this... I'll make an exception) for her crimes against humanity. If you murder several billion humans, I think you deserve death. 


Even then, I like to see why Celestia became evil, like a One Ring like artifact of evil made her evil or something.



In most cases, I like Celestia being a goody two shoes. And a pony you could have a nice talk (or nice cuddle with. Hey a man can dream) to without fear of her killing you or doing something evil for a stupid reason.

Edited by Rush
  • Brohoof 1

Check out my "My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic" fan fiction on Fimfiction.net under the same username here: Rush.

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Quite frankly, I'm kind of sick Celestia of being portrayed as a villain in this fandom. And I love Pro Human The Conversion Bureau fan fiction where evil TCB Celestia gets her just deserves, in which she's publicly executed for her crimes against humanity. Murder several billion humans, you deserve death. 


Even then, I like to see why Celestia became evil, like a One Ring like artifact of evil made her evil or something.



In most cases, I like Celestia  being a goody to shoes. And pony you could have a nice talk (or nice cuddle with. Hey a man can dream) to without fear of her killing you or doing something evil for stupid reason

Yeah, I agree. An artifact would make much more sense. But still, Its already been theorized that the dark magic would be responsible, considering that part already is canon. And yes, Bender IS the BEST pony.

420 snug it


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Quite frankly, I'm kind of sick Celestia of being portrayed as a villain in this fandom.

It's ridiculous, and even if she was, I couldn't blame her. Nearly everything Celestia has done has been to make Equestria a better place, and she's given a lot of time, energy, and gone through insane amounts of self-sacrifice in order to make sure that happens. Look at this:

(From Friends Forever #3)



Celestia, clearing her entire schedule to take a trip with Spike into the mountains. 



(From Friends Forever #3)



Celestia, explaining why she does what she does with Twilight. 



(From Friends Forever #7)




This is Celestia, literally creating an entire event to make sure she wasn't revered as a god. 



  • Brohoof 1
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It would never happen if she had any ounce of willpower. She would kill herself before putting other ponies in danger if she saw it coming.

Edited by IJoinedForPonies

I made an OC! I'm always looking for feedback on her, please have a look and tell me what you think! ^^


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She's a bad guy in the comics! You first see bad-Celestia and Luna in issue 18 and it comes with some neat quirks that really make the issue enjoyable


Show-wise, if Celestia were to be the villain I think it'd best be done through an episode from a different perspective. Say, Queen Chrysalis for example, or one of her Changelings. Maybe even delving into some other odd groups in/out of Equestria that are anti-Sun Butt.


Personally, I don't think she's capable of purposely doing anything wrong, but that's my Celestia-bias talking. It's always best to look at someone from different perspectives though; nobody's 1-dimesional

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Shimmer5000  Example # 2 was basically what Mentor told Kimbal Kinnison in Doc Smith's old Lensman series when he made basically the same complaint


Example # 3 brings to mind, in one of Hornblower novels a Russian noble was complaining that she never got a hot meal because everyone used their gold dishes & they lost heat too fast.  "Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown" Shakespeare (MacBeth? King Leer?)


I'll go w Cerberus' comment "Peasants! All you ask is that they get out of bed any hour of the day or night & cater to your every whim.  Next thing you know, they're complaining that they're oppressed!"


Many European countries have an April Fool's day and/or a Lord of Misrule, one night of the year when the ordinary folks can sass mouth their betters & not be punished.  Perhaps C was trying for the same thing?

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